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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 10:38:03
Porktown I have never heard of a Christian-Right Democrat??? Do they hang out with the Pro-Socialist Conservatives?
Catholics? Many I know vote Dem. but are against abortion and "other" things. This always seemed strange to me. I am a holiday Catholic, and even that has been waning.
Gillz said it right. Even though they are Democrats, while they may support much of what the 'Crats stand for, they do not ascribe to abortion, the blessed sacrament of the party. 'Nuff said on this subject for me.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 10:38:57
I was raised Catholic, our kids also. My mother quit when she got ****ed at during confession for using birth control (7 kids) Lol!! I just send them a check these days.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 11:11:47
crappiefisher snager, maybe they should have solar and heat powered cars. Think it hit 117* over there today. Check this yacht out... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyyDw9KuWWs
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 11:22:12
Most of non-hispanic Catholics vote Republican and has been the case since the 1970s (pretty easy fact to look up). Very likely due to the Roe v. Wade decision and the Democratic party making it a "pillar"of their party since it happened. The Dem party in general seems to be very vocal of supporting it, while the Republican party in general seems very vocal in not supporting it. And like almost every political topic, those of us in the middle have no party representing us. Most "modern" Catholics are not Christian-right by any means (like others here are describing). Unless you consider Eyes and Crappiefisher, religious-right, just for "being Catholic"??? Every one of the Catholics in my family are Republicans (support exceptions to abortion and didn't follow the birth control Catholic rules). Of my parents generation, most did not follow the birth control thing. I'm not sure that I would consider them to be "Christian-right"? Of the Catholics that would be "strict" or "Christian-right", if anyone wants to bet a $40 case of beer, I've got them mostly being Republican.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 14:40:54
Most Catholics I know would be "moderate Republicans"...true conservatives not extremists and generally down to earth/realistic religious types (not big on the rapture and end times stuff). I was raised Catholic and no longer practice. We tried to go back, I wanted to give my kids a chance at religion if they wanted it and we had a great priest in our parish. The second round of molestation issues came up (as in more info about them covering up when cover ups were supposed to be over) at the same time the diocese moved our priest for purely economic reasons and that was it for me. IMO...The reason I see that most Catholics are moderates is that in the Catholic faith a sin is a sin. You can confess it and it can be absolved but not really, there's the whole Purgatory thing hanging over a Catholic's head...forever. In other Christian denominations sinning simply means you're human and are ripe for the savin! That's why the MAGA Christians think Donald is AOK. He's a sinner who GOD has picked! Just like the rest of us! It's also how they justify banging each other's wives. "I have SINNED and am now SAVED AGAIN!"...at least until the next office party.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 15:22:38
Catholic democrats are absolutely a thing. https://www.catholicdemocrats.org/The group formed in response to republicans deliberately courting the religious right in the 80s, which they felt was a deliberate misrepresentation of their faith. Catholics as a national voting block generally break about 50/50, give or take a few percentage points. I’m sure there is alot of regional variation though, and rural Catholics break much harder R whereas urban Catholics break harder D. Other religious groups like evangelicals go MUCH MUCH harder R.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 17:52:48
Here you go. https://www.pewresearch.o...rply-divided-by-party/It mentions abortion, but not specifically “no exceptions” vs at least some exceptions. I doubt many ever thought that would ever be the debate when doing these polls. Back then (beyond a few months ago), most polls seemed to be ban with exceptions vs. anything up to viable fetus.
post edited by Porktown - 2022/09/08 18:22:07
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 19:03:31
Dave you're on a roll Tim you have any info on how Freemasonry (men-only) vote?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 21:38:07
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/08 22:46:18
Porktown Here you go.
It mentions abortion, but not specifically “no exceptions” vs at least some exceptions.
Yeah so it looks like that research also says Catholics break about 50/50, give or take. I went to Catholic school for 12 years, and I I’ve known alot of old school catholic types from work and family friends. My impression is that modern Catholicism is one of the more moderate, almost progressive groups of Christian faith. The brand of Christianity I was exposed to growing up is a far cry from the performative zealotry embraced by the modern religious right. I don’t think abortion is a hard line central issue to Catholics in the way it is to evangelicals. I don’t doubt that many of them morally disapprove of it to some extent, but I don’t think there are as many single issue voters in that group as there are with evangelicals. But that was just personal experience with more “urban” Catholics.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 01:07:02
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 10:02:26
crappiefisher Thanks Pork! https://www.josh.org/real...AW3EAAYASAAEgK8dvD_BwE
They forgot #5. Willing to give their life’s saving to any whacko that claims they agree with them and that giving their money to them brings them closer to Christ. Those TV evilgeicals are the lowest form of life.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 10:18:09
Porktown Here you go.
It mentions abortion, but not specifically “no exceptions” vs at least some exceptions.
Yeah so it looks like that research also says Catholics break about 50/50, give or take.
I went to Catholic school for 12 years, and I I’ve known alot of old school catholic types from work and family friends. My impression is that modern Catholicism is one of the more moderate, almost progressive groups of Christian faith. The brand of Christianity I was exposed to growing up is a far cry from the performative zealotry embraced by the modern religious right.
I don’t think abortion is a hard line central issue to Catholics in the way it is to evangelicals. I don’t doubt that many of them morally disapprove of it to some extent, but I don’t think there are as many single issue voters in that group as there are with evangelicals. But that was just personal experience with more “urban” Catholics.
Note the racial divide too. Hispanic Catholics make up a large percentage of the Democratic portion. I agree with the modern Catholics that I know. I don’t know if any devout modern Catholic like my Grandparents and their community in the South Side was when I was growing up. Their lives revolved around Church. Their kid’s lives revolved around the steel mills and shot and beer culture, showed up for Church maybe, but still identify as Catholic. Many started settling a little further out of town, taking that same mentality to the suburbs. Their kids mostly not revolving their lives around the Church like their grandparents did (I personally don’t know any that do). I don’t know of any rural Catholics, so I really don’t know how devout they are. Maybe that is where these Christian-right Democrats are?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 10:58:42
I mean, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are both Catholic. And nationwide, Catholics are only about 1/4 of the electorate. Also, in comparison, white evangelical Protestants went somewhere around 75-80% Trump in 2020, a pattern that has been relatively consistent for the last several election cycles. This voting block is also about 1/4 of the national electorate. https://news.gallup.com/o...ing-2020-election.aspxAs for what it means to actually be Catholic, or evangelical, or Christian… I think that varies quite a bit. Ezra Klein had an evangelical minister on one of his recent podcasts and they had a pretty good discussion on this topic and how it relates to Dobbs and Trump etc... Their discussion is focused a little more on evangelicals than Catholics tho. It’s definitely worth a listen if the topic interests you. https://open.spotify.com/...5uBcW_DpSBeqpJJ3hb69EQ
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 11:39:22
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 13:25:12
Yes the BIG GUY is doing well the country he was elected to unite(brandon's words) not so much!!!!.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 18:42:29
LDD In other Christian denominations sinning simply means you're human and are ripe for the savin! That's why the MAGA Christians think Donald is AOK. He's a sinner who GOD has picked! Just like the rest of us! It's also how they justify banging each other's wives. "I have SINNED and am now SAVED AGAIN!"...at least until the next office party.
I didn’t realize this sinners ticket. You mean that I could be banging these chicks that I meet on the road, rather than fishing??? WTF! I feel that my choice to just be a good person, thank God every evening and helping others is all a waste now. If I trade that in to act on every urge, it is okay if I go to an evangelical Church? WTF??? I feel Ike there are at least 200 poo$$ees that I could have grabbed and…. Make As$ Grabbing Awesome!
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/09 20:57:32
ICE NUT Yes the BIG GUY is doing well the country he was elected to unite(brandon's words) not so much!!!!.
