Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing

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2015/06/07 11:41:18 (permalink)

Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing



 Looks like sad news for the future Walleye fishing on the lower Shenango River. I've posted before that the Walleye fishing below the dam has been on a downward spiral the past three years. Numbers have dropped and no one seem to know why. Well it's been figured out and it's not going to get better for the future ! As a matter of fact I see no Walleye future for our river. I wrote the Fish Commission and found out that the stocking of Walleye seized in 2007 and they will not be stocking any more in the near future ! One of the best Walleye fishing areas has been depleted and halted by our Pa. Fish Commision ! They are blaming the high PCB testing count in Carp and Catfish. What else is new. They say the Walleye are also on an advisory of one meal per month . Basically the same as Erie Walleye fish eating advisories nothing new to most fishermen for the past twenty years. This was his last comment......... "The PFBC has a limited number of Walleye fingerling to stock each year. We decided that we wanted to achieve the highest amount of angler use from the Walleyes we stock. Therefore, in the Beaver River drainage, we have targeted our large reservoirs as the best place to stock Walleyes so that the largest number of anglers possible have access to them when they reach legal size. We stock Pymatuning Reservoir, Shenango River Lake and Lake Arthur with the maximum allocation each year to improve and maintain these fisheries. 10,000 Walleye fingerlings is a substantial commitment. Combining the finite number of Walleye we can produce in one year with the consumption advisory and the short duration of the fishery (a couple of weeks after the season opener), I decided that the large reservoirs were a better use for these fish. We will not be stocking Walleye fingerlings in this area in the near future, unless new sampling from DEP shows a decline in the contaminants in fish flesh." .......Great news to the future river fishing huh  ?  I would like to thank the Pa. Fish Commission for worrying about our health instead of improving our fishing in this state. One of the highest Walleye producing areas for decades and enjoyed by all wading fishermen young and old has been shut off the Walleye stocking list !  As far as Shenango Lake goes the Walleye fishing for me anyway has been about good as the Dead Sea. Nothing better than fishing a lake where jet skiers and ski boats blow by you at warp speed ! I bet those huge White Bass schools that plague Shenango Lake can't wait to devour those Walleye fry. Over the years I've seen more legal Walleye caught in the Sluices in one week than most local areas can produce in a year. Why would anybody shut off that kind of great fishing ? Probably someone who doesn't fish locally and has never seen the Shenango River Walleye night frenzy ! That will not be the case any more along that river. Seems a shame that a long time good steady producing Walleye fishing area gets the "coup de grace " from our own Fish Commission.
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2015/06/08 09:07:34

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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/07 11:54:53 (permalink)
    The Good Old Days On Shenango River ! As you can see this stocking program was working and producing steady legal Walleye every year.......take a good look cause the Fish Commission killed it !

     That's right I'm going to eat a bunch of fresh river deep fried Cajon Walleye , smoke a cigar, and have a shot of Captain Morgan's rum with a cold beer ! We'll probably sit around and talk about all the Walleye we use to catch in the river till the Fish Commission screwed it up !!!!
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2015/06/07 12:49:27
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/07 13:21:58 (permalink)
    Feeling your pain Captain...............
    Check out the "Approved Year Round Trout Stream"  county guide for Mercer County then check to see if the trout are listed on the advisories for consumption.  I wonder if the trout stockings will cease also?

    Interesting as to how stupid the PFBC (PGC for that matter) people think we are.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/06/07 13:26:46

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/07 19:40:30 (permalink)
    I hear that ..........   This is the man who shut it down. This was his  reply ..............." I decided that the large reservoirs were a better use for these fish.  We will not be stocking Walleye fingerlings in this area in the near future, unless new sampling from DEP shows a decline in the contaminants in fish flesh."

    I'm sorry I don't have better news.  If you have further questions on this matter feel free to contact me directly.


