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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/06 15:39:01 (permalink)
Stopped to talk to my neighbor on the way home about looking for my deer on the backside of his property. As a small glimmer of hope, his wife saw one that was obviously injured run across their field last night not to long after I hit my deer. Headed out shortly with the neighbor and a buddy to give it a look.

Hopefully you guys start seeing more action this week. Woods was lit up last night after I shot. Saw 8 including the one I hit. Actually had 2 smaller buck that looked like they were ready to kill each other watch me climb down the tree, pick up all my stuff, and leave the woods. They were under 50yds away and never spooked.
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/06 16:04:25 (permalink)
I’m out, just because it is the last week and it is supposed to be the rut.

At 68 degrees and blue skies, I’m not very hopeful that anything will move until after dark.

Decided to go to the treehouse in the creek bottom due to it having the mist night time buck activity. Besides, I can watch the caddis and BWO’s hatching off the creek so I don’t bore myself out of my skull.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/06 17:58:26 (permalink)
Went and searched the neighbors property for a few hours with no luck. Hate to say it, but I think I'm giving up and hoping it was a non lethal shot. With just a few days left I'm gonna call it quits for the season and consider this lost deer my buck tag.

On the plus side for the day was meeting my new neighbor for the first time. This old boy was great and gave a total stranger some help trying to locate my deer with no hesitation. Nice to know there's still lots of good people out there
post edited by CRAPPIE_SLAYER - 2018/11/06 18:00:00
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/06 18:08:59 (permalink)
Had to dawn the 'House Hunters' Camo today and headed out right after stopping at the voting polls.  I had gotten wind of a possible three bedroom 2 bath but as my luck would have it, no three up so I didn't even pull full draw.
Made it home just at three o'clock and a bit weary from my travels and I figured the elusive white tails haven't been coming forth from forest and Golden Rod until 5:15/5:30ish.  Sooo, I took advantage of the time to catch up on a cat nap for an hour or so.   Woke at 4:45 feeling rested so I grabs my trusty bow and heads for the Pennsylvania Wilds.   It wasn't til I was just about to my high rise ground blind, a three minute walk when I sez to myself...... self, must be more rain comin my way cause it seemed so darned dark for this time of day.
Needless to say, I didn't see no stupid deer.
4 more days, good luck to those still in the hunt.
PS; right now the wind is ripping outside so I'm thinking tomorrows hunt may need some game plan changes.  May need to do some 'still hunting' and watch for my ground blind.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/11/06 18:12:39

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/06 19:44:22 (permalink)
Hunted from 1pm till dark. Another blank. Thats 4 blanks in a row during a time when I typically see multiple bucks per day. 
Getting beyond frustrated now. A buddy of mine is reporting the same where he is hunting in Ohio. 

My rifle is a black rifle
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/06 20:07:13 (permalink)
I'm seeing little to nothing in Pa. and Ohio. That least I have a longer window for the rut. I have my best luck in Ohio 16 -23 in November. I have a backup plan in Pa. I'm going to set a couple of ground blinds in 2B.
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 05:56:18 (permalink)
Forecast here is calling for an all day, inch of rain on Friday, then highs in the 30’s on Saturday with a slight skiff of snow. That might be the daylight trigger. At least I hope.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 06:49:22 (permalink)
After some gusty wind last night I'm hoping I won't have 'go hunt' my ground blind this morning.

Might be difficult finding the thing, it's camouflaged. 😎

Turkey's are out and about early this morning but nothing white tail wise.

38 degrees with a slight breeze this morning and I can't think of a better place to be, except maybe at full draw on a rooster across the street.

At all that crowing, I shouldn't be surprised as there is a wonderful sunrise.

Good Morning Pennsylvania Wilds.

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Hope I see some elusive PA. White Tailed Deer.... they're just so darned cute.

post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/11/07 07:24:14


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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 12:55:09 (permalink)
There was a crooked little hunter who stalked from a crooked little blind.....

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But I ain't so certain it was the wind that caused the crooked blind as upon further investigation there was some sign. Can not trust them dam cornstalks.

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No way some may say but as for me... I'm Just'Sayin'....

On a lighter note for the inquiring minds wanting to know. It's a trade secrete so keep this under your hat. Camo Honor is a must here.
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Bungee cord.... priceless.

Now if I could just see See some stupid, but cute, white tailed deer.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/11/07 12:56:25


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Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 15:02:32 (permalink)
Is that considered baiting? Now I know how you get deer. lol On another note,I had a great morning hunt. A hot doe came within 35 yards and brought me not one but two great looking 8pts. I had the safety off and had my pin on them several time within the 45 seconds they where in front of me,but just didn't feel right,a little thick and a little farther than I like. Shoulda,coulda but didn't and I'm OK with my decision. Still my best hunt of the year. I've hunted 5 times here and saw 5 different bucks 3 where definitely shooters to me. I'm feeling better about getting one Its a morning spot so 4 more chances,I'm thinking about hunting evening there to but don't want to burn it up,but it's the rut. Good luck guys.
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 20:02:04 (permalink)
Lmao BT, I dun never even thought bout that there baiting stuff. See them dam cornstalks tryin to get me trouble. I toldya gotta watch the SOBs. 😂😂😂

Didn't make it out today, other then to straighten my ground blind. Needed to run to Erie and retrieve my knapsack where it's been for service and repair.

