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Re: Patriots 2022/11/19 07:27:49 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby genieman77 2022/11/19 11:03:49
Difference and disagreement in politics is one thing. This dirtbag insinuated that my wife and I are raising our girls to be hoes, that's where the line should be drawn. Maybe take a minute and let that sink in? It has nothing to do with cancel culture.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/11/19 07:28:55
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/19 12:08:59 (permalink)
Maybe   the admin should cancel culture this thread Just Say In

donno about all that, but if as described,  talking chit like that can get you tuned up in the "real world" (not the fake world of internet)
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/19 20:34:38 (permalink)
Elon's gonna let Trump back on Twitter. 
What a world.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/19 20:54:27 (permalink)
Elon's gonna let Trump back on Twitter. 
What a world.

I don’t think this is a bad thing.

First of all, it’s probably just another nail in twitters coffin, because it looks like Elon Musk is driving it straight into the ground.

And second, in case we forgot what an incoherent loudmouth moron trump is, this will be the perfect opportunity for him to remind us.

Trump and Musk might both be in self destruct mode right now.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/21 19:31:09 (permalink)
Elon's gonna let Trump back on Twitter. 
What a world.

What, more mean tweets? Oh no, whatever are we going to do Cupcake?
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/22 20:29:50 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2022/11/23 00:01:38
Elon's gonna let Trump back on Twitter. 
What a world.

What, more mean tweets? Oh no, whatever are we going to do Cupcake?

I hope you and your family have a good Holiday JM. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/27 20:49:42 (permalink)
Trump announces he's running for 2024. 
Days later has a dinner meeting with Nick Fuentes. Google him if you're not familiar. 

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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 10:44:17 (permalink)
There is nothing at all surprising about this.  Trump has always played the game of doing whatever possible to get the main stream media to cover him.  Negative main stream news coverage is like candy to the cult.  Some seem to have awoken from their spell, others won't rest until Trump is deemed supreme ruler.  He will keep doing until it is only the bigots and racists remaining.  Once Tucker and Hannity shift to another candidate to support, it will be only the bigots and racists left.  Those two still pull in a lot of cultists that aren't bigots and racists, but feel they are the only truth speakers.  Those two are the real cult leaders.  Just as Anderson Cooper and Rachael Maddow are for the left cultists. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 15:07:02 (permalink)
There is nothing at all surprising about this.  Trump has always played the game of doing whatever possible to get the main stream media to cover him.  Negative main stream news coverage is like candy to the cult.  Some seem to have awoken from their spell, others won't rest until Trump is deemed supreme ruler.  He will keep doing until it is only the bigots and racists remaining.  Once Tucker and Hannity shift to another candidate to support, it will be only the bigots and racists left.  Those two still pull in a lot of cultists that aren't bigots and racists, but feel they are the only truth speakers.  Those two are the real cult leaders.  Just as Anderson Cooper and Rachael Maddow are for the left cultists. 

How is there a cult on the left?  What or who are they worshipping?
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 15:32:20 (permalink)
Trump’s actions regarding Jews and anti semitism are just so scrambled.

He went pretty hard with his support for Israel and his boy Netanyahu. Kushner is also Jewish.

But then he cozies up with Kanye (immediately after he says a bunch of nutty anti semitic shiit) and a literal white supremacist.

I’m sure a lot of conservative Jewish voters that have been conflicted about him all along, are feeling even more conflicted after this. And after the third election cycle in a row where trump performs poorly, those folks are going to start looking for other candidates.
post edited by MyWar - 2022/11/28 15:47:07
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 15:45:41 (permalink)
There is nothing at all surprising about this.  Trump has always played the game of doing whatever possible to get the main stream media to cover him.  Negative main stream news coverage is like candy to the cult.  Some seem to have awoken from their spell, others won't rest until Trump is deemed supreme ruler.  He will keep doing until it is only the bigots and racists remaining.  Once Tucker and Hannity shift to another candidate to support, it will be only the bigots and racists left.  Those two still pull in a lot of cultists that aren't bigots and racists, but feel they are the only truth speakers.  Those two are the real cult leaders.  Just as Anderson Cooper and Rachael Maddow are for the left cultists. 

How is there a cult on the left?  What or who are they worshipping?

