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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/28 14:10:43 (permalink)
Republicans are sad face because Manchin double crossed McConnell on the budget reconciliation bill with all the climate stuff.

It’s probably the first time I can ever recall democrats playing hardball and beating McConnell at his own game. And it’s perhaps the first noble thing manchin has ever done in his life.

Of course republicans are gonna be all “but the democrats made us vote against veterans!!” But cmon, that’s gonna be a hard one to sell. They’ll have to eventually cave on this one.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/28 14:47:06 (permalink)
They got a watered down version of the build back Broke bill Whoopie .NowAfter all there isn;t a recession  the demorats will get off of his back. After all there isn't a recession,inflation is under control,interest rates are low,prices are great,the border is functioning just the way it should,the police are respected and doing fine now that crime is under control.The windmills will look great hope we all can get one for our yards!!   LOL LOL The dimwits want to dump their savior the one responsible for all the above mess and get one whose even dumber than sleepy Joe.LMFAO
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/28 15:30:54 (permalink)
They got a watered down version of the build back Broke bill Whoopie .NowAfter all there isn;t a recession  the demorats will get off of his back. After all there isn't a recession,inflation is under control,interest rates are low,prices are great,the border is functioning just the way it should,the police are respected and doing fine now that crime is under control.The windmills will look great hope we all can get one for our yards!!   LOL LOL The dimwits want to dump their savior the one responsible for all the above mess and get one whose even dumber than sleepy Joe.LMFAO

Thought provoking, insightful analysis, as always. Not even Herschel Walker could’ve said that better.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/28 16:51:38 (permalink)
Maybe BUT All True!!!!!!!! Tell me what isn't MyWar inflation raging is that not true,the border mess is that not true?Crime is up everywhere again is that misinformation ? Even the l;ib press said its a watered down version but better than nothing!And you must not be able to read if you can't see the democratic party is trying to dump you hero. Not one thing i said wasn't a fact.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/28 18:00:08 (permalink)
What’s even weirder is that apparently this semiconductor bill (that republicans had to be tricked into voting for) actually has some pretty good ideas, *and it initially came from people like Pompeo and others in the Trump administration*.

As for the reconciliation package… you can call it “watered down BBB” if you want. It’s incremental nuts and bolts stuff that will actually move the country forward, albeit at a snails pace. Although sinema could still tank it.

It’s just too bad republicans are punishing veteran burn pit victims for McConnell’s naïveté.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/07/28 22:00:18 (permalink)
Sinema is hot!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 01:34:25 (permalink)
Looks like the GOP understood how insanely stupid it was to vote down Veterans bills. Taking their ball and going home backfired, and the flipped SO HARD on that PACT Act. 
Good to see they "came to their senses" and passed it. 

Think about that you Vets on here. They voted down a bill designed to support our Military Veterans - for nothing but spite. Knowing it would help VETERANS - their childish spite was more important than helping. Incredible.

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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 06:15:08 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby JM2 2022/08/08 01:46:24
Gator did you read the bill? It was loaded with unrelated pork 2/3 of the money went for unrelated pork NOT the veterans.If you actually believe those millionaires in congress from both parties actually care about veterans you are sadly mistaken.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 09:57:19 (permalink)
Gator did you read the bill? It was loaded with unrelated pork 2/3 of the money went for unrelated pork NOT the veterans.If you actually believe those millionaires in congress from both parties actually care about veterans you are sadly mistaken.

Ice Nut is 100% correct.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 15:27:52 (permalink)
Moving the spending from discretionary to mandatory is not pork. Ted Cruz and Pat toomey are lying through their teeth as usual.

“Mandatory spending” means it doesn’t have to go through appropriations. It DOES NOT mean that it is spending unrelated to veterans

Toomey is trying to make an argument that this somehow “opens up an opportunity” for increased discretionary spending down the road, but whatever that hypothetical spending could be, IT IS NOT IN THIS BILL.

From the Military Times:

“That theoretical spending would not be included in the PACT Act. But by reducing the total amount of discretionary spending in the non-defense side of the federal budget, future appropriators could have more flexibility to shift money into other non-veteran programs”


So Toomey’s bullshiit argument basically boils down to “we can’t pass a bill that ensures we will spend a lot of money on veterans healthcare right now, because the government might spend more money on other stuff in the future”

It’s downright disgraceful that republicans pulled this stunt and then tried to justify it with this weak, flawed reasoning. But I’m glad they finally got shamed into caving.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 17:03:25 (permalink)

It’s downright disgraceful that republicans pulled this stunt and then tried to justify it with this weak, flawed reasoning. But I’m glad they finally got shamed into caving.

This crap happens all of the time by both sides. Doing whatever they can to disrupt the other side from any sort of win, instead of thinking to work together for a real win for us all. As soon as the GOP gets control again, the Dems will do the same. That is the disgraceful thing about this all.

