Helpful ReplySo what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 10:32:59
The two shootings are completely different IMO. I think both would have ended up resorting to use a car or other if no assault rifles available. Do I think they should be a little harder to get, definitely for people like these monsters, but how do we know? I am not sure if it stops the TX massacre and most likely not the NY massacre if assault rifles aren't as easily available. That NY guy had a lot of planning, that he could have easily replaced assault rifle with a car barreling through a crowded area of black people or other. Maybe it is about time that we bring back state hospitals? I believe this was mentioned a few years ago, but no traction. There has to be some sort of mental illness for anyone capable of killing their grandmother that raised them, then innocent children after. There are kids in just about every school in America that we as a society are too chicken chit to "be insensitive to mental illness", that we turn a blind eye to them as future mass murderers. It is almost impossible for public schools to have a kid with any sort of "learning disability" to be removed from their school. No matter how disruptive or how threatening they are to others, beyond actually striking students/teachers on MULTIPLE occasions, then often back in their school a year or so later. Don't get me wrong, not every kid with a learning disorder should be shipped off to a state hospital or other special school. But there clearly are some that should not be covered by this. Many that are in public schools are a clear threat in the making, forced to stay in these schools. They are likely being left out of things by their peers and even picked on by some, turning their already unstable minds to violence. Maybe this TX shooter was or wasn't this type of person, but many mass killers fall into this category and many times their peers are not surprised at all by their actions. These people should have absolutely no means to any firearm. I'm sure there are laws on the books that prohibit already, if not, there should be. I would have no issues with Federal agents and others scouring social media posts, seeing they possibly have firearms, and being put in state hospitals or prison if violating. Those supplying should be held responsible too. Parents of these kids, I feel for, I really do. But to give them access to firearms? There has to be some other activity that you can get them into that doesn't involve the child having any sort of access to a firearm. The Buffalo one is definitely different. This falls on the shoulders of white nationalism being normalized beyond the secret back room meetings of the klan and others. Being spread on social media and other more mainstream media now. In his mind and many others, they are told they are fighting a war and actions like this are justified. Possibly mental illness has this person to the point of taking action like this? These type of massacres have been happening for years. Timothy McViegh and others have been in this "war" or similar "wars" for years before it was normalized like it is now.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 11:39:54
MyWar We’ve become so desensitized to this stuff that a bunch of dead kids barely moves the needle.
The thing is, these types of events are still pretty rare, statistically speaking. Most of the gun violence in this country doesn’t involve mass shootings like this. The only way this stuff ever stops is to get rid of the HUGE amount of firearms in this country and make guns MUCH MUCH harder to obtain FOR EVERYBODY. And that just won’t ever happen, so we are gonna have to live with it and accept it as part of the country we live in.
It’s a terribly sad and depressing way to think about this issue, but at this point, school shootings are as American as apple pie.
I tend to feel the same about this, when it comes to what you noted about not being mass shootings. These are a major cultural issue (not race, but culture), where human life of their rival gang, competition or anyone that "wrongs" them is meaningless to them. Most are not serial killers like the mass shooters (although that term is used in different ways). The amount of guns in the country make it impossible to keep guns out of the hands of these killers. I do think we could do better in keeping guns out of the hands of the deranged mass shooters though. Being more of a mental health and restrictions of firearms to those that suffer from mental health issues, rather than making it harder for all. If that means a mental health screen that "makes it harder" for others, I would hope most wouldn't have issues with that? I'm sure some would have issues with it though.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 11:45:51
Not to pick nits, but none of these shootings used an assault rifle. None.
An assault rifle is a weapon which is capable of fully automatic fire or burst fire. In other words, pulling the trigger once and holding it down will, in the case of fully automatic, the rifle will fire until the trigger is released or all of the ammunition in the magazine is expended and, in the case of burst fire, the rifle will continue to fire until the burst setting is reached, typically 3 rounds, or the trigger is released.
In order for someone to actually purchase an assault rifle, they need to apply for a certain class of license from ATF, a process which takes approximately a year and includes both federal and state background checks, including fingerprints. There has never in the history of the US, since fully automatic weapons were banned in the 30’s (it was originally put in place to stop mob hits, as if that was going to stop them) and reinforced with legislation to update to more modern firearms in 1986 been any one shot with an actual assault rifle.
