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Irisheyeball I predict we're going to have a fake Powerball. Stop the steal!!
I know. Who can you trust now? The last time it was $1.5B, I had the winning ticket, but THEY put out fake numbers. THEY were also behind those "missed" answers that I had on tests from elementary school through college? I was really a straight A student, that THEY rigged the test machines to get B's and C's. They knew they needed to keep me down at a young age. I was too much of a danger to them and their "facts". What about my alternate facts??? What about questioning conventional wisdom? Trying to teach me what to think. What if I don't want to think 2+2=4 or the state capital of PA is Harrisburg? It is thinking outside of the box, that 8X7=5 and the capital of PA is Arkansas and that covid was a hoax and Biden stole the election. Don't try to tell me "facts" say otherwise. They want you to think that way. Thinking whatever you want is the way of the future. If you want to grab that juicy monkey, grab it!!!
YaaARRAAaaaRARRRRRGGGGhhhHHH!!! Do your OWN research!!
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LDD YaaARRAAaaaRARRRRRGGGGhhhHHH!!! Do your OWN research!!
I was ascared someone might say that.
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Time to hurry up and wait.
Let's hope we get real election results by Tomorrow AM. Maybe the powerball people are running the election? Maybe they're both run by DoMiNIoN
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Abigail Spanberger picking up momentum in VA 7. And VA 10 is looking pretty likely D. If democrats win both of those seats, the R House majority is gong to be pretty slim.
Word is that Oz is underperforming in votes counted so far.
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Goodness it's so close across so many races.
Shapiro wins. Our wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, and female friends will all be safer.
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As a girl Dad, I can't liked this last post enough☝️☝️
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pensfan1 As a girl Dad, I can't liked this last post enough☝️☝️
LMAO. You telling her its cool to go sleep around, without protection? Raising a floozy or what?
post edited by psu_fish - 2022/11/09 08:20:00
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Bad night for trump, good night for desantis.
Desantis won handily and the Trump wannabes are underperforming dramatically.
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pensfan1 As a girl Dad, I can't liked this last post enough☝️☝️
LMAO. You telling her its cool to go sleep around, without protection? Raising a floozy or what?
No. We're not raising floozies. We are raising intelligent, respectable young women. Get this through you're thick head. Abortion is not birth control. If one of my daughters has to abort a pregnancy due to her safety and survival, she WILL be able to do that. You sir are a scumbag for even suggesting anything else. Take your pedophile icon and go back to Creppy Valley.
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psu_fish LMAO. You telling her its cool to go sleep around, without protection? Raising a floozy or what?
Duud. WTF? We all take political shots at each other on this site. Taking them at other members' kids is off limits and flat out disgusting.
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pensfan1 As a girl Dad, I can't liked this last post enough☝️☝️
LMAO. You telling her its cool to go sleep around, without protection? Raising a floozy or what?
Wow. What an absolutely horrible human being you must be.
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pensfan1 Abortion is not birth control. If one of my daughters has to abort a pregnancy due to her safety and survival, she WILL be able to do that.
100% in my thoughts as well. But in all honesty, my thoughts should mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when it comes to this topic. And neither should any man's thoughts. Why don't we have women only vote on this topic? Is it because we don't trust that women can do the right thing? Seeing how they raised some on here, that would be debatable.
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No issues with safety and survival, but its comical you think they are less safe. Im sure ol Dougie would be standing in the OR telling them to not do the surgery  .
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psu_fish No issues with safety and survival, but its comical you think they are less safe. Im sure ol Dougie would be standing in the OR telling them to not do the surgery .
PEDO Fish....GFY on your way out the door.
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You guys do know your not allowed to call your wives,girlfriends,daughters ect woman.!They are to be called people with a period or birther people NOT WOMAN they can't define a woman!!And you are correct abortion is not birth control It's MURDER.
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Wow, Boebert is behind by over a point with 85% of the vote counted in that district. She might go down. I don’t know if that district was re-drawn or anything but that seems like it would have to be a pretty big upset
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I'll go you one better. Anti-abortion measure voted down in Kentuckey.... Freaking Kentuckey!!
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pensfan1 As a girl Dad, I can't liked this last post enough☝️☝️
LMAO. You telling her its cool to go sleep around, without protection? Raising a floozy or what?
Maybe rethink this one.
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psu_fish No issues with safety and survival, but its comical you think they are less safe. Im sure ol Dougie would be standing in the OR telling them to not do the surgery .
Then you're for legalized, safe abortions for women and believe they should be able to control their own lives?
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pensfan1 As a girl Dad, I can't liked this last post enough☝️☝️
LMAO. You telling her its cool to go sleep around, without protection? Raising a floozy or what?
Is it possible to punch somebody in the mouth through the internet?
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Re: Patriots
2022/11/09 10:14:36
☄ Helpfulby LDD 2022/11/09 10:16:29
No but I would love for this clown to say that to Nat's face. You know my 19yr old daughter who is an IBJJ Purple Belt and Pa Female Wrestling Champion...🤣
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Porktown Why don't we have women only vote on this topic?
I’m not going to participate in a debate about women’s reproductive rights on a fishing forum, other than to say this: The above statement is really the only just and reasonable position, although I would go one step further and instead of “vote” I would say “decide”. For all of you pro- forced birth right wingers, I can pretty much guarantee that a woman you love has had an abortion. So keep that in mind when you are trying to tell other people what they should do with their bodies.
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Porktown Why don't we have women only vote on this topic?
I’m not going to participate in a debate about women’s reproductive rights on a fishing forum, other than to say this:
The above statement is really the only just and reasonable position, although I would go one step further and instead of “vote” I would say “decide”.
For all of you pro- forced birth right wingers, I can pretty much guarantee that a woman you love has had an abortion. So keep that in mind when you are trying to tell other people what they should do with their bodies.
I'll tell you why...there's a bunch of men who have some bs fantasy of returning to the patriarchal norms of the 18th century where they use their religion and their slight physical advantage to control girls and women for their own purposes. It's a power play by confused men who generally have either been "unsuccessful" with women or have had "dysfunctional" (if ya know what I mean) relationships with women throughout their sad lives. The only way to "control" their relationships with women is to tell them what to do and when that doesn't work they have no other options. They generally hide under the tattered umbrella of some archaic religious ideal which has nothing to do with reality in an attempt to make up for their own incompetence with the female gender.
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Porktown Why don't we have women only vote on this topic?
I’m not going to participate in a debate about women’s reproductive rights on a fishing forum, other than to say this:
The above statement is really the only just and reasonable position, although I would go one step further and instead of “vote” I would say “decide”.
For all of you pro- forced birth right wingers, I can pretty much guarantee that a woman you love has had an abortion. So keep that in mind when you are trying to tell other people what they should do with their bodies.
I'll tell you why...there's a bunch of men who have some bs fantasy of returning to the patriarchal norms of the 18th century where they use their religion and their slight physical advantage to control girls and women for their own purposes. It's a power play by confused men who generally have either been "unsuccessful" with women or have had "dysfunctional" (if ya know what I mean) relationships with women throughout their sad lives. The only way to "control" their relationships with women is to tell them what to do and when that doesn't work they have no other options. They generally hide under the tattered umbrella of some archaic religious ideal which has nothing to do with reality in an attempt to make up for their own incompetence with the female gender.
I’d agree to a large extent. But in addition, I also think there has been a very deliberate attempt by the republican party and republican politicians, to manipulate this group of people by leveraging this issue to their advantage. And in a way, I think this is far more insidious because it’s cynical, and it’s manipulative, and it’s completely disingenuous on the part of the GOP hypocrites who say one thing publicly about abortion, and force their mistresses to get abortions in private. Guys like Herschel Walker are the most recent high profile examples of such behavior, but it wouldn’t take me to long to put together a list of a bunch of other republican elected officials that got outed for doing types and thing. So what I’m getting at is that beyond the debate about the morality of abortion itself, the way that the GOP has politicized it it utterly self serving and shameful.
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I’d agree to a large extent.
I think LDD was insinuating they have small extents.
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pensfan1 As a girl Dad, I can't liked this last post enough☝️☝️
LMAO. You telling her its cool to go sleep around, without protection? Raising a floozy or what?
What is wrong with you man? Are you having trouble handling your emotions because your side lost this round of the game? Going after kids, even for you JoeKnew, that's low. You owe Pens and apology and some time looking in a mirror man.
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Fake Mike Doyle has officially lost to Summer Lee. As somebody who lives in this district, I could not be happier about this one.
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MyWar Fake Mike Doyle has officially lost to Summer Lee. As somebody who lives in this district, I could not be happier about this one.
This one was kind of crazy. Her campaign had to spend a bunch of money to try to let as many people as possible know it wasn't the same Mike Doyle. The real Mike Doyle would have crushed her and I am sure it was much closer, due to a bunch of old timers thinking they were voting for the real Mike Doyle. She is far too left for me. But unless a GOP candidate speaks out against the cult/lie, like Kemp, Romney or Cheney, they aren't getting my vote. To pull this kind of BS of trying to trick people for a vote, I'll live with another left wing extremist in Congress. See what she does in her term, then likely vote against her in the next election if any moderate challenges her.
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Gator election not over yet yes some lost BUT the house will be governed by GOP and the jury is still out on the senate!! With that being the case we will have a totally dysfunctional congress and senate (maybe a good thing). Brandon agenda will be done for thank god and as usual nothing will get done!!
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ICE NUT Gator election not over yet yes some lost BUT the house will be governed by GOP and the jury is still out on the senate!! With that being the case we will have a totally dysfunctional congress and senate (maybe a good thing). Brandon agenda will be done for thank god and as usual nothing will get done!!
You're correct buddy, not over yet. Still some big races out there. I wish Georgia would just stop with these runoffs. Looking like PA house goes blue. THATS a big shock. Wow.