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Re: Patriots 2022/11/13 14:38:14 (permalink)
No. It was out there for a few months where Biden was really pushin' it, (remember, it was also a campaign promise), and it was the same as twitchin' a tail hooked shiner in front of a smallmouth. True about the college Democrats though. Professors make sure they get indoctrinated right from their Freshman entry.

It was out for months and I think most of us figured it was happening. It was only as of very recently that it came up as possibly not happening. Nowhere near the time to “rally the troops”. It doesn’t matter voting wise, what a court finds Constitutional.

That voter block was already voting Dem, regardless if Biden sent the “vote for me” checks. I don’t think it brought (bought) any new voters. Kind of like Trump giving the ultra rich tax breaks that didn’t expire, they were voting for him regardless. It really is the same thing, just different color lipstick for a different pig. Both were/are horrible legislation that favors a certain few. Funny how both sides will claim they are different and their side is okay. That is what is call hypocrisy….
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/13 20:25:26 (permalink)
Well said Pork.

Aside from Porks logical conclusions, Loan forgiveness doesn't really fit the bill. It's already happened, so it doesn't make much sense for it to be a determining and driving factor for voters in a Midterm election? Just google "Top issues for midterm voters" and pick whichever site you trust. You'll see it isn't even on the Radar. You're likely being told it was, and whomever is saying this, is not correct. 

Female reproductive rights, inflation, and the cult were among major factors this time around. 
The sheer volume of Gen Z voters who voted is incredible. There's been some polling and numbers put out, I'm sure we'll see much more in the months to come. The kids are alright. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/13 20:42:06 (permalink)
That's the thing, economies go up and go down, then back n forth again. These kids know they have their whole lives to live in that climate. They also know that once Democracy is shattered, there's no coming back for that. All the election denying, all the cultists behavior, all the hate, Gen Z ain't havin none of that. They also weren't/aren't gonna stand for people telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Crime, anti-wokness, anti-Biden, tRumpism and anti-abortion are the hills the GOP chose to "die" on. And they did bigly.

It wasn't a total loss for The GOP though. It'll probably be a split congress. So they have the next 2 years of obstruction politics and zero work getting done for America.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/11/13 22:48:38
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 06:18:26 (permalink)
That's the thing, economies go up and go down, then back n forth again. These kids know they have their whole lives to live in that climate. They also know that once Democracy is shattered, there's no coming back for that. All the election denying, all the cultists behavior, all the hate, Gen Z ain't havin none of that. They also weren't/aren't gonna stand for people telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Crime, anti-wokness, anti-Biden, tRumpism and anti-abortion are the hills the GOP chose to "die" on. And they did bigly.

It wasn't a total loss for The GOP though. It'll probably be a split congress. So they have the next 2 years of obstruction politics and zero work getting done for America.

That's exactly what i said weeks ago it doesn't matter who won you will have the same useless congress that will get nothing done but to enhance themselves and do nothing for the country.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 06:48:13 (permalink)
Agreed to a point. But it was a far cry from the "Red wave" people expected.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/11/14 06:52:02
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 07:52:45 (permalink)

Young women going for democrats was a decisive factor this cycle.

It’s not that hard to imagine why young women aren’t choosing to vote Republican. They don’t want a bunch of old men telling them what to do with their bodies.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 08:23:50 (permalink)
That's exactly what i said weeks ago it doesn't matter who won you will have the same useless congress that will get nothing done but to enhance themselves and do nothing for the country.

For the last 2 years, Congress has been the complete opposite of what you describe. But I’m sure that McCarthy will see that an R majority House is completely useless from this point on.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 08:48:06 (permalink)
That's exactly what i said weeks ago it doesn't matter who won you will have the same useless congress that will get nothing done but to enhance themselves and do nothing for the country.

For the last 2 years, Congress has been the complete opposite of what you describe. But I’m sure that McCarthy will see that an R majority House is completely useless from this point on.

Really MyWar you are delusional look at the mess tis country is in your boys (all old men and women by the way) they held both house and senate and the president and havn't done anything.!! Are you saying they havn't enhanced themselves? AOC a bartender penniless now worth over 3 million in 2 years and may I ask what has she done??? Many others same boat.How's the Inflation Reduction Act working out,and the Build back Broke act? I guess the border is closed now and immigration is under control huh, Prices have really come down ive noticed. Get your utility bills yet wait till it gets really cold, Yea the congress has really done a great job !!!! 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 09:56:06 (permalink)
That's exactly what i said weeks ago it doesn't matter who won you will have the same useless congress that will get nothing done but to enhance themselves and do nothing for the country.

For the last 2 years, Congress has been the complete opposite of what you describe. 

Sounds to me that you are a big fan of one party rule, COMRADE!
Everything thing done in the past two years, (spending an additional $6 trillion), with the exception of the so called Inflation Reduction Act, (which even now the 'Crats call it the Climate Change bill), and the original infrastructure bill was done on a strictly partisan basis. The 'Crats touted these bills as bipartisan because they had a handful of Republican votes. The only reason those couple of bills garnered any bipartisan vote at all was due to RINOs, and the fact that Manchin allowed himself to be absolutely rolled by Biden and Schumer. I knew when they promised Manchin pipeline and mining legislation that Manchin was gonna be Charlie Brown, and Schumer was gonna be Lucy jerkin' the football away at the last second. So congrats to Manchin for bringin' Peanuts back to the funny paper!

