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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/22 21:02:37
It might be,tull66 was a real tool & was banned yrs. ago lol. I can take it down if you want, not a problem. Just trying to live'n the place up a little, hate to see the fourms disappear for lack of posting. Dan, baitrunner fished the other side ov the river at the stink hole a lot. crappy
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/22 21:17:14
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/23 08:44:32
I spoke to Jared Sayers from the Linesville hatchery a second time recently through text. The first time I spoke with him was about the musky stocking program. The most recent time I asked him about some of the concerns of walleye stocking the I seen on this thread.
This was his response. “Any decreases in stocking of walleye are done with a lot of science to back up the decision and it is only done to shift that same amount of fish to another water where the stocking is likely to be more successful. We mark the fish and then evaluate how much they contribute to the fishery. If they dont work for a number of years, we shift those fish to another water. Sometimes the anglers just are not using a water for walleye angling. If the usage isnt there, we will stock the fish where it benefits more anglers.
The point is, these decisions are made with a lot of thought and data behind them and it is always with the intent of creating MORE opportunities for anglers.
We take 92 million Walleye eggs each year and that is pretty close to the same it has always been. The amount stocked might be less if you look at fry. But that is because the fingerlings work better. Back in the day when they were stocking 50 million fry, they could only raise a couple hundred thousand fingerlings, now we are stocking 2 million fingerlings a year and it takes a lot of fry to accomplish that. The fry dont work in most water based on the forage base and the predator prey relationships in those waters. Sometimes the fry stockings only work once out of every 4 years, and in some places that is good enough. We monitor walleye populations and stock accordingly”
Trying not to speak for Jared himself, but with the effort he has put into responses of my questions I believe he would do the same if anyone had questions of their own.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/23 11:49:53
No need to contact Jared to hear the same jargon we been hearing for years..... "science sez" (generated reports to fit the narrative)
How about we get back to "reality sez"? (actual fishing conditions, now history)
Jared sez "The point is, these decisions are made with a lot of thought and data behind them and it is always with the intent of creating MORE opportunities for anglers".
BTDT sez, that fits the "fish specific lakes" agenda that has all but destroyed fishing in PA.
Fishing of yesteryear vs fishing the past 20 years. You be the judge.... if you're old enough to know the difference.
Good times (just about gone)and Tight lines. (ain't been what it was)
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/23 14:42:24
Thanks for the input , but...... My figures came right from the PFBC stocking reports over the past 9 years and I see nothing but less Walleye being stocked. I heard the same story about 7 years ago from them about the lower Shenango River being removed from Walleye stocking list in 2007. They said the river doesn't get as much angling as they like and the fish would be better stocked elsewhere . I say BS ! I've seen as many as 50 Walleye caught in the river in one day and most being legal . I've never seen anywhere in Mercer county, or Venango county to boost that kind of numbers being caught. I don't believe a word they say about transferring or shifting fish of the same numbers to other waterways to make them more successful . Lets see some stringers of Walleye in these so called better angling waters . Only Pymy remains the best Walleye producer in a 75 mile radius and the reason being it receives over 6 million stocked Walleyes annually from Pa. and Ohio ! The PFBC have cut back on all the other lakes and it's easy to see if you fish any other lakes.....the Walleye catches are way down from past years....just true facts.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/23 15:43:44
Well I guess my efforts were for not. I get it. I should not have expect to much other than the same old.
I 100% believe they have the best interest of the anglers in mind, I also believe you can’t make everyone happy and sometimes tough decisions need to be made.
If nothing else take this away, the people at the Fish Commission are approachable, will listen, field questions, and carry a conversation. You will probably get further with your concerns by talking to them than on a forum.
Which ever approach anyone chooses is fine by me, we are all in the same boat.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/23 17:08:18
Az regarding the care and maintenance of our fisheries. I BTDT and I must agree, the PFBC does like to listen. As for the results, I'm willing to bet, the only difference from what you heard and that of which I heard, is the date on the memo..... err text message. As for pleasing everyone, there's certainly proof the PFBC has pleased someone and I'm thinking those someone's rarely, if ever, fished Penns Woods. I may be old school in my thinking but the info I received in yesteryear as compared to that of today can be summed up, in four simple words. "Same chyt, different day". The direction the PFBC is taking didn't just start a few years ago. If I may quote a hero of mine who once said; most of yinz wasnt piszing in diapers yet". Please do keep up your effort(s) in working with the PFBC. I'm sure they appreciate your cooperation.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/02/23 17:14:47
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 00:48:03
I have wrote the PFBC and the PGC on issues I feel that actually fail the best interest of outdoor sportsmen and the ones that work. I don't just criticize I compliment when I see improvement. Their answers are basic replies ......thanks for your input . The Inland Walleye program other than Pymy to me is a failure . Like I said it ( reg.stocking ) was working well in our lower Shenango and upper Shenango river for many years past . Since the 2007 complete stopping of stocking within 5 years the difference was felt fast. Now with PCB's the river is about dead as far as a future for Walleye and Trout. The PCB's removed Shenango from all PFBC future stockings, but it basically affected only Trout since the Walleye was stopped in 2007 for nonsense excuses made up by the PBFC. As far as the 100% best interest of fishermen in the sam hill is that snagging fest up on the spillway every spring on spawning fish in the best interest of any fishermen ? The PFBC totally "allows" it to continue year after year. I guess when you pump in 4 million walleye fry and fingerlings every year in Pymy. you don't worry about a few hundred snagged adult fish. 100% best interest .....How about the year 2015, Shenango Lake only received only 1,800 Walleye !!! They shorted Shenango Lake 70,000 fish ! ( nice working program ) Did they make it up the following years ? .....not one bit ! I still show 67 million less Walleye stocked over the past 9 years just in those areas I posted, so how that's the same as years past is beyond me....something is fishy !
