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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/07 11:18:00 (permalink)
What's the difference between these 2 rifles?  
Top one is the one used in Highland Park.  Bottom one is what many of y'all would consider a sporting arm.  
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/07 12:35:12 (permalink)
What's the difference between these 2 rifles?  
Top one is the one used in Highland Park.  Bottom one is what many of y'all would consider a sporting arm.  


My guess, and only a guess.  The wooden one does not offer the easily modified and readily attainable high capacity cartridges and bump stock.  I am not sure if the black one is foldable for easier concealment, but I do know the second weapon found in the souless coward's car was foldable.  The pistol grip is obvious difference, but not really sure what difference that makes, besides maybe having your hand closer to the trigger and being able to fire off a few more rounds per minute?
If there isn't anything different, why do these mass murders always seem to favor the black one?  There has to be a reason for it, no?
What in the Constitution notes that either of these that American's should have the right to bear, but shouldn't be able to bear an M60?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/07 12:39:42 (permalink)
Why doesn't the M16 look just like the wooden sport rifle?  I am sure there are many ergonomic and other studies done by the DOD of why that black gun is designed the way it is.  The DOD doesn't lack in funding the most cutting edge weaponry.  That black gun is, no doubt borrowing design similarities from the M16.  Not everything obviously.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/07 13:08:29 (permalink)
What's the difference between these 2 rifles?  

I'd like to solve the puzzle Pat.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/07 21:29:28 (permalink)

If there isn't anything different, why do these mass murders always seem to favor the black one?  There has to be a reason for it, no?

The Benelli R1 is a semiautomatic rifle, like the M&P or AR. It is available in calibers that are significantly more devastating than the .223 fired from an M&P or AR. The largest capacity magazine that can readily bought for it holds 10 rounds, compared to the standard 30 round mag in the black rifles.

In the hands of a psychopath who is reasonably familiar with the R1, is prepared with extra magazines, has evil intent to kill and injure a lot of unarmed people in a condensed space that he thinks probably won’t fight back, the amount of carnage inflicted in two to three minutes isn’t likely to be a whole lot different with one weapon over the other. He’d get off a few more shots with the black rifle, but the bullets from the not black rifle would do more damage. It doesn’t take but a few seconds to change a magazine with a little practice.

So why do they always seem to choose the black rifle? That’s a good question, because they don’t in reality. Mass shooters choose handguns at a 2:1 ratio over rifles.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/07 21:43:30 (permalink)
The Vegas shooter, Uvalde, Parkland, Highland Park, Sandy Hook just to name a few, all used the AR platform weapon. Explain that away. There have been some major screw-ups by this country over the 200+ years of existence, marketing and selling such a weapon to common citizens ranks up there. But by all means, keep "sporting" away with a "machine gun".
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/07 22:30:40 (permalink)
So why do they always seem to choose the black rifle? That’s a good question, because they don’t in reality. Mass shooters choose handguns at a 2:1 ratio over rifles.

You are referring to the same thing that Ice Nut did for the majority of mass shootings. Being the drug/gang shootings that I would hope all can agree is different type of evil. I would hope most would have understood that I and others are referring to mass shooting of unarmed. Technically anything over shooting 2-3 people is a “mass shooting”, which I believe most are actually domestic related and not even gang/drug related. The mass shootings of unarmed random strangers, is by far the reality, this is the mass killing device of choice. If I wasn’t clear in my description, then I hope I am now.

Something like 85% of mass shooting deaths are from this AR style platform, even when combining the gang/drug figures.

