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2017/06/28 16:36:48 (permalink)

fun stuff

OK-- its that time of year where reports of fishing are few and far between- so how about some outdoor fun  stuff to read--
A number of years ago stopped at  local coffee shop at 0'dark 30 before a bow Turkey hunt. Some friends hang there.
They comically reminded me that ya had to aim at the neck and head so as not to spoil the meat- knowing full well that I was using a bow that day, not a shotgun.
An hour later I was standing next to a huge white oak a mile away from the Coffee place.
Two Jakes came walking in my direction-no calling- just going about their business.
As the Jakes got very close I drew back while behind the tree and waited for them to appear while walking past-they had never made me.
I aimed at the closest one ( toooo close) and released. Went right over his back.
The second bird was right alongside and a bit beyond  the first.
It was the second birds most ( and last) unlucky day.
As he DID make me he looked  up and the broadhead took all but a thin piece of skin from his neck just below the head.
Got back to the Coffee shop as quick as possible and took my friends out to see the bird in the truck.
One guy said 'what did you do cut his throat "??
Naaa ( says I) calm and cool -"ya said to shoot him in the neck so I did".
Unless they are reading this they still think it was on purpose.
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Re: fun stuff 2017/06/28 19:58:34 (permalink)
 great story! We will never Tell! LOL
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Re: fun stuff 2017/06/29 17:02:29 (permalink)
So how was that bird? I bet very tasty as you bled it out real quick.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2017/06/29 20:32:01 (permalink)
Clams aren't so bad either.
Fun stuff indeed, no idea how to make the memories into photographs so I'm living in the moment

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2017/06/30 13:34:06 (permalink)
Good story. 
post edited by fichy - 2017/07/02 13:10:47
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Re: fun stuff 2017/07/05 08:11:06 (permalink)
Liked the 'good turn' story better.
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/10 09:59:55 (permalink)
So- got a foul hooked King on the line and was standing bout 5 yards from shore fishing into a pocket  for Hos.
Was trying to snap it off and it ran up along shore right parallel to me and stopped there.
My rod was bent over and held high but the fish wouldn't move away for a  decent opportunity to break it off.
A second King stayed alongside the fouled one.
Guy with a straw hat and beard walked down and began trying to lift the free King right in front of me.
He walked right under my bent rod dipping and lifting away-- oblivious.
He even took a stab or two at the one I had hooked.
As he walked the free fish backed off and the one I had on busted out for a -snap off.
The guy looked at me with a big smile all happy about the fishing opportunity.
He continued down walking right through the pocket the Hos had been holding in.
Never said a word- why waste my breath.
Silly season.
The next AM, while walking up a path,a guy was a bit down from a blowdown stabbing away under the tree with a big net.
I looked upstream to see who had the fish on only to see a couple of guys silently staring at him.
No fish on any lines- he was trying to net one - lol.
post edited by r3g3 - 2017/10/10 10:04:38
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/10 10:09:34 (permalink)
When my son was about 6 i took him squirrel hunting with me to my sister's farm.  Really just an excuse to get out in the woods.  He had brought his wrist rocket sling shot along and had a pocket full of egg corns.  We saw tons of squirrel and were just sitting against a tree watching when 3 deer came walking in.  At about 20 yards out he whispers, dad can i shoot a deer with my slingshot?  I figured, what harm could it do, so I said yes. The deer keep coming in, when they were about 10 feet away, he let one go....hit the closest deer in the butt and they freaked out. Two of them ran into each other, one was knocked down and bumped into him. He was laughing about it and telling the story for weeks.

