Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:10:07 (permalink)

you guys are BASING EVERYTHING on your situation...

If I were basing everything on my siutation I would care less about you and your concerns, Doc.


Strong words, divisive words and unnecessary in this debate.  There may be some that can be affected negatively.  There will be some that will appreciate the opportunity that comes.  As with any change,  there will be those that it affects in good and bad ways.  The recent changes to bear and bobcat seasons come to mind.  Were the camp owners "screwed" by the Saturday bear opener and were the bobcat guides "screwed" by the bobcat change?  There were also many, many that benefitted from the change.
Drop the attitude, Doc.

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wayne c
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:12:42 (permalink)
In my opinion the biggest cowards in all this are the legislators like staback who support sunday hunting but refuse to take the issue upon themselves and push through their own legislation legalizing it. Instead they choose to pass the buck so that pgc gets the back lash so that they themselves dont potentially get the ears full or the vote out the door. Pgc doesnt answer to the public and there are no repercussions for any effects of the decisions they make. They can implement anything that is within their power to implement, good or bad and if we dont like it, tough. Thats been proven over and over.

Staback emphasized regularly at both meetings,that it be understood that THEY the legislators would in no way be responsible for the decision that was made once this bill transferring authority was passed. He seemed concerned that some might hold him responsible.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:13:39 (permalink)

as I have said it does not effect me either.. but I"d not vote for something that may hurt a fellow hunter.... or to cause one to loose an opportuntiy to harvest game.... but that may be just me ????

Remember the crossbow wars, Doc.  Many folks stated many reason why inclusion would negatively affect them.  You were a big supporter.  Overharvest, pressure, closed land, poaching etc... You are being hypocritical and quickly forgetting your past positions on issues that negatively affected some.
post edited by dpms - 2011/09/21 22:16:08

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:13:46 (permalink)
As I said they are not stupid..

and that is just the smoke-screen approach AGAIN... you know as well as any of us it's about adding opportunities to harvest game on Sundays... to imply differenlty is silly...... IMHO

they know it gives the control to the PGC.... and they have seen the results of ARs and HR.. they see more trespassing now than every before because of fewer deer...

As it stands now the only one that can add Sunday hunting situations is the elected officials... and they will have to answer to the voters..

If passed the PGC can do as they please with no resposibilites to non-hunters or hunters opposing the idea

trying to portray the landowners that say they will post no more hunting as being ignorant of what the bill is about... is low... and I am sure does NOTHING to help win them over..........
wayne c
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:16:03 (permalink)
The recent changes to bear and bobcat seasons come to mind.

Yeah. I cant recall them ever bending us over, over bobcat or bear. Good point.

I do seem to recall being a bit hard to sit down over a deer issue or two here or there, cant really recall, must have been insignificant i guess. lol.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:16:28 (permalink)


But I appreciate that others may not be as fortunate

And there in is the problem..

you guys are BASING EVERYTHING on your situation...





Trying to tell any intelligent hunter it is not about deer sooner or later is just pure hockey=puck............

as I have said it does not effect me either.. but I"d not vote for something that may hurt a fellow hunter.... or to cause one to loose an opportuntiy to harvest game.... but that may be just me ????

I hunt 6 days a week now, do you really think an extra day is going to benifit ME ? No it's about choice for all. Before you go flapping your lips some more how about answering post #93.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:18:21 (permalink)
trying to portray the landowners that say they will post no more hunting as being ignorant of what the bill is about... is low... and I am sure does NOTHING to help win them over..........

I never did. I asked you if you asked them if they knew HB1760 did not add one Sunday to any season.  Some do and some do not.

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:21:48 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: wayne c

Yeah. I cant recall them ever bending us over, over bobcat or bear. Good point.

Point was bobcat guides were very upset with the proposed changes that did eventually pass. They got the short stick but many folks benefitted in positive ways.  You can't saitsfy everyone.  Git to weigh the negaitves with the positives.  If we went about life trying to not upset anyone with a change, we would still be living in caves.

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:22:39 (permalink)


trying to portray the landowners that say they will post no more hunting as being ignorant of what the bill is about... is low... and I am sure does NOTHING to help win them over..........

