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2018/10/13 00:05:34 (permalink)

The Erie Fishing Diary

The Erie Fishing Diary by Captain Hook 
 A quick look back at Erie trib fishing over the past 40 years as it progressed by some of my past notes.   
70's - 80's  decent runs of Coho with a light mix of Steelhead / no crowds on creeks except for the mouths of the tribs. Most creeks wide open to fishing. Trout Run and Walnut are the major targets. It's the beginning of a new fishery!    
80's - 90's Steelhead runs increase, Coho slowly fade / crowds still mainly near mouths and shorelines. Runs are mixed good and not so good numbers. Most creeks are wide open, traffic still very light. Most new fishing ideas and information came from the West Coast, and the Great Lakes Fishing magazine. ( most ERIE fishermen didn't know this) Flies, Egg Sacs, Lures ,Rods, all West Coast ideas! They had the experience way before us.   
90's - 2000  Steelhead runs continue to get stronger every year. Mouths of creeks are packed with fish and people. Awesome runs of fish are entering the creeks fairly steady. The internet becomes a major media, newspapers are printing steady articles from Erie to Pittsburgh. Cell phones are ringing steady. The crowds start to increase stronger. Creeks are busy but still decent room if you walk a little.   
2000-2010 Steelhead runs are crazy ! Fish are packed in all areas of water from Rt.5 - I-79 ! People are everywhere , cars are jammed parked , Internet is on fire with info !  12-20 fish a day is normal for most fishermen. People from Canada to South Carolina to Wyoming to Maine are all flocking to Steelhead Alley ! I-79 traffic is tripled from Sept. - December ! Land is being posted fast , parking is a major issue in most areas , litter is everywhere, bathrooms are almost non existent, no fish cleaning stations, cell phones are now part of fishing gear !  The writing is on the wall. There is no way this can, or will continue like this ! Combat fishing has entered Erie Pa.strong and the Fish Commission is stymied !   
2010-2016  Steelhead runs have decreased fairly rapid with each year becoming less. Crowds are still very heavy in most areas. Some issues have been addressed with some bathrooms, parking and land owner leases. Combat fishing is accepted in most areas with limited access to upper creek areas, regular fishing areas are now overly busy. There are no Steelhead fishing secrets, every day is a Saturday, internet fishing news and weather is daily watched, catch numbers on average are low. Seems fish size has also dropped just by reading the Pa. records past years.  
 Good , bad , whatever you rate it now, it's still working ! 


Kokanee Killer
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 00:39:24 (permalink)
great thread captn  from one erie veteran to another... i started my erie days in the early 90s  yes steelhead mecca for sure.. i still go  but those were the days for sure... remember the old saying.. build it and they will come lo lol  well it did..  wow everytime you post you make me feel old im only 51 but  have been fortunate to see the rise of steelhead in erie tribs  is what it is today but like you said it beats working lol..  

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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 08:12:59 (permalink)
My first time in 98, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Water black with fish, people everywhere. Fish swimming into my boots. Craziness!

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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 09:07:48 (permalink)
a timeline of fishing tourism success.  The locals don't like it but the government does.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 11:30:01 (permalink)
My first trip was in the fall of 1972 to Walnut at 5 am. tossing KO Wobblers off the wall. We knew absolutely nothing about Salmon fishing other than what we learned from talking to a few local friends that had gone up once before us. Call it beginners luck, I caught the only Coho Salmon that morning amongst about 15 fishermen. A silver beauty about 2 foot long.......I stayed addicted from then on! 
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 12:19:42 (permalink)
Good stuff 'Hook
My first time in 98, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Water black with fish, people everywhere.

