Helpful ReplyPymatuning article on Walleye population

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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/05 23:17:22 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog 2017/06/11 09:26:13
You guys remember the nitro crawlers ? They were glo green color. Never seen that big of a difference in catches .
Rich , Rock Bass are very good eating providing you get the bigger ones with meat on them. Erie had the biggest I've ever seen ,caught, and ate!
Actually I've had Bass that wasn't bad , buddy at work brought in a bunch of smaller ones years ago. He said if you keep the small ones they aren't strong..... he had my vote that day . 
Big Tuna
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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/06 05:26:09 (permalink)
When I was a bay rat many years ago, Rockies where my makings of a great shore lunch. Always had a cooler with ice and would ice them down. Kept and ate all the really big ones. Don't know about now but caught plenty of 10"-12" inch eaters. Pan fried fillets,home fries,and a can of Campbell's bake beans that had the chunk of pork fat in All cooked on a old 3 burner Coleman gas stove. lol Tasted dam good after fishing 10-12 hours.Oh the old days,we thought we where living large and in some ways we where. The outdoor life has provided many fond memories.
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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/11 09:53:49 (permalink)
Do you guys eat large mouth? I always wanted to try it. Is it a strong fish taste?
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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/12 15:37:51 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog 2017/06/12 19:25:29
Too me most Bass is strong tasting, especially pond and lake ones. It was years ago that I tried them and I didn't prepare them and I didn't care for them. I keep none, but friends of mine keep , cook and eat Canadian LM Bass and love them ! If I would keep any to try, keep the smallest ones allowed by law first. This time of year ice , ice and more ice for any kept fish !   
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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/12 16:11:59 (permalink)
old dog
CAPTAIN HOOKYou guys remember the nitro crawlers ? They were glo green color. Never seen that big of a difference in catches . Rich , Rock Bass are very good eating providing you get the bigger ones with meat on them. Erie had the biggest I've ever seen ,caught, and ate! Actually I've had Bass that wasn't bad , buddy at work brought in a bunch of smaller ones years ago. He said if you keep the small ones they aren't strong..... he had my vote that day . 

years ago i would catch some nice rock bass over at berlin but always threw them back.  about four years ago we got into some schooling lmb at mosquito and my buddy kept four about 17''.   he loves to cook and he and his sons made them disappear in the blink of an eye.  he said they were excellent.   btdt, i belonged to a club close to the pa. border and we religiously fished it all friday night when we were young and single.  we caught hundreds of really nice sized channel cats but i never suffered one on the table.  my fishing partner would keep a bunch every trip.  someday, maybe. on my plate, i first would choose perch, then walleyes and then gills.  crappies are okay but not as good as bluegills, imo.  then again, i don't deep fry fish these days.  it is lightly breaded and pan fried in olive oil or more often, baked in the oven.

Old dog, try laying hot peppers on your fillets when you bake them. Don't have to eat the peppers but they flavor the fish so good.
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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/12 19:37:07 (permalink)
Bass do have a strong taste and the warmer the water the stronger the flavor. But I find this true with all fresh water fish except for Blue Gill.

Chauncy I'm a wimp when if comes to hot peppers but I have had fish baked that way and no I didn't eat the peppers but yes I did enjoy the fish though, also a baked fish wimp.

Yinz need find a recipe for 'stewed tomatoes' to have on hand when eating strong flavored fish. When baking fish place each fillet on a oven safe serving plate, ladle a bit of tomatoes over top and bake away. Serve the remaining stewed tomatoes along side.

I'll bet adding peppers just might be the ticket.

Dang... I'm hungry!!

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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/12 20:21:47 (permalink)
Andy's Cajun breading is all I need for nice spicy flavored fish !  
I fry all my fish outside in the garage mess . 
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2017/06/12 20:24:05
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Re: RE: Pymatuning article on Walleye population 2017/06/12 20:47:52 (permalink)
We bought a Copper Chef "induction" hot plate and use a Copper Chef casserole type pan for deep frying. We have the deep fryers also but the "induction" hot plate out cooks the fryers hands down.

Give me deep fried anytime. No Garlic.... Bleah!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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