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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/11 16:35:48
troutbum21 BTDT photo of plants.
Do you have a good site to reference for your system or did you do with trial and error? Your system looks like a good alternative to trying to build another raised garden. I like the idea of those concrete forms that Crappie Slayer was using in the spring project thread. But I really like the efficiency factor that you noted in yours. I have a bunch of buckets laying around that I could use already.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/11 17:18:09
Hey Pork... if ya see an RV going down the road with litter buckets hangin from the ladder and back bumper it might be me.
I do miss having a garden and seeing the success and ease of Troutbums system is exciting. Heck, that makes me fortunate to have "two" gardens leaving me with only needing to find that infamous.... green thumb. "why me"😞 eww eww, 🤔sounds like a good time for a pity party.🤗
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/11 19:41:11
Good stuff folks. Turning off the news and build a garden is the way to go and imo, seems like the short term experience of many. It's very strange how things are coming back to local farmstands and homegrown. I truly understand the real farmers are hurting but honestly, I think they should come out well. TB setup is cats meow. We have 88 tomato plants from seed waiting to go in raised beds which produce well for us. I need to figure better irrigation because our town water is toxic. I try to strictly use rain barrels. I cage all my plants when I stick in dirt ( Thursday ). I plant tight. If you wait, its usually to late. Happy gardening folks. PS, wildflowers are out nicely too.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/11 20:13:42
☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2020/05/11 21:10:32
Yes, there are things on the internet to help with a set up like mine. Each plant requires two 5 gallon buckets plus one bucket for a water reservoir. Only the water reservoir and the end of the line plant have one 1/2" rubber grommet for the 1/2" pex piping. I drill out a centered 2 1/2" hole in the bottom of the plant bucket, this is where a 3" slotted mesh net plant pot is placed. A wick of an old rag is made, knotted at one end and passed up through the bottom of the plant pot to about half way up the bucket. I also drill a number of 1/4" holes in the bottom of the plant bucket. The purpose is to get the plant's roots to grow down to the water source. The water source bucket have 3/4" holes 180 degrees from each other 1 1/2" on center up from the bottom. The rubber grommets should fit tightly in the side(s) of the bucket. The 1/2" pex pipe will also be a tight fit into the grommets. I use a dab a Jack's lube commonly used on pool filters to facilitate the pex pipe. The soil mix can be your own or a commercially prepared medium. I prefer a mix of sphagnum moss, garden soil, composted manure, perlite or vermiculite and fertilizer. When you fill the plant bucket make sure the wick is centered as you add your soil mix. Once your plants are set put a layer of mulch over the top of the soil. You can also cover the top of the bucket with plastic to make sure the plant's roots grow down instead of seeking surface water. Make sure the system is level so the water travels from the reservoir to all buckets on the line. If you want drill a weep hole up about 3" in the last bucket so you know the system is working properly. Check your water reservoir daily as the five gallon bucket may need to be filled a number of times. I have used this system since 2016 and have grown tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, lettuce, basil and parsley. I use one bucket for each tomato plant but put three/four pepper or eggplant in the same bucket. This system economizes water usage, eliminates weeds and waste of fertilizer. I recommend the use of wooden stakes and tomato cages because the plants will get heavy. Stake the pepper plants too (I use bamboo). The rubber grommets, slotted mesh pots can be purchased on Amazon. Pex pipe and buckets at your local hardware or big box store. Good luck.
post edited by troutbum21 - 2020/05/11 20:20:57
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/11 20:31:10
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/12 08:50:00
pensfan1 Eyes I like to pinch off the "sucker" stems also. I usually re-tie the plants when needed. What do you suggest for crawling plants like cukes, zukes and melons? Should put something under the fruits to keep them off the fabric? Like container lids or something like that? I think I am going to go with the HD. Do you think I could roll it up after pulling everything, and reuse it? Or do I just leave it down?
My mother grows all her stuff in buckets and those giant mulch bags. It does really well, tomatoes and peppers.
I would have to guess and hope, anything is gonna be better than last year. All that rain in May n June really screwed me. I got hardly anything out of all those plants. Like I said, prolly middle of next week I'll get my plants and get started.
Thanks for the info fellas.
I plant my other veggies separate from the maters and peppers and don't use fabric under them. I go old fashioned with them and pull weeds and "hoe" the ground if pulling gets to be too much. I cram too much stuff into a small area so running the mini-tiller isn't an option for me into the growing season. My garden backs up against my chain link fence so I train the cukes and if I plant them, spaghetti squash, to run up the fence. I'll put a tomato cage in for the snow peas to run up. Used to have a couple cheap wood trellis' but they rotted out and I never replaced them. I left my fabric out last year through the winter and just pulled it up again to till/add mushroom manure then put it back down. I will only get 2 years out of it each time doing that though. Plastic stakes take a beating in the sun and break apart too. I'd suggest metal ones for long term use.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/13 07:45:35
28 degrees for a low, here in my little piece of Penn's Woods this 5/13 AM. Heavy frost everywhere I see and it has me wondering, of the new born leaves, upon the trees. 30 degrees now at 7:30 AM, with sun climbing high, in BlueBird Sky. ................... chasing the frost, from wondering eye. 🙉 ok maybe it does need a little work... but just a little. In the meantime, we'll just leave it at "there's frost on the pumpkin"🎃 Weather dude sayin better plantin weather on the way. Warmer weather with lots of rain. Good day and be well everyone.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/05/13 07:58:33
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/18 19:14:21
So I got everything I had, in today. Went with a fabric for weed barrier. Still have some more room for another 18 tomatoe plants, some more eggplants and maybe a hill or 2 of pickling cukes. I'll plant my seed stuff tomrw. Not only am I tired AF from all day, but that sun wasn't good to me🦞🦞. Even this dego skin turns red sometimes. 🤣🤣
Pics to follow, but not until its all done. Thanks for all the info.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/19 08:00:30
I got 3 rows of taters in and some peas. I will plant next week in bulk. Going to try to wait a little for the next batch of taters though to miss the bugs
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/19 08:39:06
Just one safety note on the landscape fabric — be careful when pulling it up.
We had to replace a few apple trees (some dummy put to much fertilizer down and burned the roots) and when down on the ground grunting and groaning to get the cloth and weeds that had grown over the edges up, snake after snake appeared. Nothing problematic, but still enough to get the jump backwards. One had 6 snakes under the cloth.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/19 09:55:56
DarDy I know you're right. The dark color of the fabric draws heat and creates a near perfect incubator for young of the year too. I read where snakes produce from a few to scores of young with the young needing to fend for themselves. Therefore ground coverings provide a great habitat for moles, mice, and other yummy stuff of fine snake cuisine. Inturn, creating a much better survival rate. We all know snakes are an essential part of gardening as they do help control bugs and little critters that are harmful to a garden.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/05/19 10:04:58
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/19 18:39:53
I got about 1/2 my garden planted. Ran out of space on raised beds. Still another 40 tomato and peppers to go in. Finally some workable weather..👍 Chickens are rocking and pigs getting phat. Liking the growth rates of garlic and chickens which should be a harvest early July. Pigs in August. Bought a whole cow that will be butchered on next Tuesday. We've had beef from my nephews cows and its delicious. At an average of $5.75 a lb packaged USDA, it was a no brainer. Everything else is coming together as far as black and raspberries. Not sure if the apple trees will produce due to frost/ hail hurt the blossoms. Done with stripers on the mighty muddy. We harvested enough to make nice meals. Heading to hunting camp with kids and grandkids to play in the woods and stream trout away from society for peace of mind. Maybe a stupid Turkey will answer the call too. Peace and tuna. Farm and garden on !!
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/20 14:48:18
here piggy, piggy....all I see is bacon and smoked ribs!
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/20 20:03:15
Whew, who turned on the heat ? Starting to get dry on raised beds and daily watering is gonna be a must at least next 4 days. Moved a bunch non essential things out of way to prepare 2 more 12X5 beds . All boats are now on dry land. Probably some stream trout near oneonta this weekend while at deer camp. 30 more seed started plants to go in by Friday. Pigs: I did 2 in past and last year did 3. Approx 80 lbs cured bacon from 3. 3 hogs yielded us about 460 lbs processed. Cost of everything was around $700.00 including butcher. 3 hogs get split between 4 families with 2 of us getting 1 hog each. Chickens : Same family split but we did 120 meat chickens last year. This year we will do about 80 and I get the bulk. Their cost is about $7.00 a bird , we butcher our own. Egg chickens, not our gig. We don't want year round livestock. With at least 2 deer harvested annually ( yup I count those chickens rg) , fish pretty accessible and seafood on our RI adventure, I only wish I could figure out the mushrooms. We love them , I'd like to pick and harvest them wild but not intelligent enough on fungi. Our garden is looking fantastic and hopefully kicks in some vegetables. We been picking herbs daily. Lilacs are cranking and beautiful sight. PS The internet said RI out of state quarantine expires on Friday. Would be cool to know we can go in 3 weeks
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/21 09:11:34
Hoping to get all the seeds in today. Got another 2tons of mushroom compost coming in a little bit. Gonna get those girls up and at 'em. It nice having laborers that can't just leave before the jobs are done. 🤣. Nice pics HT. You definelty got it going on. Well done.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/21 18:59:23
Thanks pen. It's not all glory and as Clint will probably agree, more work than time available. I'll start with the garden first as wife brought a rare takeout home and we ate early so got a few hrs daylight left to work outside. I had 40 some tomato plants in ground doing well. Seems today was a harvest for some critters. 12 plants were decimated. Either totally gone or no leaves at all. Never had a deer problem with tomatoes but up started the fencing. Now the strange thing was 8 indoor tomato plants that were small had been chewed to shreds also. Scratching my head, I'm thinking insects. Gnats are terrible outside right now. Humm. So that was strike number one ..
