hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/19 17:05:43
Trials and tribulations: Indoor starter garden is kinda going bust. To many plants , not enough natural light. Artificial light is not cutting it. Knowing this , the greenhouse must be built and ready to support starter plants next season. I still haven't got my strawberry plants in yet. I don't know how long they can remain dormant in the packaging. They, the raspberries and blackberry bushes HAVE to be priority #1 Saturday. Took on another brake job on my daughters car Sunday . If uneventful, 2 hrs tops but most likely, my day will end up being shot as my luck sucks. Cut some trees down last night and procrastinating about going out in the MUD and cold wind tonight to buck them up for another berry bed as well to line the remaining fence in the pig pen.
I'm quite sure at this point the MUD will never end
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/19 18:56:49
HT here are my thoughts. You started your plants too early indoors and they got too big maybe. They can only grow so much in small pack containers. I have ran into that a few times. I started mine 2 weeks ago and with the weather may be too early I have started berry bushes in 5 gallon buckets for a summer and transplanted them in the fall with good luck. As long as the strawberries are a LITTLE damp kept cool they should remain dormant.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/19 19:04:11
WIN20180419_185722 by Clint Stelmashuck, on FlickrHere is mine and honestly I hold have waited until this weekend to plant them. I never have luck with peppers and tomato so I just buy the plants. These are all seeds I harvested from own non GMO offspring. The tallest are spaghetti squash, both yellow and orange variety. Also cukes, butternut, pumpkin, acorn , zukes, summer squash. Some dill also. I also plant seeds so I can get staggered harvest.
post edited by Clint S - 2018/04/19 19:11:15
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/19 19:56:42
Clint I'm sure your right. Mine been in soil for almost 2 months. Some did good early and some couldn't sustain. If they had more space and light , I think it would work. Got off my butt and bucked up those poplar. Days are getting longer, temps only need a bump, not a heatwave.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/19 20:13:44
I used to seed my plants 6-8 weeks before the last frost which traditionally is May 15 in my area. I've had marginal success with my plants indoors as they get too leggy. I also learned from the good people at the Cornell Cooperative Extension that squash plants, pumpkin and zucchini, etc are susceptible to a moth larval infestation if planted before mid June. Plants with the infestation will look healthy but start to wilt and die once they set flowers and fruit. Have you ever noticed how healthy the plants are from the fruits and seeds you tilled under from the previous years plants? It's for good reason. Nature has it's timetable and man has his, man's isn't always the best.
post edited by troutbum21 - 2018/04/19 20:15:21
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/19 20:20:25
I've always bought my plants locally, not so much home centers. They grow from seed. Only difference I can see is they have an established green, grow house. I'm learning
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/19 23:06:54
Anybody have any experience with iron & manganese filters using peroxide as an oxidizer? Prices on filter cartridges or filtering media? Backwashing type filters. Do's don'ts........... lease or own?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/21 13:41:38
THE ROCK IS OUT. I had to resort to putting the ho on the tractor and that made short wok of it. I made 2 pig troughs today and will get (sausage) Link later today.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/21 18:02:05
We got our pig today, Amish said it was a bad year with big demand. We go the last one at $80.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/21 20:15:57
That's strange Clint. It seems they are everywhere cheap here right now. I know of a few more to be had for 60 and less but I'm all good myself. Next year I probably can't buy 1 . Kicked butt today here. Visited my local dirt farmer and filled those crates, after I visited my local rock quarry to line the bottoms first. All berries are planted, the cold frame box is in test on veggies tonight. Do or they don't. Got the boat serviced and running. Major score on 2 huge red oak trees I was told I could have. Tomorrow's project is to put them on the ground. After all that , wife took me out to the oldest running restaurant in our county. They always have fresh local catch on special. Of course it's shad roe, I'm sure next week will be striped bass and so on. A good days work . Glad you got that Rock out . I wish I had a tractor 😀
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/21 20:52:21
