Helpful ReplyAgain??
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I have no idea what your referring to by the “truth sting” comment. My range you quoted was a blanket so a person wouldn’t say “try 45 years of hunting, you only wrote 30 years...”
Hunting and fishing should involve memories, no one is down playing that (check my comment if “cherished stories”)
Ultimately your years hunting do not capture the whole picture of the pa wilds. Just as mine do not either.
Still no data proving AR did not help the age structure...
Big Tuna
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After you kill 60 bucks maybe you can speak about your limited time left to hunt. Good day RICHARD.
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That’s impressive seeing there isn’t any deer! Rock on dude!
post edited by anzomcik - 2018/01/13 11:47:39
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Big Tuna Thank you PGC for the opportunity to bag monster bucks and get in on the wiener measuring content.
Big Tuna After you kill 60 bucks maybe you can speak about your limited time left to hunt. Good day RICHARD.
I get it, if it’s inches on a rack it’s a “Wiener measuring contest” but if it’s number of deer dead it’s a standard to speak. Hmmm very convenient to over look one but honor the other. I thought people back then didn’t care about numbers... it must be since AR hunters learned how to count you know to count points before shooting
post edited by anzomcik - 2018/01/13 12:47:49
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There should be more deer and bigger bucks today even without AR's ! 1982 -1.3 million hunters in Pa. or license sold .....2017 - around 900k So what is it, the AR's or the 400k less hunters that's actually working on making bigger bucks ? I'd still like to know why the Pa.Game Commission got into the business of raising bigger bucks rather than simply managing the deer herd like they did for many years ? Just like the Fish Commission ask the Trout fishermen a few years back would you like quality or quantity on the stockings ? Most decided on the quality so limits were cut along with stocking numbers. Seemed great for a few years you have less quality and less quantity both ! How nice that worked out ! More taste..... less filling ? More antlers..... less shooting ?
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Captain one of the few things I enjoyed while driving for a living, was seeing the massive jaw dropping bucks while running I80/90 across the Buckeye. The racks were massive on those deer and it wasn't uncommon to see half a dozen buck feeding in a field, that would have the Drury Bros. drooling. Drove I80 at night, across the Keystone for ten years, and you could bet your bottom dollar on seeing many deer feeding along the shoulder, in the same area along the highway every night. Clearfield and Union County were areas where numbers of deer would be seen every trip, including hunting season. The entrance to the EB road rest at mile post 195, just before Union County, was always active with deer. What was interesting, upwards of six rigs would leave West Middlesex at the same time every night, East bound with freight, headed to various parts of the Eastern US. Three of those trucks were piloted by drivers that lived and hunted the Buckeye and the other three drivers were from PA so hunting or fishing was usually discussed and of course, reports of "Bambi" having dinner along the highway was always passed along the airwaves. As PA hunting rules changed and time passed, the numbers of deer dwindled to a point where few if any were being seen in the once popular spots thereby turning the conversation to, where have all the deer gone? The reduction in the deer herd was so noticeable there was far less roadkill to be seen. Speaking of the Buckeye anybody ever hunt "The Triangle"?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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No doubt Ohio has some huge size bucks as compared to Pa. not as many, but over all much bigger. One only has to attend an Ohio Big Buck display, something they use to do or maybe they still do, to see those Buckeye monsters. Never seen Pa. put one on wish they would someday. Southern Ohio boost possibly the next future world record buck I'd say it's possible . But seeing deer in northern Ohio is rare, especially northeast Ohio along Rt. 7 or Rt. 11. heading north, just hardly a deer ever seen. I'll take Pa. for overall deer hunting. Some areas in Pa. are still loaded with good deer numbers ,one only has to walk the woods after a fresh snow and be amazed at the amount of deer tracks ,or shine a light after hunting season has passed. Of course one deer can make a lot of tracks in one night ,but I'm amazed at how many different tracks one sees without seeing deer. The area I hunt is still holding good deer numbers, but the legal bucks elude my scope for years. Just not seeing any difference in bigger bucks at all, seems to be plenty of doe around, but that has been common in this area for the past years I've hunted here. One change that has been noticeable is the lack of hunters and shots being fired on both opening days of antler and antlerless season. Also the amount of posted land continues to steadily increase. These hunting changes I've noticed ! Mailmen , truckers , delivery drivers would notice a difference in deer numbers in areas traveled daily I surely don't doubt that. I watched wild turkey numbers grow , explode , and drop off just observing fields on my daily travels to work over the years. Daily eyeballing fields is still a good way to observe wild animal numbers decreasing or increasing over the years.