The left wing cult worships… Anderson Copper apparently.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 18:51:40 (permalink)
If you believe everything that Anderson or Rachael say, then you aren’t any different than those believing everything that Tucker or Hannity are saying.

I recall a good bit of Obama t-shirts and other. Same with Bernie. To think there isn’t a left side whacko contingent, is not being genuine. Just because they have similar thoughts of you, doesn’t make them any less cultie than the Trumpers.
post edited by Porktown - 2022/11/28 19:20:18
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 21:38:23 (permalink)
Ah yes, Barack Obama and Donald Trump: two sides of the same coin
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 23:05:29 (permalink)
Ah yes, Barack Obama and Donald Trump: two sides of the same coin

Exactly. Two sectors of society that are blind to reality that believe whatever they are told.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/28 23:21:19 (permalink)
If you believe everything that Anderson or Rachael say, then you aren’t any different than those believing everything that Tucker or Hannity are saying.

I recall a good bit of Obama t-shirts and other. Same with Bernie. To think there isn’t a left side whacko contingent, is not being genuine. Just because they have similar thoughts of you, doesn’t make them any less cultie than the Trumpers.

Are you comparing the Bernie and Obama and Biden merch usage to the Trump merch usage? 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 09:02:09 (permalink)
I'm talking blind loyalty to one party, politician, or political (news) source.  I have been around many of both sides that will brush off anything negative as a "political hit job" and lies, as their "news" source will spin.  Any negative the other side does is a fact and appalling.  I would assume many of the same people that buy political merchandise.
Don't get me wrong, the Trump cult is much larger than any that I have ever seen in US politics.  I find a lot of what the scumbag does as appalling.  To say there isn't a group (a fraction of the size of the Trumper cult) on the other side that is a mirror image, is complete blindness.
If everything that Maddow or Cooper or whoever (MSNBC more so, but CNN will push some things that aren't fact), has said in the past 6 years is all true, how is Trump not in prison for life?  I'm not saying it is all false either, but some of it clearly is not true.  There is a sector of our society that not only latches onto every word, but goes further into "research" online and digs up more.  The last time that I tried to watch Maddow probably 2-3 years ago, it was insane of how deep into some "investigation" she was going.  If everything she said was true, Trump and all of his inner cabinet are Russian government operatives...  You are telling me, that people that buy into this and do their own "research" online are not showing some sort of cult behavior?  It is the exact same thing that the Trumper's are doing "researching" covid being fake or mass shootings being staged, etc.
post edited by Porktown - 2022/11/29 09:15:17
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 10:47:42 (permalink)
ABC, CBS, NBC, all lean left, not all the time, and not in what they report, but what they conveniently leave out. MSNBC, CNN, HLN, and CNBC were extremely left leaning, although CNN's new CEO is trying to gain America's trust back, (and their ratings that are in the tank), by firing some of the most biased reporters in a quest to get back to their late '90's trust and ratings, because Fox is killing them there.
FOX NEWS, FOX BUSINESS, ONE AMERICA NEWS, and NEWS NATION lean right, with some of reporters going far right, yet with enough investigative reporting to cause the viewer to question.
It all comes down to the old adage: We report, you decide. So glean what you can from any or all sources.
I do not do any social media whatsoever, and will not purport to pontificate on what gets posted on those medias, but I think it was very interesting when Zuckerberg said that any posting about  the 2020 election by proclaiming that it was all Russian interference was given to Facebook, not only by the FBI, but from many calls from the White House. In other words, if it was Democrat negative, censor the posts.
Can't wait for Musk to make public the entire conversations of FBI and White House interference causing Twitter to censor any post that was Democrat negative, along with a great deal of Covid information from any sources other than from Fauci and/or the CDC, even though other outside sources are renowned worldwide. I think I'll be watching FOX to learn any of that, because I'd doubt any way possible that other stations are gonna report them, especially the White House interference. (BTW, Jen Psaki has engaged 12 lawyers to keep from testifying, but the judge said no), so will see if that goes anywhere.
Excluding the Georgia runoff, does anybody know when election season really ends? Just askin' for a friend!
post edited by EMitch - 2022/11/29 10:50:06

