Helpful ReplyNew Sunday hunting push?

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 06:17:29 (permalink)
I dont get it. It's just another day. As a matter of fact I went hunting right here in good ole Pennsylvania last SUNDAY. So why is it that were allowed to hunt certain animals on Sunday, but not other animals? I dont want to hear, blah, blah landowners need a break crap. Blah, blah blue laws even bigger horse crap. Just about everywhere I hunt ( private property ), the land owners would have NO problem with me hunting on SUNDAY.
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 08:02:16 (permalink)
As for fishing in PA. on Sundays, I must say, it is nice fishing at least one day out of the week during firearms season and not wonder which direction the shots are heading.   

Are you serious or was that the set up for the joke (real questio)?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 08:42:09 (permalink)
As for fishing in PA. on Sundays, I must say, it is nice fishing at least one day out of the week during firearms season and not wonder which direction the shots are heading.    pssst You forgot this part  } --> "Oh.... and it is super nice having at least one day where I don't have to flip a coin to decide what I shall be doing, heads I hunt tails I fish.

Are you serious or was that the set up for the joke (real questio)?

Did I say that???   Dam, just put my ice gear in the closet and already cabin fever is setting in!!!!
Bloodyhand you, along with others, claim you know landowners who do not mind Sunday hunting.  It has also been noted that the PGC controls better than a million acres of "State Game Land" where Sunday hunting could be open for all species.  It's also mentioned, landowners could simply post their land NO HUNTING giving the landowner the option to allow who hunts, when, where or, if.
So who's fault could it be for no 'general hunting' on Sunday, in the Pennsylvania Wilds?
Truthfully I don't mind if Sunday hunting becomes legal in Pennsylvania but I do think, there should be a limit on what can be hunted and where.  
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/02/17 09:01:01

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 09:07:57 (permalink)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the PLA is a powerful lobby group in PA.  However, that being said etc, etc, etc, I do not believe it is the PLA preventing Sunday hunting in PA.    The PLA does not represent the PA. State Game Lands nor the millions of acres of forest still owned or under control by the paper mills.
Yet  Sunday hunting is only permitted on State Game Lands in the same manner as on private land.  Nay some say, opening State Game Lands to Sunday hunting would cause over harvesting then in the same breath, say private land owners wouldn't be burdened by or over run with hunters which leads me to believe "some" here want their cake, and eat it too.  Except the cake belongs to somebody else.

Maybe its me but I am not following your point above. Are you saying that you are concerned with over harvest of public lands if Sunday hunting were legalized?
Certainly I agree, land owners could post their land if they don't want Sunday hunting and certainly I agree, with any land owner who does post their land.  The question now, will the land owner agree to allow any hunting at all?

Its their call. Their land. I have seen this theory floated around quite a bit. I don't buy it as I believe most are empty threats. Maybe a tiny fraction of private property will be shut down entirely, but it will reopen in time when the sky doesn't fall. Plus, the millions of acres of private property that will open up on Sundays will far outweigh any temporary loss that may result. 

post edited by dpms - 2018/02/17 09:23:34

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 09:12:13 (permalink)
Truthfully I don't mind if Sunday hunting becomes legal in Pennsylvania but I do think, there should be a limit on what can be hunted and where.  

And the discussion of when and where should be in front of game agencies, not within the halls of the state capital building since we still have hunters that prefer politicians regulate hunting. Would these same hunters prefer to see politicians directly regulating hunting in Jersey and California? 
We can't even get past transferring regulatory authority of SH in this state to our game agency. Some hunters block it. 

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 10:40:16 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2018/02/17 11:05:31
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the PLA is a powerful lobby group in PA.  However, that being said etc, etc, etc, I do not believe it is the PLA preventing Sunday hunting in PA.    The PLA does not represent the PA. State Game Lands nor the millions of acres of forest still owned or under control by the paper mills.
Yet  Sunday hunting is only permitted on State Game Lands in the same manner as on private land.  Nay some say, opening State Game Lands to Sunday hunting would cause over harvesting then in the same breath, say private land owners wouldn't be burdened by or over run with hunters which leads me to believe "some" here want their cake, and eat it too.  Except the cake belongs to somebody else.

Maybe its me but I am not following your point above. Are you saying that you are concerned with over harvest of public lands if Sunday hunting were legalized?
What I am saying is the idea of opening state game lands for Sunday hunting was mentioned and the rebuttal was those lands would be overrun and over harvested.   However it's OK,  to burden and possibly over hunt the land of private property owners.   You can't sit there and tell me "spotburning" doesn't take place regarding the location of deer, be it a big buck or herds of doe.  As stated during one of "informative PGC field meetings" the idea of the plan is to move the predator to the prey which is to concentrate hunters into a specific areas.  So long story short, specific areas of private land will be overrun and over harvested. 
Certainly I agree, land owners could post their land if they don't want Sunday hunting and certainly I agree, with any land owner who does post their land.  The question now, will the land owner agree to allow any hunting at all?