Most of these mass shootings of unarmed random strangers, the shooters are using large capacity magazines. The few seconds it takes for them to change out magazines is an opportunity to subdue or get away. Or hopefully have them reflect on what they are doing and turn the gun on themselves. Do you honestly think these scumbags can change a magazine as quickly as a pro, especially while doing the work of satan. Id have to imagine that adrenaline and whatever is flowing when satan takes over would slow them down in fumbling with the magazines, jams, and not focusing completely on the gun. I have changed many smaller capacity clips, they aren’t hard, but I was 100% focused on gun safety. I can’t imagine it being the same when in a war situation, at least until you got used to that situation. Not sure if these evil scum can really replicate that stress level to practice. Most of these scum seem to buy these guns and have relatively little practice with them. Most don’t seem to be guys like this site has that are out shooting 2-3 times per week or whatever that feel changing clips 5 times is the same as just pulling a trigger.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 08:39:57 (permalink)
Sound familiar?
"CDC statistics for 2020, for example, show that authorities know what kind of weapon was used in just 24% of firearm deaths. Both sides on the gun control debate, meanwhile, can frame what facts there are to suit their purposes."
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 14:39:19 (permalink)
As evil and tragic as the endless shootings are happening there is a larger much larger problem in america than a black gun. FENTANYL it kills way more people than all the gun deaths,suicides and all included even the wars.Over 100K this year alone and counting it ruins almost every family that it touches in america and yet hardley a word is spoken about it.So iguess if were to blame republicans for the gun problems inaction then maybe we should blame the Democrats in particular Sleepy Joe's OPEN BORDER which along with china supplies almost all of fentanyl In comparison to mass shootings its a drop in the bucket compared to death and despair from the drugs pouring into our country!!! So i guess if it's Coservative gun loving politicans causing the mass shootings then it's for sur the liberal progressives Democrats with the wide open border allowing it all to happen
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 16:54:07 (permalink)
Ah ok.... let's talk drugs and open borders instead of maniacs buying weapons of war and slaughtering innocent people. Gotcha 👍.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 18:14:21 (permalink)
Democrats are a bunch of useful idiots, I'll give them that.
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2022/07/08 18:18:04
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 18:32:10 (permalink)
Ah ok.... let's talk drugs and open borders instead of maniacs buying weapons of war and slaughtering innocent people. Gotcha 👍.

whats's wrong with talking about a bigger killer than your so called weapons of war.You wouldn't know a weapon of war if looked at one.I quess the gun talk is more important than the killing of tens of thousands of people this is an open thread correct pensfan Just sayin! All the gun laws in world won't stop a deranged person from evil But a closed border to drugs flowing into US would save many many more lives that all the gun deaths period. Just Say-in
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 18:56:02 (permalink)
I thought the wall that Mexico paid for, stopped all of this? No?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 19:07:37 (permalink)

If there isn't anything different, why do these mass murders always seem to favor the black one?  There has to be a reason for it, no?

The Benelli R1 is a semiautomatic rifle, like the M&P or AR. It is available in calibers that are significantly more devastating than the .223 fired from an M&P or AR. The largest capacity magazine that can readily bought for it holds 10 rounds, compared to the standard 30 round mag in the black rifles.

In the hands of a psychopath who is reasonably familiar with the R1, is prepared with extra magazines, has evil intent to kill and injure a lot of unarmed people in a condensed space that he thinks probably won’t fight back, the amount of carnage inflicted in two to three minutes isn’t likely to be a whole lot different with one weapon over the other. He’d get off a few more shots with the black rifle, but the bullets from the not black rifle would do more damage. It doesn’t take but a few seconds to change a magazine with a little practice.

So why do they always seem to choose the black rifle? That’s a good question, because they don’t in reality. Mass shooters choose handguns at a 2:1 ratio over rifles.

