Lake Arthur

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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/05/20 07:58:35 (permalink)
I picked up a assorted bag of fish yesterday afternoon/evening. Managed to boat 13 with a walleye and big largemouth getting off of the boat. Got into a few nice crappie as well. Ed
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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/06/04 07:33:04 (permalink)
Fished Arthur for 3 hours yesterday....Landed 2 nice striper on harnesses, 2 eyes 16" and 18" 1 on a harness the other on fat free shad.. and a few small perch. boy those striper are fun!

Got Walleye???
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/13 14:06:46 (permalink)

I met a park ranger the other day. Was talking about the use of cast nets at the lake and the ups and downs. the ups were more fishermen catching fish with the live bait and just more fishermen using the lake. The down side a lot more floating fish deep hooked i guess,2nd major loss of bait fish and stocked fingerling's. The past couple times out the alwives munbers seamed to be down somewhat,But could have been the weather and moon??? P.S. only women and childern use live bait for STRIPERS LOL

When they approved the cast net permits, I thought that it was great.  I had a jerry rigged 4' net prior, that you needed to land on a pod of fish, and maybe end up with 1-2.  Cast a net for hours, to miss out on fishing, and end up with 1/2 doz. alewives.  Sometimes it was worth it, other times it was a complete waste of time.  It was a nice back up plan, if 2-3 hours of casting sticks, wasn't producing.  I had no clue that it would lead to exponential growth of anglers...  The past few times out, once on a Saturday and twice on weekdays, I was in amazement of how many people were out.  I am also in amazement of how the average size fish has plummetted.  To the point, where it doesn't seem worth being a zombie in the morning.  Not sure if I am the only one, but seems like the majority of fish are in the 18" range, with just as many smaller as larger.  Maybe it is me wasting time, tossing homemade sticks, instead of tried and trues.  But even when I go with a group, there is maybe one trophy fish (above 25", which some years was average).  Being a net permit holder, I would be all for signing a petition to ban them.  I'd also be all for adjusting the creel, to one fish over 25" too.  With talk of the wipers being pulled from the rivers, with limited budget and resources, I am wondering if this will be next for the lakes?  There are some that would say that I am part of the problem, giving out advice on these boards.  I learned much of what I know, from others on here, and thought that it would be nice to return the favor.  I think that I am done with that though.  For all of you that gave advice in the past, much thanks.  Tight lines all.  I think it is off to the off topic board only for me...
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/13 17:07:15 (permalink)
Fished Sunday the 10th from about 7:30 AM. till 1 ish ...caught 2 walleyes 20" and 24" both on white fat free shad lure at the end of the humps near the beach ( around 830ish). Also caught a decent wiper with alot of fight. The sun was brutal and the sailboats were even worse.  Decent day again for Arthur.

Got Walleye???
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/15 11:38:38 (permalink)
I fished arthur on thursday the 14 of june and had  very fun day. I caught 10 bass all between 13 and 17 inches. 4 came on a frog bite(4 for 4), 3 on a white fluke and 3 on a homemade earth worm. My fishing partner caught 5 all in the same size range. Water was warm 72ish and clear. Great time cant wait to get out again soon, i hope.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/06/15 16:16:34 (permalink)
Any one see this in the PG?
Lake Arthur (Butler County) -- Roy Bauder, 97, of Portersville released a 371???2-inch muskellunge caught June 11 on a white belly walleye-colored Wiley Scout lure trolled at 10-12 feet. The musky was boated near 90 acres of submerged property that had been owned by Bauder before the state flooded the valley to build Lake Arthur.

Read more:
I can't imagine getting out of bed at 97, let alone landing a monster Muskie.

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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/06/15 16:41:00 (permalink)
I hope I'm still able to crack at it when I'm 97 ...good for him that's awesome !

Got Walleye???
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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/06/15 21:49:10 (permalink)
Does anyone know of a good place to fish from shore at Lake Arthur ? 
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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/06/16 03:51:30 (permalink)

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/17 21:26:57 (permalink)
Wow.  Glad I don't fish Shenango or lake trout on Erie.  Had to share the lake today with a bunch of other boats, but managed to boat 6 eyes ranging from 17.5 to 25 and had a lunker break off at the boat.  Fished from 10 till 2.  A Friend went out this evening and got four more eyes.  I hope this thread doesn't get going on the spot burning thing again.  Seems to be a lot less posts this year.
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/18 05:51:21 (permalink)
Yeah starting out I think It is far past spot burning Just as you stated that you had to wessel between so many boats. At night is no better either. You cant throw a good lure without it landing  in some SCHUMKS boat that had just creeped up on ya.

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/18 11:07:01 (permalink)
Unfortunately, actions such as that are fairly common up there anymore. 
My last trip, we had a boat come and throw anchor about 40-50 feet from us.  There was not another boat within 500-600 yards of us either.  I felt bad for the little kid on board as every other word I could hear coming from that boat was #$%%.  What a great example to set for the kid...
To be quite honest, Lake Arthur is the new Walnut Creek anymore.
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/18 12:04:42 (permalink)
Not the internet, just to many after just trophies anymore, everything has to be big. Big fish eat many small fish.
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/18 12:34:48 (permalink)
A few things to keep in mind:

A.)  My dad is a golf guy.  He had to play a 5 hour and 20 minute round last weekend.  Most golf rounds last about 4 hours, so 5 hours and 20 minutes is obsurdly long.  One of the reason why golf rounds take so long this time of year is because people are playing right now that won't be playing in 2 months.  Recreational golfers are no different than recreational fishermen.  They show up  early in season when the weather is nice, then slowly dissapear as the year goes on.  When its mid july and 95 degrees out, the casual guy cant justify the time, money, and effort to fish or golf or boat or whatever.   Its no different than trout season, except you substitute boats for powerbait.  
B.)  The notion that a 3,000 acre lake with multiple (free) boat launches that is less than an hour from a major metropoliatan area was at one point a hidden gem is laughable.  Its a classic case of "things were better in the old days" syndrome.
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/18 18:24:34 (permalink)
late last year I hit a hot spot and picked up a few walleye trolling through this specific area, so i threw out a buoy marker so i could continue to hit the same spot. As i was going through the area an older gentleman raced over from across the lake parked his boat right ontop of my buoy and dropped a line and began to jig. I was furious, I don't pretend the whole lake is mine, but this was mid week and there were prob only 5 boats on the whole lake.  Really??? right on top of the buoy, the jerk actually snagged his jig on my buoy line, needless to say words were exchanged and the fishing was shot from there on out.  Anywhere you go you will find fisherman who do not practice lake etiquette it's not going to go away you just gotta do your best to avoid it and fish on!!

Got Walleye???
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/19 12:23:12 (permalink)
While I would agree that Arthur is certainly no "hidden gem" and it never was, most of the posts here regarding increased pressure (and idiots) on the lake are referring primarily to the night fishing.  You are either very inexperienced with the night fishing up there or you are simply kidding yourself if don't believe nighttime pressure has increased substantially on the lake over the last 5-7 years.
It is a classic case of "less people were doing it in the old days"
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/19 15:13:54 (permalink)
Exactly Essox.  I'm pretty sure the cast net permit has a lot to do with this.  I'd be fooling myself to imply the internet didn't, but it also burned all fishing spots to some degree.  This one maybe a bit more than others.  If the larger cast nets were taken out of the equation, I am rather confident the pressure wouldn't be nearly what it is now.  2-3 trips of casting lures in the middle of the night with no luck, will have many curious anglers, a bit less curious.  Also, those lures running $7+ per, keeps a few out of the mix too.  It also would likely have the average size fish much more in line of what it was too, if less people are catching, thus less being kept.  Hopefully the PFBC is noticing the changes too.  I am not sure if a bunch of 15"-18" hybrids are doing their job of controlling the alewive population, which I thought was their intended reason for stocking.  Although, I guess the cast nets are helping that out... 
Lake ediquette is another story altogether...  It just seems many of these bozos only got word of the night bite recently.  They are all over the place during the weekend days, especially many of those renting boats that think their rediculous amount to rent a pontoon means right of way over the lake...  There are a ton of sailboating bozos out there too, but no matter how bad or clueless they are, they have the right of way (if you are moving in a motorized boat - not if you are anchored, which I think some of them think...). 
post edited by Porktown - 2012/06/19 15:25:21
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/06/19 15:23:06 (permalink)

I felt bad for the little kid on board as every other word I could hear coming from that boat was #$%%.  What a great example to set for the kid...

Any chance it was a scanoe?  If so, this class act pulled up right where I was casting a few weeks ago, cutting right in front of where my father in law was casting.  We thought, being a week night, we'd be fine fishing from shore.  I just found out this year, these fish are ONLY where the shore access is.  If you see a head lamp, make sure you anchor as close to it as possible.  The fish are not in the other 99% of the lake that those from shore would have a very hard time accessing at night...  I've witnessed this twice this year, and never once in my 10+ years of night fishing Arthur, having boats pulled right up to the few shore access areas.  Obviously, I will be out on the lake from now on, where I can at least escape the idiots a bit easier.
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/20 13:56:42 (permalink)
In the past 30 yrs. the township I live in has probably tripled in population. A lot ov 'em have boats & their kids have grown & also have some boats. That being said caught 6 Byrds last night all 17" - 20" first ones caught under 24" this yr. from this area. Gonna  give this spot another try tonight & if the sz. ov fish doesn't get back to 24" - 30"s gonna move to another area to try & locate bigger fish even though no one has come near me once fishing this area all yr. Lucky to see 1 - 3 boats from a long distance off on any week night.
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/20 18:02:30 (permalink)
I was out a couple Saturdays ago at night. People were fishing on top of each other and there were guys flying into shore anywhere they saw a headlamp on shore, searching with spotlights to see if any Stripers were jumping. Guess what ........all that boat traffic spooks em.I saw the same boat fly past me 5 times in an hours time.I also can't believe how many people come so close to you on the way past spooking your spot. Have some courtesy there's enough fish for everybody.I drug a 10 inch double jointed Musky plug around for a while and the rod finally doubled over......Mr. Whiskers.A lot of people ask me how to catch the Catfish....I want to know how NOT to catch them!We are overdue for our yearly fishin outing Chris.

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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/20 18:31:32 (permalink)
 One ov my kids is fishin' to nights Tournament with his buddy while another one ov my kids took my other kids boat out to fish with his friend to fish the tournament So if headin' out tonight might want to stay clear ov the 528 launch
One ov these days/nights Kevin.
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/21 08:24:10 (permalink)
rippinlip, I think you just nailed it.  People see lights and just automatically assume that is the only place on the entire lake where you can catch fish.  And to think that all of these years I have been heading as far away from the lights as I possibly can  
Pork, it was actually an older bow rider or tri hull boat
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/21 12:46:31 (permalink)
Wonder if that winner is on this board, had green lights on in the back of his boat on the inside.

Not sure if it is the same guy, but have seen a guy with a bright green light inside of his boat, the last few times out.  I didn't recall if he was bogarting any spots, but the light reminds me of one of those hoodrat cars with the neon light kits.  I find my navigation lights too bright.  I know some claim that bright lights don't spook the fish, I'm not convinced.  I find it impossible to judge depth, when I am am on a well lit boat, casting into the dark lake.  Not to mention, attracting every bug in the general area.  I'd much rather have all lights off, and let my eyes adjust to the dark.  I'll usually put something in front of the light, to at least block it from my eyes.  Crappy had mentioned not to do this, with possibility of melting.  My current light is LED, so no issues melting.  It is still shining outside of the boat, so people can see me, just not blinding me as much.  I'm pretty sure that I am calling it quits for the night bite this year anyway.  At least one less boat out there.
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/21 14:58:01 (permalink)
I have seen the neon light boat.I saw it flying down the middle of the lake.Some people I know that catch a lot of Stripers keep the headlamps off unless landing or de-hooking a fish. Stealth= Mo fish Neon lights on boats. Drive by casting and fish spooking. Lake Arthur is like fishing in the hood n'at.

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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/21 15:30:43 (permalink)
Is it legal to turn off your navigation lights (idiot attractors), on a boat?
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/21 15:47:51 (permalink)
"Is it legal to turn off your navigation lights (idiot attractors), on a boat?"
Not when you're moving, and when anchored you're supposed to have your stern light on... That's the reason I will not troll Erie at night in the spring, too many bozos trolling with their lights off...

Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/21 17:12:14 (permalink)
^  That is correct.....

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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/21 22:01:17 (permalink)
That is what I thought. I wasn't sure if you could just use the bow lights when anchored, since I have seen this done a lot, but figured it was illegal. I didn't want to test any WCO on it either. I'm figuring if they are going to ticket you for that, theyre likely going to try and get you for as much as they can. Who knows what other "offenses" I've got in my boat... Even if they give you a warning, they're likely taking 1/2 hour at least out of your fishing time.
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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/22 00:24:54 (permalink)
They WILL write you up for turning off, AND or covering your anchor lights. It was $70 5-6 years ago. Don't know what it is now.

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RE: Lake Arthur Locals 2012/06/22 02:44:13 (permalink)
  I was think'n 'bout usin' one ov them there alcheapo  solar lights & duck tape it for a stern light. But heck I wade 95% ov the time so never did it.
 Had my best night for Byrds since early May tonight in the double digits for a change with only a couple low 20's in the mix. The kid & his buddy fished his 2nd tournament of the yr. yesterday (74 boats) & placed 4th, the other one at pymy they placed 1st. (103 boats) their off too Shenango  in a couple hrs. to practice for Sundays tournament.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2012/06/22 02:50:15
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