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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/12 16:17:19 (permalink)
Didn't think it was at all possible, but some of you guys are getting stupider by the day. Enjoy this while it last, but it will be other huge fail for the Dems. 

Serious question for you and all the other trumpers: Do you know what a sunk cost fallacy is?

Like at what point do you just say “ok enough” and admit that you want to get off this roller coaster? Isn’t it exhausting to have to defend a scandal machine like this? Wouldn’t you just rather go back to the good old days when you could be outraged about Obama’s tan suit and Dijon mustard?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/12 16:34:13 (permalink) lamp...
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/12 16:58:52 (permalink)
“Sixty percent of the time, it works every time” is actually something that could have come out of trumps mouth.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/12 16:59:49 (permalink)
Didn't think it was at all possible, but some of you guys are getting stupider by the day. Enjoy this while it last, but it will be other huge fail for the Dems. 

Serious question for you and all the other trumpers: Do you know what a sunk cost fallacy is?

Like at what point do you just say “ok enough” and admit that you want to get off this roller coaster? Isn’t it exhausting to have to defend a scandal machine like this? Wouldn’t you just rather go back to the good old days when you could be outraged about Obama’s tan suit and Dijon mustard?

They can't do it. People like him get their value as individuals from Trump. He makes them feel like they are "winning" something. 

Why would someone give up that which makes them feel so valuable?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/12 18:14:20 (permalink)
On the bright side the first couple of Kings have been caught in the Salmon River this week---no run just a couple of unlucky early scouts
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/13 22:57:07 (permalink)
Joe Biden took our jerbs!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/15 13:54:33 (permalink)
Didn't think it was at all possible, but some of you guys are getting stupider by the day. Enjoy this while it last, but it will be other huge fail for the Dems. 

Serious question for you and all the other trumpers: Do you know what a sunk cost fallacy is?

Like at what point do you just say “ok enough” and admit that you want to get off this roller coaster? Isn’t it exhausting to have to defend a scandal machine like this? Wouldn’t you just rather go back to the good old days when you could be outraged about Obama’s tan suit and Dijon mustard?

What you are failing to acknowledge is, it's the Dems that are constantly building, and operating the roller coasters. Isn’t it exhausting for you to be sold one ticket after another for rides that aways end up where they started. I guess it may be exciting for you for a while, but in the end you go nowhere after the latest "we got him this time" moment. It’s like watching a six year long episode of a “Road Runner” cartoon. 
I, along with most Americans wish the Dems would stop all the rollercoaster rides, but we also know they won’t stop until they negate Trump as a possible candidate. Like the coyote, the Dems are going to end up blowing themselves up this time.
Why after six years of these Democrat schemes and scams, you still fail to grasp this? You don’t have to answer. We both already know why.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/15 14:05:35 (permalink)
Didn't think it was at all possible, but some of you guys are getting stupider by the day. Enjoy this while it last, but it will be other huge fail for the Dems. 

Serious question for you and all the other trumpers: Do you know what a sunk cost fallacy is?

Like at what point do you just say “ok enough” and admit that you want to get off this roller coaster? Isn’t it exhausting to have to defend a scandal machine like this? Wouldn’t you just rather go back to the good old days when you could be outraged about Obama’s tan suit and Dijon mustard?

They can't do it. People like him get their value as individuals from Trump. He makes them feel like they are "winning" something. 

Why would someone give up that which makes them feel so valuable?

Thanks for the diagnosis Doc. It's truly bizarre want goes through some of your guys heads. You seem to be confusing my contempt and disgust for Democrat party conduit, for some type of unconditional love of Trump. You need to stop watching "The View" and just get your housework done, Darling.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/15 18:30:26 (permalink)

What you are failing to acknowledge is, it's the Dems that are constantly building, and operating the roller coasters.

The democrats didn’t do it

And if they did, it wasn’t that bad

And if it was, it’s not a big deal

And if it is, the republicans did it first

And if they didn’t, then trump deserves it
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/15 20:59:47 (permalink)
You see the Mercer Co man that made the nation news today? Made all kinds of threats on some website called Gab. Something about it being "open season" on FBI agents and he wanted to take as many out as he could before he goes down. They arrested him today. Oh ya, almost forgot. The guy from last week , that the Ohio Troopers blasted in the cornfield, was originally from Perry Twp. And here I thought Florida had the market cornered on crazies.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/08/15 21:01:26
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/15 23:08:11 (permalink)
Didn't think it was at all possible, but some of you guys are getting stupider by the day. Enjoy this while it last, but it will be other huge fail for the Dems. 

Serious question for you and all the other trumpers: Do you know what a sunk cost fallacy is?

Like at what point do you just say “ok enough” and admit that you want to get off this roller coaster? Isn’t it exhausting to have to defend a scandal machine like this? Wouldn’t you just rather go back to the good old days when you could be outraged about Obama’s tan suit and Dijon mustard?