This doesn’t even come close to that attention seeking clown Pelosi did this week. Asked by the White House and DOD to not do it, the real disgrace of this week, did it anyway. She needs to be pushed out. Her and Biden are just too old and stupid to be in any position of influence. There should be legislation that anyone over 65 needs to retire from politics. Should probably test anyone over 65 to be sane to vote. Why we end up with so many clowns to choose from.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 18:29:31 (permalink)
The Republicans had already passed the exact same bill several weeks earlier, but the 'Crats pulled the old last minute switcheroo that would have enabled them to use the money for anything they wanted. All of the Republicans that were interviewed by the media simply asked for a "clean bill" and they'd send it to the President for signature. It's done now since they changed it back to what it was before and even Jon Stewart is happy now. We must take care of (we/our) veterans.

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 18:37:12 (permalink)
Taiwan is becoming a hornets nest. One major problem is that the US is calling our relationship with Taiwan "strategic ambiguity". Therein lies the BS. How can you say that the US will defend the "nation" but still not call them our ally. As far as I'm concerned, there are two Chinas. The Communist Peoples Republic of China, and the free democratic Republic of China. The PRC thinks they own everything in the South China Sea. BTW, wasn't Taiwan formerly called Formosa? It's been many years since my grade school geography classes but I thought that was settled in '49 or so; after the war?

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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 19:22:16 (permalink)
both sides

Ok but when tho? Like do you have any specific examples of when democrats have opted to play politics instead of passing legislation that helps people?

Because I’m not gonna claim that every democrat in history has been perfect, but I think you’d be hard pressed to find an example of the democratic caucus being this petty.

And to top it off, it’s a *veterans* bill, which is a group of people that republicans go out of their way to pretend to care about. It’s exceptionally shameful, *even for republicans*, and democrats on their worst days aren’t even close.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 19:31:08 (permalink)
but the 'Crats pulled the old last minute switcheroo that would have enabled them to use the money for anything they wanted.

That is not correct. Republicans are lying to you about this. See the link I posted above.

Moving the funds to mandatory spending means this money could be spent without going through appropriations, but that doesn’t mean it would get spent on something else other than veterans care.

The claim is that there now could be more future discretionary spending, which could be spent on other things. But that spending is absolutely not part of this bill.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 19:44:40 (permalink)
The Republicans had already passed the exact same bill several weeks earlier, but the 'Crats pulled the old last minute switcheroo that would have enabled them to use the money for anything they wanted.

Also, there was no switcheroo. The mandatory spending language was in the first bill back in June as well. Republicans are lying about this too.

Here is a crfb post about it from June (before the first bill passed) that goes into it in some detail:

And according to that post, the real problem with the bill is not “pork” or mandatory spending… it’s that the bill calls for a shiitload of money and there are no offsets to pay for it.
post edited by MyWar - 2022/08/07 19:51:14
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 20:08:53 (permalink)
Actually, I’ll add that Toomey, to his credit, did voice the same concerns about the mandatory spending language in the first bill back in June, and he voted against it.

Here is toomey giving a speech about it on the senate floor on June 23


So the language was DEFINITELY in the first bill. And although I don’t buy his argument against the bill, he is at least being consistent.

But you can’t say the same for other 20 R senators that flipped their votes and suddenly had the same concerns as toomey.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/07 20:53:35 (permalink)
Moving the spending from discretionary to mandatory is not pork. Ted Cruz and Pat toomey are lying through their teeth as usual.

“Mandatory spending” means it doesn’t have to go through appropriations. It DOES NOT mean that it is spending unrelated to veterans

Toomey is trying to make an argument that this somehow “opens up an opportunity” for increased discretionary spending down the road, but whatever that hypothetical spending could be, IT IS NOT IN THIS BILL.

From the Military Times:

“That theoretical spending would not be included in the PACT Act. But by reducing the total amount of discretionary spending in the non-defense side of the federal budget, future appropriators could have more flexibility to shift money into other non-veteran programs”


So Toomey’s bullshiit argument basically boils down to “we can’t pass a bill that ensures we will spend a lot of money on veterans healthcare right now, because the government might spend more money on other stuff in the future”

It’s downright disgraceful that republicans pulled this stunt and then tried to justify it with this weak, flawed reasoning. But I’m glad they finally got shamed into caving.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 09:09:19 (permalink)
Did they hire Yunguru to do the subtitles on that video?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 09:44:02 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby fishin coyote 2022/08/08 15:30:05

Ok but when tho? Like do you have any specific examples of when democrats have opted to play politics instead of passing legislation that helps people?