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2019/02/24 00:50:16
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 01:40:01
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 01:44:29
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 09:58:45
The river was a far better fishery then the lake imo even pyme for easy access anglers iv never caught more then maby 20 eyes at pyme either casting or on a boat iv had many 20-100 fish days/nights at the river, I also find it weird that after x date the fish are to dirty to be eaten but yesterday they where ok? I'm not buying it
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 10:09:55
CAPTAIN HOOK As far as the 100% best interest of fishermen in the sam hill is that snagging fest up on the spillway every spring on spawning fish in the best interest of any fishermen ? The PFBC totally "allows" it to continue year after year. I guess when you pump in 4 million walleye fry and fingerlings every year in Pymy. you don't worry about a few hundred snagged adult fish. 100% best interest .....How about the year 2015, Shenango Lake only received only 1,800 Walleye !!! They shorted Shenango Lake 70,000 fish ! ( nice working program ) Did they make it up the following years ? .....not one bit ! I still show 67 million less Walleye stocked over the past 9 years just in those areas I posted, so how that's the same as years past is beyond me....something is fishy !
Read what I wrote again, I did not say 100% best interest. I know it was a switch of words but please don’t put words in my mouth. About the law enforcement on pym, I don’t know. Maybe people are getting busted, maybe not. Pym is likely a put and take fisheries and “catching” (snagging or not) won’t hurt the spawn. When it was said state wide stocking of walleye was about the same I believe it. The number of fish isn’t perfectly the same. In your case your main concern is only areas you fish, not what’s happening in the Far East part of the state. I get it, people are concerned with #1. I’m not innocent of this by any mean. So what’s the value of 10 million fry vs 8k fingerling vs 5k of bigger fingerlings? I made those numbers up. But it’s a comparison to make you think of the net value of each size of fish that can be stocked. I can speak better for musky than walleye, I became the Ambassador for walleye because I asked a few questions and posted the answer. They are stocking fewer musky, omg the sky is falling. Btw it’s every other year, what are they doing they are screwing me... the fish are 200-250% bigger and healthier and have expected survival rate of X vs Y just 2 years ago... wait so I will get a better return on those fish. Well I like that. They are stocking bigger walleye, they are tracking the progress. It’s early on in this. They need the fish to grow to do this. It isn’t going to change what you lost, I believe they have the best interest of the anglers in mind, but like I said tough decision need to be made and some people will get hurt. They don’t have unlimited budgets, things do happen. Those little fish are fragile, something bad could happen and wipe out half the tanks. They are human, they work hard, they are learning new and better ways to do things. If you don’t believe that that fine. Your opinion is just as valid as mine.
post edited by anzomcik - 2019/02/24 10:12:11
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 10:39:35
I think walleye fishing is better suited to the western part of the state. We know there's 'eyes in Wallenpaupack out east, maybe a few in the Susquehanna, (even though it's very wide and basically shallow), but the western side of the Allegheny Plateau has the most available water and habitat for 'eyes. Until the commission comes in and says "we need to get some large mouths or small mouths in there, and maybe more crappie and 'gills". Wait! What? Now we gotta feed 'em, so we need a forage base, so let's put some alewives and gizzard shad in there for chow. Funny thing, the walleye and the crappie population is goin' down. They're not takin' off, so let's stop stockin' them. Let's put in more alewives and gizzard shad. Maybe some carp to help clean up the lake. Oye!! How can we ever understand modern science?
Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 10:42:17
Thunder, Maybe they shouldn't have aloud fishing so close to the dam (SR) 150-200 yards maybe? The fish stack in there (dead end) & would have kept stringer after stringer from being taken daily. They have been catching some nice Eyes there lately.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2019/02/24 11:02:56
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 11:43:20
crappiefisher Compared to 3,801 Eyes, 2nd best yr. on record.