    Timothy A. Wilson
    Fisheries Biologist
    Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
    Fisheries Management Area 1
    13240 Hartstown Road
    Linesville, PA 16424
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2015/06/08 09:45:45
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/08 11:36:29 (permalink)
    So no fingerlings make it through the gates?  I thought that was how the river got its fish in the first place.  Everyone has their own fishery they care about, but few of us get to pick where the commission puts our money.  I fish Arthur primarily, so the walleye stocking is good for me, as much as I target walleye.  Which is to say I don't.  If I had my way PA would stop stocking pellet heads entirely, since they are BS and the people who fish for them tend to be garbage strewing, line tangling, kayak owning aholes.  But if they did that fishing in the state would grind to a halt.  We're all at the mercy of fisheries we don't care about or care for.  
    I live spitting distance from the pothole formerly known as Hereford Manor.  They needed several million dollars to rebuild that dam, and instead they drained it and now people walk their dogs there.  In addition to being a dependable year round pellethead depository, there were quite a few other fish there.  And the whole area benefited from the commerce.  
    Whatareyougonnado though.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/08 14:41:27 (permalink)
    Not likely repairs being made on anything (not designated flood control (Tamarack)) but the Susquehanna River as that is John Arway's pet project since he was rocketed into office.  
    As for stocking fish in the rivers; John holds a masters in biology and belongs to and supports special interest groups that push their agendas like Bass and Trout.  Ya wanna catch walleye in the future you will have to go to Lake Erie!  
    The Susquehanna is a great bass river but suddenly started producing 'crosseyed bass' having 'multiple anal vents' and 'no lips'!  I'm guessing, after the cost of 'resurrecting the Susquehanna' so it meets 'BASS MASTERS' requirements as a 'Trophy Bass' fishery, there won't be money to repair any dams.  New boat launches, fish habitat and fighting municipalities to upgrade their sewage/runoff systems along the river's banks cost a lottttttttttt of money!  

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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/09 00:43:50 (permalink)
    Maybe some small fish or fry can make it through the gates. I'd have to say most would more than likely die from the pressure and impact of the sluices design. The Shenango River was receiving Walleye fry for years somewhere in the 5,000 to 10,000 numbers steady. Not really a large number compared to Shenango Lake or Pymatuning yearly stockings. I just can't understand how one sees a stocking program actually working and producing good number returns to fishermen gets shut off ! These Walleye were reaching maturity or legal size steady year after year with those stockings. I'd say about a five year cycle or more .  Shenango Lake gets up to seven million fingerlings and higher, and if your not seeing the numbers returning in catch ratios that's a problem. I have nothing against stocking Shenango Lake load it up with millions of Walleye, but why shut down the lower river when it's actually out producing the lake in over all numbers. I personally witnessed in 2009 over a hundred legal Walleye taken from the outflows the opening week ! The Walleye numbers where crazy from about 2008 to 2010 . Fantastic was the word from most fishermen those years. You wouldn't see a hundred legal Walleye taken from the lake in a month of fishing. Shenango Reservoir is strictly an early morning to late evening fishery due to unlimited horsepower , jet skies , ski boats. Once again it just doesn't make common sense to me, and I'm sure many others, to have such good Walleye fishing area shut off from future stockings for a bunch of phony excuses. 

    Lots of room now to fish ! Just no fish to catch !  Oh wait I'm wrong...... tiny stocked Trout and native Pan fish !

    No more stocking of these also !