What you are failing to acknowledge is,

Yo dawg, what’s up with ya girl Laura Ingraham? It’s almost like she read my post from last Friday.

Testing the water for a Fox News defection from the cult perhaps?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/16 08:50:31 (permalink)
For every slight glimpse of reality that someone from Fox News admits to, they bury it instantly with the ever evolving talking in circles and changing of narratives they have.  It has been like that for years.  I wouldn't read anything into it.  Even Rupport Murdoch put some editorials out saying to dump Trump and instantly buried after.  Jan. 6 was Antifa, then it was the FBI, then it was a bunch of peaceful tourists, to many in the cult it didn't even happen...  It was condemned by most on the right, then it wasn't that bad, now it celebrated by some and didn't happen by others.  Go through any scandal of his and the same thing.  Access Hollywood Poo$$y Grab, to paying off the adult star, to having meetings with Russian agents, to holding Ukraine hostage for military supplies in exchange for statements about Hunter Biden, to the hundreds of other things that only despicable pieces of trash would do.  Notice how NOTHING of that is policy...  To think, those are only the trash bins that were uncovered too.  Every one of those scandals starts off with a lie to cover it up, then another different lie, to another different lie.  I have a feeling many supporters do not buy the excuses and just want to be in a dictatorship that assures white power.  For the others that are buying it, I feel sorry for them.  For others that just hate the Dem party, many are waking up.  Others are too proud to give up regardless of how wrong they know they are.  
It truly is the lowest point of modern American politics.  And by this, it is assuring the far left is getting what they want, slowly but surely.  This country's general elections are won by the independents and moderates.  Trumpism is an all out assault on moderates and independents.  Primaries might be won by an energized t-shirt, flag waiving base, but general elections are not.  This will amount to the Dems constantly winning and legislating without compromise which always has to put in some wins for their far left contingent.  Traditionally the bipartisan legislation that seems to be extinct, would weed out most of the extremist ideas.  Fortunately, there are some moderates in each party.  But morons like Trump and his cult are doing what they can to eliminate from the Nazi wing of the GOP.  The talk about socialism, does nothing, when you have a party leader that is a complete POS.  The far left socialists and far right nazis need weeded out of both parties.  Imagine if the far left, AOC or Bernie took over the Dem party?  The GOP would win every election.  How Trumpers and Trump wannabes think their nazi wing won't do the same is just baffling.  
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/16 09:29:07 (permalink)
I just want majority rule.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/16 10:22:27 (permalink)
For every slight glimpse of reality that someone from Fox News admits to, they bury it instantly with the ever evolving talking in circles and changing of narratives they have.  It has been like that for years.  I wouldn't read anything into it. 

If Republicans under perform in the mid terms this fall because trump endorsed nutters can’t win general elections, and his continuous stream of scandals is a drag on the party, there will be a shift.

You’re right, its not going be a single scandal that causes the party leaders and media figures to abandon him. But when people within the party and those that shape the media landscape realize that kissing his @ss isn’t the quickest way to the top, they are going to move away from him.

It may not happen overnight. It may even take multiple election cycles with big losses. But if republicans can’t stay competitive in places like Georgia, and if they lose statewide races in, let’s say Pennsylvania, Ohio, Arizona and Wisconsin all at the same time, I guarantee there will be some changes.

How long do you think the big $$ donors behind the party machine are going to keep dumping money into candidates that don’t win? The big donors don’t care about random nutters like MTG in House seats that represent ruby red districts. They want senators and governors because they are better ROI.

My guess is that alot of folks are sitting back to see how the mid terms play out, and they are going to plan their next move based on those outcomes.
post edited by MyWar - 2022/08/16 10:23:29
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/16 11:10:36 (permalink)
I guess they are tied to it this election cycle.  See if feeding the sheep whatever they want will win.  If it does, we are all in trouble.  If it works for the GOP, then expect it from the Dems as well.  There is a little bit of a difference in "selective" news coverage, which both sides have done forever and this alternate reality that Trumpism is.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/16 20:25:28 (permalink)
That dude from Mercer Co was indicted today. Not sure what kind of time he's looking at , if convicted, but there's a laundry list of chargers.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/17 12:01:44 (permalink)
DOJ should have Durham investigate the Trump raid/FBI being mean to Donald thing.  Acquittal for his highest profile case so far in his other "they are being mean to Donald" investigation.  The DOJ has a 99.6% conviction rate, so have to expect that .4% to come up at some point, right?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/17 14:28:25 (permalink)
Liz Cheney is buh-bye.

Lisa Murkowski lives to fight another day.

Wyoming has one congressional seat, but two senators. If the entire state of Wyoming was one city, that city would barely crack a list of the top 30 most populous cities in the US. Two senators representing the state of Wyoming makes about as much sense as if Fresno had two senators.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/17 18:09:42 (permalink)
Liz Cheney is buh-bye.

