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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/05 21:04:18
Moses congratulations to both you and your son. Great story. 🍻
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/05 21:58:09
Moses Guthrie Sat with my son(14yr old) this am, had a great start to the season. Saw 8 does, about a 16 inch 8 pt that stayed out about 50 yds, and then at 8:15 a 3 pt that made the mistake of coming to within 12 yds of our stand. He connected with a quartering away heart shot, 60 yd recovery.
Awesome!! Congrats!
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/05 22:00:20
I could only hunt this morning. Saw two does that were too far for a shot. Did find out that the pear tree on this property is loaded with pears but they are not dropping quite yet. The deer should pile in once they start hitting the ground. I put a trail camera on it to see whats around it.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/05 23:32:38
Headed out in 2D this evening with my 9 year old son for the first hunt of the year. About to pull into my buddy's a mile down the road, and I realized I forgot to get him his mentored tag. Called the local sporting goods store, and had 9 minutes to make the 6.5 mile drive before they closed at 5:30 and got there at 5:29. Whew. Tough to remember all ya gotta remember when you're getting ready to take a kid hunting. Set up the pop up blind on a field edge (planted in soybeans this year) near a corner that's been good to my 15 year old son the past 2 years with a doe and a 4 pt. (he's outta state for the weekend with my wife and daughter). As soon as we got settled 2 does were peeking at us from 70 yards away on the distant wood line, and they moseyed off. My 9 year old is much more patient fishing than he is sitting and waiting for deer, but he hung in there pretty well. I told him stories about taking his big brother hunting on this property. Told him if he farted again every deer around was gonna high tail it outta there. We had fun, and when we had about a half hour of daylight left, we got a little more serious. A BIG deer with it's head down stepped out of the woods about 50 yards away and went straight into the beans to feed, just over a little curve in the field. Seated in the blind, we couldn't see it. Soon another big deer followed. After about 30 seconds, one of em popped its head up and it was a big old doe. We had talked before the hunt that tonight would be only bucks, but when ya gotta a 9 year old begging to shoot if she came close enough and the size of this doe, ya can't say no. Man, whoever came up with the idea of the mentored hunt sure wanted to challenge the skills of the mentor. Keeping a kid from jumping out of his skin, while he's steadying a crossbow on shooting sticks in a blind, and you've got one eye on the deer, another on the kid, one hand on the shooting sticks, and trying to find the right moment to click off the safety with the other hand sure ain't an easy task. Fortunately, I knew exactly where the 20 yard mark was as I shot it with the range finder beforehand, and it was an easy to see branch hanging into the field. The big nanny followed the script perfectly. In as hushed a tone as I could find I said, "Top dot right behind the shoulder. Keep your head down on the shot. Breathe slowly. Don't flinch." THWAAACKKK. The best sound in the world to a bow hunter. I didn't see where the bolt hit, but she high kicked and took off through the beans on what looked like a death run. She got just past a little rise in the field and I lost sight of her. She actually was running towards my vehicle, and I was thinking, "What are the chances?" Took a few minutes for him to quit shaking and babbling, so we got out of the blind and looked for the arrow. Didn't look good. The mechanical Rage deployed well, and there was blood on the shaft and fletching. Not frothy pink blood, but not dark either. The shaft was covered in fat and grease. But, the good thing was that it didn't smell like guts. Oh boy, what to do? We walked the field edge back to the car, and I was hoping not to jump her, but there was just no way we could get back to the vehicle without coming within about 50 yards of where I last saw her. Fortunately, that was uneventful. Texted the landowner to let her know we'd be back in awhile. Went and grabbed some dinner at Subway. Went home and let the dogs out, who had been cooped up most of the afternoon and evening because we had been farm pond fishing before we went hunted. Took as much time as I could and we went back to the scene. Blood was spotty the first 50 yards. Then really, really poor. Like hands and knees poor. The saving grace for us was that this was a late planting, so the beans still had mostly yellow leaves and some green ones. Man, did my kid do a great job of seeing blood that I never would have seen. It was slow going the whole way and we got to a point where I was beginning to get that sinking feeling in my gut. Walked out ahead of the last blood about 10 yards and shined my headlamp into some mules tail that was growing in the field, and he cried out, "Dad, there she is!" He saw her before I did. She had been dead an hour and a half at least, maybe 10 yards past where I last saw her running. 40 yard drag to my car. The shot was good, albeit a little high. Got both lungs. This is the part I'm trying to figure. I swear she was straight broadside, but she was either slightly quartering towards us or that bolt did some dancing in her, cause her liver was straight jelly and the exit wound on the far side was plugged with fat. When I took her to the processor tonight I laid her next to a good 8 point, and she was every bit as long and round. She had NO teeth left on top, and only 2 front teeth on the bottom. One of the heaviest deer I've ever handled for sure. Had fun trying to wrangle her into the back of the Pilot by myself. He was thrilled to take his second doe in 2 years. .243 last year. Still hasn't missed a shot at a deer. 1000 more words in pictures Not the greatest looking blood on that arrow
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 00:02:49
Dave super story and til I read "dad there she is" ya had my heart sinking.