All ready now, for some heavy back packing & hiking adventures in the Pennsylvania Wilds.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 20:11:51 (permalink)
Go get 'em BT!
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 21:19:10 (permalink)

Well, after drawing a blank earlier this week and not seeing nearly as many deer as we normally see on a friend's little piece of paradise, my son got it done tonight.  Some little forks on those horns, so it's a 4 point.  
He could've nailed 3 or 4 similar bucks last year, but he had set his standards a bit higher.  He had a chip shot at this buck earlier this year as well.  It's not that he's watched too many hunting shows, it's just that he likes to challenge himself.  
Last year during gun season, he wouldn't use a gun, choosing instead to hunt with his bow.  He gave up spinning rods a few years ago, except when we're fishing for catfish, and always throws flies on the water.  In many ways, he's a lot like me, but not in this way.  He's his own man when it comes to challenging himself in the woods or on the water.  
He's a freshman in high school now and turned 15 this past Saturday.  Beginning next Friday, his basketball coach will keep him busy 6 days a week through mid February.  With evening commitments for me the next 3 days, and him being away on a church youth group retreat Saturday, I told him to he should let one fly if he had the chance at any buck or doe.  Realistically, we might have three opportunities to hunt during gun season with him playing and me coaching the 7th grade team at our middle school. I told him any buck with a bow is a trophy, especially at 15.  
It was a 23 yard chip shot, broadside.  He hit it a little high and a little back, but got the high, back leg mule kick, so I was pretty confident we'd find a dead deer eventually.  The arrow had good blood on it - not the bright pink frothy blood an archery hunter loves to see, but not super dark either.  The deer crossed a right of way, and headed onto the neighbor's property where we have permission to recover deer, but not hunt.  We backed out for an hour and a half, and came back.  
The blood trail was OK.  He was heading down hill, and obviously stumbling and kicked up a lot of leaves.  Not a difficult tracking job, but not super easy either.  He was piled up about 100 yards from the shot.  He got the back of the near side lung and the liver.  
Here's where it gets crazy.  
I called a good friend who has shot lots of deer with a bow (I only ever killed one with a bow in my life) and texted him a pic of the arrow and described the shot, just to make sure we'd be OK to go in tonight.  His 8 year old and my 8 year old are best friends, and they met up with the three of us just after we had found it.  This was my son's 4th deer, and it was time for him to field dress one on his own.  
My buddy and I walked him through it, and as he was reaching up in to cut the esophagus and get the heart and lungs out, he cut himself.  Bad.  
He took off his glove, and his hand and wrist were covered in his own blood.  He got an artery, and blood was squirting out of his hand with each heart beat.  I lost my mind.  Thank God my friend was there to calmly apply pressure and calmly tell me to shut the hell up and quit freaking out and that I didn't need to call 911.  Fortunately, my wife works in the medical field and we were a mile from home.  I called her to come get him, and by the time she got there, I had to sit on the ground because I was about to pass out.  Never been so freaked out by an injury in my life.  She took him to the ER as I sat next to my car waiting for the blood flow to return to my brain, which took a good 5 minutes.  
Thankfully, he's getting stitched up now and a dose of IV antibiotics, and some for the road.  Doc said he'll be fine, but a bit lower would've been real bad.  
Lesson learned.  Never assume a 15 year old actually knows how to use a knife safely.  
post edited by rsquared - 2018/11/07 21:22:43
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 21:32:23 (permalink)
Wow Dave we send our best to Isaac for a quick and complete recovery.

We were so happy to see the picture of Isaac and read your story.

But our smiles quickly turned to a frown. So sorry things had to end the way they did.

Hope you are feeling better too.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/11/07 21:34:07

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 21:43:12 (permalink)
Congrats to your boy,reminds me of taking my son under my wing. It's truly a wonderful thing watching a young boy grow into a man.I hope his self inflicted cut heals well with no complications. Great buck for your son,and to his proud dad. You did good.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2018/11/07 21:44:48
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 22:37:15 (permalink)
Congrats to your son , I’m sure it will be a season you both never forget . So glad he is going to be ok and you got calmed down .