I was a little shocked too, but no more to be had for a few weeks there and did not feel like running around. Dad bought it, I would of haggled a little. LOL. We got our pig back from the butcher. 309# on the hoof and 250# in the freezer. Total charge was about 1$ a pound to come get it, slaughter, cut and vacuum pack. We only smoked the bacon and everything was cut into steaks or sausage. I love fresh ham steak. Here is the breakdown. Piglet $60 9 bags of feed $150 Cutting and wrapping ect $250 Other incidentals sawdust, bread truck leftovers $50 $510 So $2 a pound to raise to freezer
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/21 21:19:21
Hey you got a freezer full and another on the way. Thanks for the numbers. I will try and keep track as i go. I can see a savings on me slaughtering. I also see a loss when my son raids my freezer every week, lol. Right now I'm $100. For 2 piglets. $50. To build the stall. $20 for 100 lbs feed $10 for 2 bales straw. Free fencing I had. Still want to build the cold smokehouse but I have lots of time on that. Looking at bacon, steaks , sausage, roasts, ribs and loins. I liked your weight to meat ratio
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/21 21:20:50
Youse guz is making me hungry for pork chops. Past two days, I've eaten bacon burgers at two differnt resturants and tomorrow I'm heading for Chinese where they offer delicious pork on a stick.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/21 21:32:02
The butchering is the biggest cost and something I cannot do as I have little to no knowledge of it. Remember try will eat grass and garden weeds too. We let this one get a bit bigger than the others.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/22 16:44:55
Well today was another good day. Got some stuff done, lawn almost done and tracts ready to pull manure tomorrow. I also went to the gun she this am and picked up a new varmint gun. I have been wanting a .223 based gun for a while. I wanted a mini 14, but price was just too high and being left handed they are hard to find. Hot casings flying by my face is not good. So I opted for a bolt action Savage with a Bushnell scope. The Remington 700 was too much and the guy would not deal down to Walk Marts on sale price.Got the savage for $50 below retail, brand new. Not a gun nut so I did not need anything special, so the Entry level savage will suit me fine for a farm gun.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/22 19:56:29
Today was a work day for sure. Nothing went as I'd like of course. Glad yours was better Clint with a new toy. Not much of a gun collection myself either. 22 rifle, 20 & 12 gauge shotgun, 30-06 game gun. I don't shoot other than hunting so they serve purpose.
Here is my rundown day. Figured I'd drop that free oak then do brakes on daughters car. As my great luck has, it hung up in another tree. Started at 9am and a backhoe later it was on the ground at noon. Brakes took an hr from 1 -2 pm. Pigs and garden projects took 2 more hrs , boat took another 2 . Figured I'd go cut and haul some firewood after and blow a tire on cart after first load. Chunked a bunch of tree up and now it's almost dark and I'm toast !!
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/29 10:35:32
So no gardening here yet, but still 'growing' things here. A new hatch of chicks and Mindy is a happy puppy having new babies to watch over.
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/29 10:45:23
That is one gentile dog to sit there with those chicks,that is a joy to see!
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/29 10:48:23
Fisherlady those are absolutely great pictures. Mother hen is a pretty bird and Mindy... well that picture is certainly worth a thousand words. Kudos for sharing.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/29 11:10:03
Thank you, hard to go wrong with those subjects.  Mindy is an English Shepherd, sometimes also called an 'Old Fashioned farm collie'... They are an all around farm dog known for herding, protection and varmit hunting. They are an incredibly intelligent dog and she has those qualities and then some. She loves her chickens and is a joy to watch in the coops, especially when chicks hatch. Her and Dillon (Male ES from same NY sheep farm) make sure no racoons, rats or possums ever visit twice. Mindy has twice saved birds from hawk attacks also. I think as long as we ever have poultry or any farm animals around we will have an ES to help out.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/29 11:17:41
Got the coop cleaned and spread on the small gardens. Dug some stones from the lawn and cleared some birch that were down from the wind. Back hurts so taking it easy. I have to spray and plow the garden soon. We are expanding one so I spray it to kill the grass before plowing. It will be a pumpkin patch.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2018/04/29 11:24:11
Clint S Got the coop cleaned and spread on the small gardens. Dug some stones from the lawn and cleared some birch that were down from the wind. Back hurts so taking it easy. I have to spray and plow the garden soon. We are expanding one so I spray it to kill the grass before plowing. It will be a pumpkin patch.
