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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/19 12:32:36 (permalink)
What a lovely way to end a story. Happy anniversary to your friends.🦌

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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/19 12:36:35 (permalink)
He is pretty unhappy about them getting married and having their anniversary right in the middle of archery season.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/19 17:36:25 (permalink)
Had the first real duck hunt of the season (by that calling decoying birds) only shot 4 but those 4 did it right got 2 greenwings, big supprise there a gaddy and a greenhead seen alot of birds really supprised at the amount of teal mallards and even some blacks alot of hunters out, came home ate cleaned birds and 1hr nap turned into 4 so guess sit no 7 will be Monday o well that sleep was nice!

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/19 21:05:19 (permalink)
Uneventful afternoon for me. Went to one of my good doe spots trying to put one in the freezer. Saw zero deer
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/20 17:24:23 (permalink)
In a earlier post it was stated that deer do not have upper teeth. They do not have upper front teeth but do have 6 back teeth on either side of the jaw.    sam                                                                            
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 07:29:28 (permalink)
Yes they do.....front teeth where in question....they don't have any....back teeth yes on top. Bottom jaw fronts and back...
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 07:48:02 (permalink)
Moved a camera on Friday.  This was the only thing of interest on it.  This little guy stayed there for 3 or 4 mins rubbing the tree.  Had several vid clips of him.  Be a good one for my kids to take as a first deer.
Not much action on my cams to date and not much deer sign in the woods I have been hunting (buck sign, anyways).  Kicking myself for sleeping in and not heading out on Sat. morning but it would have been pushing it trying to get my son to his flag football game.
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2019/10/21 07:55:27
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 08:48:39 (permalink)
Did some recon scouting yesterday and checked a few cameras , confermed alot of what I suspected was going on found minimal buck sign nothing is living on the property from what I could tell found some scrape lines and hung a cam on one primary scrape , checked another that's been put 4 months way back in where 5 trails cross to my supprise there was 3 more shooters iv never seen before, a old solid heavy 7 a big 9pt with no brows and a 8 with a distinguished crab claw all pics where from August, but they are around somewhere

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 13:19:40 (permalink)
Glad someone having fun.....lost my prime woods to new landowner in Pa. and quite frankly I'm lost......after 43 go to spot in Ohio is getting new telephone poles through the I'm waiting till they get done....Double whammy.....seeing a lot of turkey but by November 2
Probably not lol
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 13:32:47 (permalink)
Gosh Tuna losing an old hunting spot sure sucks but 'like sands through a hour glass, so passes our happy hunting grounds'...
Younz know now that I think of it, somehow that sounded, familiar.😣

Anyways Tuna what happened in PA... property now posted, hunting lease, or new owner a PETA member or just being a 'pita', or sumpthin?
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/10/21 21:34:47

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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 13:36:00 (permalink)
What side of the city you live on Big Tuna?
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 13:56:00 (permalink)
North of Pittsburgh...Beaver
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 14:06:53 (permalink)
BTDT, basically what it boiled down to in a rich gready guy owns 300 acres but there was a little 11 acres chunk that was the frontage to part of his property and had 3 major runs....they'd run every deer off the property through that 11 acres...he got jealous and confronted me many time through the years and would question me on what I killed or did I I venture on his property......I was on his property one time in 43 years and that was to retrieve last year's first day gun buck. It crossed to line by 20 yards or so.....I asked him to let me hunt another year or two but he smiled.nicely and said f--k no. So there you have it....sad times for this old 
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 19:45:45 (permalink)
Moved a camera on Friday.  This was the only thing of interest on it.  This little guy stayed there for 3 or 4 mins rubbing the tree.  Had several vid clips of him.  Be a good one for my kids to take as a first deer.

Nice forkhorn eyes. Sure would be a nice trophy for a junior.

Went yesterday to pull my camera card which was a bummer cause there was a nice rub right in front of it, but I think the sd card I had in it finally crapped out. No pics for the past week, and the camera had malfunctioned.

Trimmed a few shooting lanes for another spot with the climber. Lots of scrapes popping up in historical spots, along with a few new spots. Planning on heading out tomorrow afternoon as long as work doesn't interfere.

