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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/11 15:40:28 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2018/06/11 15:53:04
Z-Sam, I'm not sure what kind of pattern you'd find crappies on there right now, but my 8 year old and I fished with some friends on their boat there in April, and if you get into what Pymy has to offer in terms of slab crappies, you'll never want to fish for crappies at Arthur again.  As others said, what's big for Arthur is a throwback at Pymy.  
Until this year, I had only ever fished for carp at the spillway at Pymy, save for a few half hearted efforts shore fishing in different spots.  We've made two trips with our friends on their boat this spring, and let me tell ya if I had a boat I'd probably never fish Arthur again unless I was after wipers.  And Arthur is 30 minutes from me, while Pymy is 1.5 hours.  
Dan 81
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/11 16:42:50 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2018/06/11 17:06:21
Went out Friday after work with for a few hours from 5 -10  and managed 13 eyes but only 3 were keepers, also found a couple nice slabs and perch. Nice to see a upcoming population, hoping for few more keepers this week. All but 1 were on a 1/16 jig and night crawler.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/11 23:26:31 (permalink)
rsquaredif I had a boat I'd probably never fish Arthur again unless I was after wipers.  And Arthur is 30 minutes from me, while Pymy is 1.5 hours.  

Yeah I sometimes get that same feeling.  After catching that pig crappie out of Wilhelm I really want to just fish there.  But I'm 15 from Arthur and an hour from Wilhelm.  My boat is fantastic but my trailer is total balls.  Big fish or not, I still enjoy Arthur.  Hate to break your heart, but Shenango wipers could eat Arthur wipers.  :)  The only grace for Arthur is endless channel cats.  In the perfect eating range for me and fun to catch.  With the kayak_tub I'm more likely to head up to some of these lakes which will probably just ruin me.  
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 10:13:15 (permalink)
 Sam, I enjoy your posts so don't take this the wrong way. "That pig crappie out of Wilhelm" is long but very skinny & under fed. The ones from Pymie are shaped like fat paper plates. Arthur does have lots of smaller Byrds which is great to see the stockings are working out. But have caught numerous 28"-29" very thick fat fish & some 30"-32" over the yrs.
 The Cats we catch are too big at arthur for eating, many 28" - 32" with a occasional 34"- 35". We don't keep the smaller ones any more but they were good eats.
 Arthur is still my favorite 'cause I could walk there & the memories.
Good Luck
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 10:26:26 (permalink)
Our last trip to pymie we brought home 6 between 13 to 15 inches long. Wont be hitting the lake again until next friday after we get back from vaca. Hopefully put some walleye and crappie in the freezer then!
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 10:39:17 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby BeenThereDoneThat. 2018/06/12 14:26:38
Crappie - no offense taken.  That crappie was only 1.3lbs in fact.  Most of the white crappie I've caught are skinny regardless of the lake... just thought that's the way they grew.  There are clearly big crappies in Arthur, but they aren't where I'm fishing and/or I'm not fishing right.  Which is fine really.  I fish to have fun and relax, and "hard" fishing isn't what I'm interested in.  I want to soak bait and watch bobbers go down.  Won't catch me trolling, I don't care how effective it is.  And I'm not into throwing lures.  Give me a bucket of fatheads and I'm gtg.  
Arthur cats are one of my main targets.  The average cat I keep is probably 22", which is usually a 2-3lb cat.  Couple nice fillets after you trim them up.  We don't really tie into the big cats.  Only one north of 10lbs in the past 5 years I'd say and it went back.  I know they are in there, but again, not where we fish I guess.  
I think the 422 end of the lake probably isn't as good as your end.  But I've been fishing that side for so long it's like home.  And I don't have to put up with tournaments or full parking lots.  Or loudspeaker Jesus on Sundays.  And I know I'd be better off spending time on Pymie for better class of fish, but man it is hard to drive past an enjoyable lake so close to my house.  
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 10:41:29 (permalink)
Oh yeah forgot about those Shenango wipers. See lots of pics on social media of those hogs and you don't have to make a night long suicide run to get em consistently.

Guess one thing we can all agree on is that we've got some pretty good warm water fishing opportunities along the northern half of PA's I-79 corridor.

