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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 14:54:52 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/05/15 15:40:03
Got me wondering about the number of carp caught in all available years:
2018- 270
2014- 698
2012- 1110
What does it all mean? Probably nothing. :)

I would hesitate to compare year to year very closely unless I knew that the nets were placed in the same locations and in same conditions (water temp, clarity, time of year).  Many of the species are highly 'migratory'  with even slight changes in conditions, so 'here today, gone tomorrow' could impact numbers pretty significantly if only small samplings are being taken. 
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 15:26:29 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/05/15 15:40:12
Noticed some Carp still dying the past couple weeks. Just finished cleaning a batch ov Eyes/Perch & Crappie from yesterday's catch.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 15:42:27 (permalink)
We had one dead carp on shore next to our dock over the weekend crappiefisher. It wasn't in bad shape like the hundreds we saw last year, though. Just dead. No sunken eye sockets, no fungus on its skin/scales. Thanks for the input Fisherlady!
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 15:50:30 (permalink)
I was shocked to see they released results this fast. Notice walleye was what they caught the most of and then baitfish were next three there’s still an over abundance of bait fish. so far this year the fishing has been so much better than last year. I can’t wait until Friday to get out on the lake again preying no rain.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 16:33:48 (permalink)
Anyone ever find out what they bait the nets with? The fish can't just wonder in there I wouldn't think???

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 19:34:19 (permalink)
Nice batch of fish there Tom!

Been busy the past 2 days, but hoping to go chase Walter around the lake the next few. Hope I can still find 'em. I've got the itch real bad after last week. Tight lines!
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 19:43:12 (permalink)
Trap nets are not baited, nor do they need to be to work. The crib or box where the fish end up has three nets. one extends from the center of the crib directly to the shore. then other nets extend to either side, angled toward shore, but do not go all the way (sort of an arrow head shape). As fish swim along the shore, they are directed to the crib where they collect. It is said that very few carp get collected in trap nets as they are too smart (I guess the others just aren't as smart).  
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 19:54:26 (permalink)
That makes sense !

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 21:11:33 (permalink)
I just read that again nets pulled April 12th? 2 weeks ago I seen nets out possibly muskie nets?? I counted 5 nets to be exact where I cruised past

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
pheasant tail 2
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 21:25:14 (permalink)
White Perch YUCK! There's another fish that can ruin a good fishery.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/15 22:59:13 (permalink)
Atte, very nice catch.     Good times and tight lines.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/16 12:36:52 (permalink)
Those were muskie nets thunderpole.  They have been removed.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/16 21:32:03 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/05/17 09:00:15
Finally made it out this week. Wind was non-existent most of the time making for a lousy drift. The black dog and I did manage 2 eyes though, and caught at least one of just about everything else that pymy has to offer. Back at it with one of my buddies tomorrow.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/16 23:03:08 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/05/17 09:00:27
Sounds good Crappie ... congrats on the eyes and always nice to get out with your 4 legged friend , enjoy your time on the water tomorrow with your buddy ... hitting Wilhelm in the AM myself ... good luck !!

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/17 05:00:42 (permalink)
Good luck. Get some of them crappie before BTDT gets 'em all 👍
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/17 09:26:29 (permalink)
HEYYYYY I represent that remark. lmao         Gotta git, preping some pics for the Wilhelm board. 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/17 09:34:34 (permalink)
Glad to see you getting some use out of that fish cleaning table this year BTDT 😜
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/17 21:12:22 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby BeenThereDoneThat. 2018/05/17 22:36:27
Took one of my buddies out to give it another go looking for Walter. Was joking with him on the way out and said if we didn't catch any fish he was bad luck. Well....we didn't have to worry as there was a decent chop and the fish were piled up again. 12 fish took the ride in just a little over 2 hrs. 2 doubles and even a triple where we landed multiple fish in the same swipe of the net made it a short night. Its been a fantastic couple weeks 😀. Even had time to come home and get the grass knocked down again. Good luck out there!


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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/17 21:25:34 (permalink)
Crappie 👍👍
post edited by mopars0 - 2018/05/17 21:26:45

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/17 21:25:34 (permalink)
Good job Crappie to you and your buddies 👍👍

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/17 22:06:38 (permalink)
Looking for an open seat??? Lol seriously ill wear a blindfold

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 00:05:12 (permalink)
Nice catch CS! Hopefully i can find them saturday morning or sunday afternoon! I need to try the new electric filet knife out on some eyes. Worked great on gills, crappie and perch during ice time.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 04:12:41 (permalink)
Nice crappie...keep on them...Will be up Sunday if you are out
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 06:46:39 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/05/18 08:50:24
SHOW OFF!!! 😁 🍻 👍

Yeah Crappie_slayer it's been quite a while since I've caught such quality Crappie and you betcha, I'm puttin em in the freezer. One of these days though, I'm turning north out of my driveway and headin mup to Pymie for some of them quality fish you're puttin in the freezer. Good for you.

Good times and tight lines.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/05/18 06:59:22

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 09:39:31 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/05/18 10:26:48
Thanks for the pats on the back everyone. Looks like all those calendars I've been keeping for years are finally paying off.

Gotta brag to someone BTDT. Might as well be to a bunch of other fine fishermen 😀.

Good luck to all of you getting out his weekend. Forecast for the weekend looks great for boating some fish.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 15:07:13 (permalink)
You got the magic touch this season CS ......nice. 
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 15:21:09 (permalink)
thunder pole a drone camera and follow crappie ! Make it look like a
Nice catch CS! Hopefully i can find them saturday morning or sunday afternoon! I need to try the new electric filet knife out on some eyes. Worked great on gills, crappie and perch during ice time.

Been using electric knives for all fish for many years....can't beat em !
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 22:04:03 (permalink)
One of the guys I work with is an avid fisherman, and he couldn't take the nightly texts either. Swirling wind when we got there made me think it wasn't gonna happen today, but it finally got straightend out and we managed to get a few. Had about 45 really good minutes, but picked away at them the rest of the time. Missed a lot of fish. More good times with good friends 👍.


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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/18 22:11:35 (permalink)
You got the magic touch this season CS ......nice. 

Just enjoying it while it lasts captain
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/05/19 00:51:30 (permalink)
Man crappie you’re slaying them i ended up with two today the wind just sucked couldn’t have a consistent drift
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