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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/07 11:27:44 (permalink)
Good point there BTDT ... I fall into that old guy thingy 😜... and hunt a lot by myself so I have stands by the fields in the crab apples .. can’t do the long drags anymore at 66 I’m still out there cause I enjoy it ... I do get to hunt with my son a few days in rifle season but depends on his work . In rifle season I have 2 shanty’s with heat in them .... yep i’m Spoiled 😜👍. As for the AR. YES I have had to pass on a few this year that didn’t make the grade ..but getting older has turned me into a horn hunter..wife doesn’t care for venison so no pressure on filling the tags and beside that I have a bunch of friends and neighbors that take really go care of me .... if ya know what I mean 😜😜👍 ... well I’ll Be out there this afternoon ... so good luck guys !!

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/07 12:51:14 (permalink)
spitting snow amongst the rain in west mifflin right now...
just saw a 1/2 rack 4 pt from stand this morning and 4 or 5 doe/fawns on my walk out. 
Did find another pile of fur/bones that I assume was an EHD casualty.  It was a doe.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/07 12:56:35 (permalink)
  Quit hunting Prob. 7 yrs ago. Last time out harvested my largest buck ever. Still kept the guns & bows. Enjoy glassing with the Leupolds now days. The glasses might cost more than a lot ov guns but no ammo needed. Just got done watching a decent buck with a doe for 45 min. through the kitchen window.
Good Luck,
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/07 20:16:21 (permalink)
Sit in stand this afternoon 2:30 to dark ... had 1 mom Doe with 2 of her young being chased around by a little 4 pt .... thought for a moment that I was going to the see the little buck get his butt kicked by the mommy doe .... that was interesting then at dark had another doe walk out of the thicket and went away from me down the path ...that’s My afternoon ... oh well it was nice getting out in the woods but I should have had warmer clothes on .... 😜👍👍. Good luck guys the rest of the week

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/07 21:15:36 (permalink)
DarDys glad to hear ya got one.  
Good job BT.  
Been a bummer for my son the last 2 nights.  Just on the other side of the fence row from the property his stand is set up on, 15 acres of corn got cut over the weekend.  ALL the deer in the neighborhood are on it, and not walking past his stand to get from bedding areas to the greens.  
Time for a change of strategies I think . . .
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/08 04:56:31 (permalink)
Had another lil buck following does around last hour of daylight.
The rest of day nothing going on in my lil funnel.
Gotta go dig out anutha layer or two for this mornings hunt.
Been 2 years since I had a shot at a legal buck but I am still trying...WCW
Walleye jigs
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/08 07:48:27 (permalink)
Saw what looked like a nice 8 pt laying beside the road day before yesterday. Came pass him yesterday and his head was gone! Why? How do you explain road rash on your trophy hanging on your wall?
  I've counted 7 road kills within 3 miles of me. One in front of my house Saturday morning. Car coming south so fast hit the deer knocked into a north bound suv which was totaled by the impact. Luckily no people were hurt. Guy with totaled vehicle was going to an interview so I took him there. Didn't want the guy to loose a job over a jerk speeding.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/08 08:01:05 (permalink)
From what I've been told the pgc has their guys removing the heads now on bucks. I've seen the same around mercer county alot lately. It's my understanding if they don't have a carrier equipped to their vehicle they remove the head. Seen alot of headless deer on 79 also. Maybe for testing?
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/08 09:12:02 (permalink)
I'm bummed, no pictures on the field cams, rubs are drying up for lack of attention and the scrapes are buried in leaves.   
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go sulk.
Stupid elusive, Pennsylvania White Tailed Deer.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/11/08 09:13:58

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/08 13:21:41 (permalink)
Lots of action this am 4 bucks 1 BIG 6 pt out past ears all chasing does around me for couple hours NONE LEGAL back out soonWCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/08 13:25:20 (permalink)
I'm bummed, no pictures on the field cams, rubs are drying up for lack of attention and the scrapes are buried in leaves.   
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go sulk.
Stupid elusive, Pennsylvania White Tailed Deer.

Deer might be in lockdown mode in some areas.

Driving near Butler today saw a buck at a distance (couldn't tell how big) mounting a doe and she stood for him.

Last evening my son and I saw two different skippers without their mamas.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/08 18:11:53 (permalink)
Went doe hunting tonight and had a big 7 point pushing a doe all around  stand for about an hour. He was wider than my buck but but not as tall. The only shot I had on the doe was straight on at 15 yards and I chose to pass. That shot can be done but I don't like to take it. 