I never did. I asked you if you asked them if they knew HB1760 did not add one Sunday to any season.  Some do and some do not.

Exactly Gene.

Posted: Monday, September 19, 2011 8:53 am

By Jeff Mulhollem | 37 comments

If you have been closely following the debate over expanded Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania, you may think that all the farmers in Pennsylvania oppose lifting the ban.

The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, which claims to represent 50,000 farm and rural families across the state, is staunchly opposed to any expansion of Sunday hunting here.

According to the Farm Bureau, the overwhelming majority of Keystone State farmers oppose allowing more Sunday hunting. But increasingly we have been hearing from farmers across the state who are quietly saying that is not true.

"Why should the state tell me what I can do on my own land on any given day of the week," said one agricultural producer. "It's my land, and I should control it. I don't need the state to forbid hunting on Sunday on my property. I can handle that myself, if that is my choice.

"As a member of the Farm Bureau, I will not hesitate to tell you that the group is not representing my best interest as a landowner," he added. "I could not be more opposed to the Farm Bureau."

I asked a successful, hard-working and honest farmer I know what he thinks about the situation, and his opinions are revealing. Zeke Summerhill, of Ford City, owns six farms in southern Armstrong County, in three different townships.

On a total of about 480 acres he primarily grows the cash crops corn and soybeans, and also operates a hardwood lumber company fed by the woodlands around his fields. When he finds time (which is not too often these days), he is a serious and skilled hunter and fisherman. And he is a former Farm Bureau board member in Armstrong County.

"The Farm Bureau certainly doesn't speak for me," he said. "When the group's spokesman says 85 percent of farmers are against Sunday hunting, I take issue with their statistics. I don't know any farmers in my county who have been interviewed – and I know quite a few."

Summerhill thinks the threat the Farm Bureau has been promoting – that most farmers who allow public hunting now will post their land against all hunting if Sunday hunting is expanded – is an exaggerated scare tactic.

"I personally don't know a single farmer who will post their land against all hunting," he said. "Now there may be a few who won't allow Sunday hunting."

Summerhill's biggest problem is trespassing and he thinks the state should extend an olive branch to farmers by tying increased enforcement of trespassing laws to allowing expanded Sunday hunting, to get the ban lifted. "The Game Commission should start enforcing trespassing laws," he said.

"In Ohio, hunters must possess a form signed by the landowner to hunt on private property. If the hunter can't produce the signed form, he is charged with trespassing. Ohio Department of Natural Resources officers help enforce trespassing. We should go to that system here."

In past columns I have observed that the Sunday hunting issue has become entangled in the deer-management debate, undermining support for Sunday hunting among sportsmen. Summerhill sees it that way, too, but his take on that may surprise you.

"My land is overrun by deer," he said. "I lost more than $17,000 in crop depredation last year, and I look at Sunday hunting as one more tool to manage deer. We need it." _________________________
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wayne c
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:27:03 (permalink)
"Point was bobcat guides were very upset with the proposed changes that did eventually pass. They got the short stick but many folks benefitted in positive ways. You can't saitsfy everyone."

Yeah, i agree. All 5 bobcat guides in the state really got the shaft there. lol Kinda only makes it fair that several hundred million hunters of another species get the same.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:27:27 (permalink)
Remember the crossbow wars, Doc. Many folks stated many reason why inclusion would negatively affect them.

And they were wrong and should have known they were wrong in the first place.. to use your idea.. it did not happen in other states.. the harvest was not effected that much.. what difference does it make if I shoot my deer with a crossbow.. compound, rifle, muzzie, etc.. I can still only kill what I have tags for...

as for Sundays in other states === NOT so === there was land closed in states that have Sunday hunting...... do some searching/reading for Ohio and you will see guys complaining about loosing their hunting grounds...

AGAIN.. I can not support it ... if even only 100 guys in the whole state loose their land just because of some wanting that extra day to kill more deer......

Add a non-work day on the week-end following a week-end day already and the harvest will increse simple because it will put THOUSANDS of more guys in the woods on that day .. it's not a matter of weapons --- it's the number of hunters able to hunt that extra day that will for sure increase harvest numbers....... and anyone can look and find that is EXACTLKY what happened in states that allowed Sunday hunting .. deer harvest went up almost immediately... even with half the hunters we have in Pa...

