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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/04 10:17:24
porktown, do you fish raystown at all, i've used some tactics at arthur that i use at raystown and it worked pretty good
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/04 11:04:50
heres a question for anyone.... if the comission is killing off weeds in the lake, why arnt they adding fish cribs or brush piles to make up for the loss of natural cover?
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/04 11:33:14
Willi - I don't, although I definitely had plans to... I keep my boat near Arthur to save on wear and tear, so usually find myself there. I'll occasionally trailer it up to Pymy. If these weeds really turn into an issue, then I may opt to move it. I personally haven't seen a reduction in success. But my sucess has always been rather sporatic, so hard to really tell for sure. Considering the last few times out, were in good conditions, the catch rate was pretty favorable. Anatikus - I know the state does drop some structure, as well as what they sunk originally. Right now, I doubt they have the funds to do much more. I am pretty sure the only areas that they use herbocide, are areas not really meant for fishing (marinas, wind surfing & beach areas). I'd rather them not give the fish prime cover in those areas that are off limits to fishing, although might help with reproduction ect.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/04 15:55:10
ya, about the weeds. i know mr. wilson fron the fish comm., he's a good guy. and he has been studding lakes for a long time. he probably knows alot more than anybody questioning him. i think i would leave it up to them. i do well fishing arthur to but after starting to figuring out the raystown stripers, i realy like to go there after the big ones
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/04 16:09:56
Listed below are a few answers to misconceptions I am hearing at the Park Office relating to Pittsburgh Post Gazette Article from October 9th; 1. DCNR/Moraine sprays large areas of the lake to kill weedbeds for sailboats: Fact: DCNR/Moraine State Park has been treating weeds at Launch areas/Swim Beaches/Cabin Docks/Marinas ONLY since the 1970's - Treating weeds at these areas in not a "new" thing. Any attempt to try to tie recent declines in Musky populations to weed spraying is unscientific for this reason. There have been many "banner" years at Lake Arthur since the onset of spraying. If the areas listed above were not treated, access would be difficult or impossible, and the beach areas would be unsafe for visitors. Spray is injected underwater using an airboat and clings to the target plants and does not drift. Keep in mind spraying accounts for approx 21 acres out of 3,225 2. Moraine is not placing any new structures: Fact: Artificial Fish Habitat Structure are critical to the fishery - The park places artificial structures every year to make up for the natural loss of structure in this man made reservoir. A structure map for Lake Arthur is available at: http://www.fish.state.pa.us/water/habitat/mgmt_plans/lake/arthur.pdf. Looking at the map you will see thousands of structures have been placed since the 1980's. In recent years Butler Basscasters and Three Rivers Musky have been donating funds that match park funding to add to the amount of structures placed. last year 40 additional tons of rubble for Rock Reefs were installed near the Old 422 Launch and 50 Crib Structures were added as a result of the partnership with these clubs. Even more is planned for 2012! Dan Bickel Park Operation Manager Moraine State Park
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/05 08:43:52
thanks pm1.... your a very cool human.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/05 08:48:02
except I cant get that likn to work... lol
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/05 11:23:27
Go to the fish commish site, click on the fish option in the left corner, then habitat, then maps. Find your favorite lake.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/08 10:55:18
Is the water level taken down in the winter and if so about how much?
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/08 15:06:48
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:37:50
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/08 16:33:49
ive ice fished the humps before and hit dirt where I shouldnt have .....safe to say it goes down 2 to 3' from average....
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/08 16:40:04
heres a question for anyone....ive been icefishing arthur for years and gathering waypoints on my gps of spots I hit good fish.....the problem is that most of these spots show up 15 or more ft. on land.... whats up with that?