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 09:56:06 (permalink)
Two more years of Leftist Democrat rule will let them fill all the Judgeships with left leaning jurists. And if they get Warnock in the Senate, the filibuster rule will be gone, further strengthening their position. I've seen this floated on one of those pages that drift across my telephone on the MSM home page: Biden fires Harris, installs Gavin Newsome as VP, then Biden resigns and Newsome's our boy! There is no end to the Hate America Crowd! They must be thinkin' they don't have a viable candidate for '24. 
post edited by EMitch - 2022/11/14 10:11:35

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 12:41:49 (permalink)

Sounds to me that you are a big fan of one party rule, COMRADE!

It’s not about how many parties there are.

It’s about voting for people that are interested in governing. It’s about voting for people that have cohesive policy agendas that benefit the country.

Republicans have no interest in governance. They just want power. Trump is the perfect example of this.

One of the biggest reasons why republicans underperformed this election cycle is that they failed to offer solutions for the current economic problems. They hammered Biden on inflation, but not a single one said “here is what we do to fix this”.

So is new R majority House going to start cranking out legislation that is aimed at stopping inflation? Or legislation that is pushing back against a recession? I guarantee they will not. I guarantee it’s going to be a bunch of Hunter Biden laptop committees and histrionic political nonsense. Why? because the Republican Party is not interested in governance. The party has no real solutions to real problems.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 13:39:13 (permalink)
I'm confused.  The Democrats have been voting "yes" for inflation for the last two years, and, now that the Republicans will be in control finally Congress will be voting NO!...we don't approve of inflation!  Finally.  Even though I'm a Democrat I must admit that I'm really looking forward to Congress lowering inflation.  You don't think Biden will veto the Lowering Inflation in America Act, do you?
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 14:12:03 (permalink)
^ That's a good point. 

Can anyone here provide any information/links/hearsay/whatever that would speak to the Republican plans of combating inflation/gas prices/whatnot?
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 15:54:07 (permalink)
That's exactly what i said weeks ago it doesn't matter who won you will have the same useless congress that will get nothing done but to enhance themselves and do nothing for the country.

For the last 2 years, Congress has been the complete opposite of what you describe. But I’m sure that McCarthy will see that an R majority House is completely useless from this point on.

Really MyWar you are delusional look at the mess tis country is in your boys (all old men and women by the way) they held both house and senate and the president and havn't done anything.!! Are you saying they havn't enhanced themselves? AOC a bartender penniless now worth over 3 million in 2 years and may I ask what has she done??? Many others same boat.How's the Inflation Reduction Act working out,and the Build back Broke act? I guess the border is closed now and immigration is under control huh, Prices have really come down ive noticed. Get your utility bills yet wait till it gets really cold, Yea the congress has really done a great job !!!! 

There's alot to unpack there. The only thing I will say is this. MTG was racking weight at a Golds' Gym and Boebert was a waitress. Ya think they've enriched themselves? Matter of fact not only have they gotten nothing done, they've made the hatred and conspiracy climates worse AS they enriched themselves.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/11/14 15:55:28
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 16:26:31 (permalink)
So you libs don't think China Joe's war on fossil fuels had any thing to do with inflation? @ years ago gas was barely over 2 bucks a gallon,diesel was just slightly more,now gas is 1.50 more than when bideum took office and diesel fuel is 6 bucks a gallon.Now all you so called know it alls what do you think that does to food prices,farming,heating your home the list goes on and on.All because china joe panders to his cult of a base and the green new deal.
 So the dims solutions are to cap wells,close leases and shut down pipelines huh. Sounds like a great plan to me. Comrades its your party that has caused inflation to roar and you all know it! Not to mention the printing of money they don't have,the billions just given away for nothing,and the money just given away to the kiddys for their votes.You could go on and on about the disaster this administration is but why bother if after the last two years its not plain as day it beyond repair!!!
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 17:06:18 (permalink)
So you libs don't think China Joe's war on fossil fuels had any thing to do with inflation? @ years ago gas was barely over 2 bucks a gallon,diesel was just slightly more,now gas is 1.50 more than when bideum took office and diesel fuel is 6 bucks a gallon.Now all you so called know it alls what do you think that does to food prices,farming,heating your home the list goes on and on.All because china joe panders to his cult of a base and the green new deal.
 So the dims solutions are to cap wells,close leases and shut down pipelines huh. Sounds like a great plan to me. Comrades its your party that has caused inflation to roar and you all know it! Not to mention the printing of money they don't have,the billions just given away for nothing,and the money just given away to the kiddys for their votes.You could go on and on about the disaster this administration is but why bother if after the last two years its not plain as day it beyond repair!!!

Hey Ice, great points. 

