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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/03 22:47:52
Kokanee Killer lol yeah i seen a guy use tuna in oil tied into small fingernail sacs smear them once no kidding
I saw that somewhere suggested as a go to bait for steelhead out west. And salmon.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/05 20:39:47
I've seen guys years ago take real small pieces of apples (minus skin) tied in sacs and catch King Salmon on them. ( don't ask me what variety ) Also seen guys on the Niagara shore use Bee's Wax tied in sacs for Salmon. Had a guy cut me a chunk off a bar of wax he had after he landed 2 Kings ! I tried it the next day in sacs and did loose one.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/17 09:21:42
Lets see, small bass popper, large bunny leech, bread, huge white bass jig, dry fly, big plastic pike/bass lure. Nightcrawler, large smelt (caught at the mouth of a creek). A 1/2" plastic bobber, And I had one steelie strike at my bobber and get the hook in the dorsal fin. Tuft of wool from my fly patch. It's a bobber if I'm noodle fishing, it's a strike indicator if I'm fly fishing. Sometimes, when the fish are seeing all the small stuff, a big "whatever" will get them to hit.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/17 11:18:42
jelly beans cat fur fish guts fish eyes grass hopper beer cap
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/18 19:34:22
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/18 19:40:43
SCHLITZ or was that SCHMIDT......, anyways ya ended up with the same results. 🍺 These are for sale on the internet.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/10/18 19:51:53
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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/18 20:39:37
Captain I questioned that one too...
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/19 08:59:03
LOL....I guess ....good one...that's a first for my eyes !
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/19 11:19:10
I remember my neighbor using BeerCapJiggers for ice fishing back in the sixties.
Pretty sure for snagging too but that was when snagging was totally legal.
I tried the BeerCap Walleye spoons many times on French Creek in them days. Always a red jewel before the cap with one (to many) red jewels between the snelled hooks tipped with crawler, leech or mites.
Pretty sure there remains several (hundred) stuck to or, under rocks along a stretch of French where the refinery once stood, outside of Franklin.
Have ya every seen trolling for lake trout (and other thingys) with sleigh bells.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/20 18:13:32
One day at Seven Mile, many years ago, I had the whole mouth to myself, and there was a huge run coming in early in the AM. I lost my last shiner fly, so I tied on a really tiny Swedish pimple, ice fishing lure. No idea why it was in my box. Steelies loved it. They would even come from one side of the creek to the other to hit it. I lost track of how many I caught on it, but I should have retied, because I lost that one too. That was fall, 2003, and I caught more steelies in the two or three hours then, than I have in the last dozen years on Seven Mile.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/22 14:21:58
How about just a bare #10 hook? Was on 20 mile fishing wax worms and I lost my bait, so I just let my line out in the current to straighten it out, while I got another waxie. I felt a tug on my rod and I thought it was one of my friends pranking me, until I started to reel the line in and there was a steelie hooked on the bare hook. Fish hardly fought till his belly hit gravel and then he headed for Canada. Took a while to land it.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/22 20:57:25
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/23 09:24:17
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/23 10:01:25
FiveMilePete Well, not steelhead, but this is not traditional. Guy makes a lure from a fidget spinner, bucktail, using his own hair for the bucktail. And makes the lure on the water.
That guy is pretty awesome. Just size down a little and be good for the stel/.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/23 10:15:56
Anybody else thinking of that one episode of King of the Hill, where Hank buys "miracle bait" that turns about to be drugs?
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/23 12:24:21
Aaron wiebe and uncut angling is The BEST!!! Check out the one where he makes a lure out of the YouTube commemoration logo plaque he received for getting a certain amount of subscribers. Just awesome.
post edited by fisherofmen376 - 2018/10/23 12:25:58
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/24 00:37:03
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/26 15:49:12
My buddy tied a dog hair streamer and caught one on it. Probably could have caught more but it fell apart. Some kind of wire haired grey mutt. Got a good laugh at that.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/26 15:51:42
ironhead, as he was known on here caught walleye this summer off of a fork with a hook on it.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?
2018/10/27 06:19:47
crawlerman2 ironhead, as he was known on here caught walleye this summer off of a fork with a hook on it.
BigfOOt and Jiggy-Jim Stillhead both can catch fish from a parking lot puddle .....with a rusty bent fork ....tied to an old anchor rope ....ducK taped to a broom stick..... two of the best I've ever had the pleasure to fish with FAC.... are they up to rt Five yet? ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2018/10/27 07:24:18