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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/19 18:31:42 (permalink)
Captain Hook, love that! Just proves you mess with the bull, you get the horn!

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/20 08:03:48 (permalink)
Saw several fights brewing early in the season when the walleye fishermen were Degrading steelhead fishermen. They would stop the truck to confront us though
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/20 13:12:17 (permalink)
Fishing's fishing I guess. Some people love the crowds and confusion others like seclusion. I've fished in both and I'll admit the old crowded spots like Trout Run were never dull and usually entertaining to watch! Would never go back....but entertaining !
Kind of like sitting at a busy boat launch and watching the fiasco !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/22 11:47:37 (permalink)
about 430 am watched two guys get nose to nose in new York about 5 feet away from where I was sittin.... a local wasn't too happy some out of towners were there before him...  I was sittin on a rock  and next thing I know they're arguing .... I leaned over and said "hey watch my pole"...... hahaha

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/22 12:31:40 (permalink)
Early seasons the best. I should start wearing my gopro and just make a video of people barking at each other. Maybe I'll get lucky and catch a boxing match, lol.
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/22 13:18:13 (permalink)
I missed the best one years ago at Trout buddy witnessed the whole deal. Boat was anchored near shore early morning and the shore anglers weren't happy. Started with the verbal insults then the boat headed into shore . As the guy in the boat stood up before jumping out the dude on shore leveled him right into the boat with a punch ! Next thing it was a rumble in the sand and the shore guy's pole got snapped. Finally it got broke up and both went their separate ways....ahh... nothing like a relaxing day of fishing !    
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/22 13:22:04 (permalink)
I missed the best one years ago at Trout buddy witnessed the whole deal. Boat was anchored near shore early morning and the shore anglers weren't happy. Started with the verbal insults then the boat headed into shore . As the guy in the boat stood up before jumping out the dude on shore leveled him right into the boat with a punch ! Next thing it was a rumble in the sand and the shore guy's pole got snapped. Finally it got broke up and both went their separate ways....ahh... nothing like a relaxing day of fishing !    

Our wonderful “world class” fishery :). I’d rather hike a mile for one or two hookups in solitude than combat fish thirty yards from the parking lot for a dozen fish. But hey, I guess Walnut does have the purpose of acting as a magnet for all the guys that don’t want to walk very far, so it takes a heck of a lot of pressure away from the good spots.
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/22 13:54:40 (permalink)
Fishing entertainment gone wild ?.....go up to NY and fish off one of the Olcott harbor piers at night when the big Kings are running strong. One side screams at the other everytime a salmon gets hooked and runs the channel . It's east against west till dawn ! Those big Kings burn the drags and end up on the opposite side into all the other fishing lines almost everytime. I've heard everything from death threats to I'll be over to kick your azz ! With all the crazy midnight drinking, swearing , and pot smoking it's a show strictly for adults. Never seen a fight because the bridge to cross over is way too far for all those bigmouth drunks to cross. One wild place to fish, with bars open all night on both sides too !  Not for the meek and mild style
The sides are lining up for the night battles...............crazy numbers of salmon back then 50-100 fish hooked up a night !

post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2018/01/22 14:11:14
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/23 09:09:08 (permalink)
Crazy NY fishing. Go to Burts Damm for some reel fun. lol
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/23 10:04:08 (permalink)
Went there once when snagging was still legal. What a freakin ****show that was....

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/23 11:46:32 (permalink)
Started going in 1985 on ,and seen a lot over the 25 plus years we fished there. After Salmon snagging season the creeks were mostly empty. We never snagged so we just waited for the season to close and would head up . The Trout fishing was great on all the tribs...lots of fish, lots of room ! That gradually changed as time went it's a crowded mad house on almost all the NY creeks. Haven't gone up in years, but NY does have some huge fish.
Burt Dam -Seen a shore hooked King Salmon jump out of the water and crash into the back of another fisherman wading in the creek, almost knocking him into the water !The guy's back was covered in fish slime !   Would have been a killer video !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/23 12:39:31 (permalink)
A couple oldy moldies from the Dirty Burt. 88//89 mabee.
Rippin crickets...

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/23 15:12:15 (permalink)
Who is that young dude in the photos?


The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/23 16:00:30 (permalink)
Who is that young dude in the photos?


Doesn’t he usually have a Bear next to him?
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/24 08:03:24 (permalink)
Great hat, Gary
hendey lathe
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/24 08:47:29 (permalink)
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/24 10:15:15 (permalink)
Went there once when snagging was still legal. What a freakin ****show that was....

I'll never forget the first time my old man took me up there.  We pulled into the parking lot and these guys were stacking fish in between the ladder (the one that goes to the roof) on their motorhome and the back wall of the vehicle.  They literally had them stacked in there like wood...blood and slime and eggs running down the back of the motorhome.  Priceless!
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/24 13:42:22 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/01/24 14:46:04
First time for me Mid November took off from bunny hunting. Never snagged before 50 lb stren on a 10' surf rod. My buddy and I took turns throwing crickets, 10 big half dead kings road home in the trunk of a Oldsmobile Tornado. lol No ice, no cooler. I got a big 10' -12' pipe and lined them up. We  held held them  up like natives carrying a gazelle. Local paper took pictures. lol We became overnight celebrities. lol My phone rang off the hook about where and how we caught them. The fish averaged about 27 pounds apiece. We passed them out like chord wood. I froze one whole and waiting till ice season. I waited till it was a nice e warmer Saturday at a local trout lake. I had more fun with that fish,my buddy almost died from laughing. People where amazed at the size of the fish,I feed them some line that the PFC stocked some Some guy wanted to buy it! I told him selling fish was illegal. He turned and started walking off the ice,I said hey buddy you can have it. lol The look on his face was priceless. I can still see this guy in dress clothes dragging that big slimy 30 lb king off the
post edited by Big Tuna - 2018/01/26 09:52:08
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/24 14:33:50 (permalink)
Now that is some funny $heet right there ^^^^^ 
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/25 13:48:59 (permalink)

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/25 21:14:14 (permalink)
LOL.....I think the one guy took a dive ! literately that combat fishing....wonder where the rods went ?  Float like a caddis fly, sting like a bee !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/27 10:35:03 (permalink)
Went there once when snagging was still legal. What a freakin ****show that was....