Its their call. Their land. I have seen this theory floated around quite a bit. I don't buy it as I believe most are empty threats. Maybe a tiny fraction of private property will be shut down entirely, but it will reopen in time when the sky doesn't fall. Plus, the millions of acres of private property that will open up on Sundays will far outweigh any temporary loss that may result. 
Call it a theory if you like but the reality of it is, more and more land is being posted every year as evidenced by the growing number of posted signs.    I speak with land owners too and I'm hearing, land was posted to limit and know who was hunting the property but the hunters knocking on the door or calling about permission slips became overwhelming so, I just say no ....   
I have hundreds of acres surrounding me I freely hunted and each year more of those acres require me to have permission. So while it may be theory in your little piece of Penn's Woods, here in my area of the Pennsylvania wilds it is reality.
Let's not forget the cost and burden to post and maintain those signs on ones land.  Not cheap and takes time pending the acreage.  So I don't blame any land owner who does not want the cost in time and money to prevent Sunday hunting on their land.
Remember the proverbial "straw" that broke the camels back?   Maybe one more idea like Sunday hunting, would be the straw for those who have not yet, to post their land.
I say, be careful what you wish for and if it ain't broke, don't fix it because the "writing" is on the posted sign. 

post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/02/17 10:45:58

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 11:18:12 (permalink)
Truthfully I don't mind if Sunday hunting becomes legal in Pennsylvania but I do think, there should be a limit on what can be hunted and where.  

And the discussion of when and where should be in front of game agencies, not within the halls of the state capital building since we still have hunters that prefer politicians regulate hunting. Would these same hunters prefer to see politicians directly regulating hunting in Jersey and California? 
We can't even get past transferring regulatory authority of SH in this state to our game agency. Some hunters block it. 

Well I've said I don't think it's the land owners keeping the PGC from approving Sunday hunting and to be truthful I don't think it is the politicians either.   Personally I think the PGC want's you to believe just that, to keep the pressure off their back.
Also, I don't care for the excuse "other states do it" because to me that shows Pennsylvania to be a follower rather than a leader.   I can't imagine where our hunting heritage would be, if the PGC had free rein and no disrespect to you, or any others on this subject, but should you like the way things are done in other states, move there and stop trying to push your agenda onto those of us who enjoy status quo.  Again, no disrespect, I just don't see the situation as being broke.
I suppose I should knock off my comedian antics on these boards but I just gotta do something, to help me survive  some of these threads. Hang in there it's in the plan, soon enough the era of the baby-boomer, shall be no more.

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lost sage rod sectio
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 12:53:26 (permalink)
Now if you really want to make a change, lets go to Sunday hunting and while they are at it lets include Rifle hunting in archery season. The bow has been brought to the same level as a rifle so lets just level the playing field once and for all. I for one would like to hunt the rut every year and get first crack at any big bucks in the area. Just saying.!!!
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 14:09:35 (permalink)
What I am saying is the idea of opening state game lands for Sunday hunting was mentioned and the rebuttal was those lands would be overrun and over harvested.   However it's OK,  to burden and possibly over hunt the land of private property owners.   You can't sit there and tell me "spotburning" doesn't take place regarding the location of deer, be it a big buck or herds of doe.  As stated during one of "informative PGC field meetings" the idea of the plan is to move the predator to the prey which is to concentrate hunters into a specific areas.  So long story short, specific areas of private land will be overrun and over harvested. 

That may be the rebuttal by some but it would up to those that can articulate why adding SH won't make a difference to do so. Right now, the PGC has the all of the tools they need to raise or lower deer populations in this state. Allocation and season length have always controlled the harvest. Adding one more day of hunting per week is something that the PGC would factor into allocations and season length to keep populations where they want them. Nothing changes. 
On the notion that private property would take a hit. Private property is controlled by the landowners. If they allow deer populations to get too low, that is on them, not the PGC. A private landowner also has all the tools they need to limit harvest if need be. 
Call it a theory if you like but the reality of it is, more and more land is being posted every year as evidenced by the growing number of posted signs.    I speak with land owners too and I'm hearing, land was posted to limit and know who was hunting the property but the hunters knocking on the door or calling about permission slips became overwhelming so, I just say no ....   
I have hundreds of acres surrounding me I freely hunted and each year more of those acres require me to have permission. So while it may be theory in your little piece of Penn's Woods, here in my area of the Pennsylvania wilds it is reality.

