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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/11 09:23:44
post edited by snagr - 2023/05/11 09:24:49
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/11 18:41:58
MyWar Been hitting glade run a bunch this spring. Practicing some trout techniques on the stockies for the trip to Colorado in July.
Started throwing the senko around yesterday about an hour before sundown yesterday and got a bunch of bass. Got one fat 18” and some smaller ones. Is it just me or is that lake just polluted with stunted bass? I’ve been fishing it in the spring for the last three years, and I think it was refilled in what, 2018? All I kept hearing was “wait a few years” but I don’t feel like the bass are getting any bigger.
Takes about 8 years for a bass in PA to grow to about 3#. Refilling and stocking was in 2017.
When GL was refilled it was stocked with fingerling bass plus a bunch of forage species, along with some crappies and channel cat fingerlings. It’s received a few bigger bass when other nearby lakes have been drained for repairs and the PFBC transferred them to GL.
So yeah, wait a few years.
Yea, I get that. I’m not expecting it to be full of 3 lb fish. My observation is mainly that I don’t think the average size fish I’m catching has increased in the last 3 years. I’d say the average size fish I’ve caught this year was like 8” - 10”, which is about the same it seemed to be back in 2020. Lots of fish, but no size. That one 18” was probably getting into 3lb territory, but she didn’t grow from a fingerling in that lake. I know they put some large adult bass in there too, so I’d bet she came from wherever those fish came from. So I’m just wondering if anybody else has noticed the average size increasing. Or maybe it’s just my experience? I usually only fish it for awhile in the spring as kind of a warm up lake before I start hitting the rivers. So I also know I’m working with a small sample size.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/12 09:35:15
Haven't been out for a good bit. With kids' activities and getting this garden in, I got zero time. I ordered a 30HP from Allen up at Lake Road Marine. Hopefully, it's in today or early part of next week. I'll get it put on and broke in at Shenago, then it's northward bound for another season on the Big Lake.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/13 00:50:30
Did you get the 20 HP cover with it? Lol Picked up a camo Radisson 12ft square back this evening with foam seats and two paddles. Man powered smh
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/13 19:26:36
crappiefisher Did you get the 20 HP cover with it? Lol Picked up a camo Radisson 12ft square back this evening with foam seats and two paddles. Man powered smh
I won't do any "local" fishin until late fall anyways. I'll put the 20 on a motor stand then just swap them out when it comes time. Although.... I haven't seen a Park officer or Game Comissioner out Moraine in years. Heck, I heard someone had a jet ski out there last summer. 😳 don't know why I'd worry about runnin a 30😄.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/13 22:23:04
Back in the day they gave you a 10hp cover for the 15 -- 20hp motors. Now it's a 20 cover for the 30hp. Nothing changes.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/13 22:44:30
That 30 is 3 cylinder. No one in their right mind would believe it's 20, you would think. First it was 15 carbs on the 9.9s. Then when Tohatsu came out with the 18s, everyone had a 9.9 cover on those. Makes me laugh when I see a guy screaming across the lake with a "20HP" motor. I think to myself... "That 25 pushes that boat pretty good buddy". 😆
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/14 00:05:26
I had a 5HP 4 cylinder Evinrude Lol!
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/14 21:41:34
I'm a Mercury guy, but if I had the jing for a new motor, (too much horsepower for Arthur or Pymie), I think I'd go with a 25 Yamaha. The 20 and 25 Yamaha is the same powerhead, so 20 decals would work, (only the serial number would tell the difference). I have the Merc Classic 50 tiller on my 16' Sylvan Backtroller, (45hp), but I know what the 25 Yamie will do on a heavier boat like the Lund Rebel 'cause that's what we use at the Lodge in Canada, and those boats are old with waterlogged flotation and they still get up on plane fairly easy. Both the Merc 25 and 30 and the Honda 25 and 30s are 3 cylinders, and much larger. The Yamaha 20/25 has the largest displacement, 433CCs, and therefore shouldn't have to work as hard. 20 would be ok on the lakes, but I fish mostly on the river and if I'm gonna make a 6 mile run, I'd want the extra horses. Funny thing. All the small Mercs are made by Tohatsu but the equal size Tohatsu costs lest and has a better warranty. Go figure!