My boys and I have got the skunk on Arthur channel cats so far this year. We were on em pretty consistently the last two years catching a handful in the 10-12# range and plenty smaller but nothing in 3 or 4 trips targeting them so far this year.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 10:44:51 (permalink)
agree 100 % on a lake so close to home. Live in Newcastle.. MYy goal is to learn Arthur , Beats drive to Andover.  
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 10:49:58 (permalink)
 Sam, I hear you on the relaxing/enjoying & passing by Arthur  Heck that's a couple more hrs. fishing time. You can pm me on a spot for your yak at Pymie you will enjoy & should be able to fill your freezer with Jumbos & Slabs.
Heading to camp up there now so will respond later.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 11:38:59 (permalink)
crappiefisherYou can pm me on a spot for your yak at Pymie

Thanks!  Your box is full, but there's a PM waiting from me.  :) 
rsquaredMy boys and I have got the skunk on Arthur channel cats so far this year. We were on em pretty consistently the last two years catching a handful in the 10-12# range and plenty smaller but nothing in 3 or 4 trips targeting them so far this year.

Been catching them mostly on crawlers this year.  Bonus is that the wipers love crawlers AND you might luck into a wally.  Soaked some cut bait which is our normal standard but they haven't been interested.  They'll jump into your boat for an alewife though... that'd be my best advice for Arthur folks.  Get yourself a cast net and learn how/when to use it.  Tip: NOT IN 4" OF WATER AT THE **** LAUNCH!  You can see clouds of bait on the finder once you know what to look for.  If the schools are on top (when the water gets another 5 degrees warmer or so) they are very easy to find.  Another tip: heavier is better.  These are FAST.  Get a smaller net you can work reliably and pay extra for 1lb+ lead per foot.  The cheap nets will catch 'wives but you'll work a lot harder for them.  
If you're on the 422 side shoot me a PM and I'll give you some suggestions for cats.  If you are 528 side I'm not your guy.  
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 14:31:49 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crawlerman2 2018/06/12 15:40:18
Crappie - no offense taken.  That crappie was only 1.3lbs in fact.  Most of the white crappie I've caught are skinny regardless of the lake... just thought that's the way they grew.  There are clearly big crappies in Arthur, but they aren't where I'm fishing and/or I'm not fishing right.  Which is fine really.  I fish to have fun and relax, and "hard" fishing isn't what I'm interested in.  I want to soak bait and watch bobbers go down.  Won't catch me trolling, I don't care how effective it is.  And I'm not into throwing lures.  Give me a bucket of fatheads and I'm gtg.  
Arthur cats are one of my main targets.  The average cat I keep is probably 22", which is usually a 2-3lb cat.  Couple nice fillets after you trim them up.  We don't really tie into the big cats.  Only one north of 10lbs in the past 5 years I'd say and it went back.  I know they are in there, but again, not where we fish I guess.  

....... and a good guy to fish with too.  Definitely enjoys his fishing and if tight lines becomes an option, just more good times. 

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 16:24:33 (permalink)
I'd be happy to be able to go. I like to feel anything pullin' on my string.
Stupid broken ribs!

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 16:26:18 (permalink)
post edited by EMitch - 2018/06/12 16:30:53

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 18:47:55 (permalink)
I'd be happy to be able to go. I like to feel anything pullin' on my string.
Stupid broken ribs!


Godspeed with your recovery emitch.
Ummm, you wasn't fishin' with ZelieSam by chance was ya.  He can make a guy 'crack a rib' laughing.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 22:08:38 (permalink)
Nah, BT. Accident at work. Standing on the short hoist arm to climb up into a jacked up, lifted, big tired Wrangler and the short arm swung under the Jeep and I went down backwards across the long arm of the hoist onto the floor. After a few choice words, I was layin' there runnin' body diagnostics and it was apparent somthin' broke, cause I was havin' trouble breathin'. Said it before; Life sucks and then you die! I'll survive this one, but it cramped my style for fishin' cause I was gonna take the next week for vacation, so now I'll just save that time for fall.

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/12 22:42:00 (permalink)
Dam Mitch sure sorry to hear that. Hell I'm having trouble breathing after see your story in my minds eye. Sucks too, if I remember you were searching a contour map of a lake you were planning to fish. I'm still looking but have about exhausted my sources.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 06:35:48 (permalink) still sucks....but you got to do it ...till you retire and kick back ......or die !
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 08:29:13 (permalink)
Luckily it only hurts when you move or breathe though... oh wait.  Rib injuries are the worst.  Speedy recovery!
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 09:58:54 (permalink)
BT, I've come to the conclusion that there is NO contour map available for Coneaut anywhere. Hard to believe with it being the lake where the PA. record for Musky came from, and also holds a pretty good population of the other game fish. Seems to me that would create an opportunity for an entrepreneur or a company, and it was surprising to me that Fishing Hot Spots didn't have one. When and if I get the chance to fish it, I'll just have to wing it with the electronics.

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 10:33:07 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby BeenThereDoneThat. 2018/06/13 11:58:05
You could go to, then click on chart viewer, then zoom on Conneaut lake. Then when you get to the desired zoom level, hit your print screen button and paste it into paint and print away.  Do it multiple times for the desired areas.
Is it a pain in the butt? Yes, it is.
Do you get your contour map of Conneaut in a round about way for the cost of a few sheets of paper? Also yes. :)
If you have a friend with a laminator, the maps will last for quite awhile.
Or you could purchase a subscription to Navionics Boat app and get it that way for iOs or Android. But that costs money.
Just trying to help.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 12:07:41 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/06/13 13:54:54
BT, I've come to the conclusion that there is NO contour map available for Coneaut anywhere. Hard to believe with it being the lake where the PA. record for Musky came from, and also holds a pretty good population of the other game fish. Seems to me that would create an opportunity for an entrepreneur or a company, and it was surprising to me that Fishing Hot Spots didn't have one. When and if I get the chance to fish it, I'll just have to wing it with the electronics.

You're just gonna have to upgrade from your flip phone to a smart phone and down load the NavionicsMap that Roy mentions.  No better time for an old dog to learn new tricks then during recuperation.    I  know this technology stuff is a PITA neighbor, but once you get the hang of it, it's a whole new fishing world out there.  Hell look at me, I knew nothing about phones or 'puters and now,  I'm a bonifide PITA.    Geeez, some people on this forum have even upgraded me to a "BIG" PITA.    

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 12:19:25 (permalink)
Looking at navionics online of conneaut lake the map is missing alot of the humps, points, and drops we regularly fish. Still shows enough to get started in the right direction but with any oh the chart systems sometimes itll say your in 20 fow by the map and the depth reading says 8 fow lol
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 14:00:02 (permalink)
And if the current map is not up to snuff, the cheapest way to fix that is to purchase a Vexliar Sonarphone ($149) to pair with your iPhone/Ipad and make updates to the maps.  It's called Sonarchart Live. :)  You can keep the maps to yourself or share them with the rest of the Navionics Users.
Might want to get a 12 volt outlet for your Boat battery, because when you run the Vexilar software and Navionics at the same time, it eats battery power.
Just trying to be helpful.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 14:26:15 (permalink)
Emitch PM sent.

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 14:44:22 (permalink)
Looking at navionics online of conneaut lake the map is missing alot of the humps, points, and drops we regularly fish. Still shows enough to get started in the right direction but with any oh the chart systems sometimes itll say your in 20 fow by the map and the depth reading says 8 fow lol

Dave was that on the "Sonar Chart"???

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 14:46:45 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby roygpa 2018/06/13 16:32:48
BT, I've come to the conclusion that there is NO contour map available for Coneaut anywhere. Hard to believe with it being the lake where the PA. record for Musky came from, and also holds a pretty good population of the other game fish. Seems to me that would create an opportunity for an entrepreneur or a company, and it was surprising to me that Fishing Hot Spots didn't have one. When and if I get the chance to fish it, I'll just have to wing it with the electronics.

Buy a Humminbird and use the Auto chart Live feature
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 18:13:06 (permalink)
That was using navionics on my phone and lake insight.
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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/13 21:42:49 (permalink)
That was using navionics on my phone and lake insight.

Try using the "Sonar Chart" for greater detail. Problem is the drop offs are so drastic at Conneaut the contour lines are so close making for limited viewing, of any one area, using a small screen like a phone.

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/14 09:50:07 (permalink)
#1, if I could afford a smart phone and that Vexilar thing, then I'd probably have a Helix 10 on the boat with mapping, and wouldn't need them. I do have a 'Bird, but it's a 581. The map that BT provided will make a great basic starter that shows the general topography under water, and with my knowledge of where different species may be at given times of the year, I'd be able to find the targeted fish.
I won't upgrade the flip phone. I can barely answer and make a call on it, and it was bought primarily for emergencies. Even though I do use computers at work for the connections to Chrysler and the wiring schematics, I am relatively cyber stupid. I've had it for only two years, when everybody else in the world have had them for 15 years. I came kicking and screaming into the 21st century. 
Maybe we should just take up a poll and petition Fishing Hot Spots to get out there and run the whole lake, and let them come out with their $11 waterproof map. I'd buy it in a heartbeat, even if I didn't get the chance to fish Coneaut. Bein' a pleasure boaters lake anyway, pretty much the spring fishin' is over, and so I'd most likely wait 'til after Labor Day to get on there. I hate dealin' with skiers and tubers in numbers like the lake will have in the summer time.

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Re: Pymatuning Lake 2018 2018/06/14 12:02:03 (permalink)
What species will u be targeting there?
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