    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2015/06/12 20:15:32
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/09 11:24:55 (permalink)
    brock, did the state say what or who was the cause of the introduction of pcbs into the water?
    are there any plans to try to clean it up?
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/09 11:28:53 (permalink)
    Many people know 'the outflow' area produced great fishing and the PFBC knew it too.  We know the PFBC can't just raise the cost of a fishing license when they want.  But; the PFBC can designate any body of water (they desire) to "Trout Approved Waters".  Wasn't long ago that the PFBC biologist determined waters, coming from the bottom of lakes such as Shenango would be cold enough to sustain a fishery at the dam outflows for trout.  Trout stocked waters produce income via the "Trout Stamp"!  Doesn't matter if  an angler fishes but one day, one week, only for or, never for trout.  The angler still has to purchase(except for those senior license holders pre-2015) the annual "Trout Stamp" to fish "Trout approved streams/rivers".  It is unlawful to fish in rivers and streams designated as approved trout waters open to year-round fishing without a current trout stamp.................  What a crock that is!
    Your walleye Captain will have annihilated the trout population so the plan called for (beginning in 2007) purging the river of the toothy critters and eventually determine (it's a miracle!!) trout could survive (at least one day) at the outflow.   
    Stop and think, of all the money spent on buying/raising/stocking trout and all the trout that perish for reasons other than getting hooked.............  what a waste of money.  Yeah... yeah I know 'the biologist' conduct mortality and so-called relocation surveys and to that I say phooey.  Those surveys are usually conducted on streams/rivers/lakes, when the PBFC needs an excuse to reduce/stop stocking one area so they can screw up other popular waters with the "Designated Trout Water" hooey.
    While I'm on the subject; what's up with all the "restocking" horsecockey anyway, nobody with a half-a-brain fishes for trout past the first week? (nobody with a whole brain fishes for trout at all)  Sooooo, what's the need to restock all the lakes/river/streams with such(been told) a nasty tasting fish?  
    Silly me, ya don't suppose 'Uncle Charlie' has a "put-n-take" fish hatchery too..............................  I gotta go!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/09 13:37:06 (permalink)
    BTDT you been attending the ZelieSam school of telling us how you feel?  TESTIFY!  
    In my book, there are SO many places that are lacking any sort of fishery that you should never need to screw with one that HAS a good fishery.  And that place has never been a secret, but has a healthy amount of fishing pressure throughout the years.  Fish off the walleyes and everything else and replace with pelletheads and what happens?  Wall to wall troutiots slipping on rocks and drowning in the spring instead of guys that know enough about the river to wade safely.  That's just dumb.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/09 14:30:09 (permalink)
    I've never fished the wall for walleye but I fish a different part of the river alot closer to where it goes into the lake that seems to hold a decent amount of walleye. And guys seems to do ok at the weir in pymatuning every year.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/09 23:19:30 (permalink)
    BTDT you been attending the ZelieSam school of telling us how you feel?  TESTIFY!  
    In my book, there are SO many places that are lacking any sort of fishery that you should never need to screw with one that HAS a good fishery.  And that place has never been a secret, but has a healthy amount of fishing pressure throughout the years.  Fish off the walleyes and everything else and replace with pelletheads and what happens?  Wall to wall troutiots slipping on rocks and drowning in the spring instead of guys that know enough about the river to wade safely.  That's just dumb.

    Now ya went and done it................
    Rumor has it, new regulations will be submitted for recommendation at the next scheduled meeting of PFBC in Harrisburg, PA.  If approved, the new law is expected to go into effect early next Spring.
    Personal Flotation Devices must be worn by all persons wading while........... fishing for trout or facsimiles thereof!
    Since the rumor, there has been an addendum which would require anyone fishing for trout (or facsimiles)......  to wear PFD when close to any water.
    As for attending "The School of ZeileSam"   

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/11 00:22:51 (permalink)
    The PCB's have been a result of several factors. # 1 was the Sharon Westinghouse Plant in the 60's and 70's. # 2 is the old landfill atop the River Road area once again from the 60's and 70's. The river was dredged a few years back to remove as much sediment from past plant run offs. I was under the impression the removal went fairly well and successful. The cleanup was a huge cost mainly to the Westinghouse Company. As far as the landfill I don't know but it was shut down completely in the late 70's or 80's. What I do know is......... ALL OF OUR DRINKING WATER COMES FROM THE SAME AREA OF THE RIVER ! Now I find that odd that our drinking water is tested and treated and is safe enough to drink everyday  for all of the Shenango Valley but don't eat more than one meal of Walleye a month !!!! And we won't be stocking any Walleye till the PCB's come down they say !There is something fishy about all this EPA propaganda excuse stuff. How did the river get worse  ?  All those years they stocked Walleye the clean up was never done. They test that river water steady and there is no way that river is chemically worse now than ten or twenty years past. About a year ago I personally talked to a guy who monitors and samples that river water and he said it was as clean as it can get ! It passed all his testing he said . I don't know if he was a federal agent or a state agent but he was official . They grab a Carp or a Catfish that could have migrated all the way from the lower Beaver River and it gets a failure now the Walleye stockings stops ! It's a bunch of BS and I'm not buying that excuse. They are cutting back on stocking of Walleye in their program and the lower Shenango River is taking a major blow ! No stocking since 2007 so the Walleye fishing has a very bleak future for fishermen in the lower river. It's just about dead now so take all your Rapalas , and Stick Baits and pack them away.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/11 10:54:20 (permalink)
    You can filter PCBs out of water quite easily with carbon.  But it builds up in critters via the food chain.  The smallest food eat/absorb it, and it concentrates on up the chain to the apex predators that live for years eating polluted smaller animals.  So if you catch a 24" walleye and fillet it, then test the center line for PCBs you'll get a number.  Doesn't really tell the story, because most guys I know don't eat the center line or red meat anyway.  Also doesn't tell you at what point the walleye are bad... if 15-20" aren't polluted and only the trophy size are, then that's fine.  Just tell us that.  
    Unfortunately bait and fish move quite a way up and down the rivers, so it is hard to say what parts of the rivers are safe and what aren't.  We let businesses F up our rivers for too many years, and we're still paying for it.  Such is life.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/11 11:28:26 (permalink)
    Send in the Zebras.....................

