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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/05 18:03:28 (permalink)
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Sunday that the Trump campaign sent a birdcage and bird food to her hotel room, a day after former President Trump called her “birdbrain.”
In a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, Haley posted a photo of a birdcage with a large bag of food, with a sign that said, “From: Trump Campaign.”
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/05 20:23:04 (permalink)
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Sunday that the Trump campaign sent a birdcage and bird food to her hotel room, a day after former President Trump called her “birdbrain.”
In a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, Haley posted a photo of a birdcage with a large bag of food, with a sign that said, “From: Trump Campaign.”

Grade A trolling, to be sure.

Why Haley would post that on social media is beyond me though. It’s like “look how ruthlessly the Trump campaign is dunking on me”?

She isn’t gonna win over the edgelords and X/Twitter junkies unless she has some kind of stupid clap back.

Speaking of X… So Elon Musk, what the hell happened?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/19 18:41:19 (permalink)
Colorado State Supreme Court just ruled tRump disqualified from GOP primary ballot ongrounds of the Insurrection Clause. Now that will be put on hold until an appeal, I'm sure, but hopefully this is this first of many dominos to fall.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/19 21:47:13 (permalink)
Colorado State Supreme Court just ruled tRump disqualified from GOP primary ballot ongrounds of the Insurrection Clause. Now that will be put on hold until an appeal, I'm sure, but hopefully this is this first of many dominos to fall.

Eh. We'll see. Colorado is solidly blue so it doesn't matter much. 
It'll get his followers all riled up though, "Civil War" and whatnot kinda stuff for the next few days. YAWN

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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/19 22:25:47 (permalink)
Probably gonna go to the US Supreme Court and I would be surprised if they DIDNT overturn it.

I’m not sure how a blue state removing trump from the ballot is a big deal. No state that is in play in the 2024 general will do this, and trump is gonna sweep the primary… so who cares?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 07:00:28 (permalink)
If it holds, all of the states that have pushed through abortion bans will push through legislation outlawing Democratic politicians.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 08:37:02 (permalink)
Ok so apparently Colorado democrats didn’t file the suit, Colorado republicans did. And the ruling cites Neil Gorsuch lol.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 09:08:32 (permalink)
This has bigger implications than just the primary ballot. tRump is going to appeal all these cases to the SCOTUS anyway. If they rule he engaged in an insurrection, it could be game over for him. 🤞
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 09:29:16 (permalink)
No way will this SCOTUS rule against trump. Not a snowballs chance.

They will overturn this or any ruling like it, or they will simply elect to not hear the case.

Also let’s not forget that the wife of a SCOTUS justice was actually involved in attempts to throw out the results of the 2020 election. Clarence Thomas shouldn’t be anywhere near this case.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 10:05:21 (permalink)
Maybe that is just pipe dreaming, but at some point our government has to start working like The Constitution intended it to, don't you think? If not, then we might as well just pack it in. Seig Heil mein Fuhrer! 💁‍♂️👎🤮
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 11:38:17 (permalink)
Colorado's Supreme Court, 7 unelected judges, all of them Democrats appointed by Democrat governors, have taken upon themselves a judgement for which they have no jurisdiction. Who has suddenly given individual states the power to rule in a Federal election? It was a 4-3 decision, so at least 3 judges had their heads screwed on straight. The pro votes are based on the "fact" that Trump was involved directly in the Jan. 6th riot. It is NOT a fact. Even Special Counsel Jack Smith did not charge Trump with that. Not charged, not tried (yet), not convicted, and still the Colorado court has found him guilty and ordered that his name be removed from the '24 ballot, a ruling (theirs) that puts election interference in the highest order. This case must go immediately to the US Supreme Court where I believe it will toss their ruling immediately, and if the Justices are thinking constitutionally and clearly, the verdict should be unanimous 9-0, or to make one of you happy, 8-0 if Thomas is recused.
Do you guys hate him so much that you would deny him due process and judge him guilty already? The only "so called facts" from the Jan. 6th committee were totally biased and no defending opposition, if any, was either not presented nor allowed in the final report. And now we know that the head of the Jan.6th committee "lost or inadvertantly" destroyed paperwork and tapes of the proceedings. (Yeah, right)!!! I wouldn't want 3 or 4 of you guys on my jury if ever I was accused or charged with wrong doing.

Whenever you want to know what the Democrats are up to, watch what they accuse the other side of doing.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 12:48:39 (permalink)
Who has suddenly given individual states the power to rule in a Federal election?

