AnsweredSaturday rifle deer opener possible

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2018/12/17 19:55:30 (permalink)

Saturday rifle deer opener possible

A good discussion today at the BOC working group meeting. It appears the majority of the BOC now favors opening up rifle deer on the Saturday after Thanksgiving next fall. Here is the video is you wish to watch the discussion. I expect a proposal to be made at the January meeting of the BOC.

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/17 22:05:11 (permalink)
I hope it passes. A Saturday opener would be awesome.

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 00:34:49 (permalink)
luvinbluegills, I just got a copy printed & it was devoid of ads.  I know that ignorance of the law is not a legal defence,but I would think that if a violation was brought before a J.P. concerning a change in the law & it was explained that you were not notified that the J.P. might drop the charges  Jmo   sam
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 01:07:27 (permalink)
dpms, I viewed that video & was upset that one of the comm. seemed to suggest that us old guys wanted to keep the Mon. opener so that we could go around drinking on sat. & Sun.. I think it was the guy that was so against keeping it the way it is. Also he claims that it only takes 15 min. to open camp so you could do that Fri. nite when you get to camp. He must have someone else to cut firewood & bring water in, etc. If as many people work as much as he suggests, how many would turn down overtime to hunt on Sat? We used Sat.& Sun. to scout around for a good spot & to make any repairs to our stands.& to visit other camps. He also complains that the older hunters are not the group that they are trying to please, but who does he think is going to take the younger guys & girls out in the first place. I agree that the amount of guys going to camp is dwindling, but even businesses benefit from having more people around camps for Sat. & Sun. The one thing that hunters could do is to go to the school boards & request that there be no sport practices or tests given without the possibility of making them up on Mon.. Also opening on Sat. would mean less time to visit families after Thanksgiving,how many wives do you think would be happy with that? I will be letting my legislature rep. know that I want to keep Mon. opener. You would still have 2 Saturdays to hunt.  sam
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 07:09:38 (permalink)
If there were Sunday hunting, the gun season could start on a date, like December 1, not a day, and run until December 15.

Archery could run from October 1 until November 15. Small game could run from November 1 until November 30, etc.

Simple, consistent, kind of like other states.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 08:22:03 (permalink)
To me all the constant changes over the deer hunting regulations have not improved the sport one bit over the years . Especially the antler restrictions ! I see way less bucks being harvested , less hunters, and more posted land. All these micro changes have basically done nothing but fade more hunters away. Maybe they need to go back and look at their mistakes.....and quit screwing with regulations every year and just let people hunt ! 
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 08:50:43 (permalink)
dpms, I viewed that video & was upset that one of the comm. seemed to suggest that us old guys wanted to keep the Mon. opener so that we could go around drinking on sat. & Sun.. I think it was the guy that was so against keeping it the way it is. Also he claims that it only takes 15 min. to open camp so you could do that Fri. nite when you get to camp. He must have someone else to cut firewood & bring water in, etc. If as many people work as much as he suggests, how many would turn down overtime to hunt on Sat? We used Sat.& Sun. to scout around for a good spot & to make any repairs to our stands.& to visit other camps. He also complains that the older hunters are not the group that they are trying to please, but who does he think is going to take the younger guys & girls out in the first place. I agree that the amount of guys going to camp is dwindling, but even businesses benefit from having more people around camps for Sat. & Sun. The one thing that hunters could do is to go to the school boards & request that there be no sport practices or tests given without the possibility of making them up on Mon.. Also opening on Sat. would mean less time to visit families after Thanksgiving,how many wives do you think would be happy with that? I will be letting my legislature rep. know that I want to keep Mon. opener. You would still have 2 Saturdays to hunt.  sam

LOL. Good luck getting the schools board to acquiescence your demands.
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 08:52:20 (permalink)
Us old fellers has got it alllllll wrong. It ain't about huntin, it's about hanging. Hanging them Bone & Crocket and them Pope & Young antlers on the wall and, having a name in a record book.

Them fellers like Sam mentions in the meeting, well hell, they can't get them wall hangers and record book mentions unlessen there's a qualifyin set of antlers behind every tree.

Surely us old guys wouldn't expect them highfalutin boys, need to actually go huntin. Would yinz?

