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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 10:44:00 (permalink)
I've watched 2 of 3 hearings so far.  While many on the right see this as just partisan politics, there is one major focal point of the hearings that counters this view.  The hearings are clearly portraying Mike Pence as a great hero that saved American democracy.  He will be a major force in 2024 if he decides to run for president.  

I have been thinking the same thing.  For how bad of a light this puts Trump in, it makes Pence look great.  He must be a Rino, never Trumper like Cheney for the media to be saying something nice?  Cheney too, happened to be one of Trump's biggest supporters in the re-election, running the re-election campaign in the states in her area that Trump mostly won...  What a Rino!!!  The name for lifelong conservatives, that don't change to far right snake oil salesman in the past decade.  
Pence did stand by many of Trump's other shady dealings for 4 years.  He'd have to answer to much of that to gain the support of independent voters.  I imagine if he is the candidate, he will be asked these questions, that every Trumper that turns to Pence supporter, will say is unfair questions.  It is so hard to predict the easily predictable...

If he can win the nomination, I can see some democrats voting for him in the election, depending on the who the Dems nominate.  Biden/Harris got elected primarily on the anti-trump vote. 
While Pence's christian-right stance turns the left off, putting the screws to Trump is a bigger factor to many on the left.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 10:48:54 (permalink)
Pence might have aspirations to run but he won’t beat Trump in a primary. He has zero charisma, and besides that the base will never turn on Trump. Nothing in these hearings will change that.

I really can’t foresee any of this changing the dynamics within the Republican Party or changing the minds of republican voters. It may affect general elections though. But again, I believe most people already have their minds made up.

These hearings should provide some fodder for attack ads against republicans running in the fall. It’s also an attempt to keep this issue fresh in voters’ minds, going into an election season where motivating democrat voters will be a real challenge.

There could still be a criminal indictment against trump and others involved in Jan 6. But I’m not sure what that will accomplish. He ain’t gonna get convicted. It will probably just backfire and piiss off Republican voters.

On one hand these hearings all seem kind of pointless. On the other, there really does need to be some accountability for what these people did. But in the end, I just don’t see anybody paying any kind of actual price for it- no jail time, no political consequences, nothing…
post edited by MyWar - 2022/06/17 18:04:36
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 11:58:52 (permalink)

Look at that approval rating. It’s got a hard ceiling and a hard floor. It’s been remarkably steady this whole time, despite all the shiit that happened.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 12:04:33 (permalink)
A few days ago you compared local democrats as having some integrity, versus the current republican party being run by con men.  If you want integrity over con men, you should have no doubts these hearing are absolutely necessary for the future of our country.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 12:39:37 (permalink)
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 13:53:18 (permalink)
A few days ago you compared local democrats as having some integrity, versus the current republican party being run by con men.  If you want integrity over con men, you should have no doubts these hearing are absolutely necessary for the future of our country.

Oh sure, I think democrats have to do this even if it’s an exercise in futility.

But I do think that it is an exercise in futility.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 13:57:47 (permalink)
In other news… I guess Julian assange is being extradited to the US? Not sure how I feel about that one. Assange is completely and totally full of shiit. But it’s kind of a blow to the idea of a free press.
post edited by MyWar - 2022/06/17 15:09:54
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 14:21:29 (permalink)
The press is not free to publish classified information. That is where his issues would come from. That never was and never should be shielded by freedom of press.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 14:53:34 (permalink)
I've watched 2 of 3 hearings so far.  While many on the right see this as just partisan politics, there is one major focal point of the hearings that counters this view.  The hearings are clearly portraying Mike Pence as a great hero that saved American democracy.  He will be a major force in 2024 if he decides to run for president.  

In my father's later years he was afflicted with Alzheimers. Sometimes he would sit in front of the TV for hours watching infomercials. Unlike you he wasn't ever going to buy what they were trying to sell him.
Sorry for the interruption. I'm now going to crawl back under my rock and let the posting to you guys. It all too funny in strange way. My War seems to be the only one of you people, who understands what is going on.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 15:05:54 (permalink)
I never thought I'd say it but MyWar's last few posts made most sense. He is correct it is an exercise in futility,no one is going to jail,if the Clinton's escaped jail anyone can.Then there's the Biden crime family nothing to see there right its just a big waste of time and money in an attempt to take people's mind off the mess this country's in right now and to attempt to save their skins in the mid terms and 2024. Lets's go Brandon!!!!!!! Keep up the good work
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/17 18:27:36 (permalink)
The press is not free to publish classified information. That is where his issues would come from. That never was and never should be shielded by freedom of press.

I think this is where it gets fuzzy tho. If assange and Wikileaks was really about exposing government lies and corruption, I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing.

I don’t have a problem with Edward Snowden. I think he had noble intentions and brought some important things to light.

Assange on the other hand, like alot of those Glenn Greenwood “libertarian” types are definitely not as altruistic as they pretend to be. Looking now I now, it’s pretty clear they were just anti-Clinton and they were all curiously silent when Trump was in charge. And it’s fine if you want to be just another partisan hack, but don’t pretend to be something you’re not.

I think there is plenty evidence that shows Wikileaks sources also had some very shady ties to Russian hackers. And again, in comparison to Snowden, I don’t think there is any question he acted alone. But if you have a foreign power feeding people this information it’s an entirely different situation. Whether assange was aware of this or not isn’t clear, but I’m kind of ok with an investigation, and maybe Wikileaks needs to be exposed for what that really was as well.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/18 14:34:51 (permalink)
I've watched 2 of 3 hearings so far.  While many on the right see this as just partisan politics, there is one major focal point of the hearings that counters this view.  The hearings are clearly portraying Mike Pence as a great hero that saved American democracy.  He will be a major force in 2024 if he decides to run for president.  

In my father's later years he was afflicted with Alzheimers. Sometimes he would sit in front of the TV for hours watching infomercials. Unlike you he wasn't ever going to buy what they were trying to sell him.
Sorry for the interruption. I'm now going to crawl back under my rock and let the posting to you guys. It all too funny in strange way. My War seems to be the only one of you people, who understands what is going on.

Myself and many other posters here would prefer you let us do the posting, if you are going to include personal attacks.  We have our second chance to keep the discussion productive.  Try not to screw it up.
These are not your typical congressional hearings. The majority of the witnesses against him are from his administration, many of whom he personally appointed.  They realize the magnitude of his crimes, and are doing everything possible to disassociate themselves.  I would not be surprised if indictments, and convictions, are in the future.
post edited by JerryS - 2022/06/18 15:48:47
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/18 21:54:44 (permalink)
Yeah, those “witnesses” were Never Trumpers from the start. Ivanka, Jarrod, Barr and others were planted into the Trump administration to turn on him for mean tweets. You guys are so dumb. Trump is here to save America! If you didn’t hear it from FoxNews, it is a lie. Couldn’t be the other way around. No matter what the “facts” say. That would mean that I am wrong!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/19 09:04:07 (permalink)

Sorry for the interruption. I'm now going to crawl back under my rock and let the posting to you guys. It all too funny in strange way. My War seems to be the only one of you people, who understands what is going on.

Don’t get me wrong, in a fair, just world, where logic and sanity are guiding the actions of elected officials and voters, Trump would rot in jail for the rest of his life for trying to steal the presidency. And he would be universally recognized as the fraud and traitor that he is.

But that won’t happen because of the millions of people who will never stop supporting him no matter what he does; and also because of the cowards in the GOP who know he is completely full of shiit but yet will enable him anyway because they are afraid of the Trump cult.

So if you’re giving me props for basically acknowledging that trump has killed American democracy and nobody is going to do anything about it, well I guess all I can say is “Thanks?”
post edited by MyWar - 2022/06/19 09:08:16
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/19 09:04:31 (permalink)
Joe got a fisher Big Wheel for Fathers Day.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/19 10:00:44 (permalink)
Did Hunter pay for it with cash or part of his China perks?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/19 10:27:44 (permalink)
Naw the money came from Ashley's bidens diary
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 10:50:12 (permalink)
Win for the 10th Amendment today.  Strangely after a loss yesterday for the same Amendment...  This court always seems to be as hypocritical as those that put them in.
I'd say this puts Shapiro's odds at winning PA Gov at about 99% now.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 11:11:02 (permalink)
Win for the 10th Amendment today.  Strangely after a loss yesterday for the same Amendment...  This court always seems to be as hypocritical as those that put them in.

Because conservatives don’t actually care about the constitution or “states rights” or whatever ostensible reasoning they base their arguments on. “States rights” is now, and always has been, simply an argument of convenience. They are just as quick to ignore it if it’s in the way of their objective.

Looks like this court might be coming after Griswold, Lawrence and Obergfell next. They might even come after mixed race marriage before all is said and done.