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/15 14:12:12
Evinrude stopped producing motors in 2020.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/15 14:15:00
I'm waiting on a 30 Tohatsu. Power trim n tilt. 6 gal tank. Should be this week. 🤞
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/17 09:07:40
We weren't fishing but, wife wanted to go for a walk on a trail so we took a ride over to the lower Montour trail along Peter's Creek on Mother's day. Good, clear water. Every deep hole held trout. Lots of people out fishing, but spread out. Didn't see anyone landing anything other than creek chubs though. Did see a nice 20"+ palamino too. Lots of wildlife out and about, including water snakes everywhere along the stream. Son was mad he didn't have a fishing pole with him. Had a picnic lunch then drove up to the "luxury" theatre in Century Square to watch the new Guardians of the Galaxy flick. Guess I should buy my license, even though time is at a premium right now.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/17 20:44:16
Those Peters fish will be boiled in a few weeks. That water gets warm and rather nasty filled with string algae during the summer. It is nice that they stock the heck out of it and I think mostly C&R. Not much other trout opportunities in the area, so it was a good move by PFBC in that regard. I’m not sure how often it is stocked in the fall, but know it gets a good bit in the spring. It also gets hammered the first few weeks of the season.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/30 11:30:37
Anyone hit the Big Lake this weekend? If I can get this motor completely broke in today, I'm thinking about tomorrow or Thrusday.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/30 14:13:36
I fished out of Dunkirk on Sunday and Monday, caught a few eyes and perch in 40-50 FOW.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/05/31 22:57:04
Lots of smallmouth in their summer patterns in the yough. Water was over 70 degrees the last few days, I’m guessing they are mostly done spawning.
Fished around whitsett for a couple hours after work today, got about 10 bass including a couple chunks, plus a decent bonus rainbow and a big sauger, both of which weirdly hit a ned rig TRD. Should have brought a fish bag with ice for those two.
Might drive up to Parker after work Friday. I took the kayak up there one day late last summer and did pretty well considering it was new water. I’m trying to fish the Allegheny more this summer. Also wondering if I can put the boat in the Allegheny up around Parker or Emlenton, or if I’d be better off sticking to a kayak. So I’ll be scouting for that a bit.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 01:33:39
I was around the Agh near pool 9. I have no experience there and didn't do well.
You say you used Neds on the Yough, I may give em a shot on the Allegheny. I was mainly tossin a KastMaster around without much luck. I guess a Twister grub would work too - always did as a kid down at the Rivers.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 08:58:30
DeadGator401 I was around the Agh near pool 9. I have no experience there and didn't do well.
You say you used Neds on the Yough, I may give em a shot on the Allegheny. I was mainly tossin a KastMaster around without much luck. I guess a Twister grub would work too - always did as a kid down at the Rivers.
The pools on the Allegheny might fish differently, but I’d think anything you can kind of drag or skip across a rocky bottom should get some bass. In my experience, jig heads like neds or bitsy bugs work pretty well without getting hung up constantly. I also think the special sauce with the ned rig is that buoyant Z man plastic that keeps the bait kind of upright, so you don’t get as many snags.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 09:57:19
Neds are deadly in the free flowing section of the Allegheny, French and Oil Creek (tbh anywhere smallies are). 1) Ned Zman Finesse TRD 2) Terminator Finesse jig with a Zoom Ultra Vibe Speed Craw 3) Fluke style bait that is weightless and nose hooked. There is a custom lure company in eastern PA that makes them.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 12:05:33
psu_fish Neds are deadly in the free flowing section of the Allegheny, French and Oil Creek (tbh anywhere smallies are).
