fishin coyote
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/06 21:24:55
Thanks for the pictures. They look great. Glad you were able to come and enjoy the day.
fishin coyote
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/06 21:27:19
Was great to see some old friends again and too also get to meet some new ones. I'd like to thank Inds for everything He does to make this happen. The rod is awesome. Everyone got something Big thaks to W.W. for thinking outside the box. I'd have bet that someone would have gotten at least 1 steelie. And we would have not won with our off the wall tactics. Thanks once again to all the Guys that set this up and donated the prizes I had a great time Mike Almost forgot .... I managed to keep my fly the entire time 2yrs running LOL and I'll add a better picture of the rod in the next day or 2
post edited by fishin coyote - 2007/10/06 21:29:00
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/06 21:52:44
great pics .you shouldnt have posted a pic of your winning honey hole it will be shoulder to shoulder there tomorow.....I want to thank T.T.for showing me a few new spots I enjoyed fishing with you .Also want to thank Indy,Bughawk,Skip and everyone who put this together...just goes to show you dont need to catch a fish to have a great day of fishing.........
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/06 23:19:26
Looks like a total bust. Speaking of busts, some of you guys have them and somebody is going to lose an eye if one of your beer bellies bust out of your jeans. Really guys, let's get some rain and let's get serious. I have seen bigger turnouts at a one man parade.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/06 23:21:30
bust? no... only one rod and a few lines... LOL
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/06 23:51:24
woo won/ jorge miKells/ is hee yur fawther figur/ ha ha
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 00:32:45
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 04:50:50
Looks good guys... A good time was had by all.... did you catch much fish??? great pics i cant wait to see more...
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 07:49:05
killdeer19 Next year maybe you can show up and get to meet some great people.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 09:36:58
Jack, I was not at the right place. Glad you all had agood time. Looks like it was a blast. Bug, I went to the park that you gave a mapquest link to. Turns out it wasn't the right one... I ended up fishing anyway and hooked three chromers, but only landed one. I had a good day, but wish I would have been able to be in the one fly. Mike
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 12:09:57
Well, that just stinks. You would have won the contest hands down. The ironic thing about it is that while cleaning up afterward, it was mentioned that it was amazing that everyone left satisfied with the event itself, and there were no hiccups, other than a lack of hungry steelies. There always has to be a glitch somewhere. I hope the location is the same next time. Under normal conditions, I wouldn't have hesitated to fish right there. There were fish in every stretch of water my team hit, but all had a serious case of lock-jaw. I've never seen the water so low with so many fish and manage no hook ups. I did see a number of fish caught at two different spots. Those 2 or 3 guys obviously had the only mojo on the tribs. Glad to fish with you mook14, sorry no hook-ups. Nice to meet the rest of you folks, as well. Let's do it again next year, hopefully under normal water conditions and active fish. Now, on to killin' a few deer... ... until the rains come, at least.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 13:02:39
Sorry Mike. I must have messed something up. Glad you caught some fish.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 18:09:53
No problem Bug. If your curious, it took me to a community park in the town of girard, which just happened to have a pavilion. Glad that you had a nice time. Ill try to get the pictures of my fish up if I can...
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 21:36:50
That is interesting Mgolf92. I guess the mapquest is not as accurate as I thought. The Boro park is off of lake road. You were pretty close.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/07 22:06:53
Thanks for sharing the pictures, fishin coyote! I work on Saturday's , but maybe I can make this event another year. Good job indisguiz! Looks like a good time. So....nobody landed chrome?
changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes....nothing remains quite the same The Beerman ~ Greg
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 00:13:07
bug, I was there. and I had a blast.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 09:39:12
See, I CAN tie a fly that catches fish. You need to paint-shop those pictures, though. That pattern is top secret. Well, it was...
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 09:53:27
ORIGINAL: T.T. See, I CAN tie a fly that catches fish. You need to paint-shop those pictures, though. That pattern is top secret. Well, it was... haha yeah I was just about to ask what that fly was... lol (maybe I could buy a coule off ya   )
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 10:11:55
That fly is T.T.'s ultra super top secret fly. Only a handful of trusted individuals have ever seen it and as far I know only one or two actually have the instructions on how to tie it.... Nice fish and glad to see someone was catching something...
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 12:32:48
Just wanted to say thanks to all for all of good times this weekend. I had the winner on and started talking trash about winning the competition. I guess that is why you dont talk trash until its on shore. Fought for a few minutes and snap. Lost the fly and the competition at 3:45. It was a great event and a great time. I'll definately be up for the next one. Rick Frisco
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 14:14:02
Yep Rick, if you'd kept your mouth shut I could have rode your coat tails to the new fly box and the first place team. LOL Thanks for showing me around and hopefully I'll see you up there and we can fish together again. It was alot of fun.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 18:52:08
I was fishin in between you and killdeer at Elk. Don't feel least you had a hookup....those fish had lockjaw
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 18:56:12
youle get them kings next weEk yoUng grAsshoPper/... wanna bett/?
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 19:02:10
I hope that they are hittin that good when we go....I got all my stuff packed.Now work is gonna drag all week.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 19:09:06
it will be mucH beTter thaN 80 fish. I'll set u guys in the best spot. mE & timmy are takIn a hike with nobodY CLOSE By.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/08 22:10:44
We can't forget to thank those who donated their wares. Jagfly company comes to mind. WOW!!! Those flies were amazing. The winning team really got their money's worth. Thanks to the PSA and FishUSA and a couple others I'm forgetting for donating apparel given away.
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/09 00:16:07
cRapfshar i amm stil goinng eVn thou i cawt saman yesstrrrrdey at bErts dam duud watar iss cumiNg owt good oVr the dam idEeit raap waz snaGing themm ther i weNt oVr an cawt onn yeLlo saks i thinnK wee shuLd jist goo too berRts duud iff yu stil waNnt to go too oWkorcheRt i doint kare i wil stil go the eGs ar nott redy yet butt i lik too hamAr themm enyway lett mee no/ i mite need a ryde duud
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RE: One Fly Pics
2007/10/09 06:53:12
duud, lte me no whne the egz R raedy, oK? U git any hoco's? I hop tHeY sprint this yEar. Luv the hoCos I luv Berts dam, I can jist roll me fat but dawn the hill and fish, takes a cupple dayz to roll bak up though. If u Cee me thare say hi, dont wurry, I don't fish nekked like flashpants.
post edited by Stillhead - 2007/10/09 06:56:33