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 05:18:17 (permalink)
Great day in stand yesterday but did not take a shot.
Had 4 bucks around me in AM they seemed to be chasing one particuliar doe but others around 2 bigger bucks the big 6pt which is just out past his ears and high rack and a half rack which just has 1 big spike now he was a 4pt a week ago with a legal side 3 on top no brow and was on my list of course he was all over my shooting lanes now that he is safe.
Came in did some work and saw a big buck out in opening from yard around noon cruzing think it was the 6pt but not sure.Afternoon hunt I had 2 babies and 3 does feeding around me for 2 hours then when they came out into shooting lanes one of the lil ones started splashing around in a ditch running back and forth.It was calm quiet day so sure enough I start hearing grunting and in comes a decent 7pt he stopped and posed broadside at 25 yds in one of my lanes several times but I did not take him he has a wound on his back from arrow which is just under the skin I think he will heal up eventually but not eat well now.So I am up early again heavy frost here but guna try to crunch my way out there again see what happens...WCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 08:04:33 (permalink)
My son and I were pinned down by does and skippers last night. 
We moved about 200 yards east of his tree stand into a fence row to get closer to the freshly cut corn on the neighbor's property.  He was 5' off the ground sitting on an old tree and I was on the ground 25 yards away with rattling horns and a grunt tube and no weapon. 
At 4:35 he texts me "Don't move," since I couldn't see as far as he could.  From About 4:40 till quitting time, I barely moved because there were almost always eyes in my direction.  I counted 16 different bald deer on our side of the fence row eating greens all evening, and ignoring the corn to the north.  
Not one single buck - even a small one - checking 'em out.  
Big Tuna
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 10:31:00 (permalink)
Good morning for my son,I dropped him off in one one my old spots and I drove a couple of miles to another. 20 minutes after I'm settled he text me he hit a nice one..It's was chasing,doe passes seconds later Mr Bigs is there wind shifts,bucks about ready to bolt. He drills it on the edge of the diaphragm. Arrow was covered in dark red blood and a tinged of brown. I'm assuming he hit the liver and hit a little gut on the way out. He hit it at 7:20 and we did not pursue at all. I told him to stay in his stand and watch the show. A 4 pts came by in 10 minutes followed by a wider than his ears  8 pts 10 minutes later. Nothing like a live tinks trail. One time in the same woods turkey hunting in mid November a hot doe came by and 3 legal 8 pts came by in the next two hours. Where going to wait till about 1 o'clock to find his deer,if it's not dead by then I don't know. Been on a couple of wild goose chases. Wish us luck.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 11:21:06 (permalink)
Wait as long as you can...I had one live 27 hours nicked lung and liver I posted story on here think it was 3 years ago ended up having a warden killing it on a Sunday morning I shot it Saturday morning and bumped it a few hours later.Anyhow gud luck...
Saw that 7 pt again 15 yds broadside he was just cruzing thru no other bucks seen but did hear another grunt loudly.WCW
Big Tuna
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 17:12:45 (permalink)
Quick recovery,he went 50 yards. He was bedded and head on it side. He was stiff but still warm,so I don't know how long it took him to expire. Nice deer not a monster but very respectable. 16.25" 8pts 9".G2's 6" G3's. Happy celebration. Now we got to do some butchering.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 18:00:17 (permalink)
Great news BT!

My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 18:23:11 (permalink)
Glad to hear you found him Congrats to you and your boy!
Had another 2.5 yr old none legal buck stand in my lane tonite 10 yds heavy high thick rack 5 pt 2 big forks and a brow thats 11 bucks I think now gone thru my lanes great action for my lil funnel and very enjoyable season so far but no shooters...setting the alarm again cold morning ahead WCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 18:56:25 (permalink)
Good job BT ...... congrats .... sit in stand from 2:00 until dark tonight .... saw nothing !!

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 19:47:26 (permalink)
Way to go Big Tuna!

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/09 20:00:05 (permalink)
Way to go BT!

My last two sits have been very uneventful. Looking back the past few years it seems to be the norm that mid-late October seems to be the hot time, then action drops off this time of year on the properties I hunt. Think I need to scout out some new rut areas for next year. Hoping for one more trip out Sat afternoon.

Anyway, good luck out there! Stay warm tomorrow. I'll be wishing I was out in those freezing temps sticking a nice buck
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 09:59:24 (permalink)
That was for a break guna do 3 2.5 hour sits today.
Jus saw one doe this morning got had wind  and snow blowing in face brutal but I know biggens do like to move in this type of weather...WCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 10:52:11 (permalink)
I will be headed out this evening as well looking for a flathead. Gonna be a tad brisk out there!

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 11:33:07 (permalink)
Just got in from that bruttle weather.  Lasted 2 hours and had to quit.   Saw a 6 point.   Not a shooter.

The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 11:45:34 (permalink)
While I would like to add a doe to the larder tomorrow, being out there before the butt crack of dawn in temps in the teens might not quite compete with sleeping in and looking out the window from a comfortable seat near the fireplace.

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 12:34:51 (permalink)
I too just came in for a break and to dry my clothes before heading back out. Felt like rifle season with my long bow in my hand. saw 9 total 8 were bucks, that doe had her pick of suitors :)

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 17:31:39 (permalink)
One of them should have been there days, for me.
Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met 15 yds.

                                            Seconds behind

Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met  20 yds
   I'm thinking this guy in the lower pic may have been the same deer as in the above pic and was following the doe in the first picture.
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OHHHHHH WELLLLLL,  there's always next year..........


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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 18:14:06 (permalink)
SNOW ON THE BOW...yeah it was brutal today did 3 sits total of 7 hours I hunt 200 yds from my backdoor.Saw a deer at daybreak lil bb and heard some grunting close around noon then got back in stand 330 had bb eating clover around me then that big 5 pt came out around 4 and made 5 scrapes within my sight he strolled slowly thru my shooting lanes 15 yds broadside since I knew he was not legal I just took some video with my phone.Saw a doe head for the plot around 430 rest of time it was just me and the bb he just eats the clover around my stand all day everyday this week my lil shadow I spooked him a few times this week he ran 30 ft or so and just kept eating.Going out one more time tomorrow afternoon been enjoyable but still got my tag...WCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/10 18:24:14 (permalink)
One spiker for me on the evening sit. There were does all around my stand before I got there, according to the trail camera, but I was late to the party. 

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