Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/09 06:50:30
ORIGINAL: rapala11 ffp, if only i lived in pa. the only bug we flatlanders know is a maggot. the arena that you play in is much more conducive to growth than mine. keep in mind, i do love fishing, any kind, but if i lived in the land of big hills, streams and black bears, i would play a much different game. pictures of conquered fish laying beside a fly rod and reel is much more artistic and conjurs up more dreams than a casting or spinning rod doing the same. alas, i play in a different arena these days, but i do watch you game with some really green envy. Agreed there. I can't imagine not living amidst the marble oppurtunities pa is blessed with. Quite funny how some can't find fish huh? Hopefully a trip to pa is in your crosshairs this year. I would much enjoy a meet-greet-fish!
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/09 07:41:49
the offer is much appreciated. i think you are a great fit for this site, too. i would honestly have to sat that you pa guys have a much more enhanced addiction for fishing than my brothers over here in the flatlands. whether trout, crappie, steel or muskie, yinz go at it with the gas pedal down. pa fishers turn addictions into passions outdoors.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 08:18:55
I think most fly fishermen you will encounter on the streams are nice people. However, most of the fly fishermen that inhabit this website are buttholes.
and some of them don't even know that they're dead.......and some of them can't grasp the fact that they're on ignore.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 08:27:35
OOOO you have alot to learn Grasshopper...
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 08:37:36
ORIGINAL: spinnerspooner I think most fly fishermen you will encounter on the streams are nice people.  However, most of the fly fishermen that inhabit this website are buttholes. Have you met any of them... well maybe not. I loved the vibe tull started and rap captured. rap you are a COOL poster!! I fear I'm still stuck on looking at big boats in envy, but I haven't missed the fun of enjoying everything, and every kind of fishing. that sense of enjoying and being passionate about your sport is worth more than this whole crappy bait versus fly argument... ...and I'm grateful someone brought it up. puts it in perspective.
post edited by jolie - 2011/07/11 10:23:58
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 09:31:59
jolie, thanks for the kindness, but your passions for fishing pale in comparison to my verbal dribble. you seem to always get er done on the water.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 09:47:16
the way i see it is there are too many people that worry about which rod a person uses or what is tied to the end of it. to those i say, "I'm sorry for you". I and most of the people i know could care less about what a person fishes with or what they fish for. what does it matter as long as a person fishes for the pure enjoyment of being out there. and it just so happens many of those same people is willing to help anyone they happen upon.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 09:52:01
kudos, joe. a lesson learned with age, only. there are more serious issues in life, more diverting issues. fishing is just plain fun. each musician prefers his own instrument, the way i see it. enjoy the game, cause life sure can suck.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 09:56:27
ORIGINAL: AndyLee This has been bugging me for a long time now. Can anyone here explain why fly fisherman are such annoying snobs? I mean 99% of them are in streams fishing for completely synthetic rainbow trout, and stocked pellet heads at that. Yet for some reason they act like their method of fishing is the only civilized and natural way of doing things. When I go bass fishing guys using crank baits don't look down on guys using soft plastic worms. When I go out for walleyes guys using jigs don't turn their noses up at guys using a worm or minnow harness. When I go catfishing guys using cut bait don't get their own private sections of the water that only they can fish at. So please, somebody, ANYBODY, explain to me why the hell fly fisherman turn their noses up at people who use spinners or live bait? Why must they make a negative comment about "bait floppers" or "worm drowners" being on the same stream as them every time they go out? In my 30 years of trout fishing I have never once been out fished by one of these water slappers, yet they always seem to be annoyed at the very thought of somebody fishing for trout and not using a fly rod. Actually we're not snobbish, you just believe that we are in order to mask your own issues. Its called an inferiority complex. You should probably seek professional help immediately.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 10:02:07
life may suck at times but you can only play the hand you're delt. if you bluff to often you will get burned.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 10:18:45
so right, joe. only quitters quit. better had i said that when life throws a high-rising inside fastball at you, to hit the deck, get up, brush yourself off and get back in the box. to me, fishing is an escape, and like you, i could care less what the guy next to me is using. you're still an inspiration.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 10:48:23
