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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/16 15:16:40 (permalink)
538 has Haley’s national polling under 10% and trumps is almost at 60%


I haven’t looked at polls in the early primary states and it’s possible she could pull out a surprise win in a couple early states, which could then in turn change the trajectory of the race. This scenario is *possible* but I’d say very unlikely.

Haley doesn’t win anything unless desantis drops out, and he’s still generally polling ahead of her, so I don’t really see him dropping out until he loses a couple states. I actually think Haley drops out before desantis does.

There is also way too much old fashioned misogyny, sexism and xenophobia baked in to the republican primary electorate, and I have a hard time imagining a world where a woman wins a Republican presidential primary, and she’s a woman of color on top of that.

So my prediction is not a chance.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/16 15:59:41 (permalink)
538 has Haley’s national polling under 10% and trumps is walmost at 60%


I haven’t looked at polls in the early primary states and it’s possible she could pull out a surprise win in a couple early states, which could then in turn change the trajectory of the race. This scenario is *possible* but I’d say very unlikely.

Haley doesn’t win anything unless desantis drops out, and he’s still generally polling ahead of her, so I don’t really see him dropping out until he loses a couple states. I actually think Haley drops out before desantis does.

There is also way too much old fashioned misogyny, sexism and xenophobia baked in to the republican primary electorate, and I have a hard time imagining a world where a woman wins a Republican presidential primary, and she’s a woman of color on top of that.

So my prediction is not a chance.

I tend to agree with much of this. But if she were to out pace Desantis and then Trump’s legal issues ultimately turning enough voters away, I could see an outside path for her. I am convinced that she would wipe the floor of Bidum. I doubt the majority of GOP voters would want her for the reasons that you noted. But they would take her over Brandon Bidum derp derp any day. I also think the independent vote would favor her and likely crush the suburban women vote that is always a key. If she gets past Desantis, it would be wise for her campaign to bring up Hillary Clinton in some way. Not many GOP voters wouldn’t feel a bit warm and fuzzy having Hillary watch the first female President while she is around and being a Republican. And also remind GOP voters that Kamala is one slip down the stairs of Air Force One of being that first female President.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/16 21:57:45 (permalink)
What say you pundits...
Does Haley have a snowball's chance to dethrone Trump and be the nominee??

I like to think of it in these terms:  what's more likely...
Haley becomes the R nominee, or
Bills make the playoffs?  (sorry for that)
Nikki Haley absolutely has a chance to win the nomination.  I offer the following observations:
Trump's vaunted "base" has shrunk to the point that it may be less than 25% of R voters.  Sure it's comparatively larger than all other contenders right now but it's never getting larger.   The numbers will flip as candidates drop out and the GOP rallies behind a single candidate.  This isn't 2015.  There aren't 15 candidates confusing matters to the point where people just decide to vote for the outlier.  At some point, 75% of the voters will be wanting someone other than Trump.  I think this will build slowly, then gather steam, then be an avalanche against Trump.
Trump's biggest threat isn't the Dems or even the justice system.  It's his own party.  Ronna McDaniel and other decision makers hate him and realize that he'll get waxed by Uncle Joe in a general election.  His act is so, so tired.  Tim Scott dropped out of the race.  I predict that he'll endorse his patron, Haley, pretty soon.  Chris Christie could provide a significant boost when he drops out after the first couple of primaries (after doing fairly well) and endorses Haley, thereby achieving his goal of foiling Trump. Ramaswamy may not drop out but he'll become inconsequential in any event.  DeSantis may be the last man standing.  Ultimately he'll realize his act doesn't play on the national stage.  All should eventually back Haley.
Recently, there have been hints or "whiffs" of the GOP coming to its senses.  I think some of these folks are realizing the deep trouble they're in, and are looking for ways to right the ship.  Matt Gaetz (aka Glenn Quagmire) thought he'd create a little insurrection and gain power for his "anti-government" caucus and look what resulted:  a speaker that immediately started working with Dems to actually try and get things done.  Despite having only a tiny majority, the Rs are screaming for Geo. Santos to be expelled from the House.  These are positions that actually make sense.  What the heck is going on?  I think it's the GOP finally trying, in fits and starts, to shake off the stank of Trump.
Finally, Haley herself has some of the qualities that drew many to Trump in the first place.  She's a fighter.  She does not give in or give up.  She sticks out her chin and calls you names, and does it sounding infinitely more intelligent than Trump.  She doesn't have much of a filter and can be counted on to say wacky stuff.  (you're scum, Ramaswamy!). In short, she has much the same talent of seeming "relatable" that Trump HAD.  I look for her to goad Trump into some sort of town hall debate during which she will embarrass him.
These are just some of the reasons this pundit thinks she's going to be the nominee.
Now, about those Bills.....
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/16 23:39:11 (permalink)
I am convinced that she would wipe the floor of Bidum. I doubt the majority of GOP voters would want her for the reasons that you noted. But they would take her over Brandon Bidum derp derp any day. I also think the independent vote would favor her and likely crush the suburban women vote that is always a key.

Maybe. Straight party voters will vote for whoever is on their party’s ticket. Doesn’t matter who it is. From there, it either comes down to exciting the base or persuading the voters that are persuadable.

Can Haley drive republican turnout? Probably not like trump could.

It also remains to be seen as to how much women voters will trust republicans on abortion, at least the ones that are ardently pro choice. A lot of suburban women in swing states will likely fall into that category. Pre-Dobbs I could see Haley doing alot better with women across board, but now? I dunno. Democrats have over performed in basically every election post Dobbs.

Independents are harder to predict. Trump motivated a lot of voters who might not have voted otherwise. Obama did the same. They both drove turnout in a way that Haley won’t. She’s not particularly inspiring, and I can’t see those oddball Obama/Trump voters flocking to her. She’s too “establishment”.

But then again, she does have the benefit of being “not the person in office right now” and I think alot of independents are just “grass is always greener” voters. They’re like the voters who voted trump out in 2020 and will vote for trump again in 2024.

So yea, I’m not sure about how Haley would fare in a general election just yet.
post edited by MyWar - 2023/11/17 00:01:59
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 00:01:38 (permalink)
What say you pundits...
Does Haley have a snowball's chance to dethrone Trump and be the nominee??

I like to think of it in these terms:  what's more likely...
Haley becomes the R nominee, or
Bills make the playoffs?  (sorry for that)
Nikki Haley absolutely has a chance to win the nomination.  I offer the following observations:
Trump's vaunted "base" has shrunk to the point that it may be less than 25% of R voters.  Sure it's comparatively larger than all other contenders right now but it's never getting larger.   The numbers will flip as candidates drop out and the GOP rallies behind a single candidate.  This isn't 2015.  There aren't 15 candidates confusing matters to the point where people just decide to vote for the outlier.  At some point, 75% of the voters will be wanting someone other than Trump.  I think this will build slowly, then gather steam, then be an avalanche against Trump.
Trump's biggest threat isn't the Dems or even the justice system.  It's his own party.  Ronna McDaniel and other decision makers hate him and realize that he'll get waxed by Uncle Joe in a general election. 

I dunno man, I think you are really under estimating how much support he has in the party. He’s close to 60% on 538 in primary polling. SIXTY! We are getting close to supermajority territory.

And yea, some people in the party don’t like him, that’s been true since the beginning. But he still commands so much loyalty from the base that it doesn’t matter. People like Ronna McDaniel are terrified of him *because* he’s so popular.

Also… The day I see people like Hannity and Hugh Hewitt and Charlie Kirk and Dennis Prager, and the whole right wing media machine start to paint trump in a less than perfect light then it means his time is coming to an end. But that hasn’t happened yet, and I don’t see it happening during this election cycle.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 07:58:54 (permalink)
Also… The day I see people like Hannity and Hugh Hewitt and Charlie Kirk and Dennis Prager, and the whole right wing media machine start to paint trump in a less than perfect light then it means his time is coming to an end. But that hasn’t happened yet, and I don’t see it happening during this election cycle.

This by far is what will drive Trump up or down. The right wing media, regardless if TV, talk radio or social media is what is propping up Trump. Always has been. He is basically the anti Dem, Superman Jesus.

For Haley and abortion, what she is saying in the GOP debates (speaking to the most pro abortion crowd) is what something like 75% of voters agree with on abortion. Basically, only federal law would be ending late term. With most suburban women also being mothers (why they live in the suburbs to begin with), this is something the majority would not oppose.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 10:26:14 (permalink)
For Haley and abortion, what she is saying in the GOP debates (speaking to the most pro abortion crowd) is what something like 75% of voters agree with on abortion. Basically, only federal law would be ending late term. With most suburban women also being mothers (why they live in the suburbs to begin with), this is something the majority would not oppose.