So those talking about banning assault rifles know not about which they speak.
The AR rifles used, where AR is short for Armalite Rifle, not Assault Rifle (but politicians and the msm never let the facts get in the way of their narrative, even if that includes lying about basic definitions), is a semi-automatic weapon that fires one shot each time the trigger is pulled and does not fire in a fully automatic or burst fashion unless severely modified, which is already illegal and the law meant nothing.
To ban semi-automatic weapons would include AR rifles, used for hunting and predator control in most states, other semi-automatic rifles such as the Browning and a plethora of .22 caliber rifles used for the same, semi-automatic shotguns used primarily for hunting in all states (mostly for waterfowl) and competitive shooting such as sporting clays, technically all over/under shotguns (because it can fire twice with two trigger pulls without needing to be reloaded or recocked) used for both hunting and competitive shooting (all the clay target sports), technically all double action revolvers (because they can fire a cylinder full of rounds before needing to be reloaded) and all semi-automatic handguns. That’s not going to happen.
With over 20,000 gun laws on the books already, why didn’t that stop any of these shootings? Will more laws change that?
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 12:12:11
Porktown The two shootings are completely different IMO. I think both would have ended up resorting to use a car or other if no assault rifles available. Do I think they should be a little harder to get, definitely for people like these monsters, but how do we know? I am not sure if it stops the TX massacre and most likely not the NY massacre if assault rifles aren't as easily available. That NY guy had a lot of planning, that he could have easily replaced assault rifle with a car barreling through a crowded area of black people or other. Maybe it is about time that we bring back state hospitals? I believe this was mentioned a few years ago, but no traction. There has to be some sort of mental illness for anyone capable of killing their grandmother that raised them, then innocent children after. There are kids in just about every school in America that we as a society are too chicken chit to "be insensitive to mental illness", that we turn a blind eye to them as future mass murderers. It is almost impossible for public schools to have a kid with any sort of "learning disability" to be removed from their school. No matter how disruptive or how threatening they are to others, beyond actually striking students/teachers on MULTIPLE occasions, then often back in their school a year or so later. Don't get me wrong, not every kid with a learning disorder should be shipped off to a state hospital or other special school. But there clearly are some that should not be covered by this. Many that are in public schools are a clear threat in the making, forced to stay in these schools. They are likely being left out of things by their peers and even picked on by some, turning their already unstable minds to violence. Maybe this TX shooter was or wasn't this type of person, but many mass killers fall into this category and many times their peers are not surprised at all by their actions. These people should have absolutely no means to any firearm. I'm sure there are laws on the books that prohibit already, if not, there should be. I would have no issues with Federal agents and others scouring social media posts, seeing they possibly have firearms, and being put in state hospitals or prison if violating. Those supplying should be held responsible too. Parents of these kids, I feel for, I really do. But to give them access to firearms? There has to be some other activity that you can get them into that doesn't involve the child having any sort of access to a firearm. The Buffalo one is definitely different. This falls on the shoulders of white nationalism being normalized beyond the secret back room meetings of the klan and others. Being spread on social media and other more mainstream media now. In his mind and many others, they are told they are fighting a war and actions like this are justified. Possibly mental illness has this person to the point of taking action like this? These type of massacres have been happening for years. Timothy McViegh and others have been in this "war" or similar "wars" for years before it was normalized like it is now.
The men bought guns legally, and then used them to cause immense harm in a large scale capacity. Motivations may be different, but the act of purchasing a weapon, purchasing ammunition, and then pressing their fingers on the trigger to extinguish life was the same. The result is the same. When you say "that he could have easily replaced assault rifle with a car barreling through a crowded area of black people or other." this reads to me as a "well it woulda happened anyways" type thought. Maybe. But this line of thinking is dangerous. From a sheer numbers standpoint - it's difficult to drive a car and cause the damage he did into a supermarket. When you start adding variables, all sorts of things come into play. The goal is to protect life. Just because someone may or may not have another way to do something, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to stop the easiest path.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 12:21:18
MyWar We’ve become so desensitized to this stuff that a bunch of dead kids barely moves the needle.