Let's call spades spades.... you're saying you do not care if other hunters loose their hunting ground as long as the PGC gets to decide about Sundays for hunting ???

Sorry I can't support that... it's that simple for me...

Do you really think that adding a day or two for let's say small game will not increase the harvest.. REALLY ???

wayne c
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:29:20 (permalink)
What I take from your article ao is that some guy who grows beans corn and runs a lumber outfit doesnt like deer and wants another way to kill them. Now thats a huge surprise to most, Im sure...

But why should that, or anything else in that article make any of us who are against, especially those concerned for our hunting heritage and the resource, feel better about sunday hunting?
post edited by wayne c - 2011/09/21 22:30:31
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:29:36 (permalink)
Before you go flapping your lips some more how about answering post #93.

I am free to answer and reply to anyone or any post I choose to and if I do not want to reply I do not have to... This is AMERICA !!
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:34:53 (permalink)
Notice this statement in OA's posted editorial or what was it when I posted one ?? op-ed )

I personally don't know a single farmer who will post their land against all hunting," he said. "Now there may be a few who won't allow Sunday hunting."

Well which is it.. you don't know any or some will ????


post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/09/21 22:35:28
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:36:17 (permalink)
well work day tomorrow.. enough for today.. Good-night all.....
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:40:11 (permalink)

And they were wrong and should have known they were wrong in the first place.. to use your idea.. it did not happen in other states.. the harvest was not effected that much.. what difference does it make if I shoot my deer with a crossbow.. compound, rifle, muzzie, etc.. I can still only kill what I have tags for...

LOL.  You just made my point.

as for Sundays in other states === NOT so === there was land closed in states that have Sunday hunting...... do some searching/reading for Ohio and you will see guys complaining about loosing their hunting grounds...

As with any change, some will be negatively affected. Just like crossbow inclusion. Which you and I strongly supported becuase of the benfits. 

Let's call spades spades.... you're saying you do not care if other hunters loose their hunting ground as long as the PGC gets to decide about Sundays for hunting ???

If you have followed my posts, I have said many times I do not want to see anyone lose hunting ground and have suggested ways to reduce it.  If that is your idea of not caring, it is a lost cause to try to explain.

Do you really think that adding a day or two for let's say small game will not increase the harvest.. REALLY ???

The question is will any increase necessitate a reduction in season length or tags.  If we look at the past.  Squirrel and rabbit seasons increased by weeks, spring gobbler afternoon hunting, two weeks of archery rut hunting, crossbow inclusion, early inline muzzleloader, early junior rifle doe, saturday bear etc..... I would ask you if a increased harvest from any of those caused negative consequences that were noteworthy?

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:43:52 (permalink)

well work day tomorrow.. enough for today.. Good-night all.....

Me too.  0800, be there or forfiet.

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:45:21 (permalink)


Before you go flapping your lips some more how about answering post #93.

I am free to answer and reply to anyone or any post I choose to and if I do not want to reply I do not have to... This is AMERICA !!

It's OK Trout we all post a little BS time to time. Looks like you got caught again with your pants down ! Can't explain what the difference is in the two as per post 93 ? Your right this is America and we do have choice except when it come to Sunday hunting!
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/21 22:54:46 (permalink)
And they were wrong and should have known they were wrong in the first place.. to use your idea.. it did not happen in other states.. the harvest was not effected that much.. what difference does it make if I shoot my deer with a crossbow.. compound, rifle, muzzie, etc.. I can still only kill what I have tags for...

as for Sundays in other states === NOT so === there was land closed in states that have Sunday hunting...... do some searching/reading for Ohio and you will see guys complaining about loosing their hunting grounds...

But the harvest was effected though right ? What makes the differnce what day I shoot a deer on? I can only shoot a deer I have a tag for right?

As for private property owners in other states closing their land entirely due to the passing of hunting on Sunday, show me proof !!
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 07:58:43 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

As for private property owners in other states closing their land entirely due to the passing of hunting on Sunday, show me proof !!