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/07 22:52:08 (permalink)
BTDT ... I also didn’t get out today , crazy weather yesterday high winds knocked my electric out twice bit my router also . So today I got to go and buy a new one and set it up which turned out to be a pain ... modern technology my butt ... everything back up a running except my outside camera but I’ll get it ...plan on hitting woods tomorrow ... good luck y’all ..,,

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 04:43:38 (permalink)
Congrats to your son 👍👍. Hope the cut heals up well.
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 04:49:41 (permalink)
Activity here in swamp has been better saw 8 pt at 75 yds last evening still got a chance but days are running out for bow season...Get out today great conditions GOOD LUCK! WCW
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 05:45:15 (permalink)
Congrats to your son!

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 08:54:22 (permalink)
Shhhhh, be vewy vewy, quiet. It's 8:35 ish and I'm sitting here watching a nice wide racked antlered deer walking across the corn field. Too far out to get a good count on the points but the rack is well past the ears and rather high also.

Taking his time but every step moves him toward the highrise ground blind. I'm confident he won't see or wind me so I'm sure if he keeps moving in the same direction he will present a shot.

Geez, this is exciting and my heart rate is picking up along with my breathing. First buck I've seen with legal antlers in 11 years and he's moving toward my ground blind.

Can't remember feeling this excited but I gotta remember to pace myself and move with stealth.

I'd liked to get some pics as he approaches but I dunno heart beginning to thump... man what a rush.

Dam, if I'd just left the house earlier this morning, I know I'd beat him to the groundblind. Gotta git... my bow and go.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/11/08 08:56:27

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 12:14:10 (permalink)
Saw nothing til 9:30, then received a text from a friend that he had shot a decent 8-point and requesting assistance in getting it out (he is 70), so off I go.

He tells me that he saw one doe, which was squatting and five bucks, two of which were legal. On the way in to get his deer, we see a nonlegal buck that could not have cared less that we were walking toward it.

Hopefully this is a sign that they will start moving during the daylight. I can hunt this afternoon and Saturday.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 12:20:14 (permalink)
The buck I watched this morning was feeding and didn't seem to be any hurry to leave the corn field.

Bean and cornfields being picked until 10:00 last night so I'm thinking he may have been pushed off his turf.

I dunno, maybe a short rut this season but I saw nothing about that buck saying it's on.

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 12:32:03 (permalink)
Left the house this am ran to the store to get chew, heading to my hunting grounds I noticed deer everywhere so I drove around the block waiting on blue light as to not blow deer out the field get up 630ish 645 idk strap in to the tree in bundgee my horns pull bow up sit down about what seemed like 2min go buy I hear a deer walking in o it's a buck damit it's the big 5pt gets under my tree I see the extra point, he walks past I draw maaa branch so I stand as high as I could shot didn't sound good my pin was at 25 he was about 12 yards I'm like what an idiot after 5min I get down look arrow is clean hair little speck of meat I climb up think about it seen 3 other bucks within the next hr go look for blood I figured I grazed him but if I hit low enough i figured I clip a lung, find a speck I'm like **** I did hit him then I found bubbles then I got to the ditch and there was a nice pile of lung blood I called my buddy Jr said I hit him good lung blood go get the wagon 70yards later there he in 8pt not huge but he is my buck for the year great week 6 buck lol I'm ecstatic now my rutcation turned into migrationation time to find some birds

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 13:28:45 (permalink)
Took a short vacation last friday thru monday. Sat for a total of 28 hours and until the last day saw 1 deer. A small 6 point. Monday i saw a big 9 point or better. And 2 small bucks all cruising. Ive been working the 3 to 3 shift since and havnt made it out. Last night i saw 3 different bucks otw home each being a wall hanger keeping in close contact with doe. One was by raitis salvage yard and if his neck was any more swollen it would probably split!
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 16:42:20 (permalink)
Got a text this morning from a friend that needed help getting a buck out. I left the treehouse and helped him.

Of course, we see a buck walking in to get his.

And when I get back, the scrape 10 yards from the treehouse has been refreshed.

Haven’t heard a shot all afternoon either.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 19:30:17 (permalink)
Congrats thunderpole! Enjoy that tenderloin dinner. Good luck with the birds
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 19:34:55 (permalink)
Thunder, congratulations on your buck... now get back to work. lol 🍻🍻🍻

Dardy, congrats to your buddy too. Nice of you to help your friend. Maybe your good deed will be returned in the form of a good buck.

Outasync, nice to see you getting back out. Them 12 hour work schedules suck fo sho.

No report yet from Mopars guys, let's hope Steve is draggin one out.

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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 19:50:20 (permalink)
Screw that my rutcation turned into migrationation!! now hopefully I can find some birds I know we got fresh ones! Might go hunt pheasants tomorrow in the rain with my buddy and his setters I need dem tailfeathers

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Archery season 2018 2018/11/08 19:58:26 (permalink)
 Can't wait for pics,Thunder. 
post edited by Big Tuna - 2018/11/08 20:02:11
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