The not so fun stuff: As I stated, my family has been working during this entire life changing events in times. Direct contact with everyone from the Ill, the dying, the criminals and myself in shipping and manufacturing from around the country and world. Yes things changed for us but working from home, staying home or government subsidies were not the options as an employee of employment. Members including my wife are health care. As you may know, health care workers are being tested for 2 things, covid 19 positive and antibodies of not positive. A member of my immediate family was positive for antibodies, negative for covid 19. I do not get tested and wouldn't unless it was made mandatory and didn't infringe on my civil rights but I can pretty much assure anyone, I've had this pass through me. Does this scare people ? Probably but I don't understand why because no matter what you do as precautions, it's not enough to stop a viral virus unless one totally isolates themselves or has the ability of a immune system to pass that through. Call me what you want but I certainly learned a lot about things during the last 3 months. Peace and tuna
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/23 12:04:55
I don't know anyone that has had this virus,and only had one person tells me he knows ONE couple that both had it,it was confirmed by test.Their symptons were mild,like a flu and they are up and at it! BY the way,anyone been fishing?
post edited by pafisher - 2020/05/23 12:06:05
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/23 13:16:53
I've been spotty fishing for stripers for last 4 weeks. Pulled the plug on Wednesday. Busting azz on garden today. Holy heat wave. Bugs out in full force. That's what's chewing my tomato plants to a stem. Deer fence coming back down as its ugly and serves no purpose. When we finally finish up today I need to load atvs on trailer and head to deer camp. Big fires, good food, sweet music, cold beers and yes we will hunt turkeys and fish trout tomorrow until Tuesday. Union break over. Peace and tuna
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/23 13:28:23
Still think I likely had it, possibly the Wife too. We had all the symptoms early in Feb and it took me over 3 weeks to get over it with multiple ( dozens) of nebulizers and a lota meds.-she was lucky and got over it with one round of meds. Was never so sick in my life. Trying to get a test for antibodies without being actually sick is still a long way off here. Really would like to know. Think it easily at least 50/50- will find out sometime.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/05/23 16:59:23
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/23 16:28:08
I haven't fished in like 3 weeks. We did great on Crappies the few times we went. Looks like optimal conditions for growing this next week. Tomatoes should take off with high 80s. I still have dozen n half plants I'm nursing. Gonna probably plant those by Thrusday. Then I will be totally done. Seems we have had a better May than last year. Hopefully that holds. Dont really like going through a monsoon season😆😆.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2020/05/23 21:34:08
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/23 20:05:15
We went from mud all winter to snow every week in April till 2 weeks ago. Now the heatwave and drought is setting in. Can't win for trying. 70 tomato planted. I actually am watching their leaves get chewed. Guess something gotta eat too. Ticks are bad also. Deer camp is perfect. I could care less who gets tested or not. I'm not wearing a I got Corona sign ever. Public big lot stores are gross right now.
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/05/23 20:06:24
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/25 10:59:13
I am trying to get my stuff in. My MD said nothing too strenuous until I get a few more tests. I failed my second stress test miserably. I may have to go to Cleveland as they cannot perform the tests here . I either have a faulty descending aorta or microvascular angiospasms. Might need a bypass. Crappy news all around.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/25 15:22:36
Wow, sorry to hear Clint... hope you get some straight answers soon, the 'not sure' thing sucks.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/25 15:37:13
Wow, sorry to hear this news Clint. Hope the medical profession can solve whatever the problem may be. Good luck.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/25 15:45:56
Clint, I hope you get well. Not to down play your situation by any means but I had 2 strokes and lyme. The Dr's were bleeding me worse than my problems. A ton of money, tests and 6 different pills a week weren't working for me. I gave up on it all and been trying to use better living. Stress is still my biggest problem. I really hope it works out.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/25 20:33:13
That sucks Clint. Hoping you get better.
Was a scorcher today. Running that water past 3 evenings so far, and looks as if its gonna be atleast till the weekend. If you can believe my area is 1.54" below norms for rain fall. This weather seems to be as manic as everything else in today's world😄.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/25 21:23:01
Godspeed with your recovery Clint.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/26 10:39:58
I hope you do well in the future Clint.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/26 10:43:04
pensfan1 That sucks Clint. Hoping you get better.
Was a scorcher today. Running that water past 3 evenings so far, and looks as if its gonna be atleast till the weekend. If you can believe my area is 1.54" below norms for rain fall. This weather seems to be as manic as everything else in today's world😄.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/05/26 10:49:34
pensfan1 That sucks Clint. Hoping you get better.
Was a scorcher today. Running that water past 3 evenings so far, and looks as if its gonna be atleast till the weekend. If you can believe my area is 1.54" below norms for rain fall. This weather seems to be as manic as everything else in today's world😄.
Thanks T for posting that pic as I'm clueless. This is the finished product. 4 n half dozen peppers, 30ish tomatoes. Eggplants, zukes, cukes, beans, peas, beets, lettuce and a few pickles. I hope it grows better than last year.