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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/11 05:26:36 (permalink)
Made it out for the last hour and a half yesterday. It was definitely brisk out. Just before 5 caught glimpses of 3 bodies running on the field edge 100yds away. 15min later ended up having a group of 5 doe pass by my stand at 5yds. One went right under the stand. Unfortunately no buck in tow. Work this morning, then one last sit in the afternoon. Good luck out there today.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/11 08:47:50 (permalink)
Going out around 1pm sitting until dark see what happens too crunchy this morning to sneak in 100 yds from bedding area my body enjoyed sleeping in but I keep looking out the windows...GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! WCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/11 18:14:23 (permalink)
2 does and a bb no antlers seen...WHERES MY ORANGE VEST!  WCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/11 18:34:22 (permalink)
Had a group of does milling around just out of range but they went the other way. No bucks seen. I few more archery hunts left in me in the SRA before firearms begins. 

My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/11 19:20:48 (permalink)
2:00 until dark saw ..0 deer 😡.. did see a little 4pt in the field and a few doe when I was leaving , same thing Thursday afternoon hunt just like the deer vanished around my stand ... Oh well , what ya going to do, this whole season has been pretty slow for me ... at least in 2 weeks i’ll Have a stove to keep me warm 😜👍... that’s my story guys ... lol

Big Tuna
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/12 00:01:34 (permalink)
Unfortunately the season comes to a close. The last day being my best day for seeing deer. 10 total and my first visual or the rut. A small 8pts was chasing a doe,but he got confused when chasing and ran into 2 doe and two BB's. He chased them around then finally realized they where the wrong He finally figured it out and picked up her trail.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/12 00:25:41 (permalink)
Stupid elusive Pennsylvania White Tailed Deer.

We'll get em next season fellas. Or the next season or, the next season or, next year...... maybe.

On another not, anyone hunting bear may want to keep an eye on the weather an be aware of frost bite. Reminds me, when hunting bear, do yinz still need to wear a orange vest?

Not my fault dang it! Toopid Cabin Fever!!!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/11/12 00:26:48

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/12 01:40:36 (permalink)
Stupid elusive Pennsylvania White Tailed Deer.

We'll get em next season fellas. Or the next season or, the next season or, next year...... maybe.

On another not, anyone hunting bear may want to keep an eye on the weather an be aware of frost bite. Reminds me, when hunting bear, do yinz still need to wear a orange vest?

Not my fault dang it! Toopid Cabin Fever!!!   Take your pick.  lol, god d*** you really can find anything on the internet.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/12 01:44:54 (permalink)

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/12 07:10:21 (permalink)
Lol. Tell the warden to get out the tape and see if its 100 sq inches.

Anyway, ended my season seeing 2 doe and 3 more in the field when I walked out. Definitly a slow season. Will be back out with the flintlock later this year.

My buddy ended his season taking a doe in the morning. Unfortunately, he got another one about 6:30 last night with his truck. Told me he thinks they were retaliating 😜
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/12 19:33:19 (permalink)
The last day in 2D ended with me hunting by myself for the first time in at least a year.  Maybe 2.  Really can't remember the last time I hunted deer without my best hunting buddy/son, who was away for the weekend.  
Only instructions I had from him were:
1.  No crossbows in his tree stand
2.  Don't shoot the 10 or 7 point bucks he had seen out of it
Hunted in the AM on a property we hadn't been to since the first morning.  It's a hard one to hunt - a long, skinny 13 acres at the southern end of a couple hundred acres of timber, with some man made impediments to deer movement.  Never see a whole lot there, but usually a couple, and that held true.  
Hunted in the PM about 250 yards from my son's stand.  With a mostly NNE wind, I took up a position in the southwest corner of a still-standing cornfield, where some succulent greens are growing where the corn didn't quite take hold for whatever reason.  Wasn't real confident in my concealment, standing next to a choke cherry tree surrounded by crabapple trees a couple steps into the woods, but it turned out to be pretty good.  
I've never been a fan of antler restrictions, and would happily shoot any buck.  A little after 5, I could see a deer walking directly towards me a couple rows into the corn.  At 75 yards, I could see his right antler was a fork with no brow.  When he finally emerged and turned broadside at 25 yards, by the time I could see he actually had three up with no brow on the left and register in my brain that I could shoot, he calmly turned north and and continued on back into the corn.  
2 does and their 3 fawns came from almost the same direction in which he headed, and pretty much reversed his course.  I gave 'em a pass, in the hopes that he might have bumped into them and would be joining them for a little evening romance, but it wasn't to be.  
Had a lone, year old doe walk up to within 5 yards of me as I stood on the ground.  
A bigger, lone doe stepped out of the corn right on the edge of shooting time, but she was at about 46 yards, which is beyond my comfort zone, even with a cross bow.  
It was pretty fun to have that many deer that close and not get busted by any, while I actually had a weapon in my hand, instead of just sitting and watching my son.  Good to feel the tightness in the chest of some buck fever when your blood pressure gets up to about 200/130.
We've got 3 spots in 2B we can hunt, none of which we've been on since last year.  Imagine we'll hit one or two of 'em sometime in the next couple of weeks as my son continues his quest to take a buck with his compound.    
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/12 19:59:14 (permalink)
Enjoyed the story rsquared, no problem seeing the hunt in my minds eye. No doubt this one is for the memory books. Thanks for sharing, lessons the sting of the toopid cabin fever.

