Helpful ReplyDisagreements while steelhead fishing

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/28 21:43:50 (permalink)
Late one year I brought a big hen home for eggs must of jarred nearly 3 quarts or more. Took the carcass and tossed it in my garden out back, figured I'd bury it when the ground was drier. Few days later I see the neighbor's Great Dane just rolling and rubbing his back all in that smelly, oily rag of a fish !   House dog too !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/28 22:17:38 (permalink)
I watched two guys get a limit each of King Salmon down in the Niagara Gorge Devil's Hole area one season. They both said they were going to hike back up with all those fish. I just shook my head and said good luck boys !  
I swear it's hundreds of stone steps back up to the top. Hard enough with just boots and gear after fishing all day. About an hour later a guy comes down to fish and I asked him if those guys made it up carrying fish. He started laughing, they are only about half way up , their both about half dead, deep breathing and swearing the whole time NEVER AGAIN !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/29 18:49:49 (permalink)
Pretty much everything H3Fisher said. I’ve also gotten into arguments with guys that I observed blatantly snagging and/or flossing fish trying to claim they’re legal and put them on the rope of death. Back in November while fishing Fourmile I hooked up and fought a fish downstream for a few minutes, when I finish up and head back to my spot there’s a guy standing there claiming he’d been there all day.

You're not a warden and you're not armed (I presume).  Why would you confront anybody over some stupid frigging foul hooked fish that could get you hurt or killed?  Are people so stupid nowadays, and so self-righteous they would risk their lives because somebody foul hooked a fish and put it on a stringer?  The dumbing down of America is spreading into a sport that's supposed to be relaxing and non-threatening.
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/29 19:47:39 (permalink)
Back about '05 or so, my oldest and me were on the wall at Walnut, upstream of the marina entrance by the sewer pipe. It was a late October day and there's anglers every 6-8 feet apart. I hooked one, called fish on, then fish off as I momentarily lost it, but then it was on again and I was hangin' on. It was a new 7 1/2 foot rod, and I use 6 and 8 lb. test as I go toe to toe when in the crowds, and the rod is creakin' in the reel seat. I knew it was a good one. I got it in and another guy grabs our net and brings it up, whereupon I see that my #10 hook is stuck in the body right behind the gill plate. I took my plier and pulled the hook and told the guy to lower it back in, and he starts to argue with me. "That fish is 15 lbs"! he cried. I said it might go 13 (it was a really good one), but it's foul hooked, "put it back". "What! Are you crazy? There's no wardens here". Now, I happen to be a rather large man @ 6'4", 325, and I started toward him and took my net, which he finally gave up, but he was glarin' at me the whole time. I put the fish back and he said he would never have given it up. I said "it's just a fish, I'll catch another one". I think I only fished the wall a few more times after that. Some people!!
post edited by EMitch - 2018/01/29 20:52:36

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/29 20:38:41 (permalink)
Most arguments are always over something stupid, women , booze, politics , sports , why not a fish ?......sometimes it's just speaking your mind at something wrong and feeling good about it afterwards ......never been shot yet.  
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/30 13:25:48 (permalink)
Back about '05 or so, my oldest and me were on the wall at Walnut, upstream of the marina entrance by the sewer pipe. It was a late October day and there's anglers every 6-8 feet apart. I hooked one, called fish on, then fish off as I momentarily lost it, but then it was on again and I was hangin' on. It was a new 7 1/2 foot rod, and I use 6 and 8 lb. test as I go toe to toe when in the crowds, and the rod is creakin' in the reel seat. I knew it was a good one. I got it in and another guy grabs our net and brings it up, whereupon I see that my #10 hook is stuck in the body right behind the gill plate. I took my plier and pulled the hook and told the guy to lower it back in, and he starts to argue with me. "That fish is 15 lbs"! he cried. I said it might go 13 (it was a really good one), but it's foul hooked, "put it back". "What! Are you crazy? There's no wardens here". Now, I happen to be a rather large man @ 6'4", 325, and I started toward him and took my net, which he finally gave up, but he was glarin' at me the whole time. I put the fish back and he said he would never have given it up. I said "it's just a fish, I'll catch another one". I think I only fished the wall a few more times after that. Some people!!