Can you provide any information/links/hearsay/whatever that would speak to the Republican plans of combating inflation/gas prices/whatnot?
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 17:53:53 (permalink)
So you libs don't think China Joe's war on fossil fuels had any thing to do with inflation?

For gas prices? No. Not nearly as much as a war in Ukraine and OPEC manipulating the market. And I’m sorry but that is just reality. A US President has very little control over gas prices at the pump

There is also a ton of stuff in the inflation reduction act that will boost the fossil fuel industry in the short term, and make domestic energy cheaper for consumers. It is very much a compromise in that regard, and it is possible to advance green tech in the long term while also keeping he cost of fossil fuel energy affordable in the short term.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 18:19:27 (permalink)
Also don't forget, 2019 n 20, no one drove anywhere. Only goes without saying gas would be cheaper. You know that pesky pandemic and all.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/11/14 18:20:40
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 19:17:22 (permalink)
Also don't forget, 2019 n 20, no one drove anywhere. Only goes without saying gas would be cheaper. You know that pesky pandemic and all.

The good ole’ days when things were so much better…
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 20:29:36 (permalink)
Also don't forget, 2019 n 20, no one drove anywhere. Only goes without saying gas would be cheaper. You know that pesky pandemic and all.

You're old duud. It was 20 and 21. Git with the program
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 21:33:34 (permalink)
Also don't forget, 2019 n 20, no one drove anywhere. Only goes without saying gas would be cheaper. You know that pesky pandemic and all.

You're old duud. It was 20 and 21. Git with the program

Ha. Guess we all lost a year or 3.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 22:00:58 (permalink)
Hobbs just declared winner in AZ. Man is Hannity crying. 😆😆. "Katie Hobbs should have recused herself as Sec of State and head of elections". Ok Sean, just like Kemp didn't when he was in the same position in 2018 when he ran, and won as Governor in Georgia. 🙄. This is so delicious. Drinking the red tears. Loving it. ❤️
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/11/14 22:26:51
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/14 23:24:45 (permalink)
Another Maga pawn down. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/15 06:32:46 (permalink)
Im drinking blue tears the congress is red again!!!! poor Joe lame duck president no more money to screw the country any more ,and poor hunter going off to jail,gota love it!!!.Yes the senate is still blue but really when sinema and and manchin vote red that will take care of that she may even switch over to red side isn't that great LOL.So let's all enjoy the elections for whatever we gained or lost and relish the CHECKS and Balances has been brought back to congress!!!
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/15 07:38:34 (permalink)
Ricki Lake lost? I was a fan of Hairspray, but not her regular TV show. Better luck next time Tracy Turnblad!
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/15 08:14:52 (permalink)

Sounds to me that you are a big fan of one party rule, COMRADE!

It’s not about how many parties there are.

It’s about voting for people that are interested in governing. It’s about voting for people that have cohesive policy agendas that benefit the country.

Republicans have no interest in governance. They just want power. Trump is the perfect example of this.

One of the biggest reasons why republicans underperformed this election cycle is that they failed to offer solutions for the current economic problems. They hammered Biden on inflation, but not a single one said “here is what we do to fix this”.

So is new R majority House going to start cranking out legislation that is aimed at stopping inflation? Or legislation that is pushing back against a recession? I guarantee they will not. I guarantee it’s going to be a bunch of Hunter Biden laptop committees and histrionic political nonsense. Why? because the Republican Party is not interested in governance. The party has no real solutions to real problems.

Sometimes the solutions are as simple as, stop doing stupid stuff. Maybe that “cohesive policy agendas that benefit the country” is the cause of  many of the problems. Voting for Fetterman is an example of the people that have a cohesive policy agendas that benefit the country?  You guys make me laugh. Obstruction is probably exactly what we need at this time, not more flawed solutions.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/15 08:53:59 (permalink)
Ricki Lake lost? I was a fan of Hairspray, but not her regular TV show. Better luck next time Tracy Turnblad!

I'm an Edna fan.  Did she win?
post edited by Irisheyeball - 2022/11/15 09:03:39
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/15 09:49:00 (permalink)
Im drinking blue tears the congress is red again!!!! poor Joe lame duck president no more money to screw the country any more ,and poor hunter going off to jail,gota love it!!!.Yes the senate is still blue but really when sinema and and manchin vote red that will take care of that she may even switch over to red side isn't that great LOL.So let's all enjoy the elections for whatever we gained or lost and relish the CHECKS and Balances has been brought back to congress!!!

What blue tears? From Democrats to moderate Republicans, and all in between, are very happy with these midterm results. It's gonna be a joy to watch the GOP eat each other over the next 2 years. Especially when the orangman announces he's running again.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/15 10:49:17 (permalink)
Those aren’t blue tears Ice Nut. That’s republican hopium.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/15 11:37:17 (permalink)
I'm very happy with the mid term results Republicans have control of the congress thats a big win pretty much  makes Mr. Magoo a lame duck he won't  get much done if anything and that's a good thing.maybe even impeached. Control of the purse strings and finally checks and balances no 1 party rule.
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