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hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/09 20:37:52 (permalink)
Absolutely the last bacon to be cured from the 75lb harvested last season. It would have gone quicker if I let it but we rationed well.
Garden, garlic is hurting with the drought. Possible rain tomorrow afternoon but not what we need. A day of steady rain be nice bout now.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/09 21:14:40 (permalink)
Wow. Those tomatoes look better than the bacon.

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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/09 21:21:18 (permalink)
What better picture... Bacon and tomatoes together. Bring on the lettuce and mayo.

A good soaking rain too.🌧

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/09 22:07:37 (permalink)
My bacon cure recipe per 5 lbs.
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup kosher salt
2 teaspoon curing salt
Bunch of ground peppercorn
Splash ground garlic.
Cure for 5 days , flip daily.
Send to smokehouse for 4 hrs then settle in fridge for 4 hrs.
Freezer to firm 4- 6 hrs and slice..

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/09 22:08:53 (permalink)
Yea we book our butcher a year in advance. He takes several and when we pick up we book f ou r the next year. Now most are booked out 6 months. My garlic is huge and everything is popping up. Last planting of beans , corn and potatoes this weekend. I head to Harvards medical school in Boston Thursday for Heart tests, they think they have it narrowed down, but it is rare and not too many places test. It's like reynaud's of the heart, microvascular spasms shutting down blood. Need to modify activity and rest when needed

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/09 22:51:15 (permalink)
Will be with you in thought Clint, wishing you a speedy recovery.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/10 18:05:27 (permalink)
Clint, I wish you the best in tests and being well. For OCD people like myself that need to keep moving, being held back is difficult. Getting older is also a challenge to try and make pace. So much to do , so little time.

We may finally get some water from the sky. Getting promising and calling through the night.
Fingers 🤞
My garlic is hurting. Out of 175 plants. Probably 110 will be harvest bulbs. The rest I will grind. They got scapes this week but not large bulb development. I picked a larger stalk as a test and disappointed.
Oh well.
Tomato plants went nuts. Getting thick and heavy. 😀
Tomatoes and herbs are our staple harvest.
Beans doing so,so. I prefer a second fall harvest better anyway. Lettuce and spinach are burning up without any real harvest. Zucchini is coming along, pickle cukes ok and peppers are taking off which is good because they are sauce ingredients. Black and raspberries so, so. Producing flowers, we will see about fruits.
Animals also so so. Chickens well, hogs not eating well in heat and drought. I made a slop pond for them yesterday and now happier.
Pool a disaster. It's turned into a frog pond.

My ex daughter in law ( which is still considered a family member) tested positive. Health care worker. Mother of my dear grandchildren . No symptoms at all but a mandatory twice a week test. Now relaxed to once a week.
Does this mean the virus is second hand news now and everyone will just be ok because headlines take priority.
I can say, it will be a cold day below before I consent to mandated DNA


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/11 09:57:33 (permalink)
Good rain here in SW PA last night.  Checked on the garden this AM and it looks like peppers grew 3" overnight and maters grew 5" and the stems put on some girth!  They sure do love a good rain!  
Cucumbers almost ready to pick and my lettuce and spinach is about done.  Had 3 pickings now....not sure it will come back up again....Will wait to later in the summer to replant when the cool nights return.  
Convinced myself to get an inline filter for my garden hose.  The difference in plant growth is definitely visible....rain vs. straight hose water....
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/11 11:49:51 (permalink)
We finally got a good soaking early morning. Had to keep wipers on driving to work. Its over now and sun/humidity is here in force.
Can't wait to see garden when I get home, I'm sure it did well.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/11 16:10:42 (permalink)
We got one here too. I am in Boston now finished up with my procedure 3 hours on the cath table. Goid news bad news. They did find a vessel that was 50% blockage in a wierd place. . My micro vessels are blocked also. A bypass may be warranted for the large vessel if meds do not help. They said either one alone is not significant but together they are.

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/11 18:47:53 (permalink)
Clint, I'd say the good news is you have a definite diagnosis and given the wonders of doctors today, the good ones really know their stuff. I wish you a speedy recovery and as spock would say " live long and prosper my friend "

Garden didn't really take off from the rain but we got enough good soaking that it will.
My 3 55gal rain barrels completely filled today.
2 pigs are doing and growing well. 1 is not interested in food and lean.
My second batch of 40 chicks come July 28th. These 45 hit the freezer July 8th.
Still struggling with a butcher for cow. It seems mid September is the date if nephew agrees.

