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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 19:08:03
Dude, you are seriously a dork.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 19:18:19
Just gotta say after reading all this.... I do own 36 ac of land and if it had a steelhead stream going thru it ,it would be my own private spot or open to public no pay to play. I am more disappointed in PFBC efforts or lack of than upset at land/store owners. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH PFBC BRINGS IN ANNUALLY FOR ERIE STAMP AND WHATS BEING DONE WITH IT? I really thought this was a good approach to improve fishery and am willing to pay every year but it doesn't seem to add up.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 19:26:46
Erie is not worth it because there aren't enough open areas to fish. Obviously, it's getting worse. If licensing money drops too far, you'll see the state legislature consider a Montana-like law. The Salmon River is a 15 mile long fishery and during the busiest weeks, it's hard to find open water. There's just too many fishermen!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 19:53:32
workcanwait.... I am more disappointed in PFBC efforts or lack of than upset at land/store owners. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH PFBC BRINGS IN ANNUALLY FOR ERIE STAMP AND WHATS BEING DONE WITH IT? I really thought this was a good approach to improve fishery and am willing to pay every year but it doesn't seem to add up.
no clue what they rake in , but doubt they could compete with private intere$t$ over 10 years ago I made the comment that everybody gets something out of the fishery 'cept the land owner . the anglers get bazzilons of big fish in easy to walk/fish small creeks the local biz owners get tons of ca$h from the anglers the land owner gets hordes of monketbutts day in and day out from before daylight to after dark for 8-9 months every year. What a great deal for them, eh? ..L.T.A.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 20:35:45
genieman77 We do fish on water that is private, We are also there at the invitation of the land owner, not as a part of a lease agreement. fo-reel?? you mean the landowner came into your shop and ASKED you to put anglers on his stretch of posted land?? if so.... i reckon Trout Run B&T could say the say same ..since they were "invited" by the lessee I'm also curious if part of your marketing mentions guiding on "no crowds" private sections?? forgive me if I'm [b****/b]uming more than i should, but your stance seems a mite tad disingenuous to me ..L.T.A.
Changed up from old handle so there would be no confusion here. Simple answer is yes. Regular customer who we became friends with asked if we would like to fish on his property. Very nice of him, and we are very appreciative. You can go to our website and look at the listing for guide services. We don't boast of private water. In fact, it isn't exclusive to us. There are frequently other people on the water. Sorry if it came off as disingenuous, but the very reason I mentioned the fact we were on this type of water is because I was trying to be open and honest in the first place. Apparently a swing and a miss. Tight lines and happy fishing. Steve B
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 20:40:52
post edited by Eman89so - 2013/10/11 06:34:28
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 21:04:35
fishrmn Dude, you are seriously a dork.
What, no Dorkfish? LOL! [Very early days of Bill Engvall for those that don't know].
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 21:27:19
All of W_D's post. Dude, since you know so much that we don't (according to you), enlighten us. Is there anything you know that changes that fact that a shop is directly financially benefiting by exploiting a situation where fishermen have lost access to fish that they can now charge for access to them? Prove it wrong if you can. I don't hire other guides either, and if they're operating using the same tactics, I wouldn't support them at all either. As far as your last paragraph, either lay off the meds or get back on them. If you know dirt, spill it or shut up about it. Funny how in one paragraph you refer to it as 'picking on them', as if they're the little guy, then in the next, you're talking 'exorbitant amounts of money'. Which is it? Either our opinions and business makes a difference or it doesnt. Also, it is completely impossible to 'over harvest' slimers. Get a grip. Unless you're going to lay down some facts, stuff the rhetoric.
post edited by Cold - 2013/10/10 21:28:37
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 21:30:13
workcanwait.... "Maybe we can construct an artificial barrier at rt 5 preventing upstream passage of the artificial tax paid for fish so they cannot be privatized by someone seeking to generate income from our artificial fishery." I think this was the dumbest reply.Yeah cut off he flow of fish to all the water above tubes that is still accessible.BRILLANT!!!
Obviously (or maybe not quite so obvious to YOU) it was meant as a joke. What we should really do is block the mouths of all tributaries and keep the fish in the lake to reduce snagging.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 23:15:45
workcanwait.... Just gotta say after reading all this.... I do own 36 ac of land and if it had a steelhead stream going thru it ,it would be my own private spot or open to public no pay to play. I am more disappointed in PFBC efforts or lack of than upset at land/store owners. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH PFBC BRINGS IN ANNUALLY FOR ERIE STAMP AND WHATS BEING DONE WITH IT? I really thought this was a good approach to improve fishery and am willing to pay every year but it doesn't seem to add up.
sounds like you fish but do not belong to any clubs. Commissioner Ed Mascharka has made presentations to the SONS last spring also Wednesday evening at the PA Steelhead Association meeting Wednesday evening. questions about where the monies go were answered after each presentation. PFBC is always looking for more property easements but this particular case sounds like spite/payback by the property owner. he could have been disgusted by litter & destruction of his property and the trespassing fine convinced him to post the property. the numbers you mentioned regarding the Lake Erie stamp are available on the PFBC website or you could join a local fishing organization and find out the exact amount of monies that have been collected and spent. a little goodwill of picking up litter, asking permission to park on private property, and policing other who are breaking the law (camera phones for evidence) would go a long way in terms of keeping the streams open. in this case, it appears we will never have the chance to see if it would have worked.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/10 23:36:48
Just another Donny Beaver
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 00:06:03
This thread has more posts from people making their first 5 posts ever...than any thread I've ever seen on the whole site. Just sayin'
lost sage rod sectio
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 01:05:30
The steelhead fishing in Erie tribs is not what it used to be. I do know as soon as the locals by that I mean local sporting groups started there input the program changed .I believe they call that special intrest or politics. Put more fish here or more fish there change the limits and wine to the fish commission about everything. And as long as the mup ears and flat landers are willing to pay to fish it won"t change.!!!!!!!!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 02:29:32
Let face it, Sportsmen this day in age, the dying breed that we are, are under attack. PFBC announcing it needs to shut down hatcheries due to lack of funding? Are you kidding me! What's the draw for young people to get involved?
"The images of himself and his line kept disappearing into the rising vapors of the river, which continually circles to the tops of the cliffs where, after becoming a wreath in the wind, they became rays of the sun."
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 09:25:31
I have fished that stretch for almost 20 years now. Caught hundreds of fish there over the years. It's a shame that the fishery has come to this (has been for a while). It is only a matter of time before everything except what the fish commission owns becomes "pay to play". I won't pay to hunt and I certainly won't pay to fish. One thing for sure, myself and everyone I know will NOT purchase a thing from the shops involved. You can take that to the bank. Sad day indeed!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 10:01:17
They need to open up the Pigpen again, that will solve everything. I'll pay to fish there.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 10:34:11
Nice to see the site nice and lively again...
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 11:06:17
Well this is great news,just freakin great! Now the McKean hole is going to be as crowded like the Manchester hole.Where am I gonna fish now?????
post edited by PONDBEARSHWILLY - 2013/10/11 11:07:57
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 13:09:45
I can honestly say that some opinions have been made and each have their own points and perspectives. Do I want to see any stretch of stream shut down? NO Do I appreciate anyone that allows anyone on their land that they own? YES Do I see a person here that is obviously PO'd about something? YES Will this person maybe at some point in time change his mind? 50/50 chance Who's opportunity is it to maybe talk to this landowner and try and collect their thoughts and aggravations? Everybody's Who's chance is it to maybe make a change in the future and opportunities that may exist? Everyones What I am trying to say is this: If I owned land on any creek that has great fishing and numerous people visiting it, I would look for a way to exploit it. Anyone would! Money is always great to have. Would I look for ways other than posting it? YES Of Course. I would like anyone to be able to access it so it would stay Busy. Would I get PO'd about trash being left? YES. Would I do the same thing this guy has done in posting it because he has been wronged by not only fishermen but the state agencies? That would probably be the first thing I do without thinking of other alternatives. Would I eventually think about other alternatives to allow it to be open to public? Eventually I would but not till I see the recourses of what was done. There are several ways to talk to this landowner and see what had happened for him to post this property and then maybe see where he stands and find out if there is a way to achieve a common ground instead of just closing the property. Attacking him is not the answer. And letting the public water access dwindle down is not the answer either. I look at a prime example of a good fix to these problems up at NY Tribs and the Archery Club Grounds. The landowners have the archery club lease the grounds off of them and the Club charges a rate to park there. Is it a fair rate? YES $5 Is it a needed rate to keep the grounds paid up to date and a little more to keep the grounds clean and added amenities? Yes (They have put bathrooms and a Concession stand in) Could this very same act be done at all of the Erie Tribs? I would think so! I'm just trying to say to keep your eyes and ears open and your mind even more open to try and solve problems like this from occurring and repeating rather than spitting fire out here on the Internet and stirring the pot. Le's try and figure out a solution to public access rather than trying to Void a shop or agency. Do I agree with all of this? Heck No, but I am seeing both sides of the coin and weaving my opinions through to an alternative and solution. It is a shame and needs a compromise and way of opening it back up. Frisco
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 13:11:34
Keep your limit every trip every paid. Why let the sponges suck it dry and fill their pockets ! The runs are down and they will only get worse in years. To many greedy people worried about filling their private pockets on the backs of our license money. You got to be one sorry ash fishermen to fish in private waters to prove how great you are!
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 13:51:24
Well, clearly this is a sign of the coming apocalypse! :-p I just hope Teresa's is not somehow involved because I couldn't participate in that boycott...just couldn't do it :).
Seriously, I place no blame on the landowners or even the guides or shops moving to gain from privatization. It's legal and well within their rights. The blame lies squarely at the feet of the State which epically failed to plan for appropriate access. Secondly, the bums that leave more than their footprints behind in the streams deserve to carry some blame as well.
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~ "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." ~by Henry David Thoreau~
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 14:24:15
I would look for a way to exploit it. Anyone would! Money is always great to have. I agree with most of your post except this. Please don't assume I'd put the almighty dollar ahead of my sense of ethics. *If* I owned stream frontage in Erie, in this political/legal climate, it'd be posted, and only me and personal friends would be on it. It wouldn't be right for me to monetize it by charging anglers to access the fish they paid for, and I wouldn't want the crowds, litter, noise, etc. so it'd just plain be closed.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 15:47:13
I'd still like to know who the so called "local" was that leased it...
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 16:42:22
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2013/10/14 11:31:59
So far, we're: Re-opening the Pigpen (That would be epic!) Giving Teresa's a pass (I'll bite.) Shunning Trout Run B&T (Hell no, we won't go!) Praying said landowner changes his mind (Do you believe in miracles?) Going undercover (Don't Boggard that joint, my friend, pass it to me) Gluing colored macaroni to cans ( Is that a size 10 or 12 can?) Constructing barriers (And you thought Trout Run was crowded before?) Moving Montana's fish laws here (Isn't Brokeback Mt. near there?) Charging landowners "fish hoarding taxes" (How much per fish?) I don't know what the answer is, hell, I already forgot the question. What would Terry "The Crip" say to all this going down? "Keep on keepin' on"
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 18:05:29
there are over a dozen property's bordering said stretch of water according to a map I was shown today. maybe all is not lost folks.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 18:21:18
property tax map shows 8 pieces of land that are connected to the stream that come from Maple Avenue in Lake City.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 21:02:16
if people are making money of the property then they need to be taxed as a business and pay commercial property taxes too. also they should be required to be bonded and have liability insurance as businesses. do. why should property owners get a free pass when business owners have to pay? same goes for leased hunting land.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 21:09:54
I would look for a way to exploit it. Anyone would! Money is always great to have. I agree with most of your post except this. Please don't assume I'd put the almighty dollar ahead of my sense of ethics. *If* I owned stream frontage in Erie, in this political/legal climate, it'd be posted, and only me and personal friends would be on it. It wouldn't be right for me to monetize it by charging anglers to access the fish they paid for, and I wouldn't want the crowds, litter, noise, etc. so it'd just plain be closed.
COLD I need friends man! I'm a lonely person! Gotta have a way to bring them there! ;-) Ok bust my balls, I need it done by someone! Frisco
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 21:37:12
No worries. And I didn't intend for that to come across as a character judgement (if you took it that way). If you don't see a problem with making a buck off of the situation, then it's not unethical for you. For me, though, with my philosophy on things, I just wouldn't feel right doing it. Just a different take on the issue.
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Re: Elk Creek "Tubes" posted???????
2013/10/11 23:27:04
It's your fish story,so tell it any way you want!!!