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 09:31:14 (permalink)
Checked cams yesterday had an 8 pt go thru my stand yesterday not once but twice how did he know season was over.Also found out theres another real nice big 8pt around aint over yet still got 2 seasons WCW
Big Tuna
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 10:20:36 (permalink)
I'm definitely not and expert but many guys over hunt a stand. You put too much people scent in the area,results no deer show up. Stop putting scent in the area and they return. Best results having more stands, that are for different winds. You can blow a big buck out of and area real quick,you can get away with more stuff in the rut,because anything can happen. My son got his nice buck last week on his only sit of the year in that stand. It also can only be hunted on a south wind. Last Thursday was perfect and he got it done. I'm just saying deer are not as dumb as you think. Hunt smart and get more deer,believe me I love to be out every day but some days it's better to leave your spot rest.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 11:26:40 (permalink)
I definetly overhunt my funnel but I know it and I still see plenty.
I hunted 3 spots 2 properties early but towards the end I always sit on that funnel because it has paid off in the past.Didnt work this year but thats alright I enjoyed all the activity I did see.I agree with what your saying BT but sometimes I just go with my gut feeling.My 2nd property had a neighbors dog showing up at scrape site I was hunting all the bucks stopped using area or I would have sat there half the time.WCW
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 11:49:39 (permalink)
I walk my dogs almost daily in the area I hunt, so they are accustomed to people and dog scent.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 12:39:24 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2017/11/13 14:20:26
Big Tuna
I'm definitely not and expert but many guys over hunt a stand. You put too much people scent in the area,results no deer show up. Stop putting scent in the area and they return. Best results having more stands, that are for different winds. You can blow a big buck out of and area real quick,you can get away with more stuff in the rut,because anything can happen. My son got his nice buck last week on his only sit of the year in that stand. It also can only be hunted on a south wind. Last Thursday was perfect and he got it done. I'm just saying deer are not as dumb as you think. Hunt smart and get more deer,believe me I love to be out every day but some days it's better to leave your spot rest.

Good info there BT.  
The property my son and I hunt most often is only 30 acres, but there's pretty high human impact on it.  Property owner walks part of his property almost every day, on the edges.  The neighbors walk their property several times a week on the edges.  Deer hear noise from several houses and yards - people, vehicles, pets, farm equipment - on a regular basis.  
Most of the does and their young, and little bucks seem really unaffected by our presence there when we hunt the edges.  Despite that we try to not hunt it more than twice a week, trying to leave at least 2 or 3 days between hunts.  Even then, when we see a bigger buck - 2.5 year old or bigger/older - and it knows we're there, we usually don't see it again during daylight hours the rest of the season.  
My humble opinion is that deer react differently to the presence of hunters than they do to every day activity on a piece of property.  They're used to noises from people, animals and machines that they hear every day.  They're used to seeing people walking around houses and barns, and maybe through fields once in awhile.  It seems that when we "surprise" them by being in just a little bit different place than what they're used to, and not moving around making noise, it throws them off their routine for awhile.  
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 12:49:43 (permalink)
When you take  look at the Ct hunting boards- bow in particular- houses and roads are commonplace on trail cams as well as photos from tree stands.
Urban hunting for urban deer that have generally acclimated to people.
Likey not like that in big woods but many deer have been close to people for generations.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 14:38:04 (permalink)
I got my last buck, 8 pt. sitting on a log smoking a cigarette, drinking coffee and talking to my cousin who was 5feet away drinking his hot chocolate. I firmly believe 90% of hunting is LUCK, all that other nonsense like cover scents, camo and calls are to bag the hunter not the deer! Same with fishing it's all to hook the fisherman. Hunting is a sport to be enjoyed so don't over think it just have fun and IF you're lucky you'll get your deer. Either way you'll have your memories!
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 14:58:16 (permalink)
First day last year two came in about 30 ft away and looked at me with one barking like a beagle.
Then they walked off and I lit up.
They were down wind and came right back to about 30 feet with their noses high- then blabby barked at me aqain for a while.
A few days before in the same area while bow hunting turkey two came in while I sat on a rock calling and smoking- they bed down just out of range.
Next time they might all bust out 100 yards away- deers can be odd--lol
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 20:06:05 (permalink)
I don't know but I been told, learn where they go, when the cold wind blows. Food sources, bedding areas and trails between.