You are making me tired! LOL We have 2 coops, this weekend they are getting cleaned out completely, sprayed for any bugs, which thankfully we haven't seen sign, but still do preventative treatment yearly, and new sand put in. Camping season is starting so time to have them finished before we are gone on weekends.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/03 20:46:44
I'm really slacking here. My outdoors projects came to a screeching halt 7 days ago. Everything indoors / outdoors is in need of help because I leave house in dark and return as same. Pigs are double in size already. The chores are mounting. 1 more day to go that I'm not on borrowed time.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/05 13:13:12
Fence is up, cows are out and one garden plowed. Helped the neighbor deliver a calf too
post edited by Clint S - 2018/05/05 13:15:39
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/06 10:37:05
Plowed the bottom garden and diced a little. It was a little damp to do it but as the saying goes, ''make hay when the sun shines''. Will need to disc several more times. I am actually complaining it was too hot yesterday. Mowed the front yard too.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/07 14:04:54
We started raised beds this year and so far they are doing great.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/15 21:27:30
Cows are out and not coming back when called, having too much fun in the swamp eating tender grass. Garden is set to be planted and will start this week with seeds and next with plants which are out getting hardened now on the front steps. Cant fix the bald spots on the lawn due to the chickens eating the seed faster than I can put it down, LOL. Started prepping a little orchard area for some trees this flll. Waited too long and no Turkey poults this year so I am standing firm on what I have for birds
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/17 21:03:02
Where to start. 3 weeks behind from fishing. Finally got most all my garden sowed. Still to plant peppers and more herbs. Gave a second mowing on lawn this season and it's thick. Took a few piles to the pigs and they love it. The firewood pile is growing but I don't think it's enough yet which sucks because the woods are also getting thick. As far as starting my plants inside, it was a pretty much bust. I wouldn't do it again without a greenhouse. Only thing that really produced were tomatoes. Currently I have 30 tomato plants in the ground. All the rest, cukes ect didn't germinate until I put them outside 2 weeks ago. Pigs are getting big. While I was away playing with fish , I'm thinking my wife was over feeding them. I cut them back this week to about 2lbs feed per day each. More to come
post edited by hot tuna - 2018/05/17 21:04:43
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/20 13:01:17
Rich just start the plants later and you will be fine. I start most of mine May 1 for the creepers like b nut and spaghetti squash. You want them in the ground before the 4th leaf comes out give or take. Earlier for the tomato and peppers. You want a t8 bulb and warm place. I do mine in basement with stove going. Harden outside for a week or so before planting. Good news for me they got another shipmnt of meat turkeys in so I got 4. Piggy is twice the size. Cows are happy. Strawberry plants going in today and garden will get marked and start planting if it dries out a wee bit. Muddy mess to plant now
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2018/05/20 14:55:18
Agreed Clint. I started things in late January. Far to soon but thought maybe it would increase my yield by a early planting as plants instead of buying plants. I'm truly going to build a greenhouse and possibly start things in March instead.
Talk about mud, it's still mud season and the pigs are deep in it. Getting ripe in there .They are eating a lot as well. I'm going to start keeping track of their cost on food. So far I'm 250 lbs into feed @ $9.00 per 50 lbs. Gotta make another feed run tomorrow. Think I killed my peach trees. My mother bought some mulch to put around them. 2 days later I noticed the leaves wilting. 4 days later they were dropping. I looked at the bags of much and the crap had weed killer added. Tired to rake as much off as I could but they now look very sad. By the end of this week all my garden will be as will be.
I'm heading away again next weekend to my deer camp to hang out for 3 nights. After that , I'm home for 2 weeks then the ausable for father's day weekend, following week long in Rhode island clamming for 7 days. The wheel never stops here.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen