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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 23:51:52
Lets face the facts today about 1/3 of Elk Creek is private posted maybe even more. How can this be good for Pa. fishermen, local businesses, sport stores, and the Erie area ? How is the money going to continue to flow in and support the cause when there is hardly anywhere to stream fish ? It won't ! People like myself will show up less and less with all the congestion in the non posted areas. The fish will also show up less and less as stockings drop off . I'm really considering if I want a Erie stamp anymore. Fishing Clubs like the 3 CU have to wonder if this is worth the trouble to raise Steelhead if only private area fishermen are going to enjoy most of their hard efforts . The Fish Commish will also have to rethink their stocking program on these creeks. Why waste time and money if the majority of paying fishing license holders can't have access. Most of my friends and coworkers have all pretty much given up on Erie Steelhead fishing the last few years , and with this news I see even more giving up . Erie combat fishing is not fun ! I can't wait to read the fishing reports this year when the guy says " You got to get out and walk the creek if you want to find and catch fish " !! Let's see how far you walk now and see this...... PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESSPASSING OR FISHING IN THIS AREA ! Bet you won't walk too far !
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 01:02:43
I can respect the landowners right to post his property. I don't even have a problem with anyone earning money from their property per se, but when that profit comes at the expense of a resource that the public has paid for, then I have a problem. And I certainly wont patronize the bait shop that is involved with this. To me, Trout Run Bait and tackle made a business decision and that decision has precluded me from ever spending a dime there again. I'm sure they'll make more guiding that stretch than they'll lose from never seeing me in their store again. I already passed this on to some other guys at work that fish the tribs. To me it looks like the winner will be Poor Richards for all the business they'll pick up.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 01:04:19
☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2013/10/12 01:49:28
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 01:59:02
☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2013/10/12 02:09:14
Stop stockin' most game fish in PA for at least 5 yrs. & let Mother Nature / tell the story with our waters. Live with it!! In the meantime spend the extra $$$ on what counts. crappy
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 02:09:57
☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2013/10/12 02:39:17
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 03:55:04
Youghman So far, we're: Re-opening the Pigpen (That would be epic!) Giving Teresa's a pass (I'll bite.) Shunning Trout Run B&T (Hell no, we won't go!) Praying said landowner changes his mind (Do you believe in miracles?) Going undercover (Don't Boggard that joint, my friend, pass it to me) Gluing colored macaroni to cans ( Is that a size 10 or 12 can?) Constructing barriers (And you thought Trout Run was crowded before?) Moving Montana's fish laws here (Isn't Brokeback Mt. near there?) Charging landowners "fish hoarding taxes" (How much per fish?) I don't know what the answer is, hell, I already forgot the question. What would Terry "The Crip" say to all this going down? "Keep on keepin' on"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great stuff Youghman!! Don'cha love human nature?? Sometimes it's just sensible to pause, laugh, and simply seek the serenity to accept the things you cannot change when you're faced with a can of worms like this. In the end, all things will find a way to work themselves out. Besides, in the end, we ARE all dead.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 09:32:18
though I agree this land being posted is unfortunate, and the circumstances surrounding it seem shady, there's still enough open water for me to fish. I understand if any landowner posts their property. I would post mine if i owned some. But with the easements in place and landowners who miraculously still keep there's open, buying the erie stamp is a no brainer for me. Captn hook you been around awhile ( you are old;) I ain't been around so long, so i still got years of catching these fish before i move on to bigger and better things like you are. Unless things drastically change for the worse, ill continue to catch dem stillies. I just won't be shopping at Trout run B&t.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 15:11:42
H3Fisher Hope there is someone beside me feeding me miller lights for $80 a day.
