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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 15:11:32 (permalink)
In the latest news.... tRump is skipping the first debate and doing a Tucker Carlson interview instead. Wonder why??? jus ask'IN??🤭
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 15:14:48 (permalink)
Actually i think you half dozen totally brain washed libs are the out of touch.I also think your generation Milenniums are next to gen Z the most worthless generation out there.Most boomers are aware of everything our government does and votes ,they also most served their country in various ways.A few know it alls dispute whats on most web pages Trump does lead independents by 8 points friggin read it if ya can! I was somewhat of an stretch about the murder of babies up till birth but for some even at 20 weeks its still murder!.
  Pork i agree with you I doubt either one Trump or Biden will be on the ballot in 2024.Lets hope!!!I think we can agree on that. I'm actually a Tim Scott and would like to see Tulsi Gabbard ticket.,on the other side I think your gona get NEWSOM(God Forbid/Maybe obama /Whitmer.The Dems bench is really weak maybe RFKjr 
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 15:36:30 (permalink)
Actually i think you half dozen totally brain washed libs are the out of touch.I also think your generation Milenniums are next to gen Z the most worthless generation out there.

“Millenniums” huh. I’m 47, more like an Xer. But please go on. Tell me what else you know about me.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 16:11:58 (permalink)
I’d probably vote for Tim Scott if he made it through and him vs Biden. Not sure if I could do Desantis though. Thought maybe I could for a little, but the guy is just another loudmouth, look at me type. I would be just fine if that left politics for good, even if I agreed with most policies.

I could definitely get behind the No Labels movement if it really showed some traction. Some quality moderates in their group. I can’t say that I know their whole platform. That backfired on me with Gary Johnson and Bill Weld in 2016. People like myself are why Trump was elected in the first place. I couldn’t stand either of the two options that year.

I don’t hate Joe. He is not a good president, but nothing like the embarrassment to our nation that Trump was. I had read that age 82, he has a 1:3 odds of not living 4 more years, yet functioning. Trump is something like 1:4 and has proven he can’t function as a human being.

I too am Gen X.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 18:39:32 (permalink)
Actually i think you half dozen totally brain washed libs are the out of touch.I also think your generation Milenniums are next to gen Z the most worthless generation out there.

“Millenniums” huh. I’m 47, more like an Xer. But please go on. Tell me what else you know about me.

Ya 51 here and solid Xer. Thanks for playin Boom.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 18:47:07 (permalink)
J, U R oLd dUud

Gen X Lax
post edited by Porktown - 2023/08/18 18:58:34
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 20:40:29 (permalink)
Can I get a nickname?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 21:12:45 (permalink)
I'll watch the debates. There's only 3 I'm really interested in. Ramaswamy is comin' on; lots of great ideas, young and vibrant, business owner/self made millionaire, and not afraid to give the press an opposite opinion of their woke beliefs. Nicky Haley is good. Two terms as S.C. governor, foreign policy ambassador, conservative but leans a little to middle, but not doing well in the early polls. OTOH, she's yet to spend any money on ads, and very little media coverage as yet. Tim Scott would be great but lacking in the polls. Little to no media coverage, but I think he has a more powerful influence in the Senate and we need more like him there. Don't know much about that Dakota governor except folks out there like him and what he's done in their state. Another successful business man. The rest of them, especially Christy, (I wouldn't give him the time of day), I don't think they'll gain any traction at all. Just my $0.02.

post edited by EMitch - 2023/08/18 21:14:05

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 21:33:57 (permalink)
Ya im old T
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/18 23:39:04 (permalink)
Can I get a nickname?

Only if everyone starts calling Pensfan1, Gen X Lax from now on…. If so, I’d be glad to take one on too!
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/19 02:00:12 (permalink)
Actually i think you half dozen totally brain washed libs are the out of touch.I also think your generation Milenniums are next to gen Z the most worthless generation out there.Most boomers are aware of everything our government does and votes ,they also most served their country in various ways.A few know it alls dispute whats on most web pages Trump does lead independents by 8 points friggin read it if ya can! I was somewhat of an stretch about the murder of babies up till birth but for some even at 20 weeks its still murder!.
  Pork i agree with you I doubt either one Trump or Biden will be on the ballot in 2024.Lets hope!!!I think we can agree on that. I'm actually a Tim Scott and would like to see Tulsi Gabbard ticket.,on the other side I think your gona get NEWSOM(God Forbid/Maybe obama /Whitmer.The Dems bench is really weak maybe RFKjr 

Ice that hurts, old generation not liking the younger ones. Too clichĂ© my friend. 

And unfortunately, it's gonna be the old men squabbling in 2024. I wish it were not true. 
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/19 12:13:12 (permalink)
Can I get a nickname?

I dub thee Sir Alexander Beaverhausen.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/19 22:12:06 (permalink)
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/19 22:17:52 (permalink)
Can I get a nickname?

Only if everyone starts calling Pensfan1, Gen X Lax from now on…. If so, I’d be glad to take one on too!

Hows Dr. Skunkenstein grab ya T?🤣
post edited by pensfan1 - 2023/08/20 08:37:18
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/21 08:07:45 (permalink)
Some of you fellow gen x'ers politics definitely a SHAME on the generation!  lol....but I digress....
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/21 08:27:35 (permalink)
Some of you fellow gen x'ers politics definitely a SHAME on the generation!  lol....but I digress....

Someone that doesn't need a nickname, since he is already Tax Rocks!  
I do agree, those that still support a politician/worship a false prophet that has attempted to overthrow an election of the people, on basis of lies, is extremely SHAMEFUL of our generation.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/21 16:11:41 (permalink)
You guys see Kid Rock drank Bud Light at some concert?

wat is this world coming to!
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/22 08:13:21 (permalink)
You guys see Kid Rock drank Bud Light at some concert?

wat is this world coming to!

