HSUS again on Sunday hunting

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2011/08/14 08:13:27 (permalink)

HSUS again on Sunday hunting

Yet again, the biggest threat to hunting speading the hate and lies about hunters and our sport.  I will always have a hard time understanding why hunters cannot be united behind HB1760, which strengthens our position which HSUS previously mentioned.

I have always said that as demographics change and the disconnect with the natural world broadens, hunting will be in trouble.  Well, here we have Sarah confirming it.  Politics will be used against us with the increasing leverage that the non-hunting public will have as these demographics change. 

Wake up folks.  Bells and whistles should go off when HSUS is dumping tremendous resources into this fight. It is not about protecting hikers and birdwatchers. 

post edited by dpms - 2011/08/14 08:14:23

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    Dr. Trout
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 08:41:27 (permalink)
    and lies about hunters and our sport.

    You'll have to point out the lies in that article, I did not see any.

    In fact I liked the way she mentioned the "bull" about all the extra dollars this Sunday hunting is SUPPOSED to generate..

    if it is JUST about allowing the PGC to regulate that alone would do NOTHING to bring in money..

    so you see, as I have been saying all along... it is really about okaying species to be hunted, with out adding species to be hunted and Sundays no extra money is going to be coming in...
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 09:10:07 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout

    and lies about hunters and our sport.

    You'll have to point out the lies in that article, I did not see any.

    If you can't see the lies and misinformation about hunitng in that article doc, no esplaining from me is gonna make them any clearer.  So I am clear on another thing.  Do you agree with what she said in this op-ed?
    post edited by dpms - 2011/08/14 09:15:48

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 10:02:26 (permalink)
    Lets see, You can buy beer on Sunday, go gambling on Sunday, Buy any other thing on Sunday, even go to the movie rental place and rent porn on Sunday if thats your thing, But Sunday hunting is not allowed in PA .What a crock of shat. I hunt Ohio extensively and heard all the arguments when they proposed opening Sundays, Guess what, not 1 parcel of private land I hunt was closed because of this. One landowner did ask us not to hunt Sundays unless it was the only day we had to hunt. Matter of fact I spend more time In Ohio hunting than I do in PA. I probably drop at least $100 per weekend in Ohio and only hunt about 30 minutes from my house in PA, so I do think there would be some economic benefit to opening Sundays to all hunting
    post edited by bluntman - 2011/08/14 10:05:12
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 10:19:23 (permalink)

    If you can't see the lies and misinformation about hunting in that article doc, no esplaining from me is gonna make them any clearer. So I am clear on another thing. Do you agree with what she said in this op-ed?

    Maybe you should show me the lies ?????

    Here's the parts I see as truth and that I agree with, which is most of the article....

    The demographics of Pennsylvania’s outdoor users have steadily shifted during the last few decades,
    According to the latest U.S. Fish and Wildlife survey, the number of hunters is declining Hunters comprise 11 percent of Pennsylvania’s population


    Factor in other outdoor fanciers such as hikers, horseback riders, dog walkers and mountain bikers, and it is clear that maintaining one day a week free from hunting is more important now than ever.

    A bill pending in the state Legislature, HB 1760, would upend this tradition and mandate the Pennsylvania Game Commission open Sunday hunting. The idea is shortsighted, selfish and wildly unpopular. Indeed, a Pennsylvania Legislative Budget and Finance Committee survey of hunters found that only half believe that the entire week should belong to them.
    I don't agree with the wildy un-popular.. most reports are 50-50 IMHO

    The Humane Society of the United States has more than 650,000 supporters in Pennsylvania who, along with other outdoor enthusiasts, believe that Sunday is a day to enjoy nature without concern about the dangers of guns and arrows.


    Landowners don’t want yet another day of having to don protective fluorescent orange on their own property so they are not mistaken for game. They don’t want to have their Sundays interrupted by hunters knocking at the door to request access to their land.


    Sunday hunting proponents try to prop up their unpopular idea with imaginary projections of economic gain.

    Wildlife watchers who enjoy Pennsylvania’s outdoors bring $1.4 billion to our state annually. Tourist wildlife watchers exceed hunters in trip-related spending by more than $20 million each year. Why put these dollars at risk?

    I'm not sure if this is true or not, but they do spend money too

    Opening Sunday hunting would rob countless outdoor recreationists of the lone day when they are guaranteed piece of mind in the woods. The additional hunting day also would necessitate expanded enforcement efforts. Pennsylvania Game Commission officers are already stretched thin. In these times of limited government resources, we simply can’t afford to heap more mandates on law enforcement.


    Tranquil Sundays have become our tradition. A majority of Pennsylvanians, urbanites and rural landowners, like it that way. The Legislature needs to quietly lay this bill to rest and get on with the important challenges that face the state.


    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/14 10:35:05
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 10:31:31 (permalink)
    I hunt Ohio extensively and heard all the arguments when they proposed opening Sundays, Guess what, not 1 parcel of private land I hunt was closed because of this.

    That's good news FOR YOU !!!!

    There was property lost in Ohio, you may not be aware of it though because yours was not posted... and as I said that's great.. you still have that place to hunt..

    Some of the Ohio guys that still come here to hunt have told me they LOST places due to be being posted NO HUNTING after Sunday hunting became the law there...

    So I guess I should jump on the band wagon for Sunday hunting because I know it will not effect my hunting and just screw the other guys who may lose a property down the road 5-6 miles away to hunt because of passing Sunday hunting.. ??

    Let me ask you a question.. who enforces trespassing laws in Ohio.. are they different than in Pa... ???

    Can a game warden in Ohio arrest for trespassing alone or do they have to have the hunter breaking some other law too..

    If one calls the state police or local police about someone trespassing in Ohio -- how long before an officer appears??? In Pa you're lucky to have one appear the next day

    I'm holdiong to my position that I would not want to see one more Pa deer hunter lose property because it gets posted.. there is far too much of that already... why add more ????
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 10:33:37 (permalink)
    If you agree with the content of her op-ed, as I said before, the discussion isn't worth the effort.  Sorry.

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 10:39:28 (permalink)
    If you agree with the content of her op-ed, as I said before, the discussion isn't worth the effort. Sorry.

    WOW.. that's a surprise coming from you ???????

    you're the one that said there were lies in it.. POINT THEM OUT TO US .... PLEASE !!!!

    I was honest enough to mention a couple points I do not agree with.. but I did not call them "lies"

    dissappointed !!!
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/14 10:40:05
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 10:44:43 (permalink)
    Sorry, doc. This discussion is beginning to tire me.  As much as you may be disappointed in my answer, I have to begin to weigh where I spend my efforts. 

    I posted the op-ed. Take it for what its worth and do what you feel is right.
    post edited by dpms - 2011/08/14 10:52:42

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 11:06:25 (permalink)
    Okay.. I'll accept that if that's the way you want it...

    I would like to add some updates from my position...

    Even this article mentions losing interest in hunting.. I do not want anyone to think I am anti-hunting in any way shape or form... In fact if people knew me away from this board they would know I am fighting my own fight here in the N/C... especially with Dan Surra and his "the Pa wilds organization".

    I even had Dan Surra come to the club to explain why they do not consider hunting an outdoor recreation in Pa.. they want this area turned into a tourist attraction.. like the elk viewing stuff... He stood there in our club and PROMISED they supported hunting and HE would see to it that hunting was mentioned on their webpage as an outdoor recreation .... here's a link -- take a minute and read it.. Hunting is not LISTED to this day... and that visit was 2 years ago ....BULL !!!


    It is listed as a "what to do".. but not in the outdoor recreation section... but read it and it's just a generic version.. nothing abouit support or promoting it as an outdoor recreation...

    I'll even go so far as to agree with you and even OA.. talk to your local politicians and ask what is going on... find out for yourself... a politician told me YESTERDAY there is little action on the Sunday hunting bill amongst the politicians in Harrisburg .... the publicity is coming from those everyday people supporting and opposing... not the politicians....

    It's going to be a matter of the 11% of the hunting population (and half of them do not agree)
    going against those that want the land and forest for other purposes...

    I guess I'm from the school that does not want to rock the boat if you are on the minority side (11%)... and I personally see hunting losing in the future if the law is changed... the antis can not do to much as it is now... Sunday hunting will open up a HUGE can of worms... and the hunting population could lose a lot....

    that's it for the updates and my opinions which everyone already knows anyhow.

    Pa wilds.. outdoor recreation ==
    Acre upon acre of lush forests, rugged mountain trails, and streams where the fish practically leap into your canoe—that's the Pennsylvania Wilds.

    You outdoorsy types know just what you're looking for, and guess what? We've got it. With more public land than anywhere else between New York and Chicago, the Pennsylvania Wilds is a haven for hardcore adventurers, armchair naturalists, and families looking for some real-life fun beyond the minivan door.

    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/14 11:11:56
    wayne c
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 11:45:17 (permalink)
    "I will always have a hard time understanding why hunters cannot be united behind HB1760,"

    You arent new to these conversations, and you know as well as anyone that there are real and legit reasons for not doing so.

    which strengthens our position which HSUS previously mentioned.

    So would knocking the cost of licenses down, pgc bettering relations with hunters, and addressing the deer situation. Why dont we pick one or more of those?

    I have always said that as demographics change and the disconnect with the natural world broadens, hunting will be in trouble. Well, here we have Sarah confirming it.

    And her words are meaningless. She is simply riding the coat tails of those legitimate parties that also oppose.

    " Politics will be used against us with the increasing leverage that the non-hunting public will have as these demographics change."

    Bells and whistles should go off when HSUS is dumping tremendous resources into this fight.

    So you are just noticing now eh? Maybe the reeds were froze in your whistle for the last ten years?

    post edited by wayne c - 2011/08/14 11:50:30
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 11:49:43 (permalink)
    I thought Doc would be all about Sunday hunting to sit in his hemlocks and shoot his does with his crossbow
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 11:52:27 (permalink)
    Sorry, doc. This discussion is beginning to tire me.

    Seems you always tire of it when you cannot back up your statements. Seems ol' doc finally put someone over the ol "debate barrel" for a change.
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 11:59:49 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: wayne c
    Seems you always tire of it when you cannot back up your statements. Seems ol' doc finally put someone over the ol "debate barrel" for a change.

    Have backed them up hundreds of times between here and elsewhere.  No problems there.  Just smart enough to realize where to spend my efforts at this point in time.  Have received quite a few emails lately from folks in support of my efforts.  Some of these were against HB1760 previously.

    Carry on.
    post edited by dpms - 2011/08/14 12:03:32

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 12:06:31 (permalink)
    "Have backed them up hundreds of times between here and elsewhere."

    Sorry, not familiar with either locale or the successful backing up. Perhaps you could provide a photo-copy, link to, or sworn affidavit from a credible witness? j/k... I didnt mean to imply you NEVER back up ANYTHING.

    Is nice to see your whistle is no longer a silent dog whistle though.
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 12:06:47 (permalink)
    Anyone that agrees with her has some serious issues being a hunter.
    Yo have climbed in bed wih one of the most anti-hunting groups in this country.
    Sad day for hunters that there are those among our ranks that share HSUS way of thinking.

    As far as lies in the article, how many people do you know that can dodge bullets ?
    Ever heard of a single person having to dodge an arrow ???

    There are some legit arguements against Sunday hunting, but until it is implemented and you see the outcome it is all just fear mongering.....

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    wayne c
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 12:11:18 (permalink)
    You cannot tell hsus what to support, and you shouldnt base your position for or against anything based on what hsus supports. If you do, then yes you have problems. I dont know of any hunter that would do so. But i do know quite a few that rightfully oppose giving the antigame commission another method of wrecking our deer herd even more. IMHO those running the show and their audubon cronies are no better than hsus. They have been more damaging to our sport than hsus have ever been here.

    Also, If sarah loves pizza, that doesnt mean i am gonna automatically and irrationally say i hate it.

    IF you oppose ANYTHING to do with hunting whatsoever the same ridiculous argument of siding with antis would be just as valid.. How about nighttime June buck only season? Agree with me on it or you are in bed with PETA! How about July spotted fawn only clubbing season for one week? Im sure sarah would be opposed, so you should support this just because...
    post edited by wayne c - 2011/08/14 12:17:42
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 13:32:44 (permalink)
    Anyone that agrees with her has some serious issues being a hunter.
    Yo have climbed in bed wih one of the most anti-hunting groups in this country.
    Sad day for hunters that there are those among our ranks that share HSUS way of thinking.

    what part of what she wrote do you disagree with .. where's the anti hunting stuff... she is just expressing her opposition to allowing hunting on Sunday...

    so I'm in bed with her on Sunday hunting and you were in bed with her about crossbows.... you wanted to deny some hunters the right to use crossbows.. how anti-hunting is that...

    and how about when the debate was going on about carrying a handgun while archery hunting with a protection permit ... you were against that too as I recall.. that is not only anti hunting it's anti American.. I have a right to carry a fire arm to protect myself 24/7 according to the constitution... and the PGC nor anyone else has the right to take that away from me....

    Although I'm sure Sarah would agree with you that both of those are not good for the sport of hunting, gun rights, or animals.. so just who is bed with her ???

    Peta and HSUS are a group of knuckleheads in my book but that does not mean they are all bad....
    or wrong on everything....

    so you are in favor of people mistreating animals then right Bings.. just throw that old unwanted dog out in the woods.. or better yet stop feeding it and let it starve.. for the folks that breed and raise dogs for a living.. let them do as they please.. don't clean the cages or pens.. feed them only every couple day etc etc... if you agree... that is not right .. are you in bed with them too ??????

    Be careful.. if you agree animals should not be mis-treated you'd be in bed with her AGAIN....

    The anti-hunting folks have been around forever as I recall and have not influenced hunting at all in Pa IMHO.. in fact there were even laws passed to PROTECT hunters from harassment from those type folks.. and more and more opportunities to hunt are being put in place every year.. Sunday hunting just may turn out not be a good one...

    saying folks who oppose Sunday hunting are anti-hunting and in bed with Peta and HSUS.. is truly
    fear mongering..... and a cheap attempt to insult non-supporters so they will remain silent..

    You must think Sunday hunting will become the law and what ever happens .. happens... and you can always find someone else to pass the blame onto if future hunting suffers..

    and if you think for ONE MINUTE the PGC would allow only archery hunting on Sundays you are WRONG.. the rifle and muzzie hunters would go ballistic... many already feel archers have too much advantage ...
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/14 13:48:09
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 13:32:55 (permalink)
    Anyone that agrees with her has some serious issues being a hunter.
    Yo have climbed in bed wih one of the most anti-hunting groups in this country.
    Sad day for hunters that there are those among our ranks that share HSUS way of thinking.

    I agree with that but don't forget that the PGC's own Legislative Leiaison (sp) took her by the hand as they visited all the politicans when they were trying to get the tougher wildlife laws passed. Seems like even our own PGC will climb in bed with them from time to time.
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 13:48:55 (permalink)
    Off to watch Nascar ... later...
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 13:56:20 (permalink)
    Your wrong again Doc..Aint that something..

    I have made my view quite clear on crossbows, they could have had their own season.
    Non of the fears I had thought would happen did (except a bunch of front shoulder shots) and have nothing against their inclusion in archery. But you knew that ..

    All ways been for full carry with the proper permit at all times. You must have me mixed up with someone else and are wrong again....Aint that something...

    Do you have any clue how many dogs and cats are put down a year by the so called animal protecters??

    If you beleive the antis have had no impact on hunting in this state then you have your head up your Azz further than I suspected...

    They like tofu at the meetings if it's your turn to bring a dish. They like folks like you....

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 14:11:57 (permalink)
    Raining at the Glenn.. so no race yet..

    Okay I apologize if it was not you debating me on the handguns in archery.. I thought it was youthat said there was no reason for it to be changed..

    as for crossbows... admitting they should have their own season is still not supporting the FULL inclusion (which was the debate) would be anti-hunting and HSUS was against adding them 100%.. so you were still supporting some of their positions IMHO.. but if you want to say that is not being some what supportive so be it..

    and yes you have changed your mind on crossbows.. and if Sunday hunting becomes the law and no one looses their hunting ground I'll change mine too and take advantage of it.. but I'm not supporting it at this time when there is a REAL threat of some one loosing their hunting grounds...

    Do you have any clue how many dogs and cats are put down a year by the so called animal protecters??

    And just what would you have them do with all those animals.. turn em loose in the woods ????
    They can't find homes for all of them ... and I do not want any of my money being spent supplying food and shelter for a bunch of un-wanted cats and dogs...

    If you beleive the antis have had no impact on hunting in this state then you have your head up your Azz further than I suspected...

    How about a couple law changes here in Pa to support your statement( about where my head is ) that HSUS or Peta had enacted against hunters.. that cost them hunting opportunitiess...I can't recall them right now???

    They like tofu at the meetings if it's your turn to bring a dish. They like folks like you....

    I have never had tofu and do not plan on it.. maybe I could sneak in BBQ venison burgers ????
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/14 14:15:35
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 15:37:28 (permalink)
    (b) Regulations.--The commission shall institute Sunday

    hunting and shall promulgate appropriate regulations under

    section 2102 (relating to regulations) within one year of the

    effective date of this section.


    It appears that HB 1760, does not truly give the PGC regulatory control over sunday hunting. In fact, as I read it. It requires the PGC to permit sunday hunting, and adjust season lengths, and bag limit accordingly, if needed. I suppose they could place restrictions, such as archery only, or relegate to PGC, and DCNR lands. BUt that would be unlikey.

    This is one issue that should be left to a consensus of the hunters. While seasons & bag limits should be determined in the interest of population & habitat health, not the wishes of the hunter. And saftey regs in the interest of the best praticle saftey practices. This really breaks down to cost/benefit for hunters. There will no doubt be costs, such as property closures, and even greater anti-hunting sentiment, and opposition from those who were previously only mildly opposed, or indifferent. Also the possibilty of shorter seasons, and lower daily bag limits ( we're not just talking deer here ). The hunters should be allowed to determine wether the benefits outweigh the costs. To them.

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 15:55:03 (permalink)
    As for a tradition of "tranquil sundays". As I typed my previous reply. I was enjoying the "tranquility" of 3 dirtbikes, and a quad doing laps around my neighbor's property ( less than 100 feet from my window )

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 16:04:26 (permalink)
    Live Bird Shoot Ban

    Ever since the spotlight was shone on the Hegins pigeon shoot in Schuylkill County in the 1980s, there has been pressure to ban live bird shoots in Pennsylvania. After years of disruptive protests, the Hegins community dropped the Hegins shoot after a 1999 state Supreme Court decision that cruelty officers could bring charges against participants.

    Another visible flashpoint occurred here in Lancaster County in 2007 when the Elstonville Sportsmen's Association was fined for animal cruelty after holding a live turkey shoot in which tethered turkeys were shot at close range with bows and arrows.

    For years, animal-welfare groups have attempted to get the legislature to ban live bird shoots. According to The Humane Society of the United States, Pennsylvania is the last state to not outright ban such a cruel practice.

    Nonsense, says the National Rifle Association, which has effectively shut down every bill since 1987 but one by portraying such legislation as anti-hunting and anti-gun rights. There are 35 states that allow the long tradition of live bird shoots, according to the NRA.

    This year, despite the NRA's call to arms, a bill that would ban the use of live animals or birds in trap or block shoots is not just dying a slow death in committee. On April 12, the state Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11 to 3 in favor of the bill. Supporters of the legislation include the Pennsylvania Council of Churches, the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

    So far, the bill has not made it to the Senate floor for a full vote. The only other time similar legislation moved forward was in 1994, when the House actually approved a pigeon shoot ban 99-93. But the effort failed because a majority of 102 votes was needed for passage.

    Naturally, the NRA and other groups are working overtime to ground the current bill also. In a letter to Judiciary Committee members who dared support the bill, the NRA warned that opposition to live pigeon shoots comes not from local communities but from ''extremist'' groups ''from the outside.'' The NRA repeated its mantra that banning pigeon shoots would open the door for anti-hunting groups to chip away at hunting in all its forms.

    The strategy may be working. Even though the bill specifically restricts bans to block and trap shoots, Cutler worries a ban could lead to more sweeping challenges to hunting.

    ''I personally don't do it and to me it's not sporting,'' Cutler says of live bird shoots. ''But my main concern is once those kinds of prohibitions are put in place, where will they stop? It's not a far leap to be unable to shoot pigeons to being unable to shoot farm-raised birds like pheasants and chukars.''

    And Mohr claims one amendment being proposed to the legislation could do away with the Game Commission's right to stock pheasants or release any fowl for shooting purposes.

    Adds PFSC's Kraybill, ''We are not going to approve anything that will restrict sportsmen's rights.''

    Mohr's Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania recently released a lengthy document outlining over 30 contagious diseases that pigeons can carry. Pigeon poop also hastens the deterioration of steel bridges, the paper says.

    Pro ban groups counter that any number of animals potentially can carry the diseases. Moreover, they claim there is more of a chance of being struck by lightning than picking up a serious disease from pigeons.

    As an interesting sidelight, the value of pigeons has entered the debate.

    I think their mission statement says it all...

    Wild animalsHSUS has taken a strong stand against the private ownership of exotic animals as pets.[83] HSUS opposes the hunting of any living creature for fun, trophy, or sport. HSUS only supports killing animals for population control when carried out by officials and does not oppose hunting for food or subsistence needs.[84]

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 16:05:43 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: spoonchucker


    It appears that HB 1760, does not truly give the PGC regulatory control over sunday hunting. In fact, as I read it. It requires the PGC to permit sunday hunting, and adjust season lengths, and bag limit accordingly, if needed. I suppose they could place restrictions, such as archery only, or relegate to PGC, and DCNR lands. BUt that would be unlikey.

    This is one issue that should be left to a consensus of the hunters. While seasons & bag limits should be determined in the interest of population & habitat health, not the wishes of the hunter. And saftey regs in the interest of the best praticle saftey practices. This really breaks down to cost/benefit for hunters. There will no doubt be costs, such as property closures, and even greater anti-hunting sentiment, and opposition from those who were previously only mildly opposed, or indifferent. Also the possibilty of shorter seasons, and lower daily bag limits ( we're not just talking deer here ). The hunters should be allowed to determine wether the benefits outweigh the costs. To them.

    Those concerns were raised by some and Rep Staback explained in great detail the language of the bill and what, in fact, the intent is.  I wish I could find the link.  Will have to look some more for it. Basically, Staback assured everyone that the intent is regulatory control. The PGC in no way has to include Sunday hunting in any seasons.  I do believe they would be obligated to address it.  Whether by season, land type or exclusion of Sundays  etc.... Basically not a mandate for Sunday hunting.
    And yes, I agree that it should be wildlife professionals making the proposals and the BOC setting regulations after input from all parties.

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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 16:10:01 (permalink)
    I found the link to Staback's explanation of the bill.  Forgot where I put it.

    My rifle is a black rifle
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 16:11:14 (permalink)
    "Another visible flashpoint occurred here in Lancaster County in 2007 when the Elstonville Sportsmen's Association was fined for animal cruelty after holding a live turkey shoot in which tethered turkeys were shot at close range with bows and arrows."

    I've got to go along with them on THAT one. I would think/hope that true sportsmen would recognize, that it puts "hunters" in a bad light.

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    wayne c
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 16:34:51 (permalink)
    "While seasons & bag limits should be determined in the interest of population & habitat health, not the wishes of the hunter."

    That is not true if neither are an issue. After those considerations, hunter satisfaction DOES come into play in any reasonable rational states management schemes.

    But HERE, when we throw in extremist special interests calling the shots, a commission that very few if anyone trusts... and the lines are further blurred as to what is and isnt appropriate when considering seasons and bag limits...or more time. Which can also be seen as another "management tool" like bag limits, that can be either used or abused.
    post edited by wayne c - 2011/08/14 16:36:02
    wayne c
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    RE: HSUS again on Sunday hunting 2011/08/14 16:37:14 (permalink)
    I've got to go along with them on THAT one. I would think/hope that true sportsmen would recognize, that it puts "hunters" in a bad light.

    Gotta agree with you there. Thats just straight up asnine imho.
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