Don't look for a buck in it's core area during the rut, cause likely he's out, strutting his stuff.

It is said, a buck in heat doesn't sleep, drink or feed, only one thing on his mind and that's to breed.

Breed he shall till all Doe are caught, then he's off for new places, to rub scrape and pee.

Then as sudden as it began the rut is no more, leaving hunters, like me, saying What the..... heck?

Stupid Elusive White Tailed Deer!!!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/11/13 20:13:40

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 20:39:46 (permalink)
Well since we are telling our stories , I was in my stand one year way back when we had the 3 day doe hunts after buck season ... I was having a smoke , coffee and ever unwrapping s candy bar making noise and here comes this doe out of the thicket , think she heard the wrapper stopped looked around stood broadside about 40 yds and the ole 7MM did the rest 😜👍... after that never payed to much attention to all the sent stuff not saying it doesn’t work but that day it didn’t .. ok i’m done .. good luck in rifle season guys going out and get my shanty stove ready tomorrow , have to replace a pipe and cut up a little more wood ....

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 20:59:25 (permalink)
Geez Mopars, all we need is the smell of a little Outers Nitro Solvent in the air and it would be almost like the good Ole days chewin the fat at Re-Arm or the great Venango Rod & Gun.

Buddy, those were the days!

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Big Tuna
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/13 23:31:25 (permalink)
If your in the woods enough a lot of things can happen. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Hunters that consistently take deer year after year are not lucky......just saying.
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/15 20:25:41 (permalink)
Trying to wear off this stupid cabin fever so me and my bride went for a ride to see what we could see along the rivers edge.  The Allegheny River to be exact with visions of a new love shack dancing in our heads...... soooo, OK new residence, but it's the thought that counts.
Trees are mostly bare but the scenery was still wonderful as we drove over the hills and through the val of the mighty "Fine River", so thought to be named, by the Lenape (Delaware) Indians.
We found the residents of the area to be quite peaceful and friendly and hope to someday join them in their private piece of the Pennsylvania Wilds.
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These two locals are sporting some heavy coats, Winter's Coming!


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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Big Tuna
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/16 02:18:18 (permalink)
My son and I had a hunch,yesterday. Nov 15th last day of faze 6 (Dury Brothers) Southwest wind,and hasn't been in his stand since Nov the 6th the day I shot my 8pts in Ohio. He slipped in into his stand at 3:10 and his Ohio season was over at 4:40. A very respectable 10 pt. Beautiful placed shot and less than 5 seconds he's done. I was there sorta,sitting in my vehicle waiting for his call. I didn't want to sit in my blind weapon less for two reasons, I didn't want to mess him up,if a buck came from me to him and second I'd hate to see a huge Ohio buck walk by me at 20 yards with me tagged out. After he called me and after picture taking,short drag to my vehicle and the front was on us pelting rain the whole ride home. Again a smart hunt that worked for a change. After a weird season we took 3 bucks in 10 days. Could have been 4 but I left a small 8pts go on the last day. Skill? Luck? Don't know but where both happy.I guess I'll be in the Pa.woods for the opening of gun season. My backorder new gun came in at Cabelas Wheeling store so I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. 6.5 Creedmore,yea just what I need another deer
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/16 12:28:11 (permalink)
Well congrats to your son BT ....good job 👍 skill or luck as long as you’re happy is right , I say as long as you enjoy the adventure deer or no deer it is all worth it ..,, waiting for gun season here cut wood for my hunting shanty Tuesday .... going to stay warm anyways 😜👍. Good luck guys !!

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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/16 15:01:28 (permalink)
Tuna congratulations to your son.  You're out hunting, Mopars out cutting wood in prep of gun season and me, well as for me, I'll just sit here reading great stories and continue to sulk.  Dam cabin fever!! 
OH Tuna, I forgot, where the hell are those pictures of that buck?  Inquiring minds wanna see too!!!! lol

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Big Tuna
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/16 20:41:40 (permalink)
BTDT, I having a hard time getting pics posted,I don't know what's going on. Help me !+
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Re: Bow season .... let the fun begin 2017/11/16 23:53:49 (permalink)
Big Tuna
BTDT, I having a hard time getting pics posted,I don't know what's going on. Help me !+

PM sent.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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