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 12:34:26 (permalink)
I'm talking blind loyalty to one party, politician, or political (news) source.  I have been around many of both sides that will brush off anything negative as a "political hit job" and lies, as their "news" source will spin.  Any negative the other side does is a fact and appalling.  I would assume many of the same people that buy political merchandise.
Don't get me wrong, the Trump cult is much larger than any that I have ever seen in US politics.  I find a lot of what the scumbag does as appalling.  To say there isn't a group (a fraction of the size of the Trumper cult) on the other side that is a mirror image, is complete blindness.
If everything that Maddow or Cooper or whoever (MSNBC more so, but CNN will push some things that aren't fact), has said in the past 6 years is all true, how is Trump not in prison for life?  I'm not saying it is all false either, but some of it clearly is not true.  There is a sector of our society that not only latches onto every word, but goes further into "research" online and digs up more.  The last time that I tried to watch Maddow probably 2-3 years ago, it was insane of how deep into some "investigation" she was going.  If everything she said was true, Trump and all of his inner cabinet are Russian government operatives...  You are telling me, that people that buy into this and do their own "research" online are not showing some sort of cult behavior?  It is the exact same thing that the Trumper's are doing "researching" covid being fake or mass shootings being staged, etc.

Ah, thanks for clarifying. 

This idea of "both sides" does have merit, and you're not wrong - I would just urge caution with it. The former President, and current GOP Frontrunner candidate just had a dinner meeting with a Nazi White Supremacist, and anti semite. This is very extreme.

Comparing both sides at this point is a bit strange in my opinion. Sure, there's bads on both sides, but let's not kid ourselves. One is poison ivy, the other is a tumor.

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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 13:13:33 (permalink)
If everything that Maddow or Cooper or whoever (MSNBC more so, but CNN will push some things that aren't fact), has said in the past 6 years is all true, how is Trump not in prison for life?  I'm not saying it is all false either, but some of it clearly is not true.  There is a sector of our society that not only latches onto every word, but goes further into "research" online and digs up more.  The last time that I tried to watch Maddow probably 2-3 years ago, it was insane of how deep into some "investigation" she was going.  If everything she said was true, Trump and all of his inner cabinet are Russian government operatives...  You are telling me, that people that buy into this and do their own "research" online are not showing some sort of cult behavior?  It is the exact same thing that the Trumper's are doing "researching" covid being fake or mass shootings being staged, etc.

Democrat majority US House conducts investigations into events of jan 6

Republican majority US House conducts investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop

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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 13:28:14 (permalink)
Democrat majority US House conducts investigations into events of jan 6

Republican majority US House conducts investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop


Never had I noted they are the same.  My original message was very much calling out Trump.  Noting the left media does similar as the right media in playing a huge role, somehow doesn't sit well with some, for some reason?
As EMitch noted above, most of the major media will not report on some things.  If Hunter was set up with posh positions due to him being the son of a US Senator only with possible "quid pro quo" arrangement, I think there is legitimacy to uncovering it.  If you say that all Senators' kids are doing this, then all should be investigated.  
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 13:52:51 (permalink)
Democrat majority US House conducts investigations into events of jan 6

Republican majority US House conducts investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop


Never had I noted they are the same.  My original message was very much calling out Trump.  Noting the left media does similar as the right media in playing a huge role, somehow doesn't sit well with some, for some reason?
As EMitch noted above, most of the major media will not report on some things.  If Hunter was set up with posh positions due to him being the son of a US Senator only with possible "quid pro quo" arrangement, I think there is legitimacy to uncovering it.  If you say that all Senators' kids are doing this, then all should be investigated.  

Like I said, you're not wrong. Just a bit strange timing man. Trump literally had dinner this past week with a nazi white supremacist, and another anti semite and you're on here talking about "Well both sides are bad I'm not sure why people are mad". C'mon.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 14:06:41 (permalink)
Looks like we're gonna have another special election, in Virginia, as a recently re-elected Congressman has died of colorectal cancer. He'd been dealing with it since 2015, and so I wonder why he even stayed on the ticket for his district rather than face the obvious and yield to another Democrat up-and-comer? Since a representative cannot be appointed like a Senator, and the new Congress cannot be seated until they have the full 435 members, Virginia will have to scramble to get the special election going. I don't want to sound callous, but then again, it is election season.

