Re: Well how about the new Sat. opener ?
2019/12/21 08:23:16
Again, don’t tell me what is going on in my backyard.
I’ve lived on this property for five years. I lived 800 yards away for the previous 26 years.
I walk this ground on almost a daily basis.
The surrounding ground has been in those families for over 50 years. They farm and are on the ground on a daily basis.
Sure, some deer move out. Sure, some deer move in. But be because of my location, darn near geographicly centered, within this 1,800 acre ball of private parcels, the ones that move out and in permanently are those on the periphery sides where they can (two sides they can’t because of towns). Those in the middle move in and out of my location to other properties within the parcel and the genes never really leave.
Again, I’m sorry that empirical evidence doesn’t support your narrative.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad
Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.