 The trend of more posted land is nothing new and nothing will slow that from happening. It will continue whether Sunday hunting is allowed or not. The same problem exists down here. 
Let's not forget the cost and burden to post and maintain those signs on ones land.  Not cheap and takes time pending the acreage.  So I don't blame any land owner who does not want the cost in time and money to prevent Sunday hunting on their land.
Remember the proverbial "straw" that broke the camels back?   Maybe one more idea like Sunday hunting, would be the straw for those who have not yet, to post their land.
I say, be careful what you wish for and if it ain't broke, don't fix it because the "writing" is on the posted sign.

As I said before, after the sky does not fall, most of the land that was permanently close will open back it if hunters were truly welcome before.
I don't know about you, but I post landowners land all of the time for them. I even buy the signs. Maybe if a landowner doesn't want to take the time or assume the expense of doing it, you could offer to do it for them and keep the land open?
post edited by dpms - 2018/02/17 14:17:18

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 14:15:04 (permalink)
Well I've said I don't think it's the land owners keeping the PGC from approving Sunday hunting and to be truthful I don't think it is the politicians either.   Personally I think the PGC want's you to believe just that, to keep the pressure off their back.

The PGC is on record with a vote to unanimously support legislation that transfers regulatory authority of Sunday hunting to the PGC. They are willing, able, and ready to regulate it. 
Also, I don't care for the excuse "other states do it" because to me that shows Pennsylvania to be a follower rather than a leader.   I can't imagine where our hunting heritage would be, if the PGC had free rein and no disrespect to you, or any others on this subject, but should you like the way things are done in other states, move there and stop trying to push your agenda onto those of us who enjoy status quo.

Just so you know, Pa is seen as a leader among game agencies across the nation. They can't lead on Sunday hunting because a law prevents it. 
So I should have to move to be able to take my nephew squirrel hunting on Sunday even though small game participation is down 70% in this state? 
Again, no disrespect, I just don't see the situation as being broke.

Deer hunting participation is down around 50%, small game close to 70%, fall turkey down around 60% and you want to keep hunters that still want to hunt out of the woods?
post edited by dpms - 2018/02/17 15:41:54

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 14:22:06 (permalink)
lost sage rod sectio
 The bow has been brought to the same level as a rifle so lets just level the playing field once and for all. I for one would like to hunt the rut every year and get first crack at any big bucks in the area. Just saying.!!!

Ignorance is bliss they say. Here is the aiming point of a 440fps crossbow at 100 yards. Yeah, these new bows are just like rifles, lol. 


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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 21:17:03 (permalink)
Deer hunting participation is down around 50%, small game close to 70%, fall turkey down around 60% and you want to keep hunters that still want to hunt out of the woods?

Over what time period are those numbers down?  Do you really think that adding Sundays is going to even begin to touch declines that are that steep?  
I think the argument could easily be made that declining participation in those seasons can be traced to reasons other than not having one extra day a week to hunt.  Or perhaps mostly those reasons.  
With deer, many are disgusted by what they perceive to be mismanagement of the deer herd by the PGC.  
The increase of predators - mammals and raptors - has done a number on turkeys and to some extent small game.  West Nile Virus and the failure to properly manage timber on state property has hurt grouse populations.  Loss of habitat has impacted rabbit numbers.  Who knows what the PGC will think of next to bungle the pheasnat program.  
Still lots of squirrels though!  
Fortunately, the PGC can't mangle waterfowl populations as those seasons are set by the Feds and fueled by migrations.  
Why not make deer season longer?  Start general firearms season for deer the Saturday after Thanksgiving when a lot of hunters will have off anyway.  Or even on the day after Thanksgiving.  If the PGC can truly manage the deer herd through antlerless allocations, then adding a Friday and Saturday shouldn't be any different than adding two Sundays right?  Start archery season statewide when the SRA's start in mid September.  
On one hand you say it's not about recruiting and retaining youth, but at least twice in this discussion, maybe more, you've brought up declining hunting numbers as a good reason to add Sundays.  New hunter recruitment is not coming close to replacing those who leave the sport, so it all kind of works together, no?
Again, I'm not opposed to adding Sundays and your arguments that the sky would not be falling are reasonable and even somewhat persuasive, but I think we should all admit that it's got very little to do with building the hunting population back up.  
It's about satisfying existing hunters.  And maybe that's good enough reason to do it, so that more are not lost and our great hunting heritage in PA doesn't eventually evaporate altogether.  
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 21:42:45 (permalink)
Speaking of waterfowl, If numbers of geese flying around my house is any indication, Spring started last week!!!