I’m a white, middle class, straight man, living in a blue leaning state. I guess I really don’t have anything to worry about. But my heart goes out to all the people who are gonna screwed over by these SCOTUS decisions in the next few decades.
post edited by MyWar - 2022/06/24 11:12:04
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 11:52:19 (permalink)
Pretty much my description, besides a few years older. None of these decisions really effect me. I have no issues with tighter abortion laws as a personal opinion. I find the “no exceptions” to be ridiculous, but chances are rather high that it won’t ever effect me personally. I could care less if NYC has everyone armed. I have been there 10-15 times for work and pretty much lost the wow factor for me. While my business colleagues are checking out town, I head to Ft Tilden/Breezy Point with my travel rod and a few surf tins/swim baits. Fully autos and bazookas should all be covered under the 2nd Amendment, if semi automatics are. The wording does not mention either, with the technology at the time being a musket. Each state should be able to define where the gray line for which arms their citizens should be able to bare.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 12:38:34 (permalink)
Pretty much my description, besides a few years older. None of these decisions really effect me. I have no issues with tighter abortion laws as a personal opinion. I find the “no exceptions” to be ridiculous, but chances are rather high that it won’t ever effect me personally.

Sure, and that’s what it means to have privilege. And if one’s ideology is built on a guiding principle of “I got mine, screw everybody else”, then yea. This is whatever.

However that’s not a guiding principle of my beliefs or ideology. And like so much of the GOP’s draconian BS, this ultimately will affect poor people far more deeply. Rich republicans in red states won’t have any trouble paying for their mistresses’ “oops pregnancies”.

So I guess the real solution here is just “be rich”.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 12:47:51 (permalink)
Born rich, even better!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 12:58:16 (permalink)
It’s also very interesting that Thomas wrote a concurring opinion that pretty clearly signals there is also wilingness to overturn the cases that protect same sex marriage, but yet he didn’t mention Loving v Virginia, which is the case that protects interracial marriage… and he just happens to be in an interracial marriage.

His wife is also a J6 nutter that tried to help overturn the results of the 2020 election (and it’s widely suspected that his personal beliefs very much mirror hers).

That really says a lot about this court.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 13:07:13 (permalink)
Born rich, even better!

Born rich, white, male, tall, blonde hair, blue eyes… might as well go all the way. I’d like some of that full Aryan privilege please. Just in case things get REALLY scary.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 14:12:14 (permalink)
It’s also very interesting that Thomas wrote a concurring opinion that pretty clearly signals there is also wilingness to overturn the cases that protect same sex marriage, but yet he didn’t mention Loving v Virginia, which is the case that protects interracial marriage… and he just happens to be in an interracial marriage.

His wife is also a J6 nutter that tried to help overturn the results of the 2020 election (and it’s widely suspected that his personal beliefs very much mirror hers).

That really says a lot about this court.

She is the daughter of Clayton Bigsby, so it makes sense.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 14:59:23 (permalink)
"Praise Be"
"Under his eye"

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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 17:10:45 (permalink)
Win for the 10th Amendment today.  Strangely after a loss yesterday for the same Amendment...  This court always seems to be as hypocritical as those that put them in.
I'd say this puts Shapiro's odds at winning PA Gov at about 99% now.

If today’s ruling was a win for the 10th, what was the loss?
As for today’s ruling I think they should’ve left it alone, it’s been 50yrs. I’m on the fence over the entire issue but I do find it kind ironic that a lot of those talking heads on the tv/net should be thankful that their parents didn’t excise privileges granted by Roe or they wouldn’t be around today to protest.
As for Shapiro wasn’t his odds already about 99%

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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 18:25:50 (permalink)
I believe he’s referring to the ruling on the NY gun law that was struck down yesterday.

The next step will be a federal ban on abortion. Republicans (some of them at least) will run on this in the fall. Guaranteed. The goal posts will be moved from “states rights” to a federal law outlawing it completely. That’s a promise which will be a lot harder to deliver on, but the dog caught the car and they need something else to motivate voters.

Shapiro is not a lock but it’s starting to look like Fetterman might be. Early polling for Oz is pretty awful. Much worse than Mastriano. Both of these Republican candidates were very poor choices for a statewide race in a purple state like PA.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/24 21:56:32 (permalink)
Yes, referring to the NY state conceal weapons permit ruling. The backbone of the overruling of the abortion regulation, was the 10th Amendment and allowing each state to regulate. When a gray area, like right to bare arms = ICBM, A-10 Warthog, fully automatic, semi automatic, shot gun, bolt action or musket? The forefathers were not very specific in predicting the future. If the precedence is the 10th Amendment, why only for things that are convenient for their political stance? I.e. HYPOCRITICAL…
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/06/25 07:35:08 (permalink)
The difference in the rulings are that the NY ruling was a constitutional ruling and Roe falls under the 10th. I believe the NY ruling was because they were denying constitutional rights through their CC permitting practices. As far Roe goes it is 10th Amendment issue, I don’t think the word abortion is anywhere in the Amendments but it’s still a bad ruling and will open pandora’s box.

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