Motor problems

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Re: Motor problems 2019/07/03 10:18:04 (permalink)
I built my own.  I read online to stay away from the preassembled ones, the ethanol supposedly eats through the plastic liner.  It ended up costing about $50 to make it, as compared to $30, so hopefully worth the effort.  I was able to use some of the hose to replace some hose inside of the motor too.  I would have had to go buy additional, if I didn't, so ended up only being a little more.  Likely end up eating away at the liner of this stuff too...  I tried submerging, and it melted the outside almost instantly.  
Trolled for 2 hours without a tap.  Transitioned to crappie fishing and did okay.  Typical crappie fishing for me.  Gill after gill tearing off the tails of my plastics and hooking a few of the bigger ones, then find a school of crappie.  Fish after fish for 1/2 hour, then nothing.  I can't seem to get into them like others that box a limit.  I still ended up with 7 nice ones and a bonus 10" perch.  I had a 20"+ wiper follow my 2" crappie plastic up to my boat, but couldn't get him to take.  Would have been fun on the 7' light action.  Probably spool me though.
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Re: Motor problems 2019/07/03 20:05:08 (permalink)
Smart idea to build your own fuel line. I remember the line that came with my Evinrude Jet. Touch the hose and your hands, clothing, and anything else including the motor well became instant grunge. That stuff was horrible. Bought new fuel line from the 'world reknown marine parts store' (aka, wallyworld) and that stuff expired from sunlight in a year.

Fuel line that came with my Yamahas has lasted 16 years now (knock on wood) but any additional line I purchased came from an auto supply store (unrelated to wallyworld).

Your fishing excursion sounds like a fun time. I bet the image of that wiper following your plastic grub will be ingrained in your minds eye for years to come.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Motor problems 2019/07/07 15:52:00 (permalink)
Hey Capt the gooder part about the Johnson Motor is, while Bombardier no longer produces the motor after buying out OMC when they went belly up, parts are still available. Dont now about now but at one time, Evenrude and Johnson parts interchanged.

that's because I believe they where the same motor at that time the where produced at the same place , in the long run if I have to start replacing parts and am not 100% sure , its cheaper in the end to take it to a mechanic, doug marjetic in new brighton is excellent and very reasonable 724 8467638
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Re: Motor problems 2019/07/07 17:39:02 (permalink)
Not sure if every part interchanged but yes, pretty much the same motor and back in the day, a great motor.

Not sure since Bombardier bought the rights. Won't ever see another Evinrude💩 on the back of my botor moat. N-E-V-E-R. Stupid Evinrude.......
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/07/07 17:41:17

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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