Was wishful thinking. Bidens done some pretty good things for the country overall recently. A lot of wins, and it won't matter. Trump had obviously much less wins, but even the ones he did have, was overlooked by how much he was hated. I think we're going to be in this "Us or Them" era for quite some time. At least until the radicals stop spouting. (Trump, Boebert, AOC, Omar, Quagmire, etc) Lucky us. I think my favorite meme was the whole: Biden: Let's unite! Magites: F Joe Biden! F joe Biden! Finally, Biden: Hey F you too Magites: Surprised Pikachu Face
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/10 07:50:47
ICE NUT Yes the BIG GUY is doing well the country he was elected to unite(brandon's words) not so much!!!!.
Do you think Biden put a guy like Demetre Daskalakis in charge of the monkey pox response just to troll you personally? Because I think maybe he did.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/10 10:02:06
What can I write here? I understand this is purely a conversation for free communication. How are you guys doing? I'm studying for my exams and I'm really nervous. I don't really know how to write an essay and I think I'm going to fail. I want to find experts who to help me in this situation. They prioritize the safety and reliability of their platform and help people improve their grades, whether they are high school or college students.
post edited by Helen09 - 2022/10/12 07:20:31
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/11 09:14:32
LDD In other Christian denominations sinning simply means you're human and are ripe for the savin! That's why the MAGA Christians think Donald is AOK. He's a sinner who GOD has picked! Just like the rest of us! It's also how they justify banging each other's wives. "I have SINNED and am now SAVED AGAIN!"...at least until the next office party.
I didn’t realize this sinners ticket. You mean that I could be banging these chicks that I meet on the road, rather than fishing??? WTF! I feel that my choice to just be a good person, thank God every evening and helping others is all a waste now. If I trade that in to act on every urge, it is okay if I go to an evangelical Church? WTF??? I feel Ike there are at least 200 poo$$ees that I could have grabbed and…. Make As$ Grabbing Awesome!
Yes, a loving God will always forgive you and the sinning church population will welcome you with open arms. Your wife, not so much...
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/15 18:47:04
Dark Brandon strikes again.  Haven't seen the details of the deal yet, but once again the memes are fantastic. The absolute highjacking of the Brandon Meme, and turning it against their creators. *Chefs Kiss*
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/15 21:53:47
From some of the details I read earlier today the union made out. Immediate 14% pay raise, no health insurance increase, family time off and a few other perks. Having been in a union and on a contract negotiation team I wonder what the RR got out of the deal. Seeing that the government was involved it probably has something to do with subsidies or tax breaks
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/15 22:19:26
I don’t think I really have a problem with the railroad workers getting a good deal here. From what I have read, they were dealing with pretty shiitty working conditions.
If the government stepped in and gave the railroad workers some additional leverage, I’m not sure I have a problem with that either. It’s not like management was ever gonna give an inch or willingly sacrifice a dime of corporate profits to give their employees better working conditions. If tax breaks and subsidies result in tangible benefits to workers, isn’t that actually kind of an ideal solution?
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/15 22:50:21
☄ Helpfulby LDD 2022/09/16 11:05:52
I don’t really care how it got done as long as it did. If the union made out better than the RR, great. Because if the RR workers go on strike as the country is climbing out of the covid supply chain nightmare, the american people are screwed and the economy probably collapses.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/15 23:15:41
fishin coyote Because if the RR workers go on strike as the country is climbing out of the covid supply chain nightmare, the american people are screwed and the economy probably collapses.
Oh I couldn’t agree more. This would have been god awful timing, and this was a clutch save. It’s also kind of shocking to me how little attention this seems to be getting. Seems like a whole lot of people were totally unaware of how close we came to our economic situation getting 10x worse overnight.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/09/16 01:10:32
Thanks for the info Yote. MyWar
fishin coyote Because if the RR workers go on strike as the country is climbing out of the covid supply chain nightmare, the american people are screwed and the economy probably collapses.
Oh I couldn’t agree more. This would have been god awful timing, and this was a clutch save.
It’s also kind of shocking to me how little attention this seems to be getting. Seems like a whole lot of people were totally unaware of how close we came to our economic situation getting 10x worse overnight.
Agreed. Lot of folks just weren't aware. Good news though, whew.
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Re: So what is OFF TOPIC allowed?
2022/11/19 22:31:33