When should I be expecting the Mallards and other ducks?

I have some clearing to do around the bayou and I don't want to chance chasing the ducks away and messing the mating season up.

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 22:05:17 (permalink)
Shouldn't be too long now!  Mallards will trickle back first.  Woodies and teal last.  Probably see some odd balls you may not normally see in between.  A couple weeks after you start seeing geese pairing up is when the ducks will usually start to pair up.  You've probably got a few weeks yet until you would disturb any nesting attempts.  
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 22:07:08 (permalink)
There were a bunch of snows in the air around here yesterday. Today, there was just snow in the air.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/17 23:13:55 (permalink)
There were a bunch of snows in the air around here yesterday. Today, there was just snow in the air.

You just keep watching for the "RedWingedBlackbird". lol

Thanks rsquared, I shy away from the area when the Sandhill's come in but the past couple years more ducks have been hanging around.

As for the geese, I'd like to send them stupid birds down to Dardys.

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 10:10:32 (permalink)
Over what time period are those numbers down?  Do you really think that adding Sundays is going to even begin to touch declines that are that steep?  

20 years. Adding Sunday hunting will not stop the decline. That is not why I support it. My point with the numbers is participation is down so much that adding an extra day won't amount to a hill of beans.
I think the argument could easily be made that declining participation in those seasons can be traced to reasons other than not having one extra day a week to hunt.  Or perhaps mostly those reasons.

Correct. As I said my support is not based in the idea I believe SH will increase recruitment.  
Why not make deer season longer?  Start general firearms season for deer the Saturday after Thanksgiving when a lot of hunters will have off anyway.  Or even on the day after Thanksgiving.  If the PGC can truly manage the deer herd through antlerless allocations, then adding a Friday and Saturday shouldn't be any different than adding two Sundays right?  Start archery season statewide when the SRA's start in mid September.

Those are options for sure. As less hunters hunt, opportunities will have to increase for those that still hunt. There are many ways to do that.  I also happen to support changing opening day of rifle to Saturday as you mentioned. I used to oppose that but we have lost so many deer hunters, opening on Saturday now has serious merit. 
Again, I'm not opposed to adding Sundays and your arguments that the sky would not be falling are reasonable and even somewhat persuasive, but I think we should all admit that it's got very little to do with building the hunting population back up.

SH will not increase recruitment. I agree. My point all along is as less hunt, opportunities will increase. I would prefer that we allow Sunday hunting due to reasons I laid out previously. 
post edited by dpms - 2018/02/18 10:13:37

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 10:53:39 (permalink)
lost sage rod sectio
Now if you really want to make a change, lets go to Sunday hunting and while they are at it lets include Rifle hunting in archery season. just level the playing field once and for all. I for one would like to hunt the rut every year and get first crack at any big bucks in the area. Just saying.!!!

I'm all for that ! ( dream on )  They have extended archery season days way more over the years, but rifle remains the same ! Get rid of the antler restrictions too, and quit trying to raise trophy deer by making others pass up shots year to year. Hunters want to harvest game not look at antlered deer in cold weather run around and wonder was it legal ? No wonder rifle deer hunters are frustrated and give up increased participation.
I'm sure if Sunday hunting comes about it will be full of regulations and complicated rules....the PGC just loves to make things that way now days. 
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 11:23:34 (permalink)
 While where wishing,a senior citizen buck hunt in October would be nice.  lol  We paid the most through the years and got the least. Hell I'd even take a three day bucks only flintlock season in October. Nothing against Jr hunters but maybe throw us a bone once.
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 11:40:08 (permalink)
Correct, archery season does have it's advantages but as far as extending the season. I remember when archery was a season itself. Today, we have seasons in a season.

10-4 on the 'screw the ARs'. If ever there was a stupid program to be held responsible for the demise of hunter participation, ARs top the list. Among other stupid programs.

As for Archery VS Firearms? I always felt if you wanna kill an animal, buy a gun. If you want to hunt an animal, buy a bow.

But that's just me, being me.

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 11:42:02 (permalink)
Big Tuna
 While where wishing,a senior citizen buck hunt in October would be nice.  lol  We paid the most through the years and got the least. Hell I'd even take a three day bucks only flintlock season in October. Nothing against Jr hunters but maybe throw us a bone once.

WTH are you talking about??? The PGC has been throwing us old timers a bone for years now. lmao.