The thing is, these types of events are still pretty rare, statistically speaking. Most of the gun violence in this country doesn’t involve mass shootings like this. The only way this stuff ever stops is to get rid of the HUGE amount of firearms in this country and make guns MUCH MUCH harder to obtain FOR EVERYBODY. And that just won’t ever happen, so we are gonna have to live with it and accept it as part of the country we live in.
It’s a terribly sad and depressing way to think about this issue, but at this point, school shootings are as American as apple pie.
I tend to feel the same about this, when it comes to what you noted about not being mass shootings. These are a major cultural issue (not race, but culture), where human life of their rival gang, competition or anyone that "wrongs" them is meaningless to them. Most are not serial killers like the mass shooters (although that term is used in different ways).
If you’re referring to inner city gun violence, there is also a correlation to poverty, as well as other types of “organized” crime like the illicit drug market. They are all big socioeconomic problems and they are all tied together. Another factor that inflates US gun violence statistics is the number of firearms used in suicides or suicide attempts. So when you dig into the stats a bit, they do tell a more nuanced story. It’s not all mass shootings like Tree of Life and Sandy Hook. That is clear. But the fact remains that as a whole, there is still WAY more gun violence in this country then anywhere else in the world. And the reason for that is pretty simple: we just have way more guns, and they are easy to obtain. I think it’s undeniable that we have problem. But to suggest that the solution to this problem is MORE guns is a batshiit crazy thing to say, and it completely defies logic. I would appreciate it a lot more if pro gun folks would just be honest and admit that their guns are more important to them than the occasional room full of dead kids.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 12:24:56
DarDys Not to pick nits, but none of these shootings used an assault rifle. None.
An assault rifle is a weapon which is capable of fully automatic fire or burst fire. In other words, pulling the trigger once and holding it down will, in the case of fully automatic, the rifle will fire until the trigger is released or all of the ammunition in the magazine is expended and, in the case of burst fire, the rifle will continue to fire until the burst setting is reached, typically 3 rounds, or the trigger is released.
In order for someone to actually purchase an assault rifle, they need to apply for a certain class of license from ATF, a process which takes approximately a year and includes both federal and state background checks, including fingerprints. There has never in the history of the US, since fully automatic weapons were banned in the 30’s (it was originally put in place to stop mob hits, as if that was going to stop them) and reinforced with legislation to update to more modern firearms in 1986 been any one shot with an actual assault rifle.
So those talking about banning assault rifles know not about which they speak.
The AR rifles used, where AR is short for Armalite Rifle, not Assault Rifle (but politicians and the msm never let the facts get in the way of their narrative, even if that includes lying about basic definitions), is a semi-automatic weapon that fires one shot each time the trigger is pulled and does not fire in a fully automatic or burst fashion unless severely modified, which is already illegal and the law meant nothing.
To ban semi-automatic weapons would include AR rifles, used for hunting and predator control in most states, other semi-automatic rifles such as the Browning and a plethora of .22 caliber rifles used for the same, semi-automatic shotguns used primarily for hunting in all states (mostly for waterfowl) and competitive shooting such as sporting clays, technically all over/under shotguns (because it can fire twice with two trigger pulls without needing to be reloaded or recocked) used for both hunting and competitive shooting (all the clay target sports), technically all double action revolvers (because they can fire a cylinder full of rounds before needing to be reloaded) and all semi-automatic handguns. That’s not going to happen.
With over 20,000 gun laws on the books already, why didn’t that stop any of these shootings? Will more laws change that?
