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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/12 20:39:33
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:40:02
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/20 00:25:39
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:40:37
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/20 18:24:43
That's what my friend nick said. He's been on ice check all week. Sounds like we may try for some crappies tomorrow.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/20 01:16:33
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/21 16:49:39
Any body know if the muddy creek arm is ice FREE ??? Thinking I might take the boat up in the morning. I know the most of the main lake was open but muddy creek was still had ice about half way up saturday. Thankz Dave
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/21 18:11:31
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:41:13
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/21 18:42:21
Thanks Chris I may still head up and see where I might be able get into a couple fish.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/22 19:19:02
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:41:45
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/22 20:49:30
If you're launching a boat, use the big launches. The upper 528 launch is too low for my lund and tonight I tried launching it at Porters cove and couldn't even get it half way into the lake before my trailer bottomed out. Hope they start working on the launches soon so they can get the lake back up to normal level before too long. The good news is that the geese love the mud flats all over the lake. At least that will be good news till Saturday. Once hunting season is over, I wish they'd all leave. :)
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/23 05:43:25
Nah, I ended up going to the river. The wind was quite nasty. Caught a couple channels the Flathead didn't want to play. Will be heading up to the lake this morning. Startin thanks for the heads up on the docks. Was planning on launching at the 528 bridge.Seen the other day bear run launch would impossible to go out of. If you guys see me out there flag me down Dave
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/23 16:42:06
Any one launching from the 528 bridge BE CAREFUL NOT TO BACK IN TO FAR VERY BAD DROP OFF. Totally busted up my trailer this morning trying to get out of the water. Bent the tongue,side rail's, leaf spring shackle. Not sure I will ever be able to get the trailer straight. The only thing I can do try to straighten the tongue and somehow get the axle tracking right. Other than that the side rails will have to do.
post edited by BIGHEAD - 2012/02/23 18:10:33
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/23 17:58:10
oh no!.....thats freaking tragic....i think i woulda died on the spot. was the fishing worth it or was this an all round epic fail?
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/23 18:14:29
Your right it is a Freaking tragic!!!!!!!!1 I did manage around a 40 Inch musky and a dink pike. But surely not worth busting my trailer up.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 08:21:23
That sucks about the trailer. Hopefully they bring the water level back up, especially if the weather stays on the warmer side, and know boaters are going to be out. I can't imagine they are anticipating any snow melt...
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 11:10:32
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:42:35
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 13:31:25
Just a note to all on this post that we now have the gate on the Dam closed and will be bringing the lake back to full pool. With the mild winter, we have been working on dredging at several location around the lake and required the lake to be drawn down to 18" instead of the usual winter drawdown of 8-12" Due the shallow nature of the Lake Arthur, a small drawdown looks significant at the launch areas. After reading the post about the damaged trailer, I will be sending an Equipment Operator over to the 528 location on Saturday 2/25 to smooth out the dropoff if it can be reached with our backhoe. Thanks for posting this info, and good luck fishing. Dan Bickel Park Manager Moraine State Park
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 13:36:32
Sorry to hear about damage to your boat trailer. As I stated in another post, we are sending an Equipment operator over on Saturday to smooth out the launch. If you would like us to complete an incident report for insurance purposes we are more than happy to do so. Please contact the Park Office (724) 368-8811 and ask to speak to DCNR Ranger Supervisor Rick Carson. Winter office hours are M-F 8-4 pm Thanks Dan Bickel Park Manager Moraine State Park
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 13:42:25
Thank you PM1, always say Moraine/Arthur one of the nicest parks in the state now I can see why.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 15:55:41
Very commendable Dan. I appreciate your service, in checking into these boards every so often and addressing issues. The extra mile adds to my respect for the park. Here's to a job well done!
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 16:17:53
thats waaaaay cool......its nice to see someone taking action. big pat on the back for Dan Bickle... is there any way i could get the gps coords. to where you were dredging?
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 16:18:33
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 17:08:57
Thank you dan that is quite nice of you.. PM sent !! Yeah you can reach with the backhoe. I have launch from there many late winter/ early spring with the lake drawn down,Never had this happen before. Dave
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/24 20:09:48
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:43:02
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/25 06:23:08
yea....sittin at roxys...waiting for breakfast......gonna fish in the snow. anyone else braving the weather? or am i the only crazy
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/25 07:07:08
i have only used alewives once, my buddy took me out on raystown. and i have to say he is very anal retentive so here is his method ( he may kill me if he knows its me ) after catching them in the cast net empty on to a tarp pick out the best ones put those ones in a bucket with fresh water scoop them out with a small net put into a cooler equiped with a filter/airator with a block of ice and ( i have heard this elsewhere ) salt non iodized like for a water softener, rinse bucket and net in lake each time. every time you get one out of the tank rinse net again periodically suck water and scales out of the tank replace with fresh. apparently or so i am told alwive scales fall off easily and when in the tank scales get in their gills and they suffocate. he catches stripers so i cant dispute him.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/25 07:28:22
Anatikusyou don't need GPS there are just dredging the docks. Good luck with that snow/wind LOL
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/25 17:11:54
not a horrible day...fished the north shore. nothing worth keeping but enjoyd it anyway. and thanks bighead, i misunderstood and thought they were dredging elsewhere also.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/25 19:35:15
Last year at Porters cove launch I was looking at the grate in the water. The end is all rusted away and now it looks like 4 inch spikes just waiting to puncture a tire. Hopefully someone can look into this as well.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/25 19:54:15
I use the one at Porters the majority of the time. Id agree the steel grate looks like a flat tire waiting to happen. But it hasn't gotten me yet, except for one night when I stubbed my toe wearing flipflops on it. But it quit bleading by the time I got home.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/02/25 20:55:56
While we are having a suggestion box for improvements for the lake mine would be to put back the portta jon at the upper 528 launch this yr. While pickin' up litter there last yr. noticed lots ov people poop around plus a $3 solar light ducted taped to a pole at the ramp would be nice. I get lost lookin' for it on dark mornings sometimes. Maybe open the door up there earlier so the Toothie Critters can get to lots of their spawning grounds & don't get beached trying to get around it. Especially this yr. with the lower water level. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/02/25 21:01:08