wishin i was fishin
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/17 20:22:24 (permalink)
A couple of years ago, I volunteered to take the Project Healing Waters group from the White River VA hospital in Vt.  to the Battenkill. It was under the auspices of the Orvis Co. and started at their flagship store. We met and I gave a casting demo and  showed a few easy tie, strong knots. It was then time to hand out the free stuff before we hit the water. Orvis gave the 10 fellows a 9' 5x leader and a plastic cup of 1/2 a dozen flies each . I was a little disappointed, to say the least. It wasn't a group that I expected, as no one was missing a limb, but some excessive fidgeting and some thousand yard stares told a different story.  They gratefully took their gifts and we prepared to go.
    In the parking lot behind the store there was a several vans parked with short haired young men milling about. We soon discovered an Orvis big shot had arranged to take out West Point cadets on the same day as the PHW guys.  Store employees brought out armloads of new waders, rod cases, vests and God knows what else, but I would bet nippers, lines, boxes etc...  I shook my head, we had a brief encounter about the section of river they were headed to, and left.
    We had a great time, though the fishing was slow. I heard some war stories, heard some horror and addiction tales and was  grateful to spend time with a great bunch of heroes. Yeah, to me a hero is somebody that does his duty and gets to go through something no one should and still loves his country. I was blessed with a  father who was one. Others may have their opinion. You just got mine. 
   Towards the early afternoon, we were changing spots on the river and walking down the road towards our several vehicles when the vans approached. They stopped on the dirt road and the young guys got out and introduced themselves. They were in civvies, all dressed in jeans, which were now wet to their ****es. They had water squelching out of boots and sneakers. They were polite, friendly and as respectful with the vets as anyone could have possibly been. I quietly  asked a guide that was with them why they were wet wading. He told me they had asked about our group and someone asked what these wounded warriors had received as gifts. When there was some hesitation and waffling, they REFUSED Orvis's handouts and went with nothing , rather than use gifts that were withheld from those who had already seen mortal combat. 
    As troubled as our times are, I think about these men, now probably graduated , that will act as leaders. There's some great comfort to be found there. 
post edited by fichy - 2017/10/17 20:28:39
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/17 20:32:17 (permalink)
Wow, Fichy felt your every word. Great read and thank you for your service to America's heros.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/17 21:12:34 (permalink)
Great story Fichy.  Thanks for not only sharing but donating of yourself.  
A good friend, Steven P Bucci, is a graduate of West Point.  He is a retired Colonel who in the later part of his military career served on Donald Rumsfeld's staff.  Steve presently works for The Heritage Foundation.  When I think of leadership and all that term implies I think of Steve.  God bless those young men who thought of the sacrifices others made instead of putting themselves first.
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/18 08:42:38 (permalink)
THAT is what this country should be, thanks Finchy

wishin i was fishin
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/18 09:00:38 (permalink)
That kind of thinking is what makes the USA GREAT.
Thanks for the story.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/18 18:40:08 (permalink)
Thanks for passing that along, in many ways.
You remember that day and I'm sure those folks do as well. I will.
Hope the karma got passed along today for you also.
I bet some history was made again today .

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/21 16:18:54 (permalink)
Up in the Vines a couple of days ago and the Altmar Fire Horn goes off in the late AM.
A guy yells over to his friends to get out of the water NOW because that's the Dam alarm and the water is going to rise quickly.
I called over no need to panic because there is no dam alarm here like OZ-  its the fire Alarm at nearby Altmar.
Another guy yells dont get out of the water because it takes a half hour for  high water  from the dam to get to where we are and that as soon as it comes up the river is gonna be loaded with fresh fish.
I shut up and kept fishing------
post edited by r3g3 - 2017/10/21 16:21:13
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Re: fun stuff 2017/10/22 17:23:19 (permalink)
Funny, RG.   Darwin Award winners.  Same guys who yell "I can feel the headshakes, hooked right  in the mouth! " as the rod throbs with the tail wag.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/01/27 18:41:31 (permalink)
So my fun stuff adventures have been reserved. I got inched out on the prime campsite I had last year in RI. The week and campground is the same. Last week in june . 7 days, Saturday-saturday. Clam jam.
Awesome able. As always , fathersday traditional. I'm sure prior and after but that weekend is stone.
Stripers. Geesh, river sucked last year. No matter . My boat is dockside everyday for 35 days . 5 mins from work, food, entertainment and a cabin,,, life is always good on the soulshine.