Yea Crappie on Shenango Lake a limit of Walleye is unheard of ...for years ! Unless I invest in some trap nets ! Just proves my whole point about stocking more fish ....not less ! Pymy gets close to 6 million Walleye "every year" stocked between two states....and I'm not complaining at all I think that's great , but in comparison to the other local lakes that basically get crumbs. I dare the PFBC to stock Pymy with only 1800 fish one year like they did Shenango. Then tell me a few years later the Walleye numbers are down on Shenango so we may have to reevaluate whether it's worth it to keep stocking. How can they justify their fish surveys doing that.....but that's exactly what they do ! Totally false reporting to justify the stocking cutbacks. Your right Thunder the best #1 Walleye fishing in a hundred mile radius for overall catching steady nice size Walleyes was the Shenango River, yet in 2007 the PFBC decided to stop stocking it even before the PCB news came out in 2016 ! That showed me then as now that the PFBC likes playing politics on stocking in certain areas only ! Had anyone of them ever got out and actually fished that river or talked to the locals they would have known what a gold mine they had there ....but they didn't. They jump into a survey boat and float the worst area of the river for fishing and shock a few fish then come up with their false reports ! What blows my mind is why did the stop stocking the upper Shenango River (Pymy outflow ) there are no PCB's detected there. Once again I'm sure the have some fancy excuse from the biologists as to why they no longer stock that.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 11:57:50
There's no room in the truck with all them trout they keep planting captain...yea why wouldn't they take those resources and stock the upper stretch???? I hear from the old heads that got me into fishing such sections that they would kill it walleye fishing in there day 20 years ago .....and is that section of river (from pyme to shanango) considered shanango river lake? Or shanango river?? My buddy's and I where talking this yesterday
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 12:32:51
Think it makes a difference they can basically walk across the street & stock Pymy from the Linesville hatchery plus getting the fish from there in the first place. Being the largest inland lake in the state also helps. I'm sure if the hatchery was across the street from Arthur it would be stocked heavily with Eyes. Hope things change & they fix the problem with water quality at the SR. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - 2019/02/24 12:41:44
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 13:13:02
Psssssst, I know yinz don't like spotburning but I think this secrete will be safe on this thread. Have yinz noticed how good walleye catchin can be at the outflows of impounded water. Wilhelm, Pymie, Shenango, and that great big place muup north, just to mention a few. Then suddenly, the catching dies off. Especially where trout might/are/were stocked. Stupid fish!!! Capt. I'm thinking, maybe them Shenango River Walleye could be contaminated making them unsafe for consumption. Them Walleye likely been consuming all those trout for too many years.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/02/24 13:19:00
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 13:25:24
Like I said I'm glad for what Pymy has ...the best Walleye and Musky fishing in the area or the state other than Erie walleye . ...but it helps tremendous to have high stocking numbers regularly. Thunder , we always called it upper Shenango river since the 70's when we fished it. Yes we had some awesome nights catching walleyes there also. Some years were better than others but it seemed to always hold fish steady. Had a few holes down river that produced some nice Eyes especially in springtime. Usually on opening night of Walleye season it was normal to see limits of Eyes caught not only in our group but others as well. Still it never compared to the lower Shenango outflow for steady catch numbers of Walleye. Seems that's disappeared up there at Pymy past 10 years or more. Hardly catch any of those cigar size eyes in that river anymore....not a good sign. Now and then you see a few decent eyes caught, but nothing like the past days. The river has filled along the banks with fallen trees so it makes for almost impossible fishing in a large stretch, but you think that would make good cover for more Walleyes to survive but apparently not so. I don't think they stock it or have for many years and it shows. Last several trips up there past few years we caught zero ! Too bad it's a nice area to fish even has a beautiful handicap dock there....just no fish. Like the hunters say you can't shoot what you can't see ......and you can't catch what isn't in there either ! I know this is going to sound somewhat stupid but (IMO) makes way more common sense, they should put all those Trout in that area (Pymy ) instead of the Shenango River Hamburg area. At least the access is way easier for all fishermen young , handicapped , and old at Pymy. Hamburg is about a waste of Trout stocking due to river conditions. Problem is different counties Mercer / Crawford. Being a true put and take program I think it would be highly welcomed by most at the Pymy outflow or upper Shenango.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 13:37:13
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/24 18:49:01
Nice photos, Western PA sure has some nice waters & plenty ov bridges. Lots of trees snapped & uprooted today so far see what tonight brings. Power is back up for Brady Township, Butler for now.