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/08 20:54:57
Speaking of water levels, my friend was up checking the ice yesterday and said it's dropped enough that the usually submerged rockpiles in the muddy creek finger were sticking out of the ice. I've never seen it that low.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/09 02:05:37
Dan the man, thanks for the info. Definitely cleared up some stuff for me and thanks for the link it'll come in handy for sure
East side love is living on the west end
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/09 09:35:27
ORIGINAL: anatikus heres a question for anyone....ive been icefishing arthur for years and gathering waypoints on my gps of spots I hit good fish.....the problem is that most of these spots show up 15 or more ft. on land.... whats up with that? That is due to the typical inaccuracy for the mapping they use in the "recreational" GPS units. It's not "military" grade mapping, so there will be a bit of a difference in the quality of the maps they draw the picture from since they don't spend the money to ensure accuracy. If you read the disclaimer in the manual for your device, it will most likely say something like "this device not to be used for navigation purposes"...thus freeing them from liability if you run aground in the dark or fog! My Lowrance shows that our boat is on the peir at Walnut when we are mid channel, however the Raymarine shows that we are in the channel! Some GPS units have a menu that let you "adjust" you curren location to a "known, accurate location". HTH
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/09 10:15:49
ORIGINAL: anatikus heres a question for anyone....ive been icefishing arthur for years and gathering waypoints on my gps of spots I hit good fish.....the problem is that most of these spots show up 15 or more ft. on land.... whats up with that? Those land spots are good for snakeheads.  Mine is the same when I have it on the standard map. When I load the Navionics chip, it is a bit more accurate. Still have some areas that aren't very accurate, and wouldn't use for navigation in the dark or fog. A great time saving fishing tool regardless, even if your waypoint looks odd.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/09 20:30:30
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:38:33
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/09 20:38:36
thank guys...but how unbeliveibly stupid is it to be inaccurate like that? its a megellan meridian marine.....being a marine model youd think it would be spot on...oh well, at least the waypoints I save are.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/10 00:11:29
any tips on a decent walleye spot for arthur? any help at all?
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/10 08:59:15
The 2007 model, I think, of Navionics map had the entire lake shifted about 50 feet to the South... I complained to the company, and they sent me the 2008 model, and worked great (some things still a bit off, but not too bad). You might want to talk to Magellan and see if they have any map updates. Not to talk down on Magellan, but I think their core market is hiking and more land based use. That said, Lowrance is fishing focused, and like Mako said, it is still off... Many of their maps are drawn from public records, and not from their own survey boats. The lakes that they survey, they are pretty spot on, from what I have read. Too bad, Arthur isn't one of them... Getting tips on walleye on this lake, is kind of rough... They are in there, but those that know, don't really want it to be public knowledge. I spent about 2 seasons, trolling and focused on them, and ZERO boated... I quit doing that, and have been lucky enough to catch a few, while focusing more on wipers. They seem to both be interested in similar things. One of these days, I'll figure them both out.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/10 19:29:30
im guessing at 25' or so deep...not really sure where to look.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/10 20:10:31
The walleye in the lake move a lot.It takes a while to pattern them depending on the season, but it can be done.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/10 21:20:54
cool....so if I can figure why they move or what their after it would help...the problem is that ive never fished walleye there, so I dont know their summer patterns either...im just lookin for a starting point
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/11 09:00:05
You figure out they're forage base....alewifes.....figure out where they are at any given time of the year and that's where the walleye will be.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/11 09:12:50
Wipers too... Getting them to cooperate, is a different story. I've tried many "text book" approaches. They don't seem to follow that. The best approach that I have found (very limited sucess), is combining the "text book" seasonal movements with finding the bait. Rarely do I find them both together, and when I do, they don't seem to cooperate... I think that I am getting close though. I'd highly reccomend getting a few text books on walleyes and even wipers. Especially now that it is too cold to get the boat out and chase them. I fished the rivers for years from shore, and has taken a few years to figure out what successful techniques transfer from moving water to still water, and from shore to boat. I'm to the point now, where I am just as comfortable on a boat. So, if you had success on other water, it might not completely transfer there. Although, some of it does.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/11 10:36:21
The best way I've seen to get the walleyes when you find them is to drift over them with a nightcrawler and splitshot rig.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/11 16:30:20
Rippinlip's right. Some days they like small spinner harnesses, sometimes they like just a bead in front of the worm and sometime they just like a plain nightcrawler. I know guys that catch lots on hotntots, but I've never figured that method out. Worm and a sinker works well enough for us. Think shallow through may.
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/12 12:07:31
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/03/18 14:39:24
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/12 15:13:38
ORIGINAL: crappiefisher If so a guy named yungguru does very well at Neally's Point near the rd. bed, mid Jan. -- Feb. He's got a freezer full, to prove it too!
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RE: Lake Arthur
2012/01/12 17:17:40
crappiefisher...........since I cant get out on a boat anymore im looking to pattern them eyes and perch for icefishing. thanks, any info is a huge help.
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