I mean, c'mon man... have a heart!!!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/12/18 08:56:01

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 09:16:50 (permalink)
psu They did in some schools & even unions gave us the first day off,but you have to have parents willing to fight for  what they want & not let some anti-hunters dictate what we should do. I think that it would be hard for a school board to deny 1 day off.    sam
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 09:31:38 (permalink)
Our school still has the first day off, as do many/most others in Butler Co.  But I know that some in Allegheny Co no longer do.  
Good luck trying to convince varsity basketball coaches that hunting is important during the first full week they're able to practice!  I coach the 7th grade team at our middle school, and have given my team the day off every year.  The 8th grade coach does too, since he's a hunter.  The 9th grade coach reluctantly did this year.  No way JV and varsity are getting the day off though!  
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 11:07:33 (permalink)
Us old fellers has got it alllllll wrong. It ain't about huntin, it's about hanging. Hanging them Bone & Crocket and them Pope & Young antlers on the wall and, having a name in a record book.

Them fellers like Sam mentions in the meeting, well hell, they can't get them wall hangers and record book mentions unlessen there's a qualifyin set of antlers behind every tree.

Yea......1 in 250 hunters gets a nice buck while 249 hunters pass up smaller bucks or questionable bucks and don't shoot a thing....and they expect those guys to keep hunting year after year too....what a joke ! They have turned buck season into a controlled lottery pool at the expense of most hunters. 
 Years later and I'm still waiting on all those giant bucks to be around ...... Gary Alt ?
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 11:51:44 (permalink)
There is one behind every tree. 😀

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 17:23:07 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby CAPTAIN HOOK 2018/12/18 17:35:59
Some tidbits of info for you all. 
30 years ago we had 1.1 million deer hunters and greater than 90% hunted on the opening Monday. It was buck only as it is now. 2 years ago the PGC said we had around 725,000 deer hunters and only 500,000 hunted on the opening Monday. 
Participation on opening day has gone from over 90% to around 68%. 
post edited by dpms - 2018/12/18 18:14:49

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 17:28:34 (permalink)
dpms, I viewed that video & was upset that one of the comm. seemed to suggest that us old guys wanted to keep the Mon. opener so that we could go around drinking on sat. & Sun..

It did come across as kinda abrasive. The point I think he was trying to make is that older hunters are mostly against changing "traditions". The problem is those traditional "traditions" are slowly dying as hunter demographics change. The new traditions for deer season are less people going to camps, many hunters hunting closer to home, and hunters not choosing to hunt on the Monday opener. 
A Saturday opener will mess up my weekend too but I support this change as I recognize things have changed. I believe this change will benefit more of todays hunters than it will negatively impact. For that reason I support it. 

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 18:08:34 (permalink)
The less bucks you can shoot and harvest is a change they created (AR) . They have played with the antlerless seasons openers for many years too. They keep trying to get more antlerless permits sold, but at the same time make it harder to shoot or harvest one by backing up the openers.  
Their regulations are always changing to try and limit deer kill numbers, but also keep the number of hunters up .......and it ain't working both ways ! 
Our western area is 3 up on bucks while 80% of the state is 3 on the side .....why ?
Who's great idea was that ? Plain stupid when we all pay the same for our license.
Maybe that's why older hunters don't care for their changes some make no sense or no improvements to hunters 
I wouldn't be surprised if they voted Sat . as the opener ,but you can't shoot till noon !
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 18:37:00 (permalink)
As for my hunting expenses this past season, I spent 0 dollars and no cents so just leave me alone, I'm sulking.😢

Sold my little piece of Penn's Woods and soon hope to be loaded up and trucking, southbound and down.

Maybe getting away from the Pennsylvania Wilds will re-energize my love for hunting, maybe it won't but one thing is for sure, I'm not alone in being disappointed with how screwed up the PGC has become.

Hell, even the kids know how bad hunting in PA. has gotten and would rather stay indoors, playing egames.

Good luck with the changes guys, hope they work out in yinz favor.

I'm countin em down til it's hammer down and I ain't talkin gun hammers.

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 19:15:15 (permalink)
Where are you headed?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 19:38:12 (permalink)
Whatever day they want to start the season is fine by me, I’ll adjust.

John, good luck where ever your road leads you.

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 19:51:54 (permalink)
I think that's stupid if it's not broke don't fix it! Extend our archery season so we can hunt the rut! That's what needs changed

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/18 20:04:55 (permalink)
I think that's stupid if it's not broke don't fix it! Extend our archery season so we can hunt the rut! That's what needs changed

30 years ago we had 1.1 million deer hunters and greater than 90% hunted on the opening Monday. It was buck only as it is now. 2 years ago the PGC said we had around 725,000 deer hunters and only 500,000 hunted on the opening Monday. 
Participation on opening day has gone from over 90% to around 68%. 