After that , my fun stuff ends in July and begins in September

Unfortunately I have no salmon river fun stuff to report.
I miss seeing my friends in the area. Little time and it surely passes at light speed.
The soulshine will sail the seas of Ontario without a doubt
post edited by hot tuna - 2018/01/27 18:47:01

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/10 19:07:42 (permalink)
Ok , what do you folks call fun stuff in your aarp days ? I'm struggling like heck to tie some flies . Streamers are ok. Nymphs, or egg patterns not going so well.
Even if I forgo the tying into buying, I still have trouble threading the hook to line.
It seems some things and it's days are numbered.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/10 19:36:02 (permalink)
I had to break down and get bifocals in my sunglasses last year. Without them tying a new fly on was a 10 minute ordeal

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/10 20:03:33 (permalink)
I've been using 2.0 cheaters for about 3 years now. It sucks. If I lose them I'm pretty much useless at anything within 2 feet from my face. You should see me at times trying to tie 8lb line without them.
Even now, fly tying and smaller stuff is getting tough.
Don't know how much longer I can participate when it no longer becomes fun

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/10 22:13:47 (permalink)
I think I see what you guys are saying, if I could just find my glasses.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/11 14:36:23 (permalink)
While I used to own race cars, junk cars and pulling an engine or rebuilding a car was fun back 30 years ago. Not so much anymore.
I'm doing a simple 4 wheel brake job today. Everything is going great but wallowing through the mud from the non heated garage to man cave is NO fun . I can't wait to go fishing!!

At my house, if your not wearing these boots, your not going outside
post edited by hot tuna - 2018/03/11 14:39:30


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/12 08:41:12 (permalink)
"Even now, fly tying and smaller stuff is getting tough. 
Don't know how much longer I can participate when it no longer becomes fun"
HT, there's a clip on set of folding  magnifiers for the brim of your hat called Mag-Eyes that work very well.  Fly tying, you can   pick up a magnifying light .  
Hope your weekend is like shooting fish in the Barrel..... 
I been getting walleyes near the locks (legal- no lectures please)  on sinking line and big buggers.  Sure ain't steelhead. 
post edited by fichy - 2018/03/12 08:42:34
Clint S
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/12 18:42:43 (permalink)
3/15 on the eyes  round here so still a few days to have at 'em.   I will try to hit the SOL on Thursday and meet up for some fun on Saturday.  Sunday I will boil my sap

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/03/19 18:01:48 (permalink)
So bringing my wife along on this trip was fun stuff. We can't take worn out beds and nothing for her to do as a non fisher.
Given that everything was at our hallway, I think that place is a good addition that was lacking. Super 8 only goes so far and Oswego is to far. Not to disrespect the great longstanding establishments and lodges. We both enjoyed our stay. Seen live music, played bar games , ate good real cooked food food and a full service staff made sure it was cleanly always.
So to break down the cost based on 2 of us .
$115 per night dbl 3 nights booked
At 3 dinners , 2 lunches @ $75. Each day for 2 people.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/06/02 20:52:48 (permalink)
I put in an order to fishusa yesterday for 15 rapalas and some terminal tackle.
Fun stuff ahead on the awesome able

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/06/16 11:56:58 (permalink)
A second trip in so many weeks. Always fun.
Your dance worked well Jack. Level raised and fishing good.
Spending fathers day with a few fathers.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2018/06/16 12:04:34 (permalink)
Great  fish--congrats
My favored stream is still closed off because of so many 'hangers' and down trees after the big blow.
Hey- on the fun side ( I think)
Didja hear about the guy catching an Alligator snapping turtle -while cleaning it to eat he found a human finger inside.
Now they are goin nuts looking for a body.
Good thing he opened the belly- for a lot of reasons.
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Re: fun stuff 2018/06/16 14:28:04 (permalink)
Great  fish--congrats
My favored stream is still closed off because of so many 'hangers' and down trees after the big blow.
Hey- on the fun side ( I think)
Didja hear about the guy catching an Alligator snapping turtle -while cleaning it to eat he found a human finger inside.
Now they are goin nuts looking for a body.
Good thing he opened the belly- for a lot of reasons.

  r3g3, I was, at an earlier time, a handfisher for snappers & can tell you that it is possible that that turtle could have taken the finger off of a LIVE person,so it may be premature looking for a body.  sam

hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2018/06/16 19:35:00 (permalink)
Life is to short


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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