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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/27 15:38:13 (permalink)
If I recall correctly this year the fishcops said there is no channel there. Last year it had just enough room to squeak thru.

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/27 17:46:24 (permalink)
There was at least a start to the channel on the dam side, in December. I didn’t check how far it runs through the shoal. I kept drifting to it when I fished late season last year. The water gets much clearer at that time of year and you can see the change in depth a bit better. The rest of the year, that shoal can sneak up on you with the stained water. Talking when I am drift fishing that ledge (and getting skunked)…. Driving, I avoid the entire area. I have fished those ledges a ton and one largemouth ever from there! It looks like it would be banging. Usually mark some fish hanging off of there.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/27 22:17:45 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby rippinlip 2022/04/28 08:51:09
I'm too chicken to take my boat back that shallow. I suspect the Crappie will be moving to 8-10 feet of water soon. After the weather normalizes.

There are certain parts of the lake that those 3-4FOW are either right next to 20+FOW or 3-4 IOW...  I may or may not have gotten stuck on the shoals near the dam, maybe 20 years ago to confirm that!  I see someone just about every year as a reminder.  There is a cut through it, but you really got to know what you are doing if your boat isn't low draft.  I may or may not smacked my prop off of the bottom in the area that I think you are noting that you are too smart to venture into...  Again, there is a way to do it, but the channel is usually lined with shore bound anglers that act like whining little girls if you take your boat through.

Got stuck there on my 2nd trip ever with my boat. 20 feet  and BAM 2 feet. What a PITA to get out. 
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 08:53:15 (permalink)
It is traumatic.You can feel your wallet bleeding money. 

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 09:48:38 (permalink)
I don't go on that side of the island. If I'm fishing the main lake, I launch at Bear Run. I never use McDaniels until late season. You need your head examined if you're using that launch earlier than November. Lol. Who wants to deal with all the kayakers anyways??
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 11:59:17 (permalink)
I don’t have very good luck trying to fish that shoal. It’s either too windy and I’m getting blown into the shallow water, or there are already a ton of boats on it.

I thought about trying a push pole or something, or bringing the old heavy oars that came with the boat... If I let the boat get grounded it would a lot easier to fish the drop off from the shallow side. But then if I can’t get unstuck that would be a big problem.

I’m thinking if I want to take the boat out, it’s Arthur on weekdays only this summer.

On the weekends it’s probably worth the extra 1/2 hr drive to wilhelm. Wilhelm is usually pretty chill, even on the weekends.

I’m also thinking it might be time to try the Allegheny river pool below lock 3. There is also a launch at Tarentum and another at Rosston. I’d probably have more luck figuring out the walleye on the river than at Arthur. But the rivers might be even worse than Arthur as far as boat traffic on the weekend so I dunno…
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 13:16:05 (permalink)
I don't go on that side of the island. If I'm fishing the main lake, I launch at Bear Run. I never use McDaniels until late season. You need your head examined if you're using that launch earlier than November. Lol. Who wants to deal with all the kayakers anyways??

Same. I just one day figured "why not go to the left of the island toward the ****". Luckily I had some Oars and no trolling motor, so boat was lighter that day.

Pretty much if I'm not fishing the 422 bridge pilings, I just go right from the Bear Run Ramp. 
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 13:57:04 (permalink)

I’m also thinking it might be time to try the Allegheny river pool below lock 3. There is also a launch at Tarentum and another at Rosston. I’d probably have more luck figuring out the walleye on the river than at Arthur. But the rivers might be even worse than Arthur as far as boat traffic on the weekend so I dunno…

we fished the Rosston area a lot over the years. There is a ton of differing terrain to explore. we caught walleye and cats both in the area (never targeted anything else) and boat traffic wasn't too bad when we were there, but we avoided daytime weekends. I would fish it over Morraine any day though because of sailboats and windsurfers (or whatever those things are) and kayakers are there in some areas but not a problem like Morraine. Definitely worth giving a try IMO.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 16:35:00 (permalink)
Thanks for info. That all sounds promising. I’ve ridden the bike trail up there and that section of river looks pretty nice, but I’ve never fished it. There are a couple islands and the mouth of Crooked Creek are right there, so that all looks pretty fishy… would you recommend heading downstream of Rosston? Or heading up river towards kittaning?

There is another stretch that looks super nice, just below Rimer. But I think I’d have to launch at Templeton and motor up to it. It might be a bit of a haul for a 14’ with a 9.9 and I haven’t been able to find a public launch any closer to Rimer. So I might be better off just starting with a stretch that’s more accessible.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 20:56:58 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2022/04/28 23:44:23
I don’t have very good luck trying to fish that shoal. It’s either too windy and I’m getting blown into the shallow water, or there are already a ton of boats on it.

I thought about trying a push pole or something, or bringing the old heavy oars that came with the boat... If I let the boat get grounded it would a lot easier to fish the drop off from the shallow side. But then if I can’t get unstuck that would be a big problem.

Been there and done that 2 years ago in a Musky tournament. With two outboards on the stern, the 9.9 was already sucking mud and the wind blew us deeper into the crap. Had to lift the 9.9, (the Classic 50 was already trimmed up), all the way up, and thankfully, I had a regular boat oar and had to pole us out of there. I know to stay clear now, especially with wind.

I’m also thinking it might be time to try the Allegheny river pool below lock 3. There is also a launch at Tarentum and another at Rosston. I’d probably have more luck figuring out the walleye on the river than at Arthur. But the rivers might be even worse than Arthur as far as boat traffic on the weekend so I dunno…

My boys have fished below Lock 3 a time or two. Be very observant of the shallows everywhere.
There's also a nice launch at Freeport on the end of High Street. That'll put you on pool 4. I maybe there myself on Saturday. Dock was not in as of this AM, but should be in next week for the walleye opener. If you go up to Lock 5, stay on the west side and away from island below the power plant. You'll ruin a prop.
The launch at Rosston is primitive and shallow. When you leave Rosston, you go straight out south but if you go north, stay close to the island and head straight over to the old barge channel then go up river. On the east side, from Rosston launch up to the new Ford City bridge, the river is full of that same crap that'll eat your prop and get you stuck. Better to use the Kittanning launch and fish down river to Ford City.
One launch on pool 6 in downtown Kittanning. One launch on Cowanshanok Creek on pool 7 at Mosgrove, and 1 launch on pool 8 at Templeton. All of those have plenty of blacktopped parking, except for Rosston. There you put the rig in the dirt anywhere you can. Pool 5 is the only section of the river that has no public launch. I used to put in that pool at the end of Clinton road, as it was then the South Buffalo Twp. emergency launch, but it is now private and posted. It was really primitive; room for only two rigs unless the first guy hogged it all. It was good fishin' on pool 5, but alas, unless you know any of the camp owners over at Kelley's Station or Jonetta to use their ramps, you're outta luck.
post edited by EMitch - 2022/04/28 21:01:07

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 21:11:13 (permalink)
Thanks for info. That all sounds promising. I’ve ridden the bike trail up there and that section of river looks pretty nice, but I’ve never fished it. There are a couple islands and the mouth of Crooked Creek are right there, so that all looks pretty fishy… would you recommend heading downstream of Rosston? Or heading up river towards kittaning?

Again, MyWar, your good at the mouth of Crooked Creek and you can go downstream from there. Just remember, if you come downstream from Kittanning, from the big bridge down to Rosston, stay close to the barge channel until you're near the island, then go across over to Crooked Creek.

There is another stretch that looks super nice, just below Rimer. But I think I’d have to launch at Templeton and motor up to it. It might be a bit of a haul for a 14’ with a 9.9 and I haven’t been able to find a public launch any closer to Rimer. So I might be better off just starting with a stretch that’s more accessible.

There's a public PFC launch in EauClaire and you can come downstream from there. North of that, you'd need a Jet outboard. At one time, there was a navigable barge channel from Pittsburgh to EauClaire. If I recall, not much parking there but the PFC used to have a nice aluminum dock.

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/28 22:06:57 (permalink)
If looking for eyes, no question Allegheny over Arthur. Besides those in the know of Arthur eyes, they are far and few. Arthur is much more for largemouth, crappie, perch, channels and wipers. Musky guys can comment if a good place for that, a completely different breed of angler.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/29 00:00:41 (permalink)
MyWar, EMitch covered it well. The path north from Rosston launch is tricky. The marina is just north of the launch and as you head upstream towards it you will have to cut a pretty hard left to go straight out to the barge channel before heading upstream. Behind the island (from the launch south) are some really deep holes and decent catfishing. Turtles are common in the area also.  When running the navigation channel pay attention to the markers. If you are wanting to explore towards shoreline do so at slower speed because there are some pretty sudden shallow areas once you leave the channel.  I would cruise around to get the lay of the land before setting out any trolling gear (if you are trolling). 
Also, the launch is really steep and not improved (last time I was there) so no dock to tie off to or load boat from. If your tow vehicle is at all iffy on traction it may be a good idea to to a drive by sometime to scope it out before dragging your boat there and deciding something won't work. No lighting either, so parking and ramp are dark. Don't leave valuables in your car.  Our vehicle was never bothered but it has been a few years ago and I don't trust anyone any more. 
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/29 00:15:00 (permalink)
Thanks for info. That all sounds promising. I’ve ridden the bike trail up there and that section of river looks pretty nice, but I’ve never fished it. There are a couple islands and the mouth of Crooked Creek are right there, so that all looks pretty fishy… would you recommend heading downstream of Rosston? Or heading up river towards kittaning?

Again, MyWar, your good at the mouth of Crooked Creek and you can go downstream from there. Just remember, if you come downstream from Kittanning, from the big bridge down to Rosston, stay close to the barge channel until you're near the island, then go across over to Crooked Creek.

There is another stretch that looks super nice, just below Rimer. But I think I’d have to launch at Templeton and motor up to it. It might be a bit of a haul for a 14’ with a 9.9 and I haven’t been able to find a public launch any closer to Rimer. So I might be better off just starting with a stretch that’s more accessible.

There's a public PFC launch in EauClaire and you can come downstream from there. North of that, you'd need a Jet outboard. At one time, there was a navigable barge channel from Pittsburgh to EauClaire. If I recall, not much parking there but the PFC used to have a nice aluminum dock.

Thanks. This is all very good to know.

Where is EauClaire? I can’t find it on Google Maps? I know a lot of this stretch from biking the river trail, but I don’t ever remember seeing a place called EauClair.

It seems I definitely need to put some time in on the river this year. My house to the Rosston launch is about 45 minutes, so a little longer drive time than to Arthur, but not much.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/29 07:44:05 (permalink)
It seems I definitely need to put some time in on the river this year. My house to the Rosston launch is about 45 minutes, so a little longer drive time than to Arthur, but not much.

With times being that close I would pick the river every time,  Moraine is great, but not nearly as diverse (IMO) and about 10x more crowded than I can tolerate. The only river downfalls are infrequent power boat issues and susceptibility to fluctuations in water levels and mud content with rainfall. 
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/29 09:54:28 (permalink)

With times being that close I would pick the river every time,  Moraine is great, but not nearly as diverse (IMO) and about 10x more crowded than I can tolerate.

I hear that. I love fishing the middle Allegheny but I’ve only fished it from a canoe or kayak. I’m curious as to how different the deeper pools on the lower section are. Sounds like it’s time to get on the water and start checking it out.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/29 11:53:58 (permalink)
I spend most of my river time on pools 4 & 7. Leaving the Buffalo Creek launch and going down river, within 150 yds. you'll see an old slate dump from the steam engine days when Butler Jct. was an interchange. Used to be a coal tipple there and a coal mine right above. Just off of that slate dump the water is 50' deep, and much of the channel downstream to and past the cove by River Forest you'll find water from 28' to 40' deep. The dredgers really ruined much of the structure all the way north from there. Just found out my oldest is out there right now. I texted him and he got a 17" eyeball at the cove on the first drop! Caution: spot burn.
Launching from Cowanshanok Creek on pool 7, if you go slightly down stream across the river there is a cove. We catch eyeballs, crappie, white bass, and the occasional musky in there and at the entrance from the river. Going north from there up to the high train bridge at the mouth of Pine Creek, there's deep dredged holes in the original channel. Walleyes! Fairly decent all along the west side up to #8 dam which has a power plant on the west side. 50' deep there, but across by the lock be careful. Rocks, and be prepared to tie a lot of knots; the snags are unlimited! You'll get eyeballs, catfish, and an occasional small mouth or musky too. When going down Cowanshanok Creek from the launch, stay on the right side of the bridge pier. Good fishing at times right at the mouth. Plenty of good parking at both those launches.

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/29 12:02:49 (permalink)

Thanks. This is all very good to know.

Where is EauClaire? I can’t find it on Google Maps? I know a lot of this stretch from biking the river trail, but I don’t ever remember seeing a place called EauClair.

My bad, MyWar! It's not EauClaire, it's Brady's Bend. (Had my head up my rear)!+ Take 268 North off 28 at West Kittanning. You'd be heading toward Bruin.
post edited by EMitch - 2022/04/29 12:04:12

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/04/29 14:15:30 (permalink)
Oh man it’s on now.

I think there is a lock between that launch at Brady’s Bend and the section I’m trying to get to below Rimer. No big deal, seems like there is plenty of other water to check out.

Appreciate all the info. I will you all know what I get into. Might not get out this weekend but maybe next.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/06 14:59:49 (permalink)
Well I won’t be getting anywhere near Arthur or the river or anywhere else this weekend…
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/06 18:15:15 (permalink)
Yeah, mother nature gave us the shaft for the opening weekend on the river and the big lake. I might sneak up to Arthur early Sunday morning for a few hours.  

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/06 19:31:37 (permalink)
Wer supposed to take a couple boats out Monday. Guess I can test run the 2 new rod holders and 4 rod configuration before we get up North.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/07 20:11:36 (permalink)
If it don't rain for the next two weeks, you'll still be lucky to get on the Allegheny. It's up to the Park wall in Freeport. Seems like the weather blows out the walleye opener and the first week of pellet head season with high water nearly every year.

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/07 20:19:03 (permalink)
If it don't rain for the next two weeks, you'll still be lucky to get on the Allegheny. It's up to the Park wall in Freeport. Seems like the weather blows out the walleye opener and the first week of pellet head season with high water nearly every year.

Yes, it's unfortunate to say the least. Hopefully this leads to great weekend conditions in the summer for the river. 

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/09 08:49:50 (permalink)
Fished Arthur Sunday morning, got 1 crappy, water temp was 56. 

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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/09 09:11:18 (permalink)
The Allegheny was still up over the river trail on the north shore yesterday. I’m not sure if the point was under water at any point but it’s not now.

I wonder how the yough will look by Thursday. I’m burning a vacation day and I’m either taking the boat to Arthur or the kayak to the cedar creek - > west Newton stretch. Sutersville is still over 9ft but it’s dropping fast. Arthur might be a better bet.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/09 15:43:16 (permalink)
Fished MC. Caught a few, mostly smallish. Packed up and went to Bear Run. Drug plugs for about 2nhalf hours. No strikes, no marks. Had 58 for temp.
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/09 17:32:22 (permalink)
I'm thinking the Crappies are in that in-between period right now. They're out of the shallows and into the transition areas before the spawn. 63° is the number. Imo. I'd say the males are prolly getting ready to start building those nests.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/05/10 20:31:45
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/10 20:31:25 (permalink)
Fished crappies only today out of Bear Run. They are definelty in the transition. Id guess MC was probably 62 or 63°. I marked 60° in the mainlake. 4 to 5 more degrees and they'll be spawning. ImHO
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Re: Arthur 2022 2022/05/10 20:59:53 (permalink)
Those fish get dogged from ice out until fall. Nothing is going to change that. Find a new game. Invest in some equipment and head north. Even the most novice angler can bring home a limit of walleyes from Erie. Jus say'IN. Moraine is 15 minutes from my house and I won't go there until the hoards are gone come late November. It's a shame but it is what it is....

How were the hoards of boats today? Top water Hybrid bite is on with very few fishers out at this time.
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