I really hope you are kidding? Even with control, the nutjub wing of the Dem party held the infrastructure bill as hostage to try to further their far left agenda. Look back a few years when GOP had more control. Trump was the biggest chit eater that has ever stepped foot in the Oval Office, but some of the policy passed under him was good for the vast majority of the country. But for some reason, voted against by Dems??? Probably since it wasn’t labeled mandatory spending and some sort of semantics for them to somehow save face. I get it, the GOP is usually a bit more “FU” and sees no issue of taking their ball and going home if not getting their way. But to say that the Dems don’t do it too, is rather blind loyalty. There is a reason the attention seeking old hag Pelosi was chosen to be the Speaker of the House. Same thing with Schumer. Neither are as soulless as McTurtle, but both look party first over anything, best for country isn’t in most of their top 20 priorities.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 15:55:23 (permalink)

Ok but when tho? Like do you have any specific examples of when democrats have opted to play politics instead of passing legislation that helps people?

the Dem party held the infrastructure bill as hostage to try to further their far left agenda. Look back a few years when GOP had more control. Trump was the biggest chit eater that has ever stepped foot in the Oval Office, but some of the policy passed under him was good for the vast majority of the country.

The progressive caucus (not the entire D party) did want support for climate legislation in exchange for support of the infrastructure bill. That is true. Progressives were also completely transparent and honest about their motivations from day one. Progressives never voted Y then changed their vote to N and made up some elaborate bullshiit story to cover their @sses. They said they wanted climate legislation all along because they thought they were gonna get screwed (and up until very recently it looked they would be proven correct).

Now you may not agree with their policy goals, but that’s not what we are talking about here. We are talking about conducting themselves with integrity. So I’m having a hard time seeing “same” with this example.

Also, isn’t this kind of how compromise in public policy is supposed to work? Like you negotiate terms that mutually beneficial to all parties? Republicans don’t even try to negotiate, they just obstruct and then lie about it.

What specific super awesome republican legislation did democrats deliberately and hypocritically sabotage under trump, and then lie about? Funding for the wall?

Also… Look at this inflation reduction budget bill. Bernie sanders tried to get some stuff in there, his amendment got voted down, but he was completely honest his intentions and supported the bill anyway. And it’s gonna pass the house without any further amendments because democrats know it has to get done.

Republicans on the other hand nixed the $35 cap on insulin. I guess you can add diabetics to the list of people that republicans don’t give a shiit about.

I’m not really seeing “both sides” here unless you mean manchin and sinema stubbornly acting like republicans, but that’s not really the same thing.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 16:06:44 (permalink)
There is a reason the attention seeking old hag Pelosi was chosen to be the Speaker of the House. Same thing with Schumer.

Schumer and Pelosi are in those positions because they keep the caucus in line and they can whip votes. I’d love to see some new blood in democrat party leadership roles (add Diane Feinstein to your list too). But younger, inexperienced people won’t be as effective in those roles as Pelosi and Schumer. Managing a caucus that represents an ideology from Joe manchin to Bernie sanders and everything in between is not an easy job.

Congressional democrats actually have a legislative agenda. They actually want to pass bills. Republicans don’t. McConnell wants to pack the courts, but doesn’t really want to do anything else. It’s one of the fundamental differences between the two parties. Republicans don’t really have any kind of real tangible legislative agenda. When democrats are in power, they simply obstruct. When republicans are in power they don’t actually do anything.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 20:34:15 (permalink)
Mar-A-Lago residence raided.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 20:48:00 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2022/08/08 20:52:12
Mar-A-Lago residence raided.

FBI is looking for classified documents that were not supposed to leave the Whitehouse. My question is, why would tRump take them? He's never read anything in his life.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/08/08 20:50:20
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 21:07:22 (permalink)
FBI is looking for classified documents that were not supposed to leave the Whitehouse. My question is, why would tRump take them? He's never read anything in his life.

Obviously, he prefers old documents over Charmin for his wiping.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 22:56:56 (permalink)
That is insane. 

For the FBI to do this, they better have some type of slam dunk. This raid got a lot of signoffs, including the FBI Director who was appointed by Trump himself. 

It's insane to think a former President's home got raided. If they're wrong, wheew boy.

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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/08 23:01:33 (permalink)
That’s it guys I’ve had it. This is the final straw. The woke mob communist DemonRats have finally gone too far.

I’m now a Republican. I’m gonna sell all my fishing gear and give the money to the Trump Legal Defense Fund.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/09 02:23:07 (permalink)
The National Archives just want the records back.  Unfortunately, Trump didn't want to give up his Kim Jung Un love letters so it's taking a search warrant to force compliance.  Gee, I hope he didn't leave any weed out on the coffee table, cause, they can use whatever they find, don't you know?
I wouldn't expect this matter to go much further than retrieval of records.  All you several dozen civil warriors...lay down your arms!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/09 06:35:19 (permalink)
They find alot more if they raided Hunter's or sleepy Joes's beach house but then again the same FBI that couldn't or wouldn't find Hillary's emails.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed? 2022/08/09 07:00:24 (permalink)

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