This document.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 14:50:27 (permalink)
Gawd!! Who wrote this crap. Did they lose something in parsing?
Did they fail spelling in grade school? Maybe the framers blew it. IDK!
" and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by State"
I don't know what the population of Colorado is, but their SC just told at least half of the registered voters that they cannot vote for the leading candidate of one party. And the way they wrote the decision, not only will Trump's name be omitted, a voter cannot even enter it as a write in or the entire ballot is void? Get real!! The 'Crats keep telling us that democracy is under attack, and it's true, but it's coming from the left, not the right.
There's no way the US SC will let this stand. What if Arizona, California, and Texas removed Bidens' name from the ballot by their Supreme Courts for failing to secure the border and protect Americans from the millions of illegals and the fentanyl crisis? It's a failure of his oath of office, so why not? Y'all better think on this a little deeper.
post edited by Mitchell - 2023/12/20 14:52:08

Whenever you want to know what the Democrats are up to, watch what they accuse the other side of doing.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 16:42:33 (permalink)
So Mitch, if you can post a link of a Biden speech telling illegals to fight like hell, flood the border and bring fentanyl with them, I'd appreciate it. You know like the one tRump had on Jan 6th infront of his MOB.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 19:20:04 (permalink)
Gawd!! Who wrote this crap. Did they lose something in parsing?
Did they fail spelling in grade school? Maybe the framers blew it. IDK!

Framers get a lot of things wrong, they were human living in a world completely different than ours. Their language at the time often seems to translate completely different than how it seems to be written.

That said, there are multiple articles on states rights. One of the major ones is voting. Why we have so many different voting structures all over the country. It is nothing new.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 20:41:28 (permalink)
post edited by JM2 - 2023/12/20 20:47:14
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/20 20:52:44 (permalink)
This part has probably been removed from the versions that the coaches have used to train many of you people.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/21 20:31:12 (permalink)
C'mon JM2, don't post video evidence. It doesn't fit the narrative.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/21 21:08:56 (permalink)
Colorado's Supreme Court, 7 unelected judges, all of them Democrats appointed by Democrat governors, have taken upon themselves a judgement for which they have no jurisdiction. Who has suddenly given individual states the power to rule in a Federal election? It was a 4-3 decision, so at least 3 judges had their heads screwed on straight. The pro votes are based on the "fact" that Trump was involved directly in the Jan. 6th riot. It is NOT a fact. Even Special Counsel Jack Smith did not charge Trump with that. Not charged, not tried (yet), not convicted, and still the Colorado court has found him guilty and ordered that his name be removed from the '24 ballot, a ruling (theirs) that puts election interference in the highest order. This case must go immediately to the US Supreme Court where I believe it will toss their ruling immediately, and if the Justices are thinking constitutionally and clearly, the verdict should be unanimous 9-0, or to make one of you happy, 8-0 if Thomas is recused.
Do you guys hate him so much that you would deny him due process and judge him guilty already? The only "so called facts" from the Jan. 6th committee were totally biased and no defending opposition, if any, was either not presented nor allowed in the final report. And now we know that the head of the Jan.6th committee "lost or inadvertantly" destroyed paperwork and tapes of the proceedings. (Yeah, right)!!! I wouldn't want 3 or 4 of you guys on my jury if ever I was accused or charged with wrong doing.

Mitch - don't it suck when people are appointed to a Supreme Court, likely aligned with, politically, as the person who appointed them there?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/21 22:54:06 (permalink)
Mitch - don't it suck when people are appointed to a Supreme Court, likely aligned with, politically, as the person who appointed them there?

Yeah, Gator. It really does. It's sad that we can't get totally impartial (meaning fair) jurists to head the top court of the land. If only they could look at each case and apply strict constitutional interpretation only in the judgement, we'd be a lot better off. Sadly, both parties just look at the appoinments as extensions of the their own party and expect them to toe the party line and majority party agenda. Been like that and will be like that forever.

Whenever you want to know what the Democrats are up to, watch what they accuse the other side of doing.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/22 12:15:38 (permalink)
C'mon JM2, don't post video evidence. It doesn't fit the narrative.

This speech occurred at a rally Trump named "Stop the Steal" where Trump tried to convince his security team to allow the crowd to carry guns since they weren't there to harm him.  The "Stop the Steal" rally occurred after Trump privately told many of his staff that he knew he lost the election but he wanted to continue the narrative that it was stolen.  I'm assuming this is the narrative you speak of.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/22 13:49:41 (permalink)
C'mon JM2, don't post video evidence. It doesn't fit the narrative.

This speech occurred at a rally Trump named "Stop the Steal" where Trump tried to convince his security team to allow the crowd to carry guns since they weren't there to harm him.  The "Stop the Steal" rally occurred after Trump privately told many of his staff that he knew he lost the election but he wanted to continue the narrative that it was stolen.  I'm assuming this is the narrative you speak of.

Serious question for trump people like JM2. And please be honest.