I've stayed out of this fray for a while and I'll probably regret it, but... The reason that fly-fishing snobbery matters, and can't simply be brushed off as whining by jealous or bitter metal chuckers, is because it affects the fishing experience and opportunities of fisherman who don't fly fish. Approved trout waters and fly-fishing only areas limit the times, places, and fishing methods of other fisherman. Vast areas of water (especially out west) are off limits to people who don't fly fish. I, myself, am glad that I got over fly fishing a long time ago. Its simply another method of fishing, no better or worse than any other method. It certainly isn't more primitive, classic, or natural than other methods, and if someone tells you that it is, they're lying. Many who tie flies are skillful artisans, but so are those who carve, hammer and hand-paint metal or wooden lures.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 11:17:03
fair enough but that Wasn't the point. AL was saying something quite sweeping about all those who fly fish (altho' he was quick to narrow it down to purists). The original question was hot and his reply was rude. ---- We've been down the road of anti-special regulations quite a few times... is in the case of every internet debate, it matters little to the commission that makes the rules....But IF you want we'll have the big spec regs debate. I'm sure determined advocates are online this very second... ---- as for me, I'm not IN or over fly fishing. its an awesome feeling to get a big fish on a long thin rod, but its most definitely not my passion. Other things work better for me.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 11:19:37
that Wasn't the point What was the point, then? I'm giving you a concrete reason why fly-fishing snobbery matters. The reason that fly fishing only areas exist is because of fly fishing snobbery.
post edited by RhnstnCowboy - 2011/07/11 11:20:53
"Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil" - T. Fleming
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 11:50:40
ok. I wrote about three things then I read you post read again, and... let just get it said. Fly fishing egotism DOES exist. some fly fishermen do think that fly fishing is the ONLY civilized way to take a fish, and yes, the whole streams to fish on, and untouched pristine waters, with enormous native trout and massive hatches of mayflies, and on and on. but it wasn't the EXISTANCE that got people all riled up, it was the charge that ALL fly fishermen are like that. Its a paranoia and its misplaced. There's idiotic, rude attitudes in all kinds of fishermen and indeed in all kinds of sports. Some bait fishermen leave bait containers and spread themselves out to hog out like 90 feet in a crowded hole; should ALL bait fishermen have to answer for them? some wading lure fishermen are awful pests, going up and down a stream crowding out people, scaring fish right out of the holes other people are trying to fish... and on and on and on. and thats the gist (hopefully) of many good posts that reply to A.L comments. I reject, completely that the existance of Special reg areas saying anything sweeping of fly anglers. the areas where the result of a small group of influential sportsmen and many of them are as inclusive towards lures as flies. are lure fishermen also at fault?
post edited by jolie - 2011/07/11 12:43:09
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 11:54:34
i remember someone busted hiclass hillbilly's chops because he said he caught a steelhead using a spincast reel. as long as he enjoyed it, what difference did it make? the fact that he didn't use a pin, noodle or fly rod matters not. he fished and caught. over here in the land of warm water species, it is very rare to see a fly rod brandished, only gills are on the redds. fish, be happy, ignore your neighbor.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 11:56:00
jolie, i'm with you, i use my spinning gear much better and with good results, so most often i stick to it. but i haven't heard any harsh words for doing so, other than being called a sinner at the one fly last year.......bullies
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 12:32:28
ORIGINAL: rapala11 but i haven't heard any harsh words for doing so... Rap, you're a reel jerk bait. BTW, only 2% of PA trout managed waters are FFO.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 12:36:01
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 12:40:14
ORIGINAL: rapala11 jolie, i'm with you, i use my spinning gear much better and with good results, so most often i stick to it. but i haven't heard any harsh words for doing so, other than being called a sinner at the one fly last year.......bullies You are lucking you left that pool when you did, there were some snobs there that were thinking about pushing you in for using spinning gear.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 12:43:11
BTW, only 2% of PA trout managed waters are FFO. Turtle Creek and Pine Creek in Allegheny County, just to name two, are approved trout waters. If you've ever seen either of these creeks, you would know that they shouldn't be approved for anything other than Mon River White Fish. Coincidentally, Turtle Creek and Pine Creek aren’t FFO. FFO is for the good water, not the sewer trenches. So, yes, FFO might be only 2% of the approved trout water, but generally, it’s the best 2%.
"Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil" - T. Fleming
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 12:58:50
ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: rapala11 jolie, i'm with you, i use my spinning gear much better and with good results, so most often i stick to it. but i haven't heard any harsh words for doing so, other than being called a sinner at the one fly last year.......bullies You are lucking you left that pool when you did, there were some snobs there that were thinking about pushing you in for using spinning gear. i could have told you i was from the southside of youngstown or i could have said that i had a bit part in the movie 'deliverance' (i played the banjo) and could handle myself well back in the boonies, but instead, upon being the recipient of menacing looks, i just reeled in and went back to the pavilion. the week following, though, i did buy another 7wt. can't go to the ball dressed like a pauper or a steelers game dressed in brown.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 13:02:33
Rhine someone Might be think that the FFO areas are awful examples of fly fishing egotism, but I don't think I know. whats different with someone like you is at least you don't brand ALL of one kind of angler as anything. Pesky Government regulations is always fair game (for heated discussion) in a forum. personally, The big waterway I fish is designated Trophy trout water. I don't much like it, to be honest. While the idea is great, the waterway is stocked to living *!* with little trout which then become protected fish. it puts a HECK of a strain on all the fish that would spawn there, and since this is the tailrace of a major dam, this is a sweeping affect on many fish that naturally move upstream to spawn. and this kind of relates to fly fishermen since in their ranks is the chief supporters of this regulation, but kind of doesn't since the commission made it clear its making its own decision based upon more exact shocking this year (thats per the three river management plan) on the other hand, whether the commission puts in rules based upon purely objective ecological data- like they say they do.. is another huge debate by itself. IMHO it kind of make sense to make the very best 2% of trout streams FFO kind of make sense. I mean If we're talking limestone creeks with lots of bugs and big native trout- doesn't that kind of water naturally favor the fly fishermen anyway? wouldn't a worm dunker be at a great disadvantage? But I Don't even know- if you show up with spinning gear at a big name limestone creek; can you catch trout with the 'grubby' baits- power bait, mealworms, nightcrawlers??
post edited by jolie - 2011/07/11 13:07:07
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 13:41:16
Elitism in fly-fishing “Fly-fishing has become an embarrassment and a joke. The fly rod is just another tool to present a bait and the very notion that it takes more skill and more talent than any other type of fishing is absolutely hogwash. This stuck-up, elitist, better-than-thou attitude permeates the entire industry." - Tred Barta
post edited by RhnstnCowboy - 2011/07/12 08:34:50
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 13:43:54
Spinfishing is just too easy, I need/want more of a challenge. Except if you use those rubber worm harnesses with a little propellor on the front, that's pretty technical stuff.
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 13:48:13
Slugging wooly buggers for 8 inch smallmouths is divine...
post edited by RhnstnCowboy - 2011/07/11 13:54:47
"Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil" - T. Fleming
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 13:56:00
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 15:30:02
enjoy the game, cause life sure can suck. hahahaha!
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RE: Can somebody explain fly fisherman snobbery to me?
2011/07/11 15:37:32
ORIGINAL: rapala11 ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: rapala11 jolie, i'm with you, i use my spinning gear much better and with good results, so most often i stick to it. but i haven't heard any harsh words for doing so, other than being called a sinner at the one fly last year.......bullies You are lucking you left that pool when you did, there were some snobs there that were thinking about pushing you in for using spinning gear. i could have told you i was from the southside of youngstown or i could have said that i had a bit part in the movie 'deliverance' (i played the banjo) and could handle myself well back in the boonies, but instead, upon being the recipient of menacing looks, i just reeled in and went back to the pavilion. the week following, though, i did buy another 7wt. can't go to the ball dressed like a pauper or a steelers game dressed in brown. Now all you need is some snob to show you what end of that 7-weight the reel goes on.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.