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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/11 14:57:56 (permalink)
    I quit worring about PCB 's,clordane and the like a long time ago since ive smoked a couple million cigarettes,drank a few thousand gallons of beer,ate enough hormone antiboiotic beef and sausage,and dairy products not to mentionmy share of Agent Orange. I do feel bad about the discontinued stocking of walleye
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/12 10:54:24 (permalink)
    Why is it that when something seems to be working fine someone comes along and screws it up ! I defy anybody to show me pictures of stringers of Walleye caught on Shenango Lake like these from the lower river. These are just some pictures over the years that I took of only our catches. Like I said , I've seen years where a lot of guys would limit out several nights in a row. When you see action like that steady over the years that tells me your stocking program is not only working it's excelled with the limited number of Walleye you stocked. Pymatuning gets over 4 million fry every year steady year after year. I have no problem with that it's a great lake to fish. Ever wonder some years where the hell they all are ? Shenango River would get less than 10,000 every year and still produce big catch numbers every year. Sure the best fishing was the first two weeks of the season it's that way just about anywhere you fish ! You'll never see that on Shenango Lake cause most of those fry don't make it for some reason. I'll blame the large packs of White Bass that explode on the surface chasing bait fish up. Hundreds of White Bass roam in wolf packs all over that lake. Some schools are just unreal in numbers that I personally have seen. I guess I'll just give up talking about how great it was and head up to the lake in my boat and bounce in the wakes of all the speed boats. Makes for great jigging action !  After all this is where the Walleye get the highest angling use !   Quote....  " we have targeted our large reservoirs as the best place to stock Walleyes so that the largest number of anglers possible have access to them when they reach legal size. We stock Pymatuning Reservoir, Shenango River Lake and Lake Arthur with the maximum allocation each year.  I decided that the large reservoirs were a better use for these fish. We will not be stocking Walleye fingerlings in this area in the near future, unless new sampling from DEP shows a decline in the contaminants in fish flesh."     Shenango Lake it is Mr. Wilson  .........................


    TELL ME I'M WRONG ! Welcome to Shenango Lake Walleye fishing.
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2015/06/15 23:41:23
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/12 20:19:10 (permalink)
    I hear these are the new signs for Shenango River Outflow !