For $80/day, it better NOT be Miller Lites. It better be Southern Tier 2XIPA's or DFH 90's!!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 15:42:35
topdog99 jis' wait until the "anglersnotebook" hears about this tube steak deelio gone wrong
Expect lots of Wikipedia copying and other irrelevant out of context info
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 18:37:00
Your right FOM I've had the best Steelhead fishing Elk Creek could have ever offered years past. I was fortunate to have it in it's peak years when the creek was open fishing from the access mouth all the way to I-79. You were able to walk from hole to hole and barely see another fishermen all day. Imagine being the only car at the Legion area in the morning and maybe two or three when you returned late afternoon. I know those days are gone for good but it's ashame that more open areas are closing up every year. What's more ashame is that other fishermen's greed is the poison. Pa. desperately needs a change in laws that allow waterway access to fishermen. I understand the private property issues but shutting out people from stream sport fishing is not a good future for Pa. Imagine if local lakes had a mess of signs set up in the water "No Fishing Here''. Some of you younger guys need to get hold of your local political reps. and express your opinions and views on this subject. Other states have the kind of regulations we need here along our waterways. Get these bait shops and businesses involved with signatures protesting these old waterway laws. Start with posting the local Erie Reps. to contact right on this site . Posts their replies to this subject. Tons of fishermen are voters and boaters.......................I'm one!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 21:51:50
Like KJ and others have said. All these issues should have been thought of before they promoted and made it into the circus that is has become. Before all the Trawt Gawds felt the need to pound theyr chests and spoon feed the masses. Millions of fish in what amount to ditches. Jag-offs stomping around all hours of day and night. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? Cry me a river. I dont blame land owners one bit. Post it all, jus sayin..... Erie SUXS but I guess every sport has a minor league circuit..
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 22:40:11
Good news. I just scored access to 2 posted sections with the rights for hiring a guide, or guides, for both of these sections. Taking applications for worthy candidates.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/12 23:36:56
Sounds good...and I,m certified too thats what the doctor said.
lost sage rod sectio
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 01:20:44
Cry baby cry put your finger in your eye tell your mother it wasn't I Wrap this up in the courts for years so we will all be dead when its resolved you want it fixed get the politicians involved they are doing a very fine job with the government now. Oh and by the way do you think any body cares!!!!!
lost sage rod sectio
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 01:34:53
Hey boys It is as simple as this Money talks and Bull sh--- Walks and you all know what we have in these post!!!!!!
lost sage rod sectio
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 01:44:28
If you take the steelhead fishing out of the route 5 area all you will have left is a bunch of Broke back Mountain Fruit stands.!!!!!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 05:20:52
Where is Rt 5??....WF....are the steelheads up to there yet?
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 05:51:23
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2019/11/16 21:17:39
Stekheads not at route 5...thats for cars man.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 08:04:01
Aint no wonder I never caught one....WF
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 08:58:32
Told you I would have more land posted.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 11:53:51
Fishing private water is for girlz.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 14:14:50
Senyo you are an amazing fisherman, a gentleman and a true outdoorsman...said no one, ever!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 18:42:33
I'm curious: to those who attended the PSA meeting with Commissioner Mascharka, what did he say about it, other than boilerplate, "made for press-release" type rhetoric?
"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/13 19:58:15
Senyo and people like him will be the death of the steelhead program. They portray a caring for the resource yet only use it for personal gains and profit. Disgusting!!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/14 10:50:40
you wont know
ladyoflakeerie Really.......this is very disturbing to me on so many levels....I'm sure some of you on this very forum are guides...and I am sure that before you take your "clients" out for a day on the creeks you know exactly which part of the creek has been "leased" if you will, from the PFBC through their public access fishing program.....ok....with that said, have you ever considered that the clients that you are guiding, which pay you for your service (by the way some may interpret this as profiting from the fish placed in our streams that are paid for by the licenses that WE purchase and the trout salmon/lake erie permit)...that if you decide to take this client to privately owned land, have you ever once considered contacting the owner of the land to ask for permission to fish there...with your client who is paying you for your time and know how???? Maybe you instead sent the landowner a thank you note or a fruit basket...well did you???? What you are all failing to recognize with your grandiose ideas of the wrongs that have been bestowed upon you is this....."its a free country, where citizens are able to own and manage their land any way they see fit"...even if it rubs you the wrong way....and no they shouldn't have to move somewhere else to live just because they are tired of people profiting from the use of their land with no consideration to them at all?? Most of us in the area that you are referring to on Elk Creek were born and raised there...we have raised our own kids there....we have taught them to appreciate the true beauty of the land and water and to never take it for granted....there are many reasons why one would love to live and enjoy this if the land owner wants to post this property for any reason....even if the landowner wants to have a little extra money to off set the cost of the property taxes so what.......Make it right people....quit crucifying the owner...