97-'98  to 04-'05  were the boom years for numbers
my steel chasin' started in the mid 80s in Ohio
early '90s started fishing west side Pa regular and often due to falling in love with Elk's size and scenery
(a Goldielocks was "just right" for me)
 still is and always will be one of my favorite creeks in the whole wide world
so, from early/mid  '90s on.....
My observations  pretty much mirror  CapHook's
my recollections
angler traffic exploded in the early '00s on Elk
By '05-'06 , Shangri la to yourself  was more and more difficult to find
the noticeable  numbers decline (but still a bunch compared to the last 6-8 years) I recall started around '06 or 07??
There were noticeably less fish for the first time, but they were also noticeably  larger on average
(caught more 10 pound+  class steel  on Elk that season than  ever before or since)
Same for Ohio BTW, numbers off, but larger average size
a year or two later there were less fish, but back to typical PA size 4-7 pound instead of that year of 6 to 9 average
By 2010-2012  I wasn't having as much fun anymore
 the last few years I was a  regular (twice a week from Sept to ice)  I had put so many fish on the bank by  Thanksgiving, I was kinda bored with catching
(not bragging, I was just lucky to find dumb fish once in awhile)
and not being local, I couldn't traipse   down to the creek for an hour or so anytime I felt like it
worse yet...I'm old duud (lots of hard miles anyway)
and it's not "fun" to tramp creeks and sling bugjunk all day hUrtz
Only want to fish a couple/three hours at most nowadayz
the 3 hour rnd trip drive time to fish a couple  hours with more anglers and less feesh  means .....
say it ain't so....."It's not worth it" to me anymore
i'm a "has been".........
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 12:32:08 (permalink)
 Call it beginners luck, I caught the only Coho Salmon

speaking of Coho.....
for years I caught them and never knew
I just thought they were "greener/odd" colored 
it  wasn't til I was fishing next to guy that saw me land a good sized one (6 pound or better)
and he says, "nice Coho!"
really?!?   hoo nu??
not me at the time

post edited by genieman77 - 2018/10/13 12:33:25
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 13:34:26 (permalink)
That sums it up. Great post Capt.

I started in the late 90s and stopped around '14 or so. Now I'll sneak up once maybe twice a year to scratch an itch, but thas it. The year(s) that stick out the most for me are '03-'05. Black with fish everywhere you went. So many in Walnut, that the chutes could barely hold water. The lake was a guaranteed over 30 fish day. Elk was accessible almost everywhere and every hole had a pile of fish in it.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 14:10:30 (permalink)
Yea , I have to admit I had the best of the best so now days it's about a half dozen trips in fall if that and a few spring trips. I still do my fair share of local fishing both boat and wading, but a few hours of wading and casting is enough. After 45 plus years of chasing Salmon , Steelhead , Browns and Lakers across three states ...I've had my fun!
Hope it continues for my son and grandson and others, but I'll admit I doubt it will ever be as good.
Yea Genie and Pen those were some banner years you pointed out . Had to see it to believe it.
I-90 hole 2003 ....took my son in at daylight and we were in awe ! Over 200 Steelhead blackened that whole area from top to bottom...what a site ! Believe it or not we caught fish, but with so many packed in they spook so easy everytime one was hooked it was awhile before you would hook another. Last time I was there years ago the hole was actually gone....filled in with sediment and rocks.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 14:21:39 (permalink)
Those couple hurricanes, Rita and Frances, really changed all of the streams back then. Never forget the first time we walked up past Cascade to Rt 5, and found most of , if not all the holes were gone.
Kokanee Killer
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/13 19:54:54 (permalink)
yeah who remembers when the BOTH CONRAIL TUNNELS were deep and held fish   been years since the far one even had water runnin thru it   in the mid 90s  both sides had steel n coho  3 layers thick  i aint kiddin

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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/14 08:34:48 (permalink)
Those couple hurricanes, Rita and Frances, really changed all of the streams back then. Never forget the first time we walked up past Cascade to Rt 5, and found most of , if not all the holes were gone.

was one of those the one that washed out rt 5 at Elk?
dare I say, that one  was "epic" 
Long standing holes, runs and cuts  that perennially held fish for years  disappeared  over night
and new ones created
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/14 09:24:29 (permalink)
Summer of '09 there was a HUGE rain event in Erie - believe it was July, and not associated with a hurricane or tropical storm.  Got like 5" of rain in a few hours.  Walnut hit 22,000 CFS (
I remember coming mup that fall and everything was different.  Totally wiped out Walnut under the Rt. 20 bridge, and they had to do a lot structure work there.  Don't remember other specific changes, but everything I knew and was familiar with changed.  I believe that was also the one that seems to have changed the falls on 'Nut above the Manchester, that seems to largely inhibits upstream movement now.  
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/14 11:41:53 (permalink)
KK, I remember the Elk Conrail tubes back in the day when the lower end was really deep almost like a small lake. We actually struggled to wade out to the twin tubes and get up on the walkway to fish. One of the biggest schools of fish I've ever seen was staged in that stretch one season. Can't remember what year (90's ?) but well over several hundred fish packed in from the top of the tubes down to the fast run out down below.  
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/14 13:46:58 (permalink)
I m too young for the Coho years. But I wish they wouldve taken hold.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/14 15:19:23 (permalink)
Actually you didn't miss much.....Steelhead and Coho are about equal on fighting but Steelhead are much more aggressive feeders. Seemed once the Salmon enter the creeks they become almost lock jawed on feeding and more interested in spawning. Steelhead are such a variety feeder too, plus they don't die after spawning ......a big plus. The Steelhead were the better choice as far as stocking, but some Salmon would be a nice mix too ! 