    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2015/06/13 11:26:06
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/13 16:54:07 (permalink)
    Don't have the time right now, but I'm about to go on a huge rant about the PFBC and the state of the Shenango fishery and everything else
    Stay tuned.........
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/13 17:53:18 (permalink)
    Alrighty, here we go....     Gonna try to keep this short and sweet
    The PFBC has no idea how to manage their money and our fisheries.
    First I'll start with current stocked trout program: As my username suggests, I love trout fishing. I do a crap ton of fishing for both stocked and wild trout(which I prefer, but there's more stockies where I live). They're my favorite species for a few reasons.....just the way it is. BUT the PFBC's world revolves around hatchery trout. They dump them everywhere, and many places where they shouldn't. There are lots of streams that get stocked but SHOULDN'T get stocked because they already have trout on their own!! (wild, naturally reproducing populations). So, quit stocking these places. This will save a lot of money.
    At the same time, they are cutting trout stockings at places that NEED stocked in order to support a trout fishery(for example, they're no longer stocking Shenango in the winter, and they got rid of a lot of fall stockings around the state). Quit stocking the places that HAVE TROUT ON THEIR OWN and use that money/fish to stock places that NEED stocked. OR use that money towards warmwater species..........such as Shenango River walleye!!!!
    Unfortunately the vast majority of "trout fishermen" are the opening day catch 'em and rope 'em type that don't give a darn about our fisheries or anything(they litter too). These are the people that keep the PFBC in business. Without the opening day crowd and the white truck chasers.........license sales and trout stamp sales will drop drastically. Many people would agree that trout don't taste that great compared to other why not have more special regulations encouraging C&R? The more fish that are released, the less fish are needed to be stocked.........which SAVES MONEY!!!! BUT, if these opening day fishermen can't keep their precious pelletheads for dinner or to hang that "trophy" 14in golden rainbow above the fireplace the PFBC will lose money. We need more serious fishermen who care about the sport. Bragging about a stringer of 5 trout fresh out of the truck on opening day with worm and powerbait containers on the ground is silly and sad.
    If anyone saw the latest DHALO regulation proposal(which was dropped thankfully), the PFBC wanted to allow bait and move up the harvest date in these areas. They said it was to "get more kids into fishing" but in reality they wanted those fish harvested. If a hatchery trout isn't put on a stringer, it isn't properly "utilized." The PFBC only cares about the catch 'em and rope 'em crowd and wants the fish kept. More opportunities to keep pelletheads = more trout stamps/licenses. It's sad but true
    Now onto the walleye. As of now, it looks like most of the walleye we'll be catching in the lower Shenango will be fish that wash out of the lake. And yeah, fish seem to make it through the dam just fine. How else do the hybrids make it into the river? The river doesn't get stocked with them and never they must wash down from the lake.
    The thing about the PCBs is just an excuse. Plain and simple
    Short duration of the fishery? Only lasts a couple weeks after the opener? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Yet another excuse. Walleye are caught there every month of the year(of course you can't keep them during the closed season). As you can tell from Captain Hook's photos, the fishing used to be great. "Wow lots of anglers are catching walleye out of the Shenango River! Time to quit stocking it because we need to stock some good wild trout streams to please the white truck chasers!!"
    As for the lake.....I know some people that do really good with the walleye there. Just a big body of water, and it probably takes a while to learn. Not easy. With the river, it is/was fairly easy since they're concentrated in smaller areas. Great fishery...........and they had to go ahead and mess it up. So low angler usage was another excuse? How much ya wanna bet that more people target walleye in the outflow than hybrids or muskies in the lake. So why don't they quit stocking hybrids or skis? Of course I would never want them to quit stocking those fish.....but why quit stocking the river. Just stupid
    Another thing...  Occasionally I see PFBC Officers crusing around Shenango and other places. Sometimes they just "drive by" and other times they get out and take a little walk. They need to spend more time and EFFORT trying to bust poachers and whatnot. This will bring in more money. Heck, set up camp at the Geneva Swamp, Woodcock Outflow, French Creek, etc. at night and bust all the bowfin and bullhead killer idiots. That'll bring in some bucks. Bust the litterbugs at the Shenango outflow too. Make sure the place is nice and clean first.....set up shop somewhere with binoculars, and once a group of "fishermen" leave with trash behind start writing tickets!! They'd make boatloads of money.
    As for the catfish, after looking at the stocking lists I noticed they skipped some years here and there. Maybe they'll stock them again next year.....idk. Or maybe there's a good wild population?? I'm not sure. They don't stock the lake with them and there's still a they're doing well there on their own. The river was always a fairly easy place to catch a pile of channels. I'm not sure how it's been this year.....haven't really targeted them yet
    Done for now....
    post edited by troutguy - 2015/06/13 17:59:09
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/13 22:52:25 (permalink)
    pretty shure you summed up the feelings, of a lot of anglers, when you said the PFBC don't know how to manage their money and our fisheries!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/14 12:28:30 (permalink)
    Exactly. Any agency of ANY level of government that is funded by involuntary means has NO...and I mean NO regard for those that they are supposed to be serving. Its astonishing that those who, by the very nature of their existence, are to SERVE the public seem to have nothing but contempt and indignation for those that shoulder the burden of funding them/provide their income. NO accountability, NO checks or balances, NO urgency to be even the slightest bit compliant or even courteous. And what will their reaction be? They will charge you more to act contrary to your very reasonable/logical wishes.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/15 08:30:35 (permalink)
    Theres only 1 way to stop it. If we all quit buying liscenses and trout stamps it would stop.It wouldn't take long for the powers to be said ok what do you guys want!!!!!!. But its never gona happen just too many sheep out know the ones who say oh well what can we do.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/15 09:34:36 (permalink)
    I didn't even know they stocked the river but it makes sense, I remember years ago walleye fishing there and catching 20-100 fish a night no problem and some real toads at that it seemed like I could always catch them winter thru spring with an honest effort that really sucks they dropped the stocking that's bad buissnes on there part

    I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/15 10:10:22 (permalink)
    Theres only 1 way to stop it. If we all quit buying liscenses and trout stamps it would stop.It wouldn't take long for the powers to be said ok what do you guys want!!!!!!. But its never gona happen just too many sheep out know the ones who say oh well what can we do.