WOW!!!! I thought I was bigger than average when back in the day I was 6' 4" around 220-210. Shrunk now that I entered geezeerville.

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/01 08:58:35 (permalink)
Back about '05 or so, my oldest and me were on the wall at Walnut, upstream of the marina entrance by the sewer pipe. It was a late October day and there's anglers every 6-8 feet apart. I hooked one, called fish on, then fish off as I momentarily lost it, but then it was on again and I was hangin' on. It was a new 7 1/2 foot rod, and I use 6 and 8 lb. test as I go toe to toe when in the crowds, and the rod is creakin' in the reel seat. I knew it was a good one. I got it in and another guy grabs our net and brings it up, whereupon I see that my #10 hook is stuck in the body right behind the gill plate. I took my plier and pulled the hook and told the guy to lower it back in, and he starts to argue with me. "That fish is 15 lbs"! he cried. I said it might go 13 (it was a really good one), but it's foul hooked, "put it back". "What! Are you crazy? There's no wardens here". Now, I happen to be a rather large man @ 6'4", 325, and I started toward him and took my net, which he finally gave up, but he was glarin' at me the whole time. I put the fish back and he said he would never have given it up. I said "it's just a fish, I'll catch another one". I think I only fished the wall a few more times after that. Some people!!

Wow this is just outrageous. I cannot believe that guy was trying to control what you did with the fish you caught. I think it is disrespectful for him to argue with you after you clearly said you didn’t want to keep it. My dad fished on the wall a few times this year... got in some major tangles... fished on the wall a total of two times this year. That was enough for him. I have met many nice fishermen stopping by to check on my dad... never heard of anything like this though. I’ve netted fish for people next to me before... but they asked me to.i never asked what they were going to do with the fish..
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/01 12:59:48 (permalink)
You never know what you'll see at good ol' Walnut. They should start filming up there and release a fishing special at the end of the steelhead season. 
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/01 18:05:56 (permalink)
More like big Mitch .....6'4" 325.....that guy glaring was a fool or on crack  !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/01 18:50:23 (permalink)
More like big Mitch .....6'4" 325.....that guy glaring was a fool or on crack  !

You can get high off of garlic power bait on a hot September day
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/02 12:51:21 (permalink)
I think some webcams at walnut would be great for entertainment and help on conditions.   WCW
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/02 13:24:49 (permalink)
Webcams would be perfect!
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/02 14:43:46 (permalink)
They have to have one on the boat ramp. Hours of good entertainment there..

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/02 15:24:49 (permalink)
Agree. Ramps, handicap wall, stop sign, gladiator row, manchester.
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/03 07:23:19 (permalink)
I think some webcams at walnut would be great for entertainment and help on conditions.   WCW

Put a live webcams on a steelhead... could you even imagine
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/20 01:17:41 (permalink)
Catfight at Town Pool on the Salmon River
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/02/20 11:27:13 (permalink)
this is really sad.  I have no doubt that alcohol was involved somehow too.  Its a shame.  And for those who will say "poor little girl" yes absolutely, but its her mamas fault.  If you are with your child you can't put yourself in that kind of situation.  Don't be the aggressor then after you get your a___ beat say 'my kid is over there how dare you.'

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/03/08 21:42:32 (permalink)
I watched two guys get a limit each of King Salmon down in the Niagara Gorge Devil's Hole area one season. They both said they were going to hike back up with all those fish. I just shook my head and said good luck boys !  
I swear it's hundreds of stone steps back up to the top. Hard enough with just boots and gear after fishing all day. About an hour later a guy comes down to fish and I asked him if those guys made it up carrying fish. He started laughing, they are only about half way up , their both about half dead, deep breathing and swearing the whole time NEVER AGAIN !

 We park at the whirlpool state park and I carry 200' of para cord in my backpack for just that, if we get into them one goes on up and climbs over the handrail back towards the whirlpool park where it's a sheer drop near the foot trail below and the other waits below to tie the kings on the cord, one at a time no hero stuff . Works great no swearing needed. Liked the dog story also Capn
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