I went there once with my youngest so. Must have been about 32 years ago or so. WOW!!!!!!! Never did anything like that before. Went out and bought some heavy duty rods, got some 60# pound test from a buddy, and a whole bunch of BIG lead weighted treble hooks. Loaded up the F-250 and off we went. Talk about a circus, what an experience. A real clown show for sure. All we needed was a ring master.
I worked the 11PM to 7 AM shift in the mill and we left home shortly after. I crawled into the back to catch a few winks. The truck had a cap over the bed that I had just recently put on. A guy I knew gave it to me. It was hard to sleep because the truck had a set of headers on it that were not in the best of shape and leaked. So between the noise and fumes I did not rest well. It rained on the way up and I found out why I got the cap on the cheap. It Leaked! Nothing like having a bunch of your stuff soaking wet before you even got to use it. Fortunately we had some of our clothes and stuff stowed away in Walmart luggage "AKA Glad heavy duty trash bags." Anyway we eventually got to fishing, I mean snagging, and landed some of those narly  looking half dead fish. We were snagging right below Burt dam. People were elbow to elbow and if memory serves me correctly, somebody got a hook lodged into them. Only went once and that was once too many.

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/27 13:45:24 (permalink)
Yea dog, sounded like a gator death rolling in the
That NY snagging was something to watch..... what a fiasco. Some guys looked like they had
clothes lines on their reels ! Short white rods they used looked like cue sticks with reels on em.... all tossing those silver spiders !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/27 18:40:18 (permalink)
Trout Run , The Pig Pen, The Mud Hole, The Chutes, Manchester Hole, all tops for combat fishing in Erie. NY creeks are all a quick way to double your trouble . Burt Dam leads the way in combat chaos !
Yea dog we've all taken a dip every now and then. Mine was a nice slow motion slip into cold spring time water on a trib a few years ago.  Slid right in on a slate smooth rock, felt like I was standing on a greased sliding board as it got deeper ! Couldn't get my footing at all to step back up. Thankfully my son held an arm out for pulling out leverage....good soaking for me.... lol
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/27 21:07:23 (permalink)
I got a fishing buddy 3 feet to my left shoulder fishing , a stranger 3 feet to my right shoulder fishing , and a guy comes up and casts over my shoulder from behind me ! 
WTF is this ? ....Burt Dam 2009...that was enough for me!
How bad or crazy is it ? ....when the girl at Burt Dam pay parking lot shuts the gate because they are full !....that's bad.
When you go to Oak Orchard and they are charging fishermen to pay to park in fields ....just like at the county fairs.....that's bad!
When you arrive at the creek 2 hours before sunrise and there are flashlights flickering all over the stretch you are walking to !...that's crazy bad !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/28 09:51:56 (permalink)
I loved the sound of the breaking rods. Sounded like a 22 going off. I blew up a 9 foot surf rod when I missed a 25 pounder with the net and it went under and never stopped.. Thank God it was my buddies rod I borrowed...
At Burt there used to be an old chunk of bridge steel in the bottom of the tailout. Low water you could wade out to it. In the crook of the steel there had to be a 5 gallon bucket full of lost crickets... I'll bet I lost 25-30 crickets that day and didn't have to buy a single one....

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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/28 10:37:19 (permalink)
Watching guys drag 3 big Kings up that hill at Burt was also somewhat entertaining . They got 3 Salmon roped up and probably averaging 20-25 lbs. each, plus a rod, net, and gear. Like dragging a dead deer up a steep mud hill with no snow. I understand them keeping the hens for eggs, but what did they want with those blackish gator looking males ? After all that dragging thru mud ,brush, and gravel on a warm day...... I bet they tasted really good !
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/28 11:09:53 (permalink)
The last couple of years, Fishermens park staff run a Gator up and down the hill. $5 a person and $1 a fish. Lots take advantage of that I suppose. Nothing like when we saw the 2 guys hauling 6 fish up that hill hung on the handle of their net. They looked like 2 sherpas ascending Everest.
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/28 13:19:24 (permalink)
Yea three of those big fungus males probably weighed about as much as adult doe. We took them home,I don't no why, I guess it was bragging rights. There was a mailman in our town that would take them I'd drag them up that hill and throw them in a truck of the car. Oh to be young and dumb
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Re: Disagreements while steelhead fishing 2018/01/28 13:39:55 (permalink)
Yes oh to be young and dumb again.. I was the smart one,, I wasn't dragging my fish up that hill he was going to the taxidermy man.So I manned up and carried him. It didn't work out well as by the time I got up the hill and to the parking lot he had dumped his liquid "WHITE GOLD" all down the back of my legs and into my hip boots... Fishin partner was cackling all the way up the hill.. Thanks Finn....

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