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Numbers VS area, definitely true with deer/hunter population as well as acres of land posted. You may recall me ranting about both over the past several years and you may even remember my original Avatar was a "POSTED" sign, bringing about the handle BeenThereDoneThat because I have and would post all the land around me, if I only owned it  . The first five years living in my area, it was nothing to watch a dozen or better White Tails feeding in our fields. I have pictures of fawns playing 20 yards off my front porch, deer eating grass beside my swimming pool than the past 6 years a sudden influx of large Amish family's and just as sudden a drastic drop in the deer herd. Welllll alrighty then.. just what the PGC biologist wanted, less doe with more buck over the age of 1.5 years to breed those fewer doe thereby, producing the... producing, ummmm what was that we were suppose to be seeing.... oh yeah, a mass reduction in the deer population. As for tracks in the snow, definitely a way to scout for deer and yes one deer can make a lot of tracks but following a fresh trail should reveal several sets of tracks, if in fact several deer are on a given trail. Where I hunt, there are beaten trails and there is no need for snow to see the trails are active. However, it becomes depressing when it does snow because the fresh tracks displayed, are nowhere the numbers there once was. My neighbor and I have been hunting the same area the past 11 years and just this year my neighbor shot a legal buck. As for me, I may have allowed my first to pass by, as the sun sank behind the hills the last day of firearms. The buck was better than 150 yds and I don't have one of them $1000.00 scopes to get a good look see at brow tines but, it was a buck. Heck, maybe I'll get em next year!! Did I mention my field cams, of which two are active year round and so far, I have one picture of a legal buck (in five years) that I must say, he was a dandy. That was three years ago and I doubt he had many seasons to "pass on his genes", the deer was "harvested" about 1/2 mile (as the crow fly's) from my place, on posted property. I still have that picture and though taken at night, he was just so damed cute!! I'd be willing to bet that picture could tell two entirely different stories. One, I say it's the only big buck seen in a given area over five year period, bolstering my feelings toward ARs. Two, the PGC will take that picture and publish it around the state under the caption ARs are working. Priceless!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/01/16 10:20:21
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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I truly enjoy hunting Ohio more than Pa. I've been doing since 92 and my son has been hunting there since he was a teenager. I have seen some real nice deer and we've got several deer in the 125-137 inch range,not the monsters but definitely not deer most would pass. Definitely a big decline in the deer herd in Pa. I've haven't noticed a huge change in legal deer,maybe more 2.5 year but that's understandable. It's funny for years and I mean years I always shot a 7-9 pt. bucks in Beaver county. Now with the AR I definitely see more young 1.5 year old deer that don't have 8 pts. Why? Before the AR I killed a ton of basket rack deer. In Pa this year I think I saw 9 different bucks in bow season and one was a nice 8pts with a 17"-18" spread. So one would think that next year is the year,but I've been saying that every year since the AR began.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2018/01/16 12:34:07
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BeenThereDoneThat. Speaking of the Buckeye anybody ever hunt "The Triangle"?
Muskingum, Licking, Knox Counties? Why yes I have. About 4 years ago. Didn't get a buck but saw some great deer and a lot of deer. The agriculture there is jaw dropping compared to what we see in Pennsylvania.
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DPMS the agriculture/food supply in the "Triangle" certainly is different. Having hunted that area yourself, would you recommend the "triangle" to a person looking for a place to hunt in Ohio? The agriculture along the I80/90 in the Buckeye is also so much different than just seeing field corn, soy bean and hay, especially in the northwest. Not being a biologist (and only seeing the difference over the years) I need ask, might the difference in food supply be responsible for such a difference, seen between the Ohio and PA deer?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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BeenThereDoneThat. DPMS the agriculture/food supply in the "Triangle" certainly is different. Having hunted that area yourself, would you recommend the "triangle" to a person looking for a place to hunt in Ohio? Yes, if you have a place to hunt. Mostly all private ground and a lot of it is leased up by hunters or outfitters. I was one a outfitted hunt and hunted 4 different farms there in a week. Not being a biologist (and only seeing the difference over the years) I need ask, might the difference in food supply be responsible for such a difference, seen between the Ohio and PA deer.
Food is better. Soil is better. Age class of the bucks is better. Less hunters. And the average hunter, especially archery hunters which there are more of in Ohio than rifle hunters, are more selective than the average hunter in Pa.
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I hear ya on the private property which kinda sucks but listen to me, I'd post every acre around me if I owned it. Not funny I know but neither is the situation with the deer numbers dwindling the way they have in the past 6 years. Nothing against a family shooting deer for food. The problem is the number of members per family each having access to a buck and three doe tags and they all have and take the time to fill those tags. As for being more selective, easy to understand when you know you have more to be selective about. Can't tell how many times it's been discussed on this forum, guys passing up first kill in hopes of a bruiser only to end up taking a doe by seasons end. Speaking of more archers than rifle hunters, I've heard that as being a factor with more deer and bigger bucks in Ohio. Archery, slug guns and black powder being the only weapons permitted in certain areas, lends to a greater fair chase, thereby more deer escape. There's an idea, if lack of rifles can be attributed for deer getting older, bigger and sport massive racks on the bucks, perhaps PA could change the rules to no rifles for buck. Bet that would go over well.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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BeenThereDoneThat. There's an idea, if lack of rifles can be attributed for deer getting older, bigger and sport massive racks on the bucks, perhaps PA could change the rules to no rifles for buck. Bet that would go over well.
I don't think that shotgun only would make much difference here in Pa as most rifle shots are under 100 yards anyways.
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Boy, ain't that the truth, I sure remember the days when fifty yards was about the max with black powder or a slug. No inline with scopes or the engineered rifle loads available as is today and slugs were fired through a shotgun barrel, not a rifle barrel. I guess the PGC didn't see that coming when they made the changes with muzzle loaders or slug guns. For lack of practice with my compound this year, I turned to a crossbow for late season archery. Geez the memories I had going back to the days of the re-curve and long bow. I suppose some guys could place a kill shot at 40 yards or so back then but I sure wouldn't have tried it. However the scope on my crossbow, sure makes it easy to whack a 3D at 40 yds. Problem is, 3Ds just don't make good baloney and I couldn't find one of those stupid deer to shoot at. Oh well, I'll get em next year or maybe the year after. Good luck if you are still out and about.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/01/16 19:44:36
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Yea I remember when they called a bow a primitive weapon . Most of Ohio is just too flat and open for rifle shooting, but they have had crossbows for ever. Don't think they've ever had a million hunters either. Western NY is almost like Ohio, shotguns only, not many bucks or deer period compared to Pa., but they too produce some monster bucks also. Less hunters , private land , no rifles, shorter seasons or restrictions = bigger rack mature bucks . Gradually takes all the hunting competition away too, just like the pros have on TV. Won't be long for Pa. we got 3 out of 4.
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Least not forget Captain, less and less land to hunt. Take the triangle DPMs hunted 4 years ago, I learned of that area more then 15 years ago and don't remember the drivers from Ohio ever talking about the need for an outfitter or the lack of public land. Hell, in this past issue of the Area Shopper, someone is looking for land to lease for the purpose of deer hunting. Just a matter of time.........
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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BeenThereDoneThat. Good luck if you are still out and about.
Thanks. I will need it. Everything the past couple of weeks has been on the wrong side of my stand on my evening hunts. Tracks in the snow are telling me they have been all around my stand when I am not there. Next hunt will be Friday afternoon.
My rifle is a black rifle
Big Tuna
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I did a little fishing yesterday,ton on drink crappie nothing to fry. My son and I quit a little before deer time,and drove to one of my old haunts. It's in 2B special regulations area. I got a pleasant surprise,saw a string of 6 doe heading to the road we where on. I pulled off and shut the truck off. They stopped 30 yards short of the back woods road. I saw movement coming down the hill first one a very respectable 8pts followed by a by 10 pts followed by a small 4 pts. They where in hot pursuit of a smaller doe that I assume is in heat. Watched them for 15 minutes playing chasing,even a button buck got in on the fun. With the warm up coming,I'm pretty sure I'll in that woods a couple of times next week. You got to take advantage of LIMITED TIME HUNTING.
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Female fawns in good condition will be coming into heat this time of the year. It can be a good time to catch a buck if one still has a antlered tag.
My rifle is a black rifle
Big Tuna
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dmps,I know that been hunting a while. No disrespect but......
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Big Tuna dmps,I know that been hunting a while. No disrespect but......
I think you mistook took my post as somehow trying to "school" you. I din't intend that but was making a general comment about this time of the year after reading your post.
My rifle is a black rifle