To be fair, I think it was at the club that he owns.  They kept supporting Bud Light in mass, buying if for their club.  Likely wasn't selling as well as it did.  So, either throw it away or drink it?  Kid Woke hasn't had a very clean record when it comes to hypocrisy, why start now?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/23 16:05:49 (permalink)
The cult leader should be having his height and weight recorded as part of his Georgia booking.  I'm estimating 6'0" and 258lbs.
P.S.  The over/under has been established at 273.5 lbs.
post edited by Irisheyeball - 2023/08/23 16:13:26
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/23 17:04:03 (permalink)
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/23 20:02:03 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2023/08/23 20:04:18
Decision to be made here. Stay up and watch the debate or go to bed. Decision made quickly. 🥱 yawn. Good night Mrs Calabash, wherever you are.
post edited by bigfoot - 2023/08/23 20:07:54

"If someone offers you a breath mint, take it.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/23 21:33:48 (permalink)
Decision to be made here. Stay up and watch the debate or go to bed. Decision made quickly. 🥱 yawn. Good night Mrs Calabash, wherever you are.

There isn’t a show on tv more entertaining than this debate. Too bad Trump isn’t there to truly make it a three ring circus. It’s still early, but looks like Scott and Haley will get a bump from this. Ram Swamy is likely done. Hutchinson and N Dakota guy are just happy to be in the audience.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/24 09:34:34 (permalink)
After full debate, who knows how the polls will swing. 
Ramaswamy sounded batchit crazy at times with his cynical laugh after.  Pure entertainment, so guessing his numbers would skyrocket if Trump goes out.  I couldn't see some of Trump's base supporting him for an obvious reason.  Some of his points were very valid though, others were obviously playing to the shoot first ask questions later crowd.
Hutchinson turned it on second half and honestly sounded the most Presidential to me of any of them.  Well thought out responses that didn't seem rehearsed.  He seemed like an actual conservative, which is a negative in todays GOP if not bowing to the messiah Trump.    
Scott sounds well thought out too, but sort of pushed to the sidelines with the bickering going on.
DeSantis is a robot clown.  But he loves himself a culture war to rile up the idiots in this country.
Christie might beat Mickey Mouse write in ballots, who would likely beat Burgum.
Pence is the old school, disciplinarian fake Christian, looking to Jerry Falwell people's fear of God.  
Haley by far was the most moderate, well spoken, common sense candidate and what this country needs.  She doesn't have a chance in the GOP primary, but would steam roll Biden in the general.  Her answer on fentanyl alone, calling out China was spot on, while all of the other morons were pushing the boogeyman Mexico border BS.  No doubt an issue at the border, but fentanyl is much more a China issue.  Funny how the only one with enough balls on stage to call it out, was the only one without.  I would 100% vote for her over Biden and possibly even put a sign in my yard for.  Which obviously means her GOP primary poll numbers will plummet...
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/24 11:08:43 (permalink)
I didn’t watch.

What’s the point? Unless something cataclysmic happens, Trump will be the nominee.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/24 11:10:26 (permalink)
After all that being said Let's imagine a democrat debate on stage LOL  lets see Brandon walking around in a daze confused befuddled not knowing who to shake hands with. Imagine Crazy Newson talking about how he will screw up whats left of the country after biden,then there is williamson who ever that is now all you would need is Kamoola then you will have a circus LOL,LOL what a deep bench of qualified canidates you libs have.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/24 12:41:49 (permalink)
I didn’t watch.

What’s the point? Unless something cataclysmic happens, Trump will be the nominee.

I’d have to say it is close to 50/50 on either Trump or Biden not being their party candidate. Hutchinson spent a bit of time yesterday talking about the 14th Amendment. Everyone of them is a better candidate than Trump. Most a better candidate than Biden. If Trump is disqualified and GOP candidate isn’t Desantis or Pence, I see each of the others winning over Biden. Ramswamy, I am not sure how he would do in a head to head though. Beyond the debate, I don’t know much about him. Can say that of many, but would do more due diligence if they made it further along.

I found it entertaining. Some of the entertainment from them squaring off, other for policy that I agree with and other for policy that I don’t and watching these guys try to out crazy each other for the lunatic wing GOP vote.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/24 15:45:05 (permalink)
One things for sure. There is zero chance that MAGA nation would ever vote for a child of Indian immigrants with a funny last name who is a Hindu and a vegetarian. Nor would they vote for a woman.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/24 17:26:26 (permalink)
One things for sure. There is zero chance that MAGA nation would ever vote for a child of Indian immigrants with a funny last name who is a Hindu and a vegetarian. Nor would they vote for a woman.

What a stupid, misogynistic, and racist thing to say. You must mean that there was no way 50 million white people would have voted for a black Muslim candidate with a funny 1st, middle, and last Arabic name, good old Barack Hussein Obama? Especially just 7 years after the 9 11 murders. Nah, you wouldn't mean that.

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/24 18:14:29 (permalink)
One things for sure. There is zero chance that MAGA nation would ever vote for a child of Indian immigrants with a funny last name who is a Hindu and a vegetarian. Nor would they vote for a woman.

What a stupid, misogynistic, and racist thing to say. You must mean that there was no way 50 million white people would have voted for a black Muslim candidate with a funny 1st, middle, and last Arabic name, good old Barack Hussein Obama? Especially just 7 years after the 9 11 murders. Nah, you wouldn't mean that.

I’m not sure what point you are trying to make. Support for Obama was extremely diverse.


But Obama was a democrat, and democratic voters are a much diverse coalition of demographic groups. It’s not a coincidence that support for Trump was overwhelmingly white in comparison to support for Obama.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/08/25 07:39:49 (permalink)
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