You don’t actually believe trumps nonsense, do you? Like you know trump is totally full of shiit, and you totally can see his behavior is immoral and unethical and illegal and he cheats and lies all of the time…. But you just don’t care, right? The ends justify the means, right?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/22 15:37:42 (permalink)
Bruh there all full of shiit, doesn't matter if its a R or a D. They are all immoral, unethical and whatever else you only believe R's all. D's are just as bad if not worse. 
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/22 15:59:54 (permalink)
Mitch - don't it suck when people are appointed to a Supreme Court, likely aligned with, politically, as the person who appointed them there?

Yeah, Gator. It really does. It's sad that we can't get totally impartial (meaning fair) jurists to head the top court of the land. If only they could look at each case and apply strict constitutional interpretation only in the judgement, we'd be a lot better off. Sadly, both parties just look at the appoinments as extensions of the their own party and expect them to toe the party line and majority party agenda. Been like that and will be like that forever.

Supreme court appointments in general are insane. INSANE. Lifetime appointments for a position are bonkers. 

Just have people vote on them? Every time a seats up, people wanna run? Boom, toss your hat in the ring. Highest percentage gets it. Of course - this has its own issues with lobbying and whatnot, but at least it's a vote for each, not a general appointment. 
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/22 16:58:27 (permalink)
Just have people vote on them? Every time a seats up, people wanna run? Boom, toss your hat in the ring. Highest percentage gets it. Of course - this has its own issues with lobbying and whatnot, but at least it's a vote for each, not a general appointment. 

I’ll give you the life time thing. But elections, not sure how that would look?

Even the most left or right leaning are very well respected, highly regarded judges for a long time. They are all clearly partisan, but all offer how they come about their decisions in a pretty logical explanation. Might not like their logic, but they are all some of the truly brightest legal minds in the country.

Do we really want a “disrupter” news ancho, peanut farmer, businessman or basically popularity contest? I think our presidential elections are showing where that leads us. Clearly the most brightest minds can’t make it through our primary system. If you think the court is partial to a party now, how do you think bumbling idiots that we have in Congress would act as a justice?

There definitely needs to be some accountability to being bought. That needs to happen all though our judicial, executive and legislative branches. They need to serve the people. Strip away any ability for these people to make fortunes from lobbyists, stocks, or any “friends gifting”. I can’t even buy lunch for an NCO client of mine without it being a violation of Federal Acquisition Regulations. Somehow they enforce my world but not theirs?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/22 20:24:48 (permalink)
How could ya get a nominee with 0 bias? Ya couldn't find anybody, even if they were completely unbiased on a particular issue, who would not allow political allegiance to creep in. It's a natural instinct.
If a lawyer had to run for Supreme Court, you'd add another $1 billion plus into the political fray. SuperPacs, advertising, with radio and television time, and the one that would openly support abortion without restrictions would win any way. Millions of one issue voters.  Plus some of those already up for appointments to the Appeals Courts can't even answer constitutional questions from the Senate committee; stuff that a 1st year law student should know. Look up the questions Senator Kennedy posed for the latest round of nominees. (We also have a SC justice who doesn't know what a woman is). Noooo. Appointment is better, but should have a 10 years term limit. That way it would at least span two presidential terms.

Whenever you want to know what the Democrats are up to, watch what they accuse the other side of doing.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/23 11:12:40 (permalink)
Bruh there all full of shiit, doesn't matter if its a R or a D. They are all immoral, unethical and whatever else you only believe R's all. D's are just as bad if not worse. 

How many other US presidents have been caught on tape, pressuring multiple people in multiple states, to stop the certification of an election? Pretty sure it’s just Trump.

It’s completely unprecedented behavior, across the board. Go ahead and try to find another example of behavior like this. I bet you can’t.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/23 23:42:12 (permalink)
C'mon JM2, don't post video evidence. It doesn't fit the narrative.

This speech occurred at a rally Trump named "Stop the Steal" where Trump tried to convince his security team to allow the crowd to carry guns since they weren't there to harm him.  The "Stop the Steal" rally occurred after Trump privately told many of his staff that he knew he lost the election but he wanted to continue the narrative that it was stolen.  I'm assuming this is the narrative you speak of.

Serious question for trump people like JM2. And please be honest.

You don’t actually believe trumps nonsense, do you? Like you know trump is totally full of shiit, and you totally can see his behavior is immoral and unethical and illegal and he cheats and lies all of the time…. But you just don’t care, right? The ends justify the means, right?

post edited by BloodyHand - 2023/12/24 00:19:25
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/12/24 19:10:09 (permalink)
link not working on some OS.  Decided to delete.  
post edited by JerryS - 2023/12/28 10:22:10
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Re: Trump 2024 2024/01/10 13:18:47 (permalink)
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