In the last debate I believe Haley actually said something to the effect of “I’ll sign whatever congress puts on my desk”.

Not a firm position at all. In a general election she won’t be able to get away with such a wishy washy answer.

And even if she comes out and says she would actually support some kind of legal protection for real reproductive freedom, will women (or anybody else for that matter) believe her? In a post Dobbs world, where conservative SCOTUS justices have lied about where they stand on this issue, I think alot of voters are going to be extremely skeptical as to any republican’s true intention on this issue.
post edited by MyWar - 2023/11/17 10:30:17
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 10:29:51 (permalink)
Also… The day I see people like Hannity and Hugh Hewitt and Charlie Kirk and Dennis Prager, and the whole right wing media machine start to paint trump in a less than perfect light then it means his time is coming to an end. But that hasn’t happened yet, and I don’t see it happening during this election cycle.

This by far is what will drive Trump up or down. The right wing media, regardless if TV, talk radio or social media is what is propping up Trump. Always has been. He is basically the anti Dem, Superman Jesus.

Absolutely 100%

I’m actually surprised this doesn’t get talked about more often. Like of course desantis isn’t gonna get any traction when even the right wing media outlets are ridiculing him and saying over and over again that he can’t win.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 10:46:06 (permalink)
If Haley were to end up as the R nominee, does that mean the Dems that don't vote for her are misogynistic, sexist, and xenophobic because they vote for an old white guy?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 10:53:45 (permalink)
The way I look at it, if Ramaswamey and the Porkman from N.J. would bail, Haley would immediately vault ahead of DeSantis. That may or may not force Trump to get on the stage and debate, where I believe Haley would have an advantage. The hardline anti-abortionists will be losers regardless the nominee. Federally, the abortion issue is against late term abortions. I don't know why those other than Trump, when asked the abortion questions, why they don't start by saying that 90% of the abortion issue rests squarely on the shoulders of state government legislatures. 70% of voters, (though they may not favor abortion themselves), do favor a woman's right to choose. I'll go back to the 2022 elections, where I believe it should have been a referendum on the ballot. Every representative and senator from each state would then have had the information, (by looking at the voter data received), needed to vote according to the majority of the people each represents. As it was, as soon as the SC decision was handed down, some state legislatures with a no abortion at any cost legislature majorities rushed to blow abortion out of the water, strictly on the positions of the legislators themselves and not their constituents. That's BS!!! For Republicans, they need to learn that ABORTION will be the #1 issue in the coming election, relegating all of the US and world problems down the list; ie border security, healthcare, taxes, education, etc, simply because that's what the DNC, the media, and the colleges are pushing. It is a sad state of affairs, but it is what it is.

Often times, a Conservative is a former Liberal who's been mugged!
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 11:24:51 (permalink)
It seems to be the thing these days,they butcher babies,the other side kills babies and here in America they all want to kill babies.It's amazing we kill more innocent babies than Hamas and Israel combined!! I quess thats what choice is!!
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 13:18:12 (permalink)
During the debates. Haley’s position on abortion was that there will never be a 60% supermajority in the Senate for any of the plans that most GOP candidates call for. She said that she would work with both sides to see what could be passed, basically ending late term. If you equate that to “whatever Congress passes”, I guess so? To me, sounds like logic. Something this office has lacked for a while.

The argument that the SCOTUS nominees lied, is 100% culture war politics from the Dems. I find it just as repulsive as the right playing that game with other issues. I feel ashamed to live in Allegheny County knowing there are so many dumb voters that fell for that.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 14:45:54 (permalink)
During the debates. Haley’s position on abortion was that there will never be a 60% supermajority in the Senate for any of the plans that most GOP candidates call for

Unless the senate republicans nuke the filibuster. You don’t think that could happen? I’d say it’s definitely within the realm of possibility.

There is also the possibility that the last thing republicans are really going to want to do now is pass some kind of federal ban, because the electoral backlash to a federal ban would likely be worse than Dobbs.

I’m not sure what you mean about the SCOTUS nominees. Can you clarity what you mean exactly?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 14:59:38 (permalink)
For Republicans, they need to learn that ABORTION will be the #1 issue in the coming election, relegating all of the US and world problems down the list; ie border security, healthcare, taxes, education, etc, simply because that's what the DNC, the media, and the colleges are pushing. It is a sad state of affairs, but it is what it is.

Not sure if it will be #1 issue, but will be high. 100% brought on by the GOP though. It was the GOP that blocked Garland from SCOTUS. It was the GOP that added appointments that were very likely to push abortion back to the states. It is the conservative part of the GOP putting state bans of abortion, some with very little exceptions. Not sure how you are pinning this is on the DNC, media and colleges?

The economy is almost always the #1 issue for the majority of voters. Inflation is “subsiding”, but disinflation is unlikely, so high prices will remain during the election. Interest rates are hitting just about everyone almost as unfavorably as skyrocketing inflation did. If any other candidate than Trump, it would be likely the largest landslide victory of all time. But, instead, we will have Joe again. Rates will eventually subside, inflation will be under control and people will be used to the new price structure, the market will take off and those crying “Bidenomics” will have to look for another talking point to pry away the Presidency in 2028.

Haley makes it to be the GOP candidate and likely GOP control for at least 8 years. Obviously depending on many factors.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 15:12:55 (permalink)
I’m not sure what you mean about the SCOTUS nominees. Can you clarity what you mean exactly?

About them lying about abortion stance, so every GOP politician is a liar on the subject. Refer to Sara Imaratto’s campaign ads for the county executive. Position has absolutely nothing to do with abortion, but was the only way she could go about winning. Complete culture war BS.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 16:38:26 (permalink)
I’m not sure what you mean about the SCOTUS nominees. Can you clarity what you mean exactly?

About them lying about abortion stance, so every GOP politician is a liar on the subject. Refer to Sara Imaratto’s campaign ads for the county executive. Position has absolutely nothing to do with abortion, but was the only way she could go about winning. Complete culture war BS.

I’m not sure I follow.

You do realize that in basically every state with republicans in control of the state government, there are either bans or extreme limitations that are de facto bans on abortion, correct?

Are you trying to say that this is some kind of imaginary thing that democrats put in voters’ heads and republicans across the board would NOT ban abortion nationwide if they had the chance?

Like was it just feeding this imaginary culture war abortion boogeyman to say that a conservative SCOTUS will overturn Roe as soon as they have a chance? Because that’s exactly what happened.

Yea it might be a stretch for a county executive to make reproductive rights the centerpiece of their campaign (which inamorato did NOT do) but it doesn’t hurt to know where they stand on that issue. Also, we were talking about Nikki Haley, not Sara inamorato.

Like let’s not pretend that Nikki Haley hadn’t said some straight up kooky shiit in the past. She had no trouble cozying up to trump when it was convenient for her. I would never support somebody that aligned themselves with trump. Ever. She either knew how terrible he was and played nice anyway, or she’s a terrible judge of character. Both are non starters for me.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/17 17:09:50 (permalink)
 It is the conservative part of the GOP putting state bans of abortion, some with very little exceptions. Not sure how you are pinning this is on the DNC, media and colleges?

Part of your quote is true, but surely you can't ignore the fact that the 'Crats and the media constantly portray that Republican Party wants all abortion banned, and the sheeple dutifully believe it. IT'S A BALD FACED LIE!! The 70% that are ok with a woman's right to choose surely contains millions of Republicans, and there's a good many in both houses of Congress that are perfectly fine with Dobbs and some that might be ok with longer than 15 weeks. The problem is, the media says it one way 10 times, and the Republicans don't even dispute it once! They should be shouting to the heavens. 
On the other, I'll agree the economy will be number 1 unless some of the terrorists that entered in the nearly 8 million illegals that have been allowed in don't blow the Sears Tower in Chicago to the ground before the election. They've caught some on the list, but there's about 1.5 million gotaways that they know nothing about, so there's that. FBI's Christopher Wray states "When, not if".
Unless the senate republicans nuke the filibuster. You don’t think that could happen? I’d say it’s definitely within the realm of possibility.

There is also the possibility that the last thing republicans are really going to want to do now is pass some kind of federal ban, because the electoral backlash to a federal ban would likely be worse than Dobbs.

