Buck HIt=track or wait????

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retired guy
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RE: Buck HIt=track or wait???? 2010/12/17 19:39:24 (permalink)
Been there twice- once one of my sons and then myself
Mine was a pass through and I saw the deer lay up about 35 yards off- took it a very very long time to pass. Started down the tree a few times but the deer was aware of me and I didnt want it to run off. Turned out to be a  one lunger. If I had spooked it -may have lost the deer. Hated to have to wait and watch like that but had no second shot.It had been directly under me and in hindsight I shouldnt have taken the shot.
My oldest son had the same shot and watched the deer run off abut 80 yds and lost it. Heavy wind dropped a layer of fresh leaves on the ground and we lost the skimpy blood trail ( NOT a pass through). Searched all that day and I went in the next for hours. Found it a couple of weeks later ( could smell it) while still looking around the area from time to time-knew it  had to be dead.
It had only gone about 200 yds and died in a thicket we had covered earlier.
Clearly it had moved in after our search.Always felt we bumped  it into the thicket while looking around too quickly. The arrow was still in it and it had been a very nice shot-entered close to the spine and the arrow apparently lost some zip going through the bones into the lung.
Its always best to wait. If that hunter had waited out the rain till next day the deer would probably have still been in its first bed ,better than 50/50 that it will be there.
post edited by retired guy - 2010/12/19 10:15:43
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