Lisa Murkowski lives to fight another day.

Wyoming has one congressional seat, but two senators. If the entire state of Wyoming was one city, that city would barely crack a list of the top 30 most populous cities in the US. Two senators representing the state of Wyoming makes about as much sense as if Fresno had two senators.

So are you saying you would like to change another thing in the Constitution?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/17 21:21:44 (permalink)
Wyoming didn’t even exist when the constitution was written.

Do you think the framers of the constitution would look at the current dysfunctional state of our government, with all of these illogical imbalances of power, and say: “yes this is working just as we intended”?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/18 06:11:05 (permalink)
You didn't exist then either this is still the best government in the world and its not the constitution that causes it to be dysfunctional its the people that are elected that are the reason its screwed up.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/18 09:01:46 (permalink)
You didn't exist then either this is still the best government in the world and its not the constitution that causes it to be dysfunctional its the people that are elected that are the reason its screwed up.

If you said best country in the world, I would agree. 
Best government, I'm guessing there are better than this chitshow, at least I would hope. 
I agree much of it is the dysfunctional people that are elected that have set up laws and other that aren't mentioned at all in the Constitution and not challenged or deemed unconstitutional.  The term itself is subjective on most issues, depending what side controls the Supreme Court.  Much of the political problems IMO are how each state sets up their primary elections.  When it is that party only in the primary, it leads to the most extreme candidates doing the most extreme thing, to show the most opposition to the other hated party, instead of candidates that are policy driven and looking to negotiate middle grounds that could benefit most.  Some states have it set up much better than others to avoid this.  This country as a whole is like no other, with so many different cultures and social systems, geographies, climates, and other that just about anyone can find their happy place.  The country isn't overrun with people like some are, has crime but nothing like some others, the economy is usually very strong.  For those reasons and others, even with the political divisiveness, is most likely the best country in the world.  Without this current divisive political culture, this place would be a much better place.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/18 09:40:22 (permalink)
Things not in the constitution:

1. The filibuster
2. Any mention of “God”
3. Number of justices on the Supreme Court
4. The Electoral “college” as it exists today
5. Judicial Review
6. Apportionment of Representatives

A large chunk of the current dysfunction in our federal government can be traced back to the manipulation or abuse of these 6 things. None of which are in the constitution.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/19 16:37:13 (permalink)
you forgot Abortion I thought is was a constitutional right.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/20 22:06:29 (permalink)
Wow! The Steelers won ugly again; second week in a row.

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/21 20:21:12 (permalink)
Wow! The Steelers won ugly again; second week in a row.

Pickett looking like the real deal. 

That O line though, yikes. 

Remember though. Steelers won a superbowl with one of the worst O Lines!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/21 21:46:05 (permalink)
Preseason win/loss means nothing IMO. Some teams play their starters longer than the other and does it really matter if a team’s third stringers are a little better than another team. NFL usually comes down to injuries to starters. Those with the fewest, usually go the furthest. That said, having a good second string to not drop too far off of the starters will save the season for many. Basically, whoever wins the first half, is really more telling. Even then not all that much.

I do like what I see with Pickett. Trubisky not too bad either. Heck, I would have been just fine with Mason, if they really focused on the O line. I think their line is better than last year. But it is still shaky at best and shambles if any of them get injured.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/21 21:59:23 (permalink)
Didn't seem to matter which offensive line was in there, 1st, 2nd, or third, they just didn't seem to be on the same page on run or pass blocking. Even defensively, there was a few gaping holes due to players in the wrong places or late getting there. At any rate, the objective is to weed out what they don't want and some of those guys may go this week. Sadly, they're rich in running backs and there may be one guy, (forgot the name), who really looks promising and there may not be a roster spot for him, but he'd most likely hook up with another team. Speaking of hooking up, did you guys hear anything on Rudolph possibly goin' to Detroit? Might have been another team. I read too much stuff. Just askin'.

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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/22 11:16:54 (permalink)
I saw that on Rudolph last week, but obviously nothing official or he would be gone…. If they can get something good in return, why not? 50% of the fans gave up on him years ago and appears the coaches have as well. He does know the playbook the best of the three, so would be a valuable back up. He was never going to get a chance at #1 after they signed Trubisky and definitely not after drafting Pickett. If any team hits QB3 as their starter, they aren’t doing anything in the playoffs. So, if they can get something in return, take it. They can get a QB3 for a fraction of the cost. Fans will at least not boo the guy, maybe…
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/22 12:59:42 (permalink)
Baker Mayfield, Drew Lock, Daniel Jones, Jared Goff, Marcus Mariota.....all slated as starters for their respective teams.  My opinion - MR is potentially better than all 5.  I think there will be market for his services and predict he'll be starting for some team this year.  Hoping Pittsburgh can get a 4th round pick for him.
(meant to post this on new Steelers thread!)
post edited by Irisheyeball - 2022/08/22 13:01:35
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