You are absolutely nitpicking. Everyone knows what is being referred to in these situations and. You're right, there are different classifications for Assault Rifles. Numbers of laws are completely irrelevant if they're not working. Changes don't need to be made all or nothing. I personally don't ever see the need for a human being to own an AR. You're not going to be in a situation where ya need a 20+ round mag to defend yourself and your family from a group of wild hogs or something. However, I think people should be able to. We just need to make it so that it's not so easy. Background checks, mental health screenings, and a specific permit to purchase these weapons. Use the money from the permit purchases to fund the additional resources needed for the screenings. Surely something along these lines can be agreed to? In this scenario Dardys, If you want to buy a hip new semi auto elephant killin' gun, more power to you. You'll need to get a screening, and wait 2 or 3 weeks and pay a fee. And before anyone starts - I am aware there's unregistered ghost guns, 3d printed guns, existing guns, shootings are done with other guns than AR types and yada yada. I know. Whatabouts don't matter - it's about limiting the impact and accessibility. Sheer numbers game.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 12:58:01
I want to know how he got such easy access to an elementary school, while being chased by the police, on foot? EVERY school that I have been to here in Westmoreland and Allegheny counties has been locked and need to be buzzed in. All sanctioned sporting events have an armed resource officer present through its duration. I would like to think that with all the $ we send to other countries, esp. For the current war, if only some of that was spent on better security at all schools in the US, that there would be less of these least successfully carried out. Mental illness is a big driver in many of these instances. This perpetrator did not have a good home life, by initial accounts. Mom was a drug addict, no mention of a father, being raised by media posts, esp. Recently, very concerning. In the end, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. Many different ways to go a about placing the good guys where they need to be.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 13:44:51
So those talking about banning assault rifles know not about which they speak.
The AR rifles used, where AR is short for Armalite Rifle, not Assault Rifle (but politicians and the msm never let the facts get in the way of their narrative, even if that includes lying about basic definitions), is a semi-automatic weapon that fires one shot each time the trigger is pulled and does not fire in a fully automatic or burst fashion
Not to pick nits but I’ve never heard anybody (and I’ve heard a lot whiny liberal talk about guns) try to argue that “AR” in AR-15 stands for assault rifle. The only people that seem to be repeating this over and over are the “well ackshually” pro gun folks who seem desperate to make the point that the people on the other side of this debate are too ignorant to have a say in the matter.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 14:06:56
eyesandgillz I want to know how he got such easy access to an elementary school, while being chased by the police, on foot? EVERY school that I have been to here in Westmoreland and Allegheny counties has been locked and need to be buzzed in. All sanctioned sporting events have an armed resource officer present through its duration. I would like to think that with all the $ we send to other countries, esp. For the current war, if only some of that was spent on better security at all schools in the US, that there would be less of these least successfully carried out. Mental illness is a big driver in many of these instances. This perpetrator did not have a good home life, by initial accounts. Mom was a drug addict, no mention of a father, being raised by media posts, esp. Recently, very concerning. In the end, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. Many different ways to go a about placing the good guys where they need to be.
Maybe we focus on not letting the bad guy get the gun so easily? In the end of this you're right in this case, but let's keep in mind here: The carnage began with the 18-year-old suspect, identified as Salvador Ramos, shooting his own grandmother, who survived, authorities said.He fled that scene and crashed his car near the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, a town about 80 miles (130 km) west of San Antonio. There he launched a bloody rampage that ended when he was killed, apparently shot by police.The motive was not immediately clear.Law enforcement officers saw the gunman, clad in body armor, emerge from the crashed vehicle carrying a rifle and "engaged" the suspect, who nevertheless managed to charge into the building and open fire, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Sergeant Erick Estrada said on CNN.
So the police/border patrol saw the gunman, BEFORE entering the school, engaged him and weren't able to stop him.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 18:13:36
DarDys In order for someone to actually purchase an assault rifle, they need to apply for a certain class of license from ATF, a process which takes approximately a year and includes both federal and state background checks, including fingerprints. There has never in the history of the US, since fully automatic weapons were banned in the 30’s (it was originally put in place to stop mob hits, as if that was going to stop them) and reinforced with legislation to update to more modern firearms in 1986 been any one shot with an actual assault rifle.
You make an excellent point here. Your information about assault rifles proves gun laws work and the far-right claim of "If guns are outlawed only outlaws would have guns" is a bunch of nonsense. If their claim was true, assault rifles would be the weapon of choice for mass shooters. With that confirmed, banning or heavily regulating the sale of AR-15s should be a step in the right direction. Let them use semi-auto 22s and shotguns, cars etc... The number of deaths would drop. Might even reduce the occurrences since these alternate weapons don't have the killing appeal of the military style AR-15. Your 20,000 gun law statement is all hyperbole and has been discredited many years ago.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/25 20:29:02
DarDys In order for someone to actually purchase an assault rifle, they need to apply for a certain class of license from ATF, a process which takes approximately a year and includes both federal and state background checks, including fingerprints. There has never in the history of the US, since fully automatic weapons were banned in the 30’s (it was originally put in place to stop mob hits, as if that was going to stop them) and reinforced with legislation to update to more modern firearms in 1986 been any one shot with an actual assault rifle.