They really are. The TRDs seem like they get bit constantly sometimes and it’s hard to keep the little ones off the bait. I like the Zman fluke style bait too, I think it’s called an Easy Shiner. You don’t get quite as many of the little ones hitting those. Black and gold is my favorite but honestly I’m not sure if color makes too much difference as long as it looks natural, which most Zman patterns are pretty natural looking.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 15:57:36
How are you guys fishing those TRD's in current? I still tend to get them hung up on ned heads. They float if not using a head. I'm guessing different heads for shallows and pools, which kind of stinks since I am usually hitting both within a few casts of each other. I was trying Zoom Flukes this weekend. Had more hits dead drifting them than putting action to them. I did the spiral nose hook holder rig. In current, they flop back and forth like swimming, but are upside down...
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 16:29:04
I cast at 45 degree angle downstream as the boat is floating. Drag and pull the ned. Franklin area, the river is 3.5 fow or less mostly.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 17:03:18
I use the TRDs with that classic flat ned head shape all the time, either 1/10 or 1/8. I think you get fewer snags by throwing directly into current. As you start to get sideways into current, my theory is that you start to get more bow in the line than can basically get threaded into rocks. So I try to position myself directly downstream from the area I want to pitch the ned to, if I can. It depends on the rock bottom type too. There are some areas where no matter what you do, you’re gonna get hung up. But those ned heads slide over smoother rock bottoms a lot better than you might think. There’s also some subtle stuff you can do when working the bait. If it’s a super snaggy bottom then you can kind of skip it across the bottom a little quicker as opposed to straight slow dragging it. I usually try to do that when I’m casting more perpendicular to the current. After you spend some time throwing them you start to get a feel for how much bottom contact you can get away with before you end up in snag city. You still get hung up though. When you’re wading or in a kayak, you can usually wade or paddle over and just pop it free.
post edited by MyWar - 2023/06/01 17:05:32
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/01 18:37:38
Awesome. Much appreciated.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/02 23:49:46
Another afternoon of slamming smallies. This hot weather must be making them go crazy.
I drove up to Parker and paddled/waded from the canoe launch to up around the bridge. Ned rigs with those Zman jerk Shads were the ticket. Black and gold seemed to get bit most often. Got a bunch including a 19”
That stringy algae is really bad in that area. You definitely can’t throw ned rigs in that crap. Might head up a little further to Emlenton next and scope that section of the river out. I’ve never fished it.
I also biked the red bank creek trail last weekend, and holy shiit does that look like some fun water. I bike up there at least once a year but I still haven’t put a line in it yet. I’m definitely gonna try to either float a section on a kayak or bike/wade/fish it this summer. We rode the 20 miles between the mouth and New Bethlehem on Memorial Day weekend and I think I saw maybe 3 or 4 kayaks total. It gets no pressure.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/03 08:53:37
I had fun on the Yough yesterday. Didn’t get a chance to use the TRDs, “senkos” (dingers/stickos) were doing the job. Had a ton of takes on Zoom Flukes, but didn’t hook any. All using the head hook since I didn’t want to retie, imagine worm hook would have landed more biting further back. Was great wading in the 90 degree afternoon.
That Redbank area looks awesome.
I’ve got to make a trip to Arthur at some point, but hard to head up there to sweat my rear off and struggle to avoid a skunking…
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/04 12:34:39
Hauled the boat up to wilhelm yesterday. First time putting it in the water.
Kinda windy and the water was surprisingly murky since we haven’t had much rain recently.
Got one stud largemouth and a handful of smaller ones. That lake is super chill compared to Arthur. Might try to get up there more often this year.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/06 07:39:16
The youngest has a basketball camp this weekend up Erie. Hopefully we can get a couple days of fishing in, but with this front blowing through I'm not too optimistic. Right now it looks like Saturday and Sunday might hold some promise. Only time will tell. 🤞.
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/08 09:45:59
Looks like the weather is going to be fine, but our plans got all changed around. No fishin for us this weekend. I guess we have all summer to make up for a couple lost days. 😕
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Re: anyone fishing
2023/06/09 11:44:08
Have you had a chance to try out the new motor? How is it? I need to find a Moraine legal kicker motor.
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