Probably has happened.  Only question that matters is if enough was closed down to be of consequence.  I suspect not.  As I was trying to get Doc to understand, any changes usually affect some neagtively and others positively.  He seems to think that the issue of Sunday hunting will be the only one in this state that has or will affect hunters in a negative way. 

Doc is a huge deer management plan supporter.  I suspect that plan has resulted in more posted or leased land than Sunday hunting ever would.  Yet he is okay with that. 

Supporters of HB1760 and/or Sunday hunting do, for the most part, feel that the positives will far outweigh any negatives.  But, I understand the impact of the negatives an attempt to work to minimize them.
post edited by dpms - 2011/09/22 08:24:54

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 11:37:05 (permalink)

Doc is a huge deer management plan supporter.  I suspect that plan has resulted in more posted or leased land than Sunday hunting ever would.  Yet he is okay with that. 

That is how I feel as well.  AR/HR intitiated much of the recent posting craze in the areas I hunt.  It also got me personally booted off of a few properties. 
Things are changing and private land open to all hunters is quickly becoming a thing of the past.  It gets tougher with each passing year for me to retain/obtain permission from local landowners.  I really don't believe implementation of SH will speed up the process, nor do I believe that by not implementing SH we will slow this (IMO) inevitable process down.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 11:54:49 (permalink)
#1 reason for hunters leaving the sport= LACK OF GAME TO HUNT Per the PGC survey
#2 reason for hunters leaving the sport= LACK OF PLACES TO HUNT Per the PGC survey

Explain how allowing Sunday hunting, which will put additional pressure on a depleted game resource and is against the wishes of the landowners, is going to address the two greatest reasons for hunters leaving the sport.

Explain which positives will outweigh the negatives in the context of reversing the top two reasons for hunters quitting the sport. Anyone, hello out there, DPMS, OA, Anyone, Anyone?

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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 12:09:34 (permalink)
I really don't see the lack of access issue as something the PGC has any control over.  I believe loss of hunter access to private property is an inevitable outcome that will not be impacted by SH either way.
Like it or not, it appears that we are just following the trends started in the Midwest regarding property access.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 12:11:33 (permalink)
And as far as the lack of game goes, good riddance to the people who feel that way
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 12:43:54 (permalink)
AR/HR intitiated much of the recent posting craze in the areas I hunt. It also got me personally booted off of a few properties.

It sure sounds like you believe he PGC has a lot of control over loss of access, BTW--I agree with you on this issue just as allowing Sunday hunting against the wishes of the landowners will cause the loss of more access.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 13:22:39 (permalink)
I guess I managed to contradict myself purdy darn good there, especially since I provided evidence supporting the idea that the PGC's policies have had an impact over land access
Perhaps a better way of expressing my opinion is to say that I feel as if the damage has already been done (through AR, HR, Midwest buck hunting publicity, LO liability, ect.)  to land access and I don't feel that anything will slow or stop it at this point.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 13:55:57 (permalink)
I guess I managed to contradict myself purdy darn good there, especially since I provided evidence supporting the idea that the PGC's policies have had an impact over land access

Happens to us all from time to time. When someone tells me he doesn't want me to do something on land he owns I have always taken the attitude that it is best to listen. Especially when he is the one who can control the negative results from non-compliance to his wishes. The landowners (including myself) have said no to Sunday hunting. Force the issue at your own peril.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 15:09:58 (permalink)
Okay, a simple question.
For those of you that have posted that you are against Sunday hunting, if all the stars aligned and Sunday hunting came to PA, would you hunt on Sunday or not?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 15:31:46 (permalink)
Keep your religion, I will be 25' up a tree. 
It is coming. 
Can't wait for you antis to get a big buck on a sunday, and come posting pictures on here.
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RE: Second hearing on Sunday hunting tonight 2011/09/22 15:33:38 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter

I really don't see the lack of access issue as something the PGC has any control over.  I believe loss of hunter access to private property is an inevitable outcome that will not be impacted by SH either way.

Like it or not, it appears that we are just following the trends started in the Midwest regarding property access.

I agree. Posted land is for multible reasons. Hunting isn't always the case. Posted means to keep out for any reason.
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