post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2018/10/14 18:07:16
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/14 20:12:58 (permalink)
Yea Captain I'm pretty sure it was the fall of 73 or 74 so you got me beat. I do remember catching a lot of coho. I remember other fishermen couldn't tell a steelhead from a coho. lol It was always a debate. lol Easy to tell if you know what to look for. Those salmon loved the spoons,KO and Cleo's.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 01:26:43 (permalink)
I don't remember the years,but before steelheads were stocked & the main game was Coho vs Kings it was humorous listening to the newbies trying to i.d. their catch as to which one had the black mouth or the black  gums. Those were the days for sure when we worried more about high water than low water levels in the creeks & you seldom had problems with finding room to fish except on week-ends. The cohos & kings were tough til we learned some tricks,but it was a sad day when you couldn't count on Roostertails to keep you busy. Even in Michigan we could count on either Green with brass blades or black with silver blades to keep you busy. I used to trick mine out with heavier hooks because the Kings would smash the hooks with the standard hooks. Red & white Daredevils were reliable also. Double digit days were the norm,with some guys claiming triple digits. Sad to see what it has turned into. Anyone remember when the newspapers down here would actually set up bus trips to the nut & the guys would actually find places to fish at Trout run & the zoo?  sam
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 08:31:39 (permalink)
Sam my very first steelhead fishing experience was on one of those bus trips. It was put together by the Westmoreland Co Parks Dept and "hosted" by Wyndle Watson, the outdoor writer of the Post Gazette (maybe still the Pittsburgh Press at that time).

I was 15 or 16 so this was around 1989 or 1990. My dad had a friend who was a steelhead fisherman and he convinced us to go. The bus parked at the Elk Creek access area.

We didn't have waders and my dad was NOT a good trout fisherman. We bought knee high rubber boots to wear and put some ridiculously heavy mono on our reels. We made egg sacs with store bought salmon eggs and my mom's old stockings. It was about the coldest I had ever been in my life and we didn't even get a bite. I can't remember if I really enjoyed any part of it except going back to the bus often to warm up by eating Snickers bars.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 08:37:38 (permalink)
It always strikes me how we all started. Not even close to having the right gear, the right technique or even having the slightest clue. Lol. It was fun learning though.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 08:58:02 (permalink)
The second time I fished for steelhead was in the fall of 2001, and I had a friend who liked to fish in the Pig Pen and he took me along.  It was a snotty November Day - huge cold front had just blown through, waves crashing on the beach at Trout Run and the spray topping the walls of the Pig Pen.  We got there with about an hour of daylight left, and in no time at all, I landed 3 steelhead on my 6' trout rod.  Fortunately, there was a nice guy near us that let us borrow his long handled net.  
I went in Feb. of '02 or '03 with another friend.  Elk was locked in ice from the mouth up to the access, but was open just above that.  Somehow, I landed 6 on my 6' trout rod, and after that day it became somewhat of an obsession.  
So I was getting started just as the best years were kind of winding down.  I had another good friend who had fished for steelhead for many years that taught me about noodle rods, fluoro leaders, size 18 and 20 hooks, black bird shot and small baits.  There were days back then that it truly felt more like catching than fishing, when you could find a ridiculous pile of steelhead that hadn't been pounded by 10 other guys all day long.  
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 09:30:34 (permalink)
It always strikes me how we all started. Not even close to having the right gear, the right technique or even having the slightest clue. Lol. It was fun learning though.

I had never fished in the winter before and was NOT PREPARED!
Borrowed my buddy’s rubber chest waders, not dressed right, tiny trout rod, I kept hooking the egg sacs IN the eggs and wondering why they broke! Then I resorted to ripping spoons across fishes back at Manchester hole. Total snaggr and jagoff!
Now i just dress better...