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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 08:43:19 (permalink)
How would that change if they change it to Saturday? They don't care who is out hunting or when as long as ther bought a license imo

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
Big Tuna
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:11:49 (permalink)
PGC wants to make as much money as possible. But they don't want you to kill anything. I'll never forget my first experience in a blind at Pymy. I shot my first goose of my life. It was a very big 13 lb bird. The wardens shame me for killing it. In their words,I kill a lifetime breeder that probably raised close to 100 young. Those words played in my head all the way home. Fortunately I got over that  I love goose hunting but do most of it in Ohio. Back to the opener,it doesn't matter to me. I've been through all the PGC B.S. I basically think they changed things just to bust people. One year you can do this the next it's a no no. They probably pick up Thousands in fines,because nobody going to pay $6 for the rule book. I'm basically not a fan of the PGC. The AR is maybe good thing in some places,the HR was a bad thing. We can argue this theory all day,but I not sure the AR is the main reason a few of us are getting some nice bucks. The loss of land to hunt,loss of about a half million hunters may have something to do with it. Just my opinion.
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:23:11 (permalink)
That's their (PGC) idea to get more people out hunting ($$$)..... start on a Saturday when more people are off. It could work temporally for the first few years,(more license sales ) but after many realize how limited it is at getting a legal buck they will loose interest like many have already. It's all about the money they have lost !
If participation on opening day has dropped to 68% imagine what the rest of the season is....maybe 30% on Saturdays if that. I still say the AR's have had a big negative impact on deer rifle hunting seasons. If people can't shoot they won't continue to hunt, they loose interest plain and simple.
Remember when Western Pa. was 4 on the side during deer hunting seasons about nobody shooting bucks for ridiculous regulation !!!!.....that I'm sure had many hunters frustrated and gave up hunting.  
"Nice to know the PGC is in the business of raising trophy deer and not hunting " is what I heard from local hunters.  
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:23:41 (permalink)
I think Sunday hunting would be the real game changer for at least keeping more involved.  Not sure it would help with getting new hunters involved, but sure would provide a nice opportunity.  Having a Saturday opener with Sunday hunting would be really nice, and I imagine the guys that I know who visit camp less frequently than they used to would probably welcome the opportunity.  
I've been on the fence on Sunday hunting.  I personally would love it, and I can't tell you how many Sunday afternoons after church thinking, "Man, it sure would be nice to be able to hunt this afternoon with nothing else on our schedule."  
But I also realize it's still a big gamble that runs the risk of pizzing off a lot of landowners, who also like the having nothing on their schedule including people hunting on their property.  
As for the Saturday opener, I'd welcome it regardless if Sunday hunting becomes the reality in PA.  
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:30:42 (permalink)
Remember when Western Pa. was 4 on the side during deer hunting seasons about nobody shooting bucks for ridiculous regulation !!!!.....that I'm sure had many hunters frustrated and gave up hunting.  
"Nice to know the PGC is in the business of raising trophy deer and not hunting " is what I heard from local hunters.  

I don't know if yinz older curmudgeons will have me among your ranks seeing that I'm only 44, but I hate AR's too!  
It's a rare position among my generation and younger.  I've never been a trophy deer hunter and never will be.  I like venison.  Although I rarely get the opportunity to hunt by myself anymore with two boys, and my first priority is getting them a deer, I'd be just as happy shooting a forkhorn as I would be a giant 10 point.  With three kids, including one in college, I don't have enough spare change around to hang a buck on the wall and never have.  Even if I had it, I wouldn't spend it on that.  
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:43:11 (permalink)
I heard 1462 shots yesterday squirrel hunting. No AR no HR and no squirrel stamp......YET 😛😛😛😛😛
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:49:35 (permalink)
Your new clicker must be working good ...........
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:53:20 (permalink)
Big Tuna
I heard 1462 shots yesterday squirrel hunting. No AR no HR and no squirrel stamp......YET 😛😛😛😛😛

Your making all red in the face, an unprompted call back to a different post, in a thread I have not even commented on, truly an unexpected gift.
Last year i thought it might have been a fluke, but I know i really touched your life in a profound way. It is so touching you have to keep bringing me up in conversations. This could be one of the best Xmas gift ever, is for absolutely certain I'm constantly on your mind. Thank you
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 09:58:24 (permalink)
I think your a stalker ( creeping). lol You're well liked on whatever site you post on. I've
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Re: Saturday rifle deer opener possible 2018/12/19 10:12:42 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2018/12/19 10:32:39
Big Tuna
I think your a stalker ( creeping). lol You're well liked on whatever site you post on. I've

I didnt know your infatuation with me runs so deep you are searching me out on other sites. 
post edited by anzomcik - 2018/12/19 10:15:47
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