You make an excellent point here. Your information about assault rifles proves gun laws work and the far-right claim of "If guns are outlawed only outlaws would have guns" is a bunch of nonsense. If their claim was true, assault rifles would be the weapon of choice for mass shooters. With that confirmed, banning or heavily regulating the sale of AR-15s should be a step in the right direction. Let them use semi-auto 22s and shotguns, cars etc... The number of deaths would drop. Might even reduce the occurrences since these alternate weapons don't have the killing appeal of the military style AR-15. Your 20,000 gun law statement is all hyperbole and has been discredited many years ago.
Well said. Dardys isn't wrong about the semi auto nature of guns. It's a simple numbers game. You're going to have a hard time killing 19 kids with a pistol vs an AR.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 00:05:26
So it looks like Dr Oz is gonna be the Republican nominee for that PA senate seat. Anybody see that ad where he pretends to shoot some guns and care about the 2nd amendment? can anybody watch this and not see straight through it for the kind of blatant propaganda it is? Like how is it not totally obvious that Republican voters are being manipulated?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 01:42:54
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 02:05:26
Stay away from the 10-22 gatling gun kits, they jam constantly and a waste of money. The last post, this one and similar contraptions are what the Democrats are trying to make some changes on. Even Donald was in support for the change. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - 2022/05/26 02:14:04
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 07:17:42
MyWar So it looks like Dr Oz is gonna be the Republican nominee for that PA senate seat.
Anybody see that ad where he pretends to shoot some guns and care about the 2nd amendment?
How can anybody watch this and not see straight through it for the kind of blatant propaganda it is? Like how is it not totally obvious that Republican voters are being manipulated?
I believe it went to an automatic recount. I find it a little interesting that McCormick wants ALL ballots counted. Nothing about fraudulent mail-ins or dead people voting or (insert whatever bogus election claim here).... 🙄
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 09:32:23
Yea I saw it went to a recount. It’s a difference of less than 0.1% I think. Im calling it now for Oz though. Recounts hardly ever end up with a result that was different than the initial count.
Oz vs Fetterman / Mastriano vs Shapiro
Those two races have a lot riding on them, and they will be tough races for the GOP with those candidates.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 10:18:05
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 10:21:51
Oz vs Fetterman is easy for Oz to win fetterman is so off the charts radical he makes Bernie Sanders seem like a Conservative. Mastriano on the other hand will be tough Shapiro been around as AG and will be able to dupe you democrats like you were for Sleepy Joe.If the country goes further down the tubes and gas is 10 bucks a gallon it will be a slam dunk for republicans no matter who runs!!!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 11:22:49
Gas could be $50/gal and Shapiro will win. Gas prices and being a treasonous traitor of the nation are two different things. I also don't see Fetterman winning for the exact same reason noted. He did some good things as a mayor of a struggling town, but on a national level, he is much further left than the average Pennsylvanian. I am fine with Oz. Would be good for our state to be represented by a Turkish Muslim. I'm all for diversity. McCormick talked a good fake talk. If he wasn't a hedge fund manager, I wouldn't mind him at all. His service and attending West Point were positives in my judgement. There really aren't many other slimier people in the world than hedge fund managers though. Their job is literally to manipulate stock prices for the average person to lose money, so their ultrarich clients can make a killing from them. Pretty much top of the list of what is wrong in this country.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 13:28:11
ICE NUT Mastriano on the other hand will be tough Shapiro been around as AG and will be able to dupe you democrats.
Shapiro's record speaks for itself. He's taken the Catholic Church and Pedo Presiets to task. He won against opioid makers. He's gone after price gougers, ect ect. Don't know how you could argue against any of that?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 13:41:12
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 13:42:46
I dunno, Fetterman is going to be a much stronger candidate than folks realize. People thought Lamb was going to be tough and the primary wasn’t even close.