I am finally going to get a little break and fish the ausable river in adks for our annual fathers day weekend. All systems go for my son and his family , wife and I. As in past, we will kayak the river first light for some fishing. Hopefully I can share some pictures of another big Ben ( brown) and a bingo ( rainbow).
This month might possibly be my last routine of what used to be normalcy in my life.
Times are getting tough for 2 loved family members and my life is about to change forever.
Be well,
Peace and tuna

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/11 23:05:00 (permalink)
 Son just bought this today,should make life a little easier for him. He started all the tomatoes, peppers & so forth from seed this year and I was impressed with everything. Nice it only has 600 hrs. on it & he is the one that used it the most.  
post edited by crappiefisher - 2020/06/11 23:14:34
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/12 08:13:54 (permalink)
Nice rig. Exactly what I need. Brush hog, hoe attachment, bucket and some forks.
That certainly will make work easier on the body.
I also started all my plants from seed. Kinda time consuming but $1.50 a pack of seeds sure beats $4.00 a 6pack or $4.00 each. Besides it gives me satisfaction in the end.
Finally got the frog pond ( pool) clear and swimming status. Figures this weekend is low 70's.
Have a great day/weekend.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/12 09:00:42 (permalink)
Crappiefisher, I would just like to say..... I'm jealous, nice rig.

Looking out my living room window, I gotta wonder if a garden would have survived in my back yard.

I counted 7 bunny rabbits and 5 squirrels in my, and a neighbors, yard. Deer population looks to be increasing also. Three fawn have been seen chasing and playing as the doe feed nearby.

Nature at it's best.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/21 12:15:26 (permalink)
Yesterday we set forth on processing 45 chickens. The heat was terrible and after 24 cleaned and in the cooler on ice we had to call it a day to hit the swimming pool with the grandkids.
After everyone left we settled down to the A/C of indoors to sectioning them out and vacuum seal. Finished up about 11pm.
The idea was to finish the other 20 today.
More heat and a house full of family we just decided we will wait for a better time.
My garden is hurting. I don't remember when it's rained and still nothing insight until maybe Wednesday. Constantly trying to keep things watered. Tomatoes and peppers are thriving but got not much else happening. Lettuce, peas, spinach never did anything.
Knowing how this drought has effected us this year, more serious changes are in the works for next year. TB has to help me get a system setup so I have a better return.
Not counting tomatoes and peppers, I've had about a 75 % growing loss.
Of 300 garlic I planted, only about 125 will be actual harvest grade.
We are very excited to get away next week to Rhode island. Huge focus on harvesting seafood with a big family gathering once we return.
Stay cool folks

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/22 19:45:55 (permalink)
We are lucky. I rejuvenated an old well and for 150 Harbor freight pump and $100 in hose (its 200 feet away) we have all the water we need. I have pumped it for an hour straight full bore with no issues running out. . We have to run it with the generator but no problem. Got a few quarts of strawberries so far. 30 garlic plants look good and corn and potatoes are knee high. My beans and cokes dont look to good even with the water . Sorry for the loss HT.

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/22 20:48:05 (permalink)
Clint good to see your post, hope all is going well for you.

Speaking of well, sounds like you are sitting over a good aquifer.

As for rain in my neighborhood, last couple days we have been hit with gully washers which of course, doesn't do a lot of good as the water rushes off far to fast. Sometimes taking a garden with it.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/22 21:05:05 (permalink)
They are hit or miss around here. The drilled well (1960) for the farmhouse is 150 yards away and goes dry with minimal use, so much so over time we switched back to the dug well thats sits under the floor in the back room of the house. That well does ok but not great. The garden well dates back to a house that s been gone many years, 25 feet dug and Hand laid. My drilled well (50ft) is great, 20 gallons a minute. Hose broke a few summers ago and ran for 24hours during the summer with no issues, it's just sandy needing a sediment filter every 2 to 3 weeks. Neighbor has 3 wells 75 to 100 feet and best one is under 5 a minute

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/25 15:48:56 (permalink)
Well the dog days of summer have arrived early.  Everything is dry as can be in my neck of the mid Hudson valley.  We went from the ground being like a saturated sponge to dry as a desert.  
About the only thing enjoying this weather are my tomato and pepper plants.
post edited by troutbum21 - 2020/06/25 15:49:58


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fishin coyote
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/25 17:05:29 (permalink)
Are your buckets anchored or are they heavy enough that they wind won't blow them over?
It's looking good

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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/25 19:05:53 (permalink)
Fishin  I may run a guide wire along the sides and trellis the plants with a top line but they should be fine.    
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/25 21:37:14 (permalink)
Gardening is frustrating when the rains don't come or come to much. The rewards however are worth all efforts, even in learning.
TB, your setup looks fantastic and the bounty seems successful.
I kick alot of dirt around still trying to maximize on the cheap.
Obviously the frustrations weigh heavy.