I can't provide a better argument to restrict AR-15s than what you already provided:
  • The R1 comes in more devastating calibers.  Lets see the typical skinny high school kid handle the recoil of 80 rounds of 300Win mag in a couple of minutes. 
  • The stock AR-15 comes with a 30 round magazine, while the R1 comes with a 4 round magazine.  You must buy additional 10 round magazines AND practice shooting and loading the magazine to approach the killing effectiveness of the stock AR-15.  People that practice shooting their guns are usually responsible gun owners.  Mass shooters often buy their gun within a few weeks of their crime.
  • The lowest cost of the R1 (without the extra magazines) is twice the cost of a low-end AR-15
All you need is common sense to realize a military engineered semi-auto rifle, with a high capacity magazine, is a more effective killing machine than any semi-auto hunting rifle and regulating the sale of these rifles would reduce the deaths in a mass shooting, especially in our schools. 
If you see no difference in the two rifles then you shouldn't care if the AR-15 is less accessible.
post edited by JerryS - 2022/07/08 19:17:32
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 20:17:09 (permalink)
As evil and tragic as the endless shootings are happening there is a larger much larger problem in america than a black gun. FENTANYL it kills way more people than all the gun deaths,suicides and all included even the wars.Over 100K this year alone and counting it ruins almost every family that it touches in america and yet hardley a word is spoken about it.So iguess if were to blame republicans for the gun problems inaction then maybe we should blame the Democrats in particular Sleepy Joe's OPEN BORDER which along with china supplies almost all of fentanyl In comparison to mass shootings its a drop in the bucket compared to death and despair from the drugs pouring into our country!!! So i guess if it's Coservative gun loving politicans causing the mass shootings then it's for sur the liberal progressives Democrats with the wide open border allowing it all to happen

According to the DEA, the majority of fentanyl from China is coming through the mail. So this isn’t really a border problem or anything remotely related to immigration.

Also, how does a DEA meth bust reflect poorly on democrats? Doesn’t this mean that the DEA (which is currently under Biden’s purview) is doing it’s job?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 20:24:05 (permalink)
high capacity magazine

Yep, that’s why the mass shooters go for these types of firearms.

I don’t hunt. Do hunters typically need to squeeze off like 30 rounds in less than a minute? Is that how you kill a deer these days?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/08 22:31:08 (permalink)
I read an article on people hunting with AR platforms. There is an AR 10 platform that fires a larger bullet, but that goes against many’s cherry picking of round size of the sporting automatics…. The smaller AR 15 round often fatally maims and not instantly kills, which I had read was part of the DOD objective of the M16. One bullet takes out a soldier and medic on the battle field. For deer and larger, who wants to track something that will die in 2-3 hours? There are specific hunts that having 30 rounds of the smaller round would be an advantage. Like the feral boars that can be in large groups and attack hunters. So, I could see the AR15 being the best platform for this.
post edited by Porktown - 2022/07/08 23:03:57
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/09 12:13:50 (permalink)
high capacity magazine

Yep, that’s why the mass shooters go for these types of firearms.

I don’t hunt. Do hunters typically need to squeeze off like 30 rounds in less than a minute? Is that how you kill a deer these days?

It is comical how the right justifies owning an AR-15 by calling it a "modern sporting rifle" for hunting, but when pressed, they state their number one reason for owning an AR is to defend themselves from a tyrannical government.  The irony is they support Trump. 
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/09 14:45:44 (permalink)
Support is right and soon to be president again along with a new congress and senate so enjoy your murdering party now soon baby soon not soon enough!!!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/09 16:49:56 (permalink)
I dunno about that. These kids that graduated HS since the last election will vote in '24. They're tired of people being slaughtered by whackos that continue to get ahold of war weapons, tired of being told what to do with their bodies and hate the fact that they might not have a climate to live and raise their kids in if they have any. Better hope you "indoctrinated" more than we did, jus say'IN...
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/07/09 16:57:01
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/09 18:27:27 (permalink)
I'd say that Trump at the top of the ticket in 2024 is every Democrat's dream.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/09 19:47:20 (permalink)
I dunno about that. These kids that graduated HS since the last election will vote in '24. They're tired of people being slaughtered by whackos that continue to get ahold of war weapons, tired of being told what to do with their bodies and hate the fact that they might not have a climate to live and raise their kids in if they have any. Better hope you "indoctrinated" more than we did, jus say'IN...

The kids that graduate by 2024 are lucky they can read and write.If you told half of them to find Kansas on a map they wouldn't have a clue.Most can't name their state representatives.The last poll I saw had GenZ deserting Bidum in droves along with most independents so we shall see if not Trump it will be DeSantis and with a huge red wave in November enjoy Boy's.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/09 20:39:54 (permalink)
I dunno my oldest graduated #1 with 4.88GPA. She can find Kansas, I can tell ya dat much. 🤷‍♂️
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/09 23:06:35 (permalink)
I dunno about that. These kids that graduated HS since the last election will vote in '24. They're tired of people being slaughtered by whackos that continue to get ahold of war weapons, tired of being told what to do with their bodies and hate the fact that they might not have a climate to live and raise their kids in if they have any. Better hope you "indoctrinated" more than we did, jus say'IN...

The kids that graduate by 2024 are lucky they can read and write.If you told half of them to find Kansas on a map they wouldn't have a clue.Most can't name their state representatives.The last poll I saw had GenZ deserting Bidum in droves along with most independents so we shall see if not Trump it will be DeSantis and with a huge red wave in November enjoy Boy's.

Most boomers can't convert a PDF to a Word document, or even know what I'm talking about. Kids may not be able to find Kansas, but they can reset mee-maw and pee-paws wifi can't they?
The "Generational War" idea is always hilarious and I fully encourage it. 

You're right Pens - young women who are 18 have less rights than they did when they were born. They know this and I won't be surprised to see them act on that. 

Trump running in 2024 would be a god send, but even he knows that. We'll see the "Fake News Government made up lies and will for sure Steal the election so I'm not gonna play" cop out from him. Be surprised if Desantis doesn't run. 

But who knows, maybe Dems will be morons and run Biden or Harris?

post edited by DeadGator401 - 2022/07/10 01:17:11
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/10 01:15:14 (permalink)
They may not be able to find Kansas, but they can reset mee-maw and pee-paws wifi can't they?

Ouch. Savage.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/10 06:06:49 (permalink)
They should raise the voting age to at least 21 after all their brains arn't fully developed yet.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/10 09:54:19 (permalink)
They should raise the voting age to at least 21 after all their brains arn't fully developed yet.

The brain is fully developed around age 25, then declines in 30s. Drastically in 60s. Should maybe raise voting to 25 and restrict after 60. Right?

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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/10 09:56:36 (permalink)
The last poll I saw had GenZ deserting Bidum in droves along with most independents so we shall see if not Trump it will be DeSantis and with a huge red wave in November enjoy Boy's.

Oh you like polls all of a sudden? Sure, let’s talk about polls.

Generic ballot polling for the 2022 election shows democrats substantially outperforming Biden’s approval rating. 538 has the republican ticket with a less than 2% advantage, and lots of individual polls show democrats ahead:


Here’s a poll that shows Harris beating desantis is hypothetical 2024 matchup:


And there is also polling that shows Gavin newsome performing as well if not better than Harris and Biden in 2024. All the democrats outperformed trump and desantis:

Early polling also shows Oz and mastriano behind Fetterman and Shapiro:

And polling on Roe being overturned is really bad news for republicans. A substantial number of Americans disapprove:

Polling for warnock and Herschel Walker is super tight. I even saw a poll where Tim Ryan was leading JD Vance in Ohio (!).

So if you want to talk polls, they may not be painting the picture of GOP dominance that you think they are.

Unless of course you just want to cherry pick the polls that you like and pretend the rest are “fake”.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/10 10:15:19 (permalink)
Will we just have to wait and see won't we MyWar. FJB
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/10 10:53:30 (permalink)
Will we just have to wait and see won't we MyWar. FJB

Here’s my prediction:

There will be no “wave”. 2022 midterms will be close, just like pretty much every election has been for the past 10 years. Republicans pick up a slim majority in the House but Democrats actually pick up a few senate seats.

2024 is a long way off and anything can happen. But I guarantee that: (1) republicans will do everything they can to lie, cheat and steal as many elections as they can, and (2) Donald Trump will never be in the White House again.
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