    Count me in for not "buying a trout stamp"............  I won't..............  I just won't!
    The "trout stamp" brings new meaning to:  "There is a sucker born every minute" ~ David Hannum; P.T. Barnum; PFBC;

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/15 13:33:32 (permalink)
    I don't know about the outflow but come Wednesday I'll be back on the lake with my food cooler packed for a full day (evening too) of jigging and spoon-chucking!  Lunch and dinner menu will include baloney sandwiches, baloney sandwiches with cheese and , a side of garlic dill pickles.  Maybe even get a little camp set-up on shore and toast a couple of sandwiches over an open fire........ errr grill.    
    Just checked the gauges at the dam and the water is up again.  Hopefully by Wednesday the fish will be cruising the shoreline wood and rip rap once more.  Maybe catch one of them there 'striper hybrids' that's legal size so, I can try it on a grill.  Will be targeting the infamous crappie too, hoping to catch some of them slabbers to stock the freezer for winter.
    Got a real good tip where I can catch some 'hybrid' but, I can't say cause I don't 'spot burn'. (everytime
    Be safe around the water everyone............... drowning will ruin someones day!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/15 20:26:16 (permalink)
    Good luck out there BTDT.  Better have some rain gear.  You can come fish in my driveway right now (SPOT BURN!).  Arthur is certain to be a muddy mess after this week of rain.  The fish and the bait will both be scattered to the four winds.  BLEH.
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/15 21:16:44 (permalink)
    Thanks Sam.............  Just lookin' at the radar and I see we're about to get whacked with a another 'bigun' in a few minutes.  Dang thing's truckin' to the North East which means all the lakes around me along with the Allegheny, Little Shenango,  and French Creek are gonna git stirred-up pretty good.  Got my fingers crossed the Shenango River won't be real crazy and does not rile the lake where she enters.  I'm gonna find out!
    Multi tasking; typing on the 'puter', watching hockey (at the same time if ya can imagine that) and, watching the last of daylight fading in the west.  Sporadic flashes in the sky telling me the storm ain't to far off  as "flood warnings" are once again posted on the T.V. screen.
    Just lost our Direct T.V (they never lose their signal (til it rains)) which tells me my little piece of Penn's Woods is about to get wet.
    Hearing the thunder roll now, T.V. is back on and I think the proverbial 'cow' is outside.............  I gotta go.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/16 00:37:36 (permalink)
    Thanks for all the comments guys keep your thoughts coming .Your right Troutguy some fish must make it through the sluices . They claim they never stocked Hybrids in the lower Shenango ever, but they do seem to show up. I sometimes wonder if maybe they are actually migrating up from lower rivers below Shenango. No big deal on that point but once again, here's a fish that supposedly is not stocked in the river and seems to not only to survive, but thrives in decent numbers and growing size ! Maybe tossing a few more in the river steady would not be a bad thing since everybody enjoys a good fighting sport fish ! They do not stock Channel Cats any more also since 2007. They like the Walleye are on the "DO NOT STOCK LIST" in Shenango River till the water is clean as a Rocky Mountain spring ! I just get a kick that they are worried about us eating those fish. That should be non of their concern just stock the fish and leave it up to the individual if they want to keep it to eat or release it ! They have no liability after they release those stocked fish NONE ! They issue eating warnings in every state that I fish for certain species and that's it. If you want to risk eating more than they advise that's your prerogative. What's next no smoking or chewing while fishing ? Maybe if your overweight your not allowed to fish too! I did not know the Fish Commission was part of the EPA and FDA . I use to think they were in charge of trying to make our waters a great place for FISHING !

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    Re: Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing 2015/06/16 10:12:51 (permalink)
    Just think of the fish eating advisories of the shrimp and fish seafood you buy at giant eagle or any other of the supermarkets.Notice the signs Product of Vietnam, Thailland or bangaledesh!!!!!!!!! Do u think really a govm agency is ctually checking these!!!! They cant keep a terrorist from checking in on an airplane and anyone thinks they can tell u whats in seafood!!!!!!!!!!!!. The fish commission should should just stock fish and let us decide if we want to poison ourselves. I know this is a little off subject sorry guys. A friend of mine wont eat any fish we catch but when we go fishing he will smoke 2 packs cigs,eat 2 bigmacs on way home and then drink beer.Kinda silly worrying about it all.
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