Only one person here crucified a landowner, and was told they were being ridiculous by several. Everyone also is free to patronize whichever fishing tackle shops they see fit. And if one is doing something they don't like, they are free to spend their money elsewhere.
So this tackle shop or any shop for that matter was wrong to attempt to satisfy a land owner who has "amazing fishing holes" and fishermen by attempting a lease agreement? Whether it was from the landowner himself or a broker???? I'm sorry I'm confused? Id think that everyone would be happy to know they could go into a shop and pay a reasonable fee to fish in the best holes around... It would be like Elk hunting out west! You pay a guide to get you to the best places... They pay land owners for their land!
Yes, that tackle shop or any shop is wrong to do so, in my opinion. And I will not patronize a business that does so. No, not everyone is happy to pay to fish somewhere, quite the opposite. In fact, my days of fishing Erie county, spending my money in the county, over night, food, lodging, etc, is rapidly coming to a close, as a result of leasing of lands.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/14 10:58:28
lost sage rod sectio Cry baby cry put your finger in your eye tell your mother it wasn't I Wrap this up in the courts for years so we will all be dead when its resolved you want it fixed get the politicians involved they are doing a very fine job with the government now. Oh and by the way do you think any body cares!!!!!
Ever hear of a punctuation mark? dumazz
The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/14 17:38:57
[ Edited quote=Youghman] I don't know what the answer is, hell, I already forgot the question.
As my friend, a Destin FLA charter boat Captain says "Sea-nile Virus" [that's the way he wrote it, no misspelling].
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/14 23:50:15
Erie Steelhead Fishing on the famous Elk public waters , no guide needed. Bring your friends always room for one more ! Lots of action and you will only need to wear one boot just slip the other into your partner's !
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/15 00:57:46
I had my prime Steelheading times the past 2 years. Honestly, this year I'm ready to be done with the whole scene. I think it's time to take some trips to the Pacific for real Steelhead. It's like a carnival up there in Erie, and the people are too much. Crowding, trashing, profiteering, politics, economy, land easements... It's all too much. The fun of the fishing is being sucked right out of it. In a lot of cases, too, the fishermen are just snagging fish to eat anyway. For every conservation and ethics based individual, there are prolly 10 slobs up there. Locals and out of towners. Whether you're a fisherman who trashed someone's land or a land owner who trashed someone's fishery. Either way, it's not ok, and you're gonna catch hell for it from someone. I don't like the idea of people profiting from a public resource either, but it is their land. They can post it if they want to. MMMERICA!!! It's absurd that the PFBC, fishermen, and land owners can't get along and work something out. That said, I can't help but think of one important detail. If you pay for the Lake Erie Stamp, you can still catch Steelhead from the lake. That just about defeats any argument on posting stream-side land. On the same tone, if you close your land to profit from a public resource instead of closing for privacy, that defeats your argument for justification.
post edited by wrighter00 - 2013/10/15 01:06:19
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/15 07:50:02
White Death The reason the land was posted is based on a couple of instances experienced by the landowner. First, he had a couple of unpleasant encounters with steelhead fishermen on his own property. This set the stage for combustion to eventually occur. What started the fire and ultimate posting of the property was the landowner was apparently recently cited for a trespassing violation by parking his car, along with a couple of friends, on the adjacent property which is posted. According to my reliable first hand source the owner had a hand shake agreement with the nursery owner to access his land through their property. From what I gather the land in question is landlocked or quasi inaccessible. All landowners have a right to access their property whether landlocked or not. The party responsible for the citation was the Pennsylvania Game Commission, not Fish and Boat, and it apparently went to court. The fines ended up standing and were around $180 for each person. This broke the back of the property owner and triggered the posting, so the story goes. If this is correct it is actually shameful. Not that anyone is above the law but it seems common sense and law enforcement discretion was not applied. This is what I was told anyway. rmcmillen09 there are over a dozen property's bordering said stretch of water according to a map I was shown today. maybe all is not lost folks.
aside from kjh's great nursery waters idea. This is the only pertinent info I found in all these pages of complaining. I figured I'd put these back at the bottom to save yinz from reading 15 pages of baloney... everyone respects landowners rights to post private property. The fish however, are not their private property. End thread...