It Sherrod Brown can win a senate seat in (much more R leaning) OH, Fetterman can win in PA. I think Brown and Fetterman are actually very very similar candidates, with a very very similar appeal.
I’m not sure the pro legal weed thing is really all that radical any more either. His biggest liability at this point is the question about his health, not policy.
Fetterman will also campaign hard all over the state. He’s willing to go into very red areas, and if anybody can win over the conservative leaning independents outside PA’s urban centers, it’s somebody like Fetterman.
Conversely, I can’t see Oz hitting the pavement and winning any support outside hardcore MAGA land. He’s a carpetbagger that will dump a bunch money into TV and digital advertisements, and maybe try to pull off some Trump style “rallies” and staged photo ops. I really don’t see him building strong grassroots support or enthusiasm.
The recount could still go for McCormick, and I think he would be a tougher opponent for Fetterman. But it’s not gonna be a slam dunk for any Republican candidate running against Fetterman though.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 14:19:54
Yes, we are still here!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 14:48:17
BorgCollective Funny how this never came out during the campaign!
This might win over some conservative voters... I honestly see Oz appealing to a lot of independents and some democrats, regardless if he goes grass roots or not. As McCormick's ads pointed out, the guy is not a far right MAGA nut job and tons of tape to prove it. He honestly comes off as a rather compassionate person on the air, and years of tape of it. Getting the Trump endorsement and possible win of the GOP ticket, both kind of shocked me. I'm not really a fan of either being carpetbaggers, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't do a good job. I'd rather have someone that is 100% PA, but it wouldn't keep me from voting from someone. I fully expect whoever wins to shift to the middle for the actual election. I honestly feel that Oz is the most moderate of those remaining and very likely gets my vote.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 14:48:17
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 14:48:17
Stinky one
post edited by Porktown - 2022/05/26 14:49:39
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 15:22:20
If Oz wins he will get the McCormick voters to vote for him what are they going to do vote for the socialist wack job Fetterman! And the opposite will happen if mcCormick wins he will get the OZ voters. There will be a red wave and it can't happen soon enough!!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 15:40:09
ICE NUT If Oz wins he will get the McCormick voters to vote for him what are they going to do vote for the socialist wack job Fetterman! And the opposite will happen if mcCormick wins he will get the OZ voters. There will be a red wave and it can't happen soon enough!!
There are more registered Dems than Reps in PA. Both of them are going to need to carry the I's and some D's. I can see Oz doing it. Not very likely with McCormick. Not a chance with the governor nutjob.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 15:50:16
Yes but the voters don't show up for the primaries usually just the big presidential elections.In almost every poll i've seen the common theme was big wins for the GOP and with the country swiftly becoming a 3rd World Country,the inflation,crisis at southern border,race relations you name it just about everything the current administration has screwed up change is going to happen!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/05/26 16:58:58
In response to BorgCollective: I am assuming this is a joke. The "chased jogger with shotgun" story has been beat to death in nearly every profile and significant news release on Fetterman. Also, if the point is that this episode is going to hurt his chances, beg to differ. This is supposed to reduce his appeal to the former Trump voters that he's courting? I would think the exact opposite. Couple things about Fetterman. In spite of the Fox-news and right wing attempts to paint him as being some sort of ultra liberal, he is not. Yeah, but that's the story that the GOP is going with, I understand. What he is is what a typical Democrat used to be. Pro-union, pro worker, pro expansion of affordable health care, etc. What he will do is LEAN INTO those designations, not run from them, and that is his appeal...he comes off as authentic and wanting to help his constituents, especially those that may be having a tough go of know....Trump voters. I believe that this campaign will turn on the rather emotional issue of authenticity. Fetterman's got it. The carpet baggers not so much. Which of the following two images is more disturbing to anyone reading this: John Fetterman going on about raising wages, expanding health care or instituting more rational gun laws....or Mehmet Oz tweeting his affinity for shotguns. One of them doesn't smell right to me. To the MAGA-ites I ask this: Which candidate seems more "drain the swampy?" Fetterman or Oz?
post edited by Irisheyeball - 2022/05/26 17:05:25