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 14:13:59 (permalink)
Wheres the feral hogz at .. better eats anyways

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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 14:20:25 (permalink)
Last I knew ya still have to kiss the asz of the PGC to hunt hogs in PA. Them elite boys wanna hog😳 all those, to themselves. Pork fat rules!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 14:54:49 (permalink)
I have nothing against archery hunting or seasons I can join them if I wanted, but I always preferred and choose fall fishing for many years instead. With crossbows and compound bow improvements they make a tempting choice today. If I were younger that would be my#1 choice today. Especially with all the crazy crowded fall Lake Erie fishing now days.
I've yet to see a live coyote while hunting let alone a feral hog....hell a grouse is a rare sight anymore...have seen 2 Weasels in the woods once...real rare !  
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 15:45:33 (permalink)
I saw 2 box turtles doing it 
Guns still worth anything?? Might get rid ov a couple dozen or so or think they will hold their value?
Nay for deer huntin' on Sunday
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 16:30:20 (permalink)
This thread got me to thinking about the history, heritage, and traditions of hunting in PA. And while I like to think that there is such a thing, there is not. Please see below the changes I can think off of the top of my head, and tell me there is any heritage or tradition in PA.

Spikes were not legal bucks, but all others were (my Dad dealt with that one).

Had to start wearing orange while hunting.

Deer hunting was one and done, buck or doe and the season was over.

Two week buck season and two day doe season.

Two week buck season and three day doe season.

Doe season extended to Saturday if the weather or lack of harvest was deemed a factor by the Director.

Doe season starting on the first Saturday.

Doe season starting on the opening of buck season.

DMAP tags from landowners.

Green and Red tag areas.

CWD permits.

DMAP/ CWD area permits from PGC.

Doe tags by county.

Doe tags limited to the point that many that applied didn’t get one.

One buck and still he able to use a doe tag.

Bonus doe tags from left overs.

4 point per side restriction in the western counties

3 point per side restriction in the other counties

3 points up restriction in the western counties

SRA’s with shotguns only

Two week archery season with no archery license required

Archery license

Six week archery season

After Christmas flintlock season

Turn in doe application in order to buy flintlock license

Senior doe rifle season in October

Junior doe rifle season in October

Mentored deer hunters

Early muzzleloader season in October to include inlines with scopes

Crossbows allowed with handicap note from doctor

Crossbows permitted for all archery license buyers

No small game hunting during bear season

A bear license

Cubs not permitted to be shot

Saturday season opener

Bear hunting during deer season in parts of the state

Statewide quail hunting

Rooster pheasants only statewide

Hen pheasants permitted in certain areas of the state

Late, after Christmas small game season.

No late grouse season

Air guns permissible for small game

Semi autos permissible for small game

Falconry small game season

Bounty on hawks

Fox hunting durin deer season

Furtaker license

Spring turkey season

Two gobbler permits

Afternoon spring gobbler hunting permitted

Season on crows

Seasons and bag limits for skunks, porcupines, and possums.

Elk season

Permissible shot size restriction for turkey

Deer baiting permissible in parts of the state

State migratory permit

I’m sure there are many others that I didn’t list. But it seems like the only real tradition and heritage of PA hunting is change.

And thus is coming from someone who liked the separate buck and doe seasons; did not quasi archery hunt until last season; and was ( and still is) against AR/HR.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 16:36:03 (permalink)
I like the fellas that oppose most changes saying that people need to quit whining and enjoy what they got, but after the change comes, they are out there enjoying all of those changes people whined about. 

My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/18 17:34:42 (permalink)
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/02/18 21:59:19

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/19 09:33:22 (permalink)
How about over all no change in most hunting seasons for over 25 years or more. 
I never heard one hunter ever complain about that years ago. You knew what game came in season almost year to year without looking at your rule book. Now you better look !
Buck season is still the Monday after Thanksgiving....long tradition still standing.
Small game always started on Nov. 1st  9 am. for decades ! 
I'd say most changes have to do with money or cost , extra licenses, permits and so on. 
Deer ,Turkey ,Bear , Elk, Pheasant ,Ducks , trapping , archery all changes based on more cost to hunters ! 
Not even a game book now..... without a cost !
I bet most hunters don't like that part of change....more costs. 
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Re: New Sunday hunting push? 2018/02/19 11:26:07 (permalink)
New cost....

Buck tags:

. 3" spike to 3-up $??.??

. 4-up to to 5-up $??.??

. Walhanger only $??.??

. Semi-Auto loaders add $??.??
except Wallhanger Free

. Sunday Permit $????.??
wallhangers excluded

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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