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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 10:16:59 (permalink)
LOL...great beginners stories. I never knew about those buses . Yea it was a crazy learning period back then. Egg sacs the size of golf balls tied in pantyhose netting , rods as long as buggy whips, thick heavy line. Cleos and KO's were sold by the hundreds at local bait shops BAC & Poor Richards. State cops ticketing all the cars parked on the east side of the road to Trout Run every morning. 
The best was the Trout Run Marina aka The Pig Pen! What a place.....mad house is an under statement . People paid to fish in shifts, they allowed 50 in a shift during the week 75 on the weekends and many a day there was a line waiting to get in. They got around the law by charging you to use the bridge and park, not to actually fish. Some days I saw well over a hundred Coho caught, Steelhead were not as common then. Talk about fishing in an oversize swimming pool, loaded with fish. I seen it all there lots of laughs watching the show....drunks, snaggers, lines constantly tangled, people getting arrested, rods snatched by fish, all went on! 
An old fishing buddy with 5 Coho in the Pig Pen

post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2018/10/15 10:26:11
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 11:36:03 (permalink)
I remember back in the 70's standing in the frog water of elk with 20lb line, 0/2 hooks and giant egg sacks...catching nothing just like everyone else.  Then moving to walnut at sun up watch all those fish moving in and out and how it blew my mind that they wouldn't take any of the stuff guys were trying.  Then seeing people using KO wobblers to snag, some guys were deadly with those!
Then I got married and moved to the eastern part of the state....came to my senses and got out of that trap and started going up again in the early 2000'S, and was educated to the ways of light set ups, noodle rods and better bait by a couple buddies.
Still have those old tuna rods someplace :)
Awesome memories.

wishin i was fishin
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 13:51:28 (permalink)
Was a student at PSU-Behrend Fall 85-Spring 87 before moving on to Main Campus State College. Had no bleeping idea what to do, but a buddy of mine turned me on to Joe's Flies (Wooly Bugger) for artificial lures . . . already knew how to work a fresh emerald shiner as a pretty decent inland trout fisherman. First Coho in chutes above Manchester Hole (not yet posted) that fall. Learned how to make fresh egg sacs which increased my take . . . decreased the need to find a way to keep a bucket of emerald shiners alive. However, also learned how pungent fresh skein is . . . the trunk of my '72 Dodge Dart Swinger probably still smells like that stuff in whatever junkyard she rests in now.
Took a decade long hiatus, and then was turned back on to winter/spring Steel by my brother and friends.  Areas that are now posted upstream of the I-79 pool on Elk . . . no bigger than most mid-size inland streams with water to our waists, but the fishing was non-stop. Panther Martins or a simple redworm and barbless hook the key. 
No interest in combat fishing these days, prefer the relative solitude of my local trout streams each fall.
Hoping to get out this weekend . . . one nice 'holdover' brownie or rainbow with some color, and my day is made.
Tight lines all!
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 14:25:29 (permalink)
When we were going up fishing in the 80's we always wondered how minnows would do,after all we caught stockies on them, but nobody ever seemed to use them back then. Well back in those days none of the Erie bait shops carried much minnows after Labor Day and usually only tiny Emeralds at best.  Finally one day I brought a bucket of fatheads up from our local bait shops to try with my son. Wow all I can say! Me and my son landed 21 nice Steelies on upper Elk that evening. I put the smelly egg sacs away for a few years .
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 14:54:17 (permalink)
Well yinz ya know I aint gonna be quiet even though I dint partake in the Erie Tribs 'cept one time when snagging was legal and but a few minutes of witness to that, sent me with tail tucked.

But I would like to congratulate the Capt. For his idea of the "Diary". Been some great stories as well as memories so far and hopefully, many more to come.

Good one Cap.....👍

Tight lines and carry on.

PS. Even gooder, sweet to hear I ain't the only dummy, when it come to catchin them stupid fish.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 15:12:38 (permalink)
Still shocks me that the ontario fishermen have not keyed on on minnows yet.

wishin i was fishin
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 23:21:35 (permalink)
Thanks John,  I'm enjoying the read........
I used minnows one time up NY on the tribs....did nail a few . Most bait shops don't carry live bait like around here. In Lewiston the only two bait shops closed or were closed when I was up a few years ago. Olcott has one, Oak has ......? Maybe one....two closed there also. Can't bring  them in from out of state....VHS virus protection. Good bait shops are becoming a rarity ....tough seasonal business, long hours.  Gulp minnows should work well.
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Re: The Erie Fishing Diary 2018/10/15 23:39:33 (permalink)
Anybody remember the old buzzard that use to charge us to park at Elk Creek on the East side ?
Yea he had a little wooden booth and charged everybody 2-3 dollars to park in the field there. He had a little shady thing going for awhile till they shut him
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