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Re: Patriots 2022/11/09 19:45:41 (permalink)
Gator election not over yet yes some lost BUT the house will be governed by GOP and the jury is still out on the senate!! With that being the case we will have a totally dysfunctional congress and senate (maybe a good thing). Brandon agenda will be done for thank god and as usual nothing will get done!!

I agree, and it's gonna be great for all you guys who have money in the market. The market just loves a dys-functional government. They know that nothing gets done so neither party can hurt them too badly.  Look for a Bull rally next week.

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Re: Patriots 2022/11/09 19:47:20 (permalink)

Looking like PA house goes blue. THATS a big shock. Wow. 

Yea it’s not confirmed yet but it’s looking very likely. Michigan flipped their state assembly too. Pretty crazy.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/09 20:37:13 (permalink)

Looking like PA house goes blue. THATS a big shock. Wow. 

Yea it’s not confirmed yet but it’s looking very likely. Michigan flipped their state assembly too. Pretty crazy.

It really is man. Whats it been, 10 years? Absolutely shocking.

It's also been an absolute delight to see Erie lean blue the last few elections. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/09 21:02:39 (permalink)
Gator election not over yet yes some lost BUT the house will be governed by GOP and the jury is still out on the senate!! With that being the case we will have a totally dysfunctional congress and senate (maybe a good thing). Brandon agenda will be done for thank god and as usual nothing will get done!!

I agree, and it's gonna be great for all you guys who have money in the market. The market just loves a dys-functional government. They know that nothing gets done so neither party can hurt them too badly.  Look for a Bull rally next week.

I was hoping for this when evil B won. Get the stuff done that needs to be done and that is it. Especially now with the inflation nightmare. A dysfunctional split house is the best to hope for. Just have to hope they don’t go too far on the “not getting any wins”, that it crashes the economy in government shutdowns or debt default.

Bull rally isn’t going to happen until rates are lowered. Might not be another year or two, possibly three. We aren’t technically in recession, but I’d trade a recession for the inflation and Fed monetary response in a heartbeat.

It isn’t going away until Putin is done smacking his dong on the world stage. Going to get much worse over winter. But the pain we feel is 1/10th what the Russian people are going through. 1/1000th the pain of Ukrainians.

I tend to think the Trump tickling Putin’s balls, had a good bit of effect on American voters realization of where inflation came from. It came from covid. It is still holding strong from Putin. I wouldn’t be shocked if we find out that Putin is behind covid. That would explain Trump’s insistence of giving Putin a rusty trombone any time possible.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 11:09:15 (permalink)
Looks like Trump is no longer the darling of Fox and Rupert Murdoch...they are choosing Desanctimnoious...the showdown with Trump should be epic.  
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 11:21:32 (permalink)
This fake election isn’t going to phase him or his faithful.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 11:25:12 (permalink)
This fake election isn’t going to phase him or his faithful.

Right, BUT, it's going to get contentious with Desanctimonious in the lead up to 2024 and that sheet is gonna get crazy...Donald won't be able to handle the attention that Ron gets and he'll up the attacks.  At some point, Ron and his hair helmet will STRIKE BACK!!  
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 13:05:32 (permalink)
So, with all of the fake elections going on in AZ and NV from 2020, wouldn't someone in their state legislatures, maybe suggest to change how they do things?  The whole post marked by election day mail in ballot thing having final ballots come in 4-5 days later, is kind of nuts.  When you have $Ms being spent defending your state in lawsuits, over fake election allegations, maybe shifting that post marked a few days prior to the election day, like so many other states do, might keep some of the heat off?  Or, does their state legislatures invite this???  Something tells me that is likely the case...
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 13:49:11 (permalink)
I dunno… I’m definitely seeing some chatter on the conservative side that boils down to “we still love Trump, but he needs to step aside”.

If the right wing media starts pushing the narrative that trump blew the midterms for the GOP, the conservative hive mind will begin to believe it.

Trump and Trumpism hasn’t won big in an election cycle since 2016. I think one of the big reasons that the base became so obsessed with him in the first place is that he delivered a huge unexpected victory in 2016. Sure, they liked him before that, they really went all in after he delivered a big win. But now, the further he gets from electoral success, that part of his appeal starts to become dimmer and dimmer.

The other part of the equation is that desantis is absolutely killing it. He’s won 2 elections, he turned Florida deep red…he’s now a proven winner.

I totally could see it happening
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 13:50:36 (permalink)
So, with all of the fake elections going on in AZ and NV from 2020, wouldn't someone in their state legislatures, maybe suggest to change how they do things?  The whole post marked by election day mail in ballot thing having final ballots come in 4-5 days later, is kind of nuts.  When you have $Ms being spent defending your state in lawsuits, over fake election allegations, maybe shifting that post marked a few days prior to the election day, like so many other states do, might keep some of the heat off?  Or, does their state legislatures invite this???  Something tells me that is likely the case...

I’m pretty sure their election laws have been this way for awhile
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 17:48:18 (permalink)
YEetUz dA fETUz
STrAhT 2 jEzUS

Thread Killer

Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 19:34:02 (permalink)
For the Desantis thing, I had read something a few months back and posted it on here of the similarities, but clear differences. Beyond being ten times smarter than Trump, he isn’t a narcissist, but he does do many things for the “look at me” factor over what is right for his state. But I chalk that up as making a bid for President, which all seem to do in one way or another. He is much more of a moderate, at least in terms of what fits his state’s needs. He deals with coastal erosion constantly, so knows climate change isn’t fake science. There are many other items that he goes out of the GOP lane, that are just better ideas for FL. He has many Dem supporters and imagine the vast majority of Independents in FL. If he can do that on a national stage and resist going the straight GOP talking points only route, he will clean up. I am intrigued by him myself. My hope was for Biden to be the transition between Trump and the GOP pulling their collective head out of their rears. It appears that it may be going in that direction.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 20:32:10 (permalink)
Not real sure how his anti-woke antics are gonna play on the national stage? These kids have become a force in the electorate and there are going to be more eligible to vote next cycle.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 21:07:17 (permalink)
For the Desantis thing, I had read something a few months back and posted it on here of the similarities, but clear differences. Beyond being ten times smarter than Trump, he isn’t a narcissist, but he does do many things for the “look at me” factor over what is right for his state. But I chalk that up as making a bid for President, which all seem to do in one way or another. He is much more of a moderate, at least in terms of what fits his state’s needs. He deals with coastal erosion constantly, so knows climate change isn’t fake science. There are many other items that he goes out of the GOP lane, that are just better ideas for FL. He has many Dem supporters and imagine the vast majority of Independents in FL. If he can do that on a national stage and resist going the straight GOP talking points only route, he will clean up. I am intrigued by him myself. My hope was for Biden to be the transition between Trump and the GOP pulling their collective head out of their rears. It appears that it may be going in that direction.

I don't know if he can. He can try the Youngkin route, but I doubt that works on the national stage. At some point he's going to flat out have to answer the big questions that come with the MAGA Agenda. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 21:23:02 (permalink)
I don't know if he can. He can try the Youngkin route, but I doubt that works on the national stage. At some point he's going to flat out have to answer the big questions that come with the MAGA Agenda. 

Most likely, but will be interesting how it goes. He needs to transition the cult. He very likely won’t be denouncing the traitor right away. If he doesn’t eventually do it, there goes any Dems and half of the Inds that would jump over. If he is able to play it right to court the cult into supporting him, he may be able to go on the attack on Trump after. It will have to be framed the right way. He will definitely need Fox News to reprogram the sheep. I can see it being done, but would need Fox News and a good bit of luck for things to fall in place.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/10 22:06:32 (permalink)
Yea I mean I personally believe desantis is a reprehensible piece of trash, and I could never vote for that scum bag. I’m also not convinced that his success in Florida can translate to nationwide electoral success. That remains to be seen.

But as far as within the Republican Party, I think he now has a pretty strong argument that he is the guy to take the reins. He can run in the primary and say “vote for me because I can actually win elections”. And he could be right.

There are also alot of powerful right wing figures within the party and the right wing media, who will be very eager to get the party out from under trumps thumb. So there will be an appetite to push a narrative that Trump’s time is past.

And I know there have a bunch of “this is the end of trump” moments in the last, but those were because of scandals. This is different. This is “trump can’t actually win”. And Republican voters don’t care if he grabs women by their kitties or leads a mob to storm the capital, but I think they will abandon a loser pretty quickly.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/11 13:08:52 (permalink)
Things I think I think....
We are witnessing the zenith of Desantis' political career.  If he's as astute as people think he is he'll play a longer game and maybe run in 2028 when the orange blob is likely, and truly, and for God's sake, hopefully, a non-factor.  When he does run the rest of the Nation will witness his complete lack of charisma and overall nastiness and reject him in favor of a Larry Hogan, Chris Sununu or other "moderate" and "electable" Republican.  
If the recent mid-terms revealed anything it's that voters are rejecting the politics of "tear it down" and grievance and are concerned about governance, democracy and individual rights. (but not those unidentified and otherwise indescribable rights that Doug Mastriano and the Maga-ites believe we've lost)
The blob is teasing a big announcement next week.  Many people are saying he'll announce his intentions to run for president.  About that:  His announcement will be that he won the 2020 election and he's been persecuted more than any human ever.  Then...he'll talk about running in 2024, but it will really be a threat to Ron Desanctimonious that he's thinking about running as a third party, which will most certainly destroy DeSantis' chances.  It's going to be about him and exacting revenge against a disloyal acolyte.  He doesn't want to be president again.  He just wants the legal cover that being a candidate may afford him.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/11 17:26:57 (permalink)
.  Then...he'll talk about running in 2024, but it will really be a threat to Ron Desanctimonious that he's thinking about running as a third party, which will most certainly destroy DeSantis' chances.  

That’s an interesting prediction. I could see if happening, especially if the party starts to turn on trump now. I’m sure he wants to skip the primary anyway, and he has absolutely no problem destroying the entire Republican Party out of spite.

I’m not sure I agree about the timing for Desantis though. If this is the zenith of his career, then he should shoot his shot now. A lot can happen between now and 2028 and his stock could be way down by then. It’s rumored that desantis believes guys like Chris Christie blew their chances at a presidential run because they waited too long and he doesn’t plan on making the same mistake.

And as far as “moderate” republicans, it seems they have a hard time making it past the primaries, doesn’t it? How far do you think Larry hogan or Chris Sunuunu would have gone in the 2016 primary? My guess is about as far as Jeb Bush.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/11 17:39:52 (permalink)
I think a moderate could win the primary, only if there is two remaining. When there are three or more, it will go to the furthest right (or left if Dem). Those candidates have a base that doesn’t stray. Unless there are multiple far right/left, then can pick each other off. With how the GOP is right now, having multiple fat right wouldn’t be surprising. Especially if they are seeing an opening with Trump. But most don’t have the stones to go against Trump, so that opening would have to be much larger than it is now.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/11 17:44:15 (permalink)
I take your point.  My scenario is predicated on the assumption that the GOP will learn...and will evolve past MAGA-ism.   It doesn't seem that long ago that the Rs were able to nominate John McCain and Mitt Romney.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/11 20:04:28 (permalink)
I think he's toast right now, he just don't know it. He's already divided the Republican Party, and now he's attacking everyone who didn't side with him on election theft. He's attacked DeSantis, Glen Younkin, the governor of Virginia, and others who failed to run on or support a stolen election. Hell, last week at the rally in Latrobe for Oz, he talked mostly about himself and many in the crowd walked out halfway through. It's always about him. I truly believe that he thinks he can win again, but I'd rather he just ride off into the sunset and fight his legal problems, but he won't. He cannot, will not, shut his alligator mouth 'cause his ego won't let him. The platform, MAGA, is supported by millions in America. The ego, Trumpism, is fast becoming passe.

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Re: Patriots 2022/11/11 20:27:34 (permalink)
I take your point.  My scenario is predicated on the assumption that the GOP will learn...and will evolve past MAGA-ism.   It doesn't seem that long ago that the Rs were able to nominate John McCain and Mitt Romney.

I think they will, just not in time for 2024. It's common knowledge that many "MAGA" type politicans despise the dude, and just know that he's their ticket right now. 
Tons of figures like Kinzinger and Crenshaw have outright said as much. Behind closed doors, Republicans hate the guy.

It's all about how fast his influence goes away upon the cultists. He struck like lightning in a perfect storm, and has incredible staying power thus far. 
Once it's proven for sure that his followers simply aren't enough, it'll start. Look at Mastriano's race. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/11 20:29:00 (permalink)
I think he's toast right now, he just don't know it. He's already divided the Republican Party, and now he's attacking everyone who didn't side with him on election theft. He's attacked DeSantis, Glen Younkin, the governor of Virginia, and others who failed to run on or support a stolen election. Hell, last week at the rally in Latrobe for Oz, he talked mostly about himself and many in the crowd walked out halfway through. It's always about him. I truly believe that he thinks he can win again, but I'd rather he just ride off into the sunset and fight his legal problems, but he won't. He cannot, will not, shut his alligator mouth 'cause his ego won't let him. The platform, MAGA, is supported by millions in America. The ego, Trumpism, is fast becoming passe.

Well said Mitch. I couldn't agree more. 

How do you know about the crowd in Latrobe? Genuine question, I haven't been able to follow much in the recent months. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/12 17:15:53 (permalink)
I don't support any mandatory sentencing
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/12 19:30:56 (permalink)
I don’t support stealing of anyones electrons.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/12 22:47:43 (permalink)
NV and AZ senate seats called for democrats. Depending on how the GA senate runoff goes, PA might be the only senate seat to flip. But at least a 50/50 senate is guaranteed right now.

I’m a little surprised that we know the senate majority before we know the house. That’s not a good sign for republicans. The longer it takes to determine the house majority means their eventual majority is going to be shelled and smaller.

Speaking of the house… Looks like Democrats flipped WA 3 too. The incumbent Republican, Jamie Herrara Butler had voted to impeach Trump for Jan 6, so some MAGA nutter primaried her. Then he lost the general election. This was not even supposed to be a competitive district.


I’m sure this dynamic is playing out to varying degrees nationwide, and it’s a big part of why Rs are underperforming everywhere. Looks like chickens coming home to roost
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/12 22:52:17 (permalink)
Gen Z woke up. That's big BIG trouble for GOP. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/13 09:46:19 (permalink)
Two things that woke up Gen Z. Abortion and student loan forgiveness. Abortion, (the blessed sacrament of the feminist church), they believed, was outlawed by the Supreme Court Dobbs decision, when in fact, it merely gave the "right" back to the states for consideration. The Republicans should have hammered that home throughout the campaigns, but seemed to not even consider it!
The student loan plan was put out there specifically to garner the younger (college) vote, even though it was largely known to be unconstitutional. The 'Crats knew this going in, but it worked. Just a few days later, the Court ruled against it, declaring unconstitutionality. The administration was using the Covid emergencies power to allow the President to spend untold billions without Congressional assent. Suddenly, the President decided to extend the Covid emergency another 6 months, just in case the Supreme Court might agree with him, because it's definitely going to the Supreme Court. Two months or so back, the President declared the Covid pandemic dead, but now we're looking at resurrection. It's a miracle! If Biden can't get it to pay off, a few million people who expected others to foot their bill for college are gonna be highly POed, which won't bode well for the '24 elections.

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Re: Patriots 2022/11/13 11:41:19 (permalink)
EMitch, if Lindsay Graham and a few others didn’t announce their plan to have a national ban, it may or may not have played out as a senate/house issue. I don’t think many voters distinguish what each politician’s actual powers are when voting.

I don’t think the student loan forgiveness did all that much in voting decision/turnout. Until a few days ago, it had appeared that it was moving forward. I don’t think droves of younger voters that weren’t planning to vote saw there was court kickback on the plan and decided they’d rush to the polls to somehow make a difference??? The young college educated has always been a Dem stronghold. This freebee money really didn’t change much for this electron. It was the same thing as any vote for me payments that all of these scum bags in power do.

This was 100% Independent voter response to the cult of the past 6 years and especially Jan 6 and beyond. See what happens if Dotard gets the nod again. GOP is going to need to nominate someone that has absolutely no ties to the cult and denounces it, if they even remotely want the independent vote.
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Re: Patriots 2022/11/13 13:25:47 (permalink)
EMitch, if Lindsay Graham and a few others didn’t announce their plan to have a national ban, it may or may not have played out as a senate/house issue.

I agree. Even though Graham is an attorney, his statement is why he's a US Senator. He's too friggin' stupid to practice law.

I don’t think the student loan forgiveness did all that much in voting decision/turnout. Until a few days ago, it had appeared that it was moving forward. 

No. It was out there for a few months where Biden was really pushin' it, (remember, it was also a campaign promise), and it was the same as twitchin' a tail hooked shiner in front of a smallmouth. True about the college Democrats though. Professors make sure they get indoctrinated right from their Freshman entry.

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