Congratulations to a great father and a super hunter.🍻
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 07:45:12
rsquared He was thrilled to take his second doe in 2 years. .243 last year. Still hasn't missed a shot at a deer.
Great story my friend. Thanks for sharing and congrats to you both!
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 08:20:51
Congrats to your sons Moses and rsquared, and congrats to you guys for getting them out in the woods hunting! That looks like one tank of a doe there!
I made it out yesterday in the morning. Bumped what sounded like 3 deer in the dark on the way to the stand. About 7:30 had a decent doe come running out of the thick brush and stop just inside of 30yds. Stood there offering me nothing but the Texas heart shot. Was hoping she'd turn and start feeding on the acorns, but instead she turned the other direction and melted back into the thick brush from where she came. Saw 5 fresh scrapes 75yds from the stand on my way out. Wanted to get out in the afternoon, but the project of trying to finish staining my house thought differently.
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 09:27:09
Congrats fun hunt great story.....but deer don't have top
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 09:53:33
Congrats to the youths on their excellent harvests and to the mentors who made it possible.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 11:54:37
Awesome story 👍. Congrats to your son and you .... nice looking doe love the pictures and your son was one proud Youngin ... good job !!!
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 14:03:38
Big Tuna Congrats fun hunt great story.....but deer don't have top
Dang, I never knew that BT. That would explain why she didn’t have any I guess! Lol.
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 17:31:42
Congrats to you and your son Rsquared. Went through the same challenges being a mentor, after my son's first year we bagged the ground blinds and I bought a few of the Walmart 15ft two man stands.
Made it a bit easier, him being able to see more of his surroundings kept his attention longer and the shooting rail freed up one of my hands from the shooting stick. I put double lifelines on every setup so he was attached from the time he started up the tree till the hunt was over.
I was concerned about deer seeing us in bigger stands but so far we have not been busted by a single deer in those set ups over the past 5 years.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/06 22:17:30
Big Tuna Congrats fun hunt great story.....but deer don't have top
Dang, I never knew that BT. That would explain why she didn’t have any I guess! Lol.
😝 I ain't saying a word Dave, hell I don't know a goat from a sheep. 😝.... 😳🤔
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/07 08:55:53
Moses Guthrie Congrats to you and your son Rsquared. Went through the same challenges being a mentor, after my son's first year we bagged the ground blinds and I bought a few of the Walmart 15ft two man stands.
Made it a bit easier, him being able to see more of his surroundings kept his attention longer and the shooting rail freed up one of my hands from the shooting stick. I put double lifelines on every setup so he was attached from the time he started up the tree till the hunt was over.
I was concerned about deer seeing us in bigger stands but so far we have not been busted by a single deer in those set ups over the past 5 years.
Thanks Moses. Back at you and your son! I know a few other mentor hunters and junior hunters that connected on Saturday. Was a good day to be out! I've thought about doing that, but I hate climbing! Haha. I don't mind 'em once I get up there, but me and ladders or climbing sticks don't get along too well. I do have a one man ladder stand that I used to hunt out of - only have it at 10' though instead of 15'. My 15 year old hunts out of it now, very near to where we had our blind set up Saturday, while I sit behind him in my blind on terra firma. He does see a lot more than I do though, even only 10' off the ground.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/07 11:52:55
Dunhams has several different models of 2 man ladder stands on sale now Dave, just saying! The best sale is over @ 6pm today, Guardian XL 2 man, 18' for $89.99. Might even convince me to come up and help ya set it up if you share some of your farm pond fishing spots...... I actually used the same model last year for my kids and I. I could only get it to 12' though since i was by myself setting it up and it was too top heavy @ the full 18'. Congrats to your son on the doe!
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/07 18:55:30
gillz, A hunter died after falling from a tree stand Saturday & was found Sunday Morn. in Fayette Cnty. they think that the stand failed. Last week a bud of mine had a close call when he was trying to put up a 18' ladder stand by himself & when almost up it fell back on him catching his head between the steps & the rails hit hard on his shoulders almost knocking him out & tearing up his shoulder in the process. You can never be too careful. sam
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/07 19:28:57
Yeah I saw that Crappie, wife saw it to and said see that’s why I don’t like you out by yourself. I have 2 stands , a 2 man stand and other one I just call it a large mans stand ... cause I’m no little guy or young anymore.... lol I have them chained and turn buckles to tighten them up good also pad locks so if they steal them they have to work for it.😜 also have ratchet straps on them to... yeah maybe a little over kill ... lol also wear a Harness.. good luck and be safe out there !!
post edited by mopars0 - 2019/10/07 19:30:04
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/07 21:26:30
Got out this afternoon for the 1st hunt of the season. Saw 4-5 on the way in and 9 doe while sitting on a stump in the grapevines. They were hammering the acorns. Closest any got was about 40yds. to far for my stick bow. It was a good night even though I sat by the wrong oak tree.
Congratulations to those successful hunters above and the fine men who showed them the way
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/08 10:54:15
Saturday evening say 4 does no shots, last night seen like 13 does 1 4pt and well..... shot a doe 35 yards ran 40 died in about 30 seconds couldn't have went better 💪🖒
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/08 12:07:27
Sounds like “meat on the table,” as my Dad used to say.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/08 15:14:27
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/08 15:41:02
Good job ....Congrats !! 👍👍
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/08 15:45:29
Well I guess I'll tell my story, 5pm 5 does come out at 40y had they stepped straight instead of left I would of got a shot then a 4pt came out they all travelled the wrong way , wind started to swirl a bit and it was getting late no deer ....i look up and see a deer walk out 40 broadside I drew settled my pin she took a step into the corn 👎 then I could see more deer and hear them coming then those deer seen me fumbling around ranging stuff and they got spooky I look left the first deer came out of the corn I ranged her moved my pin drew she looked at me and swack I stuck my hand in my pocket to get my phone and I heard her crash I started laughing texted the boys climbed down got my arrow came home grabbed my neighbors quad drove right to my stand leaving me to drag my deer 35 yards? Lol buddy came to help and sent his old lady for beer and ice came home quartered her and in the cooler she went.... it was a perfect double lung shot high but both lungs arrow as shown and blood everywhere on the corn where she was standing followed specs of blood to the deer she didn't have time to bleed before she died it was pretty crazy , I love when everything works out exactly as planned 1/5 to go 3 here 2 in Montana bring on the cold!
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/08 16:20:54
Congrats Thunderpole. When you going to Montana? Another big Snow for Big Sky Country by weeks end. This one gonna hit into South Dakota. Don't forget them snowsho..... errr mobiles. Have fun and good luck.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/10/08 16:22:48
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/08 19:08:38
A friend of mine got a nice 6 pt. Sat with no brows at the same area I spoke about earlier. I guess that those genes are still active there. sam
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/09 08:30:58
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/09 10:25:14
thunderpole Saturday evening say 4 does no shots, last night seen like 13 does 1 4pt and well..... shot a doe 35 yards ran 40 died in about 30 seconds couldn't have went better 💪🖒
An arrow never looked better! Congrats! Saw 3 or 4 doe/dawns, a rabbit, a raccoon and tons of squirrels and chippies last night. Doe kept me in my stand until after dark. She really did love the Evercalm I put on my boots before I walked in.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/09 11:00:16
I’ve had them lick the Evercalm I put on a log I have across a path at 20 yards.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/09 15:17:22
If tryed it before can't say it helped, never hurt they really liked it on mock scrapes this time of year I had many bucks cruise by check it out
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/10/09 15:20:19
Btdt second week of November we are heading out so I'm hoping to feel my buck tag before then if we keep getting these cold fronts it should happen hopefully and frick off with the east wind
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky