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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa. 2019/02/26 16:12:06 (permalink)
" Only Pymy remains the best Walleye producer in a 75 mile radius and the reason being it receives over 6 million stocked Walleyes annually"
 Capt. you should give the lower Allegh. River a shot if you want numbers & some hogs. When ever we target Eyes there it seems to out produce Pymy for us. Mother nature working with the help ov cleaner water, No stocking either.
Big Tuna
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa. 2019/02/26 18:22:00 (permalink)
According to Jared he hear 1463 shots on the first day of gun season.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa. 2019/02/26 20:09:16 (permalink)
crappie I love river fishing spent lots of time on Niagara and our local Shenango.  I have fished the Allegheny up near Kennerdale some what but it's 40 miles away and shore access is a little tough. Basically I'm just learning a few spots. Daughter shares a camp there so I'm hoping to try for Walleye there a little more each year. I really like the challenge of big rivers.  I'm just wade fishing there and I know there are hogs around that river just got to put in some time. Your lucky if your close .....I'm sure it's good like you say .
That Allegheny is hard to hit good conditions runs high and muddy many a day.
Pymy is close and some years in late spring it's hot for night shore Walleyes . 
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa. 2019/02/26 20:49:59 (permalink)
River people are cool. So is fishing. Catchin even better 🍻🍻

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa. 2019/02/26 21:22:39 (permalink)
  Yeah, that river can be great fishing one day then crazy high for over a month at a time. The worst yr. I remember was 1972?? when Agnus hit. Ruined my summer & no lakes close by for a kid. We did very well for Eyes 70's & 80's from boats lock 2 & 3 areas. A bad fish kill (just Eyes) around 1975 below lock 3 on Plub Boro side set things back at lock 2 for awhile. Just hated when chemical spills would kill the fishing for sometime. 
Early 70's was great L/M fishing with nice weed beds but very few S/M. Then a chemical spill killed the baitfish. After a couple yrs. the Smallies took over, spill didn't effect the Crayfish.
 Wish I knew then when the river is super high makes honey hole areas. Only fish it a couple times a yr. anymore from shore, lots of snags but fish to be caught. 
 Have a good time with your daughter even though she will probably out fish you!
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