I was dissecting your setup . Its well built and designed. It does seem on the higher beginning set up cost, especially for a mass producer. That's my only holdback, at least so far. 2 buckets per plant at my discount is $3.00 @. Imagine 100 plants plus plumbing and pump. I'd be and sure you know, knees deep. Ofcourse it's a 1 time investment . Buckets probably would last 3 years ?
Anyway, its definitely a sweet setup.

Here's my looking and as always the goal is 100 quarts sauce now.
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/06/25 22:02:33


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/26 08:48:57 (permalink)
I bought that Camco inline rv water filter and installed it on my garden watering hose reel.....I bought the little hose piece to attach it to reel so it would remain flexible.  Seems to be working good.  A little sputtering at the beginning but once I watered a couple times, pressure seems to be the same as before.  
Plants are taking off now too but, we have also had some good rains here over the last week so I have only done a few quick waterings.
snow peas need picked, a think I have a few zukes ready and another cuke and my cukes I planted from seed are running like they are in a marathon with a ton of blossoms.  All the maters have fruit on them now....and I have a couple peppers that are a couple days out from picking.  
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/26 10:09:23 (permalink)
We seem to be doing pretty good here also. Those couple of rain days we had followed by hot nights brought a nice tropical feel. I've got a bunch of hot peppers that will be ready in couple days. Most of my tomatoe plants have green ones on em and we've been picking lettuce for a week now. My hill stuff is going well, but nothing close to picking yet. My mother's plants got ravaged by the deer. Dont know why she didn't put up the fishing line like I did. I see some tracks at the edge but they must hate that feeling of line when they run into it. All in all, its been a way better season than last year. Hope everyone is well. Good luck with the rest of the growing year.
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/26 10:22:45 (permalink)
O ya almost forgot. Ill be going with the high end fabric next year. This cheapo stuff worked , but you get what you pay for. Saw several videos on using a torch and a wooden template to burn holes for the plants. I will definitely be going that route next season.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/26 12:05:13 (permalink)
That's great folks. I am actually heading to Wally world ( yikes) now to get 2 of those inline filters. 1 for RV and 1 for garden.
We got a nice little rain about 9pm last night for few hrs. All 3 rain barrels are full again.
We haven't harvested anything but herbs so far. Lettuce and spinach were a complete bust. Green beans and zucchini have flowers so that's good. I usually do better on beans the second planting. Raspberries and blackberries have lots of flowers too.
We've made strawberry jam already as the kids went berry picking last week.
Tomatoes, herbs, garlic and beans are our staple crops. As long as they produce well, we are good to winter over. I buy my sweet corn from the local farm by the giant burlap sacks. Blanch them then freeze. So good.
My local farms also provide us with the rest of produce, potatoes and fruits we don't normally grow. I can't deal with grocery store foods. It actually doesn't do well in my internal system, if you know what I mean, lol.
Gotta hit the road with lots to do as we head to the saltwater tomorrow. Clams baby clams, and hopefully some nice lobsters off the fishing boats..
Geesh I'm hungry now.
Peace and tuna

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/28 08:12:45 (permalink)
My lettuce and spinach is done, for now.  Not going to replant until August.  We got three pickings out of each and didn't have to buy store lettuce for almost 2 months so that was a bonus....
I planted at the end of March this year.....
good rain yesterday.....need to spray the maters with some daconil after this rain to try and keep off the blight as long as possible...
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/28 11:55:45 (permalink)
The rain pretty much missed us we got a few short sprinkles but no longer rain to really soak in. Syracuse faired much better from what I saw during work yesterday. Spending the day cultivating an d weeding and of course taking a nap. Will get the boat ready for future trips also

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2020/06/30 10:28:10 (permalink)
I drove thru the heaviest rain I have ever seen Sat on my way home from Ohio,I was near my home when I hit it as I came south out of Tamaqua,it came down so heavy that my wipers just made it possible to see,at times I did 'nt know if I was still on the road,never seen that before.
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Re: The garden thread 2020/07/05 11:28:02 (permalink)
I don't know how wide spread but this past week and coming week ain't lookin good for the gardens in my neighborhood.


438 AM EDT Sun Jul 5 2020

This Hazardous Weather Outlook is for northwest Pennsylvania.

.DAY ONE, Today and tonight.

High temperatures will reach the low 90s in Southern Erie County and
Crawford County. Precautions should be taken to stay cool and avoid heat
related illnesses.

.DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN, Monday through Saturday.

A prolonged stretch of above normal temperatures is expected to
continue through the week. Beginning on Monday, heat index values
will reach the lower 90s for several consecutive days. Take
precautions to stay cool and avoid heat related illnesses.

Be safe stay well.

Hope everyone had a safe and fun filled 4th.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/07/05 11:40:45

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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