Filibuster went out the door under the leadership of Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid, and Republicans argued against repeal but didn't have the majority. Then when McConnell had a majority, he used Harry's law to put 3 conservative judges on the Court. Lately, Schumer wanted to restore the filibuster, but it was defeated by the 'Pubs plus Sinema and Manchin. I'll say it again. On abortion, the Republican candidates, should state if they're personally pro-life but will vote for what the majority wants including allowances for**** incest, or the health of the mother, no abortion after 15 weeks, no abortion under any circumstances, and/or right up to sticking a hatchet in the head of the baby as it is being born.

Often times, a Conservative is a former Liberal who's been mugged!
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/18 00:32:29 (permalink)

but surely you can't ignore the fact that the 'Crats and the media constantly portray that Republican Party wants all abortion banned, and the sheeple dutifully believe it. IT'S A BALD FACED LIE!!

Did you know that Republican lawmakers in Ohio are basically ignoring the results of the abortion ballot measure and they’re push to implement additional abortion bans and restrictions, in direct defiance of Ohio voters?

When Republican lawmakers show who they are and what they’ll do, voters should believe them.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/18 08:30:55 (permalink)
Yea it might be a stretch for a county executive to make reproductive rights the centerpiece of their campaign (which inamorato did NOT do) but it doesn’t hurt to know where they stand on that issue. Also, we were talking about Nikki Haley, not Sara inamorato.

It was THE ONLY commercial that she had and ran it nonstop for weeks prior to the election. It is what won the election for her.
post edited by Porktown - 2023/11/18 08:34:09
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/18 12:21:53 (permalink)
Had a eukeka moment while considering what I wrote previously about Nikki Haley.  (Bear with me.  My eureka moments are usually obvious to most.)
I doesn't matter a whit if Haley or anyone else gets the nomination because:  HE'S NEVER GOING AWAY!  What would Donald do in the perhaps unlikely event of a Haley or Desantis nomination?  Would he quit his campaign?  Of course not.  It's all he has, on multiple levels.  Chief among those is his own ego...he's not a loser!  He's history's biggest most beautiful victim.  Also, there's the real possibility that it might be the only way to stay out of jail.   And let's not forget that it will also continue to be his primary source of income.
So, he stays in the campaign in some form - be it 3rd party or write-in - and ****s the deal for the GOP candidate.
My own Eyeball polling reveals that Trump would garner 20% of the vote as a 3rd party candidate in a general election.  As a write-in he can expect to receive 15%, and, interestingly, if he's, in fact, DEAD, he'll probably get 10%.  That last possibility arises when he attempts to shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue during a rally but mishandles the firearm and accidentally shoots himself.  Any one of these examples throws the election to the Ds.
post edited by Irisheyeball - 2023/11/18 12:24:55
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/18 15:30:26 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2023/11/18 16:07:15
Yea it might be a stretch for a county executive to make reproductive rights the centerpiece of their campaign (which inamorato did NOT do) but it doesn’t hurt to know where they stand on that issue. Also, we were talking about Nikki Haley, not Sara inamorato.

It was THE ONLY commercial that she had and ran it nonstop for weeks prior to the election. It is what won the election for her.

I can’t speak to her ads. I didn’t see any. It’s possible her campaign went with that message in her ads because they knew it would drive turnout? It’s possible the ads you saw weren’t even from her campaign but they paid for by some PAC? It’s possible there were other ads and you just didn’t see them? I really don’t know.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I am saying I’m not convinced that her campaign was focused only on abortion because somebody said they saw a bunch of ads.

But what I can say is that if you go to her website:

The only thing that I saw about abortion was like one bullet point under healthcare, which seems about right. Most of the content is economics, jobs, housing, etc…I’d say the content on her official campaign website outlines her position in a pretty broad range of topics and issues that are total relevant to job of county executive.

I also can’t help but notice tho, you seem to be arguing one point with me (the progressive guy) and almost the total opposite point with Mitchell (the conservative guy). It’s almost like whatever somebody says, you feel compelled to stake out a more centrist position. Do you think I am way off here?
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/18 22:45:29 (permalink)
Sara's campaign/her party ran those ads 1000000% to garner votes in the waning weeks of the race as Rockey was gaining some serious steam. 
County Executive has no absolutely no impact on Abortion law, as we all know. It was a tactic, and one that likely worked in gaining a small percentage of votes. It was a good idea, albeit odd. 

This is where we're at in politics now. It doesn't matter if it actually is relevant to the person. 

Mitch you say it yourself, 70% of people support it in some way. You're absolutely right that millions and millions of Republican Voters are in that 70%. 
But does it matter that Trump wanted/wants "punishment" for those that would get them (To give him the benefit of the doubt, didn't clarify if he meant in general, or X scenarios)? No, he'll still get their votes because Democrat = Bad. 

MyWars in the same boat here, Nikki Haley has, like many republicans, aligned herself with Trump as it was beneficial. Trump = bad, not a chance she'll get his vote. (I'm personally in agreement with this stance). 

This is where we're at people. It sucks. I don't even know if I'd classify it as a "problem", but if it is - most of us are a part of it. 

Context: 2016 Trump Town hall he literally states there has to be punishment for abortion. There has to be a ban.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/19 12:20:24 (permalink)
I'm going to venture an opinion.
I think it would be interesting to see NIkki get the nomination to run as the Republican candidate for president. If Mr. Trump gets the nod then in my humble opinion it will be 4 more years of a Democrat  as president. I just can't see him garnering enough of the Democrats/independent votes to win. That being said I predict the next president will be a woman of color. But that woman won't be Nikki. Wait for it, drum roll please........
That woman will be Michelle Obama.

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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/19 19:21:51 (permalink)
 I have been thinking the same thing for a year now. Think she is smarter than that and doesn't have the ego for the job though. Would be a easy win for the Dems if she did run.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/20 08:44:25 (permalink)
 I have been thinking the same thing for a year now. Think she is smarter than that and doesn't have the ego for the job though. Would be a easy win for the Dems if she did run.

Are you referring to Obama or Haley?

I think you are saying Obama, I agree would be an easy Dem win (vs Trump), not sure vs Haley though. With how late in the game it is, I just don’t see it happening. Unless it was Biden’s call to not run, and very soon. If someone is going to push Biden out, I wouldn’t think it would be Obama. Politics is dirty, but I think enough respect in those families for that to happen. It would be nice if someone pushed him out.
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/20 09:50:12 (permalink)
Interesting points about the end I do think she has more national appeal than Desantis but the points about "woman of color" are probably true and I do think your eureka moment is correct crush isn't going anywhere, no matter what.  
Did anyone ask Michelle O. if she wanted to run?  I'm guessing she doesn't.  Right now, she can go steelie fishing any time she wants, why ruin that?  
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/20 10:48:20 (permalink)
 I have been thinking the same thing for a year now. Think she is smarter than that and doesn't have the ego for the job though. Would be a easy win for the Dems if she did run.

Are you referring to Obama or Haley?

I think you are saying Obama.

 Yeah, I don't see her wanting to run if Biden doesn't. Don't think she would want to put up with all the ridicule / stress that comes with the job.  
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/20 11:55:19 (permalink)
 I have been thinking the same thing for a year now. Think she is smarter than that and doesn't have the ego for the job though. Would be a easy win for the Dems if she did run.

Obama might do well on women's and social issues and would easily lure in Black voters, (though polls are showing African Americans moving away from the 'Crats), but in a televised debate, she'd be absolutely skewered on border security, taxes, and world events. If she was prepped by the party on their talking points, she could probably hold her own, especially if the debate had moderators favorable to the party, but if the moderators were pit bulls like Megan Kelly or Martha McCallum she might collapse. Who knows? What if Manchin throws in as a Democrat against Joe? My guess is he would win the Democrat primary. Remains to be seen.

Often times, a Conservative is a former Liberal who's been mugged!
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/29 10:22:34 (permalink)
Update: Koch money to flow to Haley...interesting.  
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Re: Trump 2024 2023/11/29 14:42:49 (permalink)
Update: Koch money to flow to Haley...interesting.  

I didn’t think I needed another reason to dislike Nikki Haley, but there you go

I’d say she’s a pretty likely pick for trumps VP at this point. And my gut tells me she would definitely do it if asked. Not many republicans are gonna want his stink on them. Plus he tried to feed his last VP to an angry mob so the list of potential VPs might be kinda short.
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