Sucks you lost your hunting spot tuna. I fear I'm gonna lose one of mine soon as I think my mother is going to sell their 57 acres in the near future since my dad passed last year. Too much for her to keep up with so I don't blame her. When it happens, I'm hoping to convince the new owner to let me hunt there, but skeptical.
post edited by CRAPPIE_SLAYER - 2019/10/21 19:57:11
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 21:38:29 (permalink)
Afternoon sit not much action , sit from 2:30 to almost 6:30 . Saw blue jays , hawk and some squirrel’s then 4 does out in corner of field about 100 yds out horns . One small buck on camera again really slow so far . My Cuz and her 2 dogs decided to take a walk down near my stand ... didn’t even see the deer in the field .... lol. They saw her though 😜👍. Sure was windy out there , oh well move on to next hunt ... good luck out there

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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/21 21:49:21 (permalink)
Big Tuna I've heard many similar stories over the past ten years.  Land owners getting grumpy and disallowing hunters on their land but for this guy to pull the rug out from under really stinks.
Crappie_Slayer I don't recall (or my memory truly is failing me in my old age) hearing of your dad's passing last year.   Condolences to you and your family.
Mopars that's just too funny, keep them stories comin neighbor.  Oh yeah.... good luck.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/10/21 22:03:51

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/22 04:45:54 (permalink)
Thanks BTDT. It was very unexpected. Sure do miss my hunting/fishing partner.
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/22 07:12:19 (permalink)
Moved a camera on Friday.  This was the only thing of interest on it.  This little guy stayed there for 3 or 4 mins rubbing the tree.  Had several vid clips of him.  Be a good one for my kids to take as a first deer.

Nice forkhorn eyes. Sure would be a nice trophy for a junior.

Went yesterday to pull my camera card which was a bummer cause there was a nice rub right in front of it, but I think the sd card I had in it finally crapped out. No pics for the past week, and the camera had malfunctioned.

Trimmed a few shooting lanes for another spot with the climber. Lots of scrapes popping up in historical spots, along with a few new spots. Planning on heading out tomorrow afternoon as long as work doesn't interfere.

Sucks you lost your hunting spot tuna. I fear I'm gonna lose one of mine soon as I think my mother is going to sell their 57 acres in the near future since my dad passed last year. Too much for her to keep up with so I don't blame her. When it happens, I'm hoping to convince the new owner to let me hunt there, but skeptical.

Actually a little 6, Crappie....he got some micro 1.5" brows it looks like.  Either way, my son or daughter would be proud to harvest that one, or any legal buck, for their first one....  
Big Tuna, sorry, can't help ya out, too far from me...I don't know much about that area.  I do know my in laws live across the valley from the Cranberry Highlands golf course and if you can knock on some doors and get access to some of the farms around there, you should be in for some good hunting...Every time we visit and leave there after dark, I am playing dodge a deer the entire drive until we get onto 79 south.....
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/22 08:31:05 (permalink)
I am losing 110 acres of great hunting. The owners moved and will be putting it up for sale. I will give someone a hot tip on it if they grant me hunting permission and have $650,000 to spare. :-))

My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/22 09:48:49 (permalink)
Man, losing hunting ground is the worst.  I had about 800 acres that I was welcome to hunt on for about 10 years. 3 incredible little lakes/ponds for geese and mallards.  Lots of deer with little pressure.  Even could scratch out a few rabbits here and there when I felt like hunting 'em.  Big change in the way the owners used the land in the last 5 years, and it's all gone.  
Had my older son out last night.  Saw two decent 2.5 year old bucks but couldn't count points.  6 or 8 pointers probably, that did a little cruising and feeding through a fresh cut bean field away from us.  BIG 8 came out the same path  and crossed about 30 yards in front of us, but it was about 2 minutes too late for a shot.  
No time to hunt this evening, but hoping to get him out tomorrow evening.  Oct. 23-26 is always the time frame for good big buck movement on this property.  
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/22 19:46:37 (permalink)
Setup this evening in a stand I put up this summer just behind the house. Its on the edge of some hemlock overlooking a creek bottom the bucks like to travel. Most action I had was some crows harassing a redtail. Gets dark kind of early in the hemlock, but when I made the short trip out I had enough light to see the 4 doe heads poke up over the bank between 2 ponds in the yard and chuckle at me as they scampered off. I think the deer have me patterned. If he's outside pizzing around until dark, stay in the woods. If he's not out around the house all afternoon head for the yard...he's looking for us. As BTDT says....stoopit
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/22 19:56:16 (permalink)
Sat in a fresh stand overlooking a swamp thick low area besides a few big oaks, rattled in a 3pt at 5 then seen 2 does 100 yards away on the other side of the brush , I always see bucks cruising along this route between the swamps .... I always check my stands before hand except this one....good thing I had a extra strap I climbed up the second to last strap on my sticks was broke so I inspected the next climbed up strapped into the tree, 20' sticks then I climb 3 branches to the stand I stood on the limbs loosed the one ratchet it broke so I put a fresh one on and called it good lol stay safe out there gents! Check your straps squirrels like to chew them to and your seats!