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 14:23:06 (permalink)
Fuentes was a guest of Kanye when they showed up at Mara Lago.  Seems just after Trump was elected, Kanye was at the White House, hangin' out and singin' praises for Trump, and nobody mentioned that he (too) was a racist anti Semite though we knew about Fuentes. Now Kanye wants to run for President, (with Trump as his VP, imagine that!), and part of his platform would be that the US is run by 300 Zionists. Gawd! Did he always believe that or is he just a wealthy guy who is easily influenced by Fuentes? Why are Politics so crazy nowadays? It's really gettin' hard to take but it seems unavoidable. Ya run into politics at every turn.

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 16:11:24 (permalink)

Like I said, you're not wrong. Just a bit strange timing man. Trump literally had dinner this past week with a nazi white supremacist, and another anti semite and you're on here talking about "Well both sides are bad I'm not sure why people are mad". C'mon.

Go back and re-read what I wrote and not the commentary after.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 20:44:10 (permalink)

Like I said, you're not wrong. Just a bit strange timing man. Trump literally had dinner this past week with a nazi white supremacist, and another anti semite and you're on here talking about "Well both sides are bad I'm not sure why people are mad". C'mon.

Go back and re-read what I wrote and not the commentary after.

I read what you wrote and responded to your messages. I don't think you're out here trying to pull a "tHeReS GoOD PeOPlE On BoTH SiDeZ" type crap. 
I'm pointing out what I observed.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/29 20:45:56 (permalink)
Fuentes was a guest of Kanye when they showed up at Mara Lago.  Seems just after Trump was elected, Kanye was at the White House, hangin' out and singin' praises for Trump, and nobody mentioned that he (too) was a racist anti Semite though we knew about Fuentes. Now Kanye wants to run for President, (with Trump as his VP, imagine that!), and part of his platform would be that the US is run by 300 Zionists. Gawd! Did he always believe that or is he just a wealthy guy who is easily influenced by Fuentes? Why are Politics so crazy nowadays? It's really gettin' hard to take but it seems unavoidable. Ya run into politics at every turn.

I remember that first visit, you're right it happened. It's just that Kayne's Anti Semitic Rhetoric is new. At least the hardcore stuff we've seen lately. 

As to your point of "Why are politics so crazy". I have no idea man, but I am for sure tired of it.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/30 08:08:59 (permalink)

Like I said, you're not wrong. Just a bit strange timing man. Trump literally had dinner this past week with a nazi white supremacist, and another anti semite and you're on here talking about "Well both sides are bad I'm not sure why people are mad". C'mon.

Go back and re-read what I wrote and not the commentary after.

This is what I saw.  In your original statement you called out Trump, credited Tucker and Hannity with propping up the Trump cult, then equated Maddow and Cooper propping up a left cult.  You then dug the hole deeper by equating Trump followers to Obama followers.  This commentary basically reduced the destruction Trump has done to our country to Politics 101.
Later you back-pedaled and stated the huge magnitude difference in your comparison.
post edited by JerryS - 2022/11/30 10:14:27
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/30 11:20:16 (permalink)
This is what I saw.  In your original statement you called out Trump, credited Tucker and Hannity with propping up the Trump cult, then equated Maddow and Cooper propping up a left cult.  You then dug the hole deeper by equating Trump followers to Obama followers.  This commentary basically reduced the destruction Trump has done to our country to Politics 101.
Later you back-pedaled and stated the huge magnitude difference in your comparison.

You need to brush up on Reading Comprehension 101 then.  
I was never comparing actions.  No need to back-pedal from others statements or miscomprehension.
Not sure why many of you are so butthurt over this.  Did the truth sting that much?
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/30 14:01:40 (permalink)
Getting back to the Kanye/Fuentes anti semitism...if you have young people in your house or are in contact with young people as a role model I highly suggest having a conversation with them about "holocaust jokes" and online anti semetic memes and jokes.  You just might be astounded what your teenager is being exposed to and what is filtering into mainstream social media streams.  
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/30 14:31:43 (permalink)
You might be even more astounded what your kid's are being exposed to in grade and high schools.Not to even mention college!!!!
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