Ugly Stik
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/25 14:15:09
☄ Helpfulby CAPTAIN HOOK 2019/02/25 22:47:55
Seems that's disappeared up there at Pymy past 10 years or more. Hardly catch any of those cigar size eyes in that river anymore....not a good sign. Now and then you see a few decent eyes caught, but nothing like the past days. The river has filled along the banks with fallen trees so it makes for almost impossible fishing in a large stretch, but you think that would make good cover for more Walleyes to survive but apparently not so. I don't think they stock it or have for many years and it shows. Last several trips up there past few years we caught zero ! Too bad it's a nice area to fish even has a beautiful handicap dock there....just no fish. I lived about a mile from the Pymatuning outflow in the 80's and always did well on walleyes. I moved out of the area but have been able to fish the river the past couple years with the same results. NOTHING!. Last year I fished the river hard for two days with chubs and never got a tap. I wasn't aware the stocking had gone away but now it all makes sense. I fear fishing may go the way of hunting with no incentive to participate.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/25 16:38:21
anzomcik Well I guess my efforts were for not. I get it. I should not have expect to much other than the same old.
Which ever approach anyone chooses is fine by me, we are all in the same boat.
I for one appreciate your effort. this place is a crapfest.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/25 19:07:32
Earlier in this thread I spoke about the Commission comin' up with a "Youth" fishing license to help increase revenue a bit. Thought that nothin' would ever come of it, but Lo & Behold!, I'm leafin' through the latest Pa. Angler and Boater, and in the back of the mag there is an advertisement about the Mentored Youth fishing. There is a free permit for Mentored Youth, and an actual Mentored Youth Fishing License, available for $2.90 fees included. Now $2.90 ain't gonna get the Commission rich, but it's a start. Might as well teach our youths that nothing in this world is free, and if you wanna fish, you're gonna have to pony up a few bucks. I think $10 for a youth license (12-16), wouldn't be out of line, considerin' what the adult resident license with stamps costs. JMHO! What a ya think? Should I duck and cover?
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/25 19:18:49
12 year old gotta buy a hunting or trappin' license last I know'd.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/25 19:49:02
Yeah, but no fishin' license. In 1962, when I turned 12 years old, I had to buy a Junior hunting license. $3.25 and Pap's adult license was $5.25. They're gonna have to do somethin'. Don't look like the Legislature is gonna do anything.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/25 23:42:01
Ugly Stik I lived about a mile from the Pymatuning outflow in the 80's and always did well on walleyes. I moved out of the area but have been able to fish the river the past couple years with the same results. NOTHING!. Last year I fished the river hard for two days with chubs and never got a tap. I wasn't aware the stocking had gone away but now it all makes sense. I fear fishing may go the way of hunting with no incentive to participate.
Welcome to the Inland Walleye program my friend ! You speak the truth about that river and I highly doubt it will ever get any better without some or more stockings. ( fat chance ) Other than Pymy Lake, Walleye fishing in Western Pa. waters has plummeted greatly. Some people believe what the PFBC says ....I believe in what I see and experience . New signs coming soon
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/26 14:27:53
EMitch Earlier in this thread I spoke about the Commission comin' up with a "Youth" fishing license to help increase revenue a bit. Thought that nothin' would ever come of it, but Lo & Behold!, I'm leafin' through the latest Pa. Angler and Boater, and in the back of the mag there is an advertisement about the Mentored Youth fishing. There is a free permit for Mentored Youth, and an actual Mentored Youth Fishing License, available for $2.90 fees included. Now $2.90 ain't gonna get the Commission rich, but it's a start. Might as well teach our youths that nothing in this world is free, and if you wanna fish, you're gonna have to pony up a few bucks. I think $10 for a youth license (12-16), wouldn't be out of line, considerin' what the adult resident license with stamps costs. JMHO! What a ya think? Should I duck and cover?
I think a $10 Jr. harvest license, would be a great way to earn some funds. That way, any kids (parents) that feel the need to keep their catch, will need to at least pay to replace what they are taking. If kids want to C&R, can do for free until 16. That way, no one is running away from trying fishing, due to having to purchase a youth license, and able to likely collect on those that fish more.
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/26 15:02:08
do I think the PFBC needs a raise ? well I guess I do, its been a long time since they had one , the cost of things have gone up big time, wages ,equipment and so on. but I don't believe they should have free reign on giving them self what ever amount they want like they wanted too. but they need to restructure the thing that is hurting them the most, the pensions. they need to keep what they have for the employees in affect now , but new employees need a different plan, or else the beast is going to keep eating them up. a lot of company's are restructuring their pensions , my company did it 3 years ago, hopefully with an increase in funds they will give back to the people that support them and we will see more warm water stocking
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Re: Walleye stocking facts in Western Pa.
2019/02/26 15:31:26
Twenty years and out with full retirement. Then move to another state and start over again. Don't get no better than that.👍👍
Silly me, who gets them kinda chances today?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 