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/22 20:05:27 (permalink)
Checked a camera briefly before I went out today too. Looks like these 2 little guys are working on figuring out the pecking order.
post edited by CRAPPIE_SLAYER - 2019/10/22 20:08:47


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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/23 23:37:41 (permalink)
Sit this afternoon again 3 till dark , sit in my other stand covering a thicket at other end if the field . As I was checking my camera I see movement in tree line in middle of the field . Glassed it sure enough it was a little 4 pt. Had him on camera he just walked around looking at me as he was saying ha.. ha .. ya know I’m not legal 😜😜 and walked back into the woods. Didn’t see anything else until walking back to my Jeep saw another little buck and 4 doe at other end of the field , might have been same buck I saw earlier not sure ... so that was how my afternoon hunt went... oh well it was fun ... still windy also

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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/24 00:23:53 (permalink)
Got home from work later tonight and wasn't gonna go out, but the steady, heavy south wind was calling my name as I stood in the garage debating what to do.

Didn't get into the stand until a little after 5. Around 540 two fawns and mama doe showed up. I decided to pass on the mama as she had some little ones in tow. Watched them feed up the edge of the ravine and into the brushy field edge until a little after 6. Around 615 I heard the leaves rustling around behind me. As I peered thru the hemlock to my back I could see a decent buck sneaking in just a few yards behind me. With my breath heavy now and the wind blowing right at him, he picked up that something wasn't right, turned and slowly walked back from where he came. Sat there thinking "****" for a little bit, then all of a sudden he appeared to the E of me sneaking thru the thicker brush with no shot at 20yds. Watched as he made his way thru the brush and disappeared into the field edge, when another buck came following in his trail. Had to be the biggest 3pt I've ever seen with one big crab claw on one side, and a single large main beam on the other. He followed the path of the first buck and disappeared. Sat for a few minutes and in desperation I hit the doe bleat twice. Few more minutes passed and the the first buck I saw came sneaking back in along the ravine edge. Couldn't believe it, and once he hit the trail of the doe that had previously passed he started back tracking it right toward me. At about 10yds I let the bolt fly, put a good hit on him, but it didn't pass thru. Watched him trot off about 40yds and crash. 3 loud death moans later and I'm thinking dead deer. Couldn't see the deer, but as I sat there in the fading light waiting for him to expire all of a sudden I hear some leaves rustling and then see a deer walking off behind me.

Sat from 635 when I shot him until 715 thinking I'm now in for a long night. Climbed down and looked for a blood trail and saw nothing, but sure enough there he lay where I heard him crash. The deer I had seen walking off in the darkness was thankfully a different one.

This 7pt is not the biggest buck on the property, but I am extremely happy to have him. As said earlier in this thread, my dad passed away last year. We spent the last day of his life doing what he loved, hunting the PA whitetail. This property I bought last year was his childhood home that has been in our family for a long time, and he couldn't have been happier that I ended up buying it. I don't know if it was the doe bleat that brought this guy back in, or dad putting on one last drive for me as I sat reminiscing about all of the good times we've had hunting, but I sure missed giving him that call and hearing "see you in a little bit".


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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/24 00:49:26 (permalink)
C S, Nice story, congrats on bagging the Buck and the House. My condolences on losing your father, although that house and property will help keep you connected.
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/24 03:23:43 (permalink)
Congrats CS......any deer is a trophy with an arrow.....Sorry about yours father....your story was emotional for me.....he'll always be with you got time for birds and squirrel....still have your dad's tree dog? I'm up a little to early.....going out for old man doe hunt with my 7/30 waters....
post edited by Big Tuna - 2019/10/24 13:03:40
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/24 07:35:18 (permalink)
That’s a great story CS. Thanks for sharing and congrats on a fine buck.
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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/24 07:36:03 (permalink)
Congrats, Crappie!! You guys seeing some deer have me wired up. Hopefully Saturday I see some action. 

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Re: Archery season 2019 2019/10/24 07:50:19 (permalink)
Thanks guys and good luck to all of you!

Yeah we still have the feist dog Tuna. Mom turned her into a house dog though, so hopefully she hasn't gotten soft and forgotten what to do when the time comes. I know with pheasant season around the corner my pooch is definitly happy I have a deer in the freezer.
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