Helpful ReplyTodays PGC meeting(many changes)

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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/09 23:13:19 (permalink)
Thanks for sheading light on this subject DD . It's good to have someone who is right in the mix of all the CWD issues. Feel free to keep sharing info as time goes on. This seems to be a serious problem for hunters as well as land owners and the PGC. Hope with time some sensible solution can come about that helps control or eradicate this problem but it sounds like it's a long term problem.  
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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/09 23:21:48 (permalink)
    In the study of sq monkeys and CWD they were capable of harboring the prion and the disease was progressing. That in itself is scary. I didn't get the fact the cells were injected into the Monkeys brains, I guess I should read it again. It still concerns me, not only for my own health but also the future of our fauna. As a Forester I am seeing the destruction of so much of the flora, and its scary. All these changes are happening so fast.
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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/10 09:40:24 (permalink)
Tree sparrow,

I pulled the injection into the brain from what I read into your post. That is my error. I don’t know that to be fact. Sorry for the miss represent.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/10 11:27:27 (permalink)
Wait..... What, you say CWD affects the brain? So that's my problem, toooo much deer baloney.

Can ya see it....... Burbots advertising on TV. "If you've eaten the elusive Pennsylvania White Tailed Deer and can no longer think logically, YOU may be entitled to substantial compensation". Call Burbot, Burbot & Lawyerfish today, for your free consultation.

Aaaaand shipping is always free, unless we get money for you. (which will equal 3 cents on the dollar, after our fees)

Call now........... 😎

Sorry (not), I been around far too long to believe any of this hooey about "CWD" or the "death of our forest".

I have however, seen a ton of changes take place, the past 15 years, involving the Elk in PA.

But, then again, there is that thinking logically disruption thingy too....
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/02/10 12:13:21

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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/11 17:57:04 (permalink)
BTDT .....Who would have guessed we'd have zombie brain dead deer roaming our woods !
The Pa. Walking Dead Deer hunting show....coming soon. 
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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/11 23:10:23 (permalink)
BTDT .....Who would have guessed we'd have zombie brain dead deer roaming our woods !
The Pa. Walking Dead Deer hunting show....coming soon. 

Ha haaa....... who knew and I'll bet there's one behind every tree.   Although I think it's more like 'zombie brain dead people' killing the deer hunting heritage in Penn's Woods. 
Hell even the CDC is running with the story.
Reminds me of an ole proverb.....  "Fake News".       [snicker]
Keep things rolling til I get back Cap.

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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/13 09:38:57 (permalink)
Yes, the CWD was directly implanted into the squirrel monkeys' brains.  But, just FYI, squirrel monkeys are not on the human primate there still could be a species barrier resistance.   
Still a bunch of unknowns, overall.
Link to one of the squirrel monkey study summaries:
Here is a link to summary of a more recent, lengthy study of macaques that is a bit more promising:
Another study with both types of primates:
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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/02/13 16:59:41 (permalink)
Of interesting note, here is a snippet from an article concerning using a vaccine for CWD instead of bullets.

“On the federal level, a press release from Joyce states he is calling for the House to take up the legislation immediately so the Pennsylvania Game Commission no longer feels compelled to take matters into its own hands on CWD."


The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/03/25 19:35:04 (permalink)
Long discussion about the Saturday opener during the working group meeting today. Pros and cons presented. Some commissioners now appear to be waffling a bit from their yes vote in January. 

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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/03/26 12:51:40 (permalink)
Imagine that....
Totally neutral here on the issue.  If it happens, fine.  If it doesn't, I am also fine.  The kids and I will make it work, either way. 
I would much rather have Sunday hunting opened up for ALL species but, that isn't on the PGC currently.  Keeping my fingers crossed for that one.
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Re: Todays PGC meeting(many changes) 2019/03/28 09:26:59 (